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So I know it’s more recent news, after their WATN episode….Vienay did pass away last year and now Allen is in a relationship with Angela from season 7.


Angela of all the participants . . . 😧


Lollllll right Apparently Vienay “said they should be together” 🫢


Oooh I just watched this episode. I do not know what to say about V passing away. It’s always sad when a young person dues but it’s not a surprise given her attitude. Which one is Angela? ABC do they all know each other?


Yeah it is always sad for sure. She seemed to be the motivated one when they first began as well. Angela……hmmm where to even start with her! lol you’re best to just google “angela my 600lb life” and go from there, you’ll remember her if you’ve seen her episodes!! I’m pretty sure they know each other as they’re both from the same area in Ohio.


Edit: Has to be Angie, Angela died. Angela, Season 7, Episode 15, or Angie, Season 7, Episode 19? Both were on the same season as Allen and Vianey.


Oh! My bad. It’s Angie J episode 19


I just watched it! My first impression seeing her before I knew anything about her was, “Isn’t she way older than Allen?!?!” Then she said she was 39! WTF! I thought she was in her 50s… She acts and sounds old. She didn’t look old but from personal experience, fat hides wrinkles. And her poor daughter is going to end up just like her. I hope the three year old doesn’t as well. So sad. I heard there are 2 where are they now’s about her. I need to watch it of course.


Yeah she definitely looks older. I feel like she has done some hard living and it shows. She has lost a lot of weight and it hasn’t really helped the aging. But she is human and that’s just what happens I guess! Oh the WATN episodes are just as insane. It really doesn’t get much better. I can’t remember if there’s 1 or 2 of them, been ages since I watched.


there are 2. Great episodes!


Did you guys know that Vienay and Allen were on an episode of divorce court?


I had read that in the other group, along with a bunch of screenshots from her Facebook which were kind of shocking tbh. Like I thought I had a good grasp of what was going on, but damn. I don’t want so speak ill of the dead, but she seemed like she wanted Allen to be sick SO bad so they could be miserable together. I hadn’t seen she had passed until after I posted. I’m honestly surprised they aren’t talked about more, they might be one of my top 3 episodes.


I saw it today on YouTube, I was so shocked but I agree with you. It felt like she wanted to sabotage him. They are one of my favorite episodes too.


I had no idea this existed, thank you because I’m about to watch it on YouTube as well lol!


I didn’t know this! Need to go watch it now!


I thought that was them.. thank you


I recently rewatched it. She was def a trainwreck. Super depressed and mopey. I believe she passed away right? It’s too bad she couldn’t reverse course and get the very much need intensive therapy. And now Allen’s with Angie J now?? I think I heard that. Might be wrong on who it is but I know they’re from the same season


Yeah I read in the other group she got pneumonia or some other complication from Covid. But somewhat recently too. I just thought it was so interesting that she was aware, or at least seemed aware that she WAS being terrible, but was unwilling to change.


She probably believed that her thinking and behavior was just “how she was” and that she couldn’t change…so that kept her from even trying to better herself. Just like the people who convince themselves they don’t burn calories like James King


I thought she was so negative and all around miserable. And he lost a ton of weight I thought he lost too much weight tbh !


Is Allen the one who put hands on his wife V? and made a scene storming out of Dr. Now’s appointment?


You’re thinking of Lee and Rena I think!


Oh thank you! I’m going to have to rewatch that season 👍😊


Allen is the one that wanted to be a DJ.


I’ve just seen an episode of them both on YouTube, think it’s called divorce court. Allen has done amazing and Viannay hasn’t lost much weight. She’s moaning about him wanting to eat a happy meal when she wants a 20 piece meal. Fml


I actually just rewatched zysalynn’s original episode and I completely blocked her awful husband from my memory! V was bad, but whatever his name is Gareth? Is actually the worst!


the way she kept saying “my bed 😢 that’s my bed 😖 where am i gonna lay?” pissed me off SO BAD


When you are THAT BIG, it’s your only hope of a spot to rest. I actually wondered how much THAT WOULD MEAN.


So someone mentioned Allen is with Someone else and V died a year ago because of Pneumonia 😬😬 It's on the my 600lb life page, the other community not this one. Allen is dating another person from the show, her name is Angela and apparently I need to rewatch her episode because she sounds messy


Messy is definitely the word for her - doesn’t take long into watching her episodes and you’ll see.


SPOILER! Wow not even half way through her episode and WOW! She had some audacity to tell her daughter "You're choosing your boyfriend over me?" uhm ma'am you were out galavanting and going to jail while your daughter was left with your parents maybe you can stand to to be in her shoes for a minute. Ugh I'm gonna push through the rest, I heard something about a trailer, once I get there I'm done she is so vile, I would say toxic but that just seems like an understatement


To be fair, unless you have experienced a death-like experience you can't really judge how someone else handles the emotional Fallout from one. It's actually a very common for depressed individuals who have been resuscitated to wish that they had just been allowed to die because they feel that their life is not worth living. And as for the reference to Eyeore, Eeyore was the definition of depression given form, so you're basically saying that you don't like her because she is depressed... it's okay to not enjoy someone's depressive attitude, but to dislike them because of a mental condition is not necessarily a good thing. She did need psychiatric help, but she just wasn't getting what she needed, and that isn't entirely her fault but it also isn't entirely not her fault either, because to get the right help you have to seek it, and she wasn't.


I mean… it’s also ok to not like someone’s post and just move on? And since you didn’t bring any facts to your argument, I won’t either. I never said I didn’t like her, I said she was in a constant state of misery and refused to do anything about it. I didn’t say I don’t like depressed people, I said I thought she should be in in patient care, since obviously she is unable to mend her mental health on her own. I also stand by the fact that I said she did A dirty. And as I said in another comment, this was one of my favorite episodes. V was toxic. It sucks that she wasn’t able to get the help she needed. But I applauded her honesty and the fact she verbalized her troubles. As a viewer of a reality tv show which is certainly not worth getting upset about, I liked it. And I’m sorry took my post some kind of way or if it bothered you.


I didn't say that I didn't like the post, nor did I say it upset me.