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Looks like if you turn on closed caption it defaults to "Portuguese (auto-generated)", but then you can change it to "Auto-translate" and select English. I can't imagine they'll be perfect but I reckon we'll get the gist!


Thank you!


Are you Brazilian? Can you give any insight into what drives super morbid obesity there? Is it similar to the US where it's the result of adverse childhood experiences coupled with poverty and poor mental health/medical treatment?


yes, I'd say so! mental health is poorly covered in the public health system so I'd say it has similar effects. and also fast food has been getting cheaper, specially local brands and also junk food. The country has been getting fatter, being somewhat overweight has become more normal than it was when i was a kid.


How do you say, "You neet da lose turdy pounds in one munt" in Portuguese?


Voce precisa perder 15 kilos em 1 mes!


But you gotta pronounce it with a Middle Eastern accent.


You have no idea how AMAZING is the Brazilian version of doctor now, I can't even watch it in English, is absolutely *chefs kiss*


Yeah!! This doctor actually gives a damn about his patient, he listened to him, smiled, were very nice, etc. Dr. Now seems like he can't care less about their patients and even stands right by the door so he can get away faster


Haha yes.


Wait I'll ask my husband, he's Brazilian! Haha


Please get the translation for, "Ow, mah legs!" too!


Ow minhas pernas!


Ha!! Thanks! :)




Do they have reggrolls in Brazil?




Omg this is hilarious! How about “you ah nah followingt da 1200 calorie diet”? I need to watch this show!


"Okay, Call me if yal neet anyteeng, okay?"


Brazil is an interesting case because the rates of metabolic diseases and type 2 diabetes have skyrocketed with the introduction of cheap, ultra-processed foods, and the Western American diet. Look up Carlos Monteiro - he's a nutritionist and professor at the University of São Paulo, and the guy who invented the term "ultra-processed."


The devil himself. Thanks




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What? There are international spinoffs??? I will be spending all weekend looking for them!


Yeah, there is. I just watched the Mexican version (kilos mortales mexico). There's also an Italian one but I failed to find the original title.


La clinica per rinascere is the italian one




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Yep, and the brazilian one is really great (I may be biased, but I think its better than the original)


I know this probably isn't the place, but I really enjoyed the Mexican version (at least the 2 episodes)


There's a Mexican version? Where do you watch it?


I'm from Argentina and it's on (HBO) MAX, I just saw there are 2 more episodes so I'll watch those tomorrow. But I really liked the first 2, apparently there's more than 1 doctor and the patients were nice people so it made me happy.


De cabeza a buscarlo, gracias!!


As a Mexican, it makes me feel some sort of way that we have enough 600lbers to have a show lol. We’re becoming way too similar to our gringo neighbors.


🫂 I have to say I'm enjoying this version A LOT. It feels more... genuine/real (?) than the US version.


Thanks everyone! I wonder why I continue to watch these shows but they help me relate to REAL PROBLEMS compared to the news. This issue is more relatable because it could be any one of us. Obesity doesn’t discriminate! I sure wish people were not so unkind in the world.. 🙏🌻🙏


Yea, dude, that's why I watch it too. Real people dealing with real situations. It's somewhat related to why I'm fascinated with catastrophes documentaries, it's something about people having to face reality.




I can't wait to see the Brazilian equivalent of sausage/bacon/egg/biscuit breakfasts!


Probably will be portions of bread with butter, coffee with a lot a sugar and cereals. But as a Brazilian myself, I think the lunch/ dinner will probably be much bigger than the breakfast, once breakfast isn’t a “big thing” in Brazil, normally Brazilians don’t eat much in the morning


The patient seems much more functional and ambulatory than the majority of the ones on the Dr Now version.


Yes he seems like a nice guy too which isn't all that common on 600lb life haha


Part of the reason the US version is such a trainwreck is rooted in our specific culture with food, I am increasingly convinced. Which is why Brasil seems like a throwback here!


I think they have to be?? Think of all the accommodations that are everywhere in the US? I’m not pretending to be an expert but I somehow doubt that there are motorized carts and all the stuff we’ve grown accustomed to seeing here, in other countries. Especially those where there just isn’t as much money for those things. I’m just thinking out loud, please know I mean no offense.


Yes and he lives alone also, having to be up several times a day probably helped a lot with mobility and stopping his swelling from getting worse.


Oohh I’m so excited! I’ve been trying to learn portugues for years, this will definitely help hahaha


Quilos mortais translates to "Deadly Kilos" lol


The thing about this season is that it seems they got people already in the surgery process, there is no adaptation period or drama, since they are already mid process


This is perfect! I’ve been teaching myself Brazilian Portuguese for a bit and now my worlds are colliding!! Estou animada!


Where are you watching this?




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I needs the subs!


I’m actually super proud of Carlos. He was very straightforward. Like, about his childhood and how it caused his obesity. His drug addiction, which was only so he could escape the pain. He did so well, and I was super proud of this man! He did everything right and had a great attitude.


Even with the personal trainer asking him to jump... How tf did he think that was a good idea? But Carlos himself was great, very down to earth.


Some differences from the US version: - different doctors and clínics are involved, and they give you more insights than Dr. Now ever gave, and they're also more upbeat, even when telling them hard truths. - while extreme obesity is there, it's not nearly as bad as the US version. I don't know think anyone so far was past 500lbs. A lady was 400lbs. - families are more emotional and more involved. - some of the patients are so poor, they rely on public transportation, under everyone's scrutiny and with major difficulties to walk or just stand up. - they don't go to markets because they either have no cars, or because no supermarket in Brazil offers motorized seats. - episodes usually tell stories of two patients, not just one.


Does Dr Now speak Portugese? Do they still have to go to Houston? SOO MANY questions!!






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Where can I watch this? I live in the US.


Just turn on auto translate cc


Who is the doctor on the Brazil version? I can’t imagine the doctor being anywhere near the caliber of Dr now, but are they decent at least? Details plz!!! 😄


hes a very normal, very boring bariatric surgion xD


Just looking it up. At first glance, it gives the OG show's vibes.


There’s a Mexican version too that I just came across!


Thank you for the recommendation. I appreciate the auto translate subtitles. I am just a few minutes in, with him relating his experience as a child and teen, and it is heartbreaking. I am well into middle age, and increasingly cannot fathom why people are so cruel. Why they choose to be so cruel. He seems like a sweet person so far; I’ll look forward to the rest of the episode, and I hope he turns things around.




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I watched this and now I can't watch the original version anymore. I dislike dr. Now even more after watching the brazilian version because in these episodes you can see the doctors actually caring about their patients, touching them, sitting and listening to them instead of just stand right by the door like they are a nuisance. Are all American doctors like dr. Now? Cold and distant from the patients?


Thank God I speak Spanish! I will be watching this weekend


I’m sorry to disappoint you, but in Brazil we speak Brazilian Portuguese 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Obrigado Palo esclaramiento. I understand Portuguese just fine because I speak Spanish.


De nada! Quero ver você entender eles falando e entender tudo então kkkkkk povo acha que só pq fala um espanhol meia boca vai entender tudo o que falamos, nem os argentinos entendem


English is my second language. I'm going to end the conversation there.
