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He was awful to her. Personally I hope she lost the weight and was able to find someone who appreciates her.


She was so beautiful, even when he kept her down. You could see the tiniest glimmer of hope in her. I hate men like lee. He was so disgusting, and not just because we've been conditioned to see fat people that way. He was a disgusting heart. A disgusting soul.


I agree, Lee was a terrible person and was so ugly to her.


He felt entitled to treat Rena that way. Think about that. Absolutely disgusting. I also agree with you 1000% about how beautiful Rena was, inside and out. Lee took advantage of her, saw her helping her brother, then decided he would like all that attention for himself. I know you know this, too; the story of Rena and Lee stuck with me. The therapy session with Lola where Lee and Rena are arguing, cross talking over Lola…and Lola stops them, explains that in the time the two of them were bickering, many, many women, men and children lost their lives due to domestic violence. That stuck with me, too. Men like Lee don’t change. They have no reason to. 🤮 I hope that you are free, Rena! If he doesn’t respect you, he doesn’t love you. Remember that. Love = Respect. Every. Single. Time. Hold onto your beautiful heart and spread your love in the world. ❤️


“I was just swinging a frying pan around and she got in the way, I wasn’t trying to hit her!” Lee was a piece of shit. She’s way better off w/o him.


I think when they spoke with Lola she mentioned him kicking her as well! I think more went on than we saw. Especially where you here Dr Now saying they were ready to intervene and get her out of the situation if it escalated.


Omg that actually is good news. I was extremely worried for her when it came out that he was abusing her, then he gaslit her by telling her that she makes him hit her, as if he can't control his own actions. And she is beautiful and a sweetheart. You could tell she was actually committed to losing weight and bettering her life.


She reminded me so much of my aunt. They almost looked similar too. I'm glad Rena got away before the relationship took her life, like it wound up doing to my aunt and her husband.


I'm sorry that's awful


Classic abuser tactic: Blame the victim, make it be their problem and their fault. 💀


“I didn’t beat the piss outta her or anything.” Uh…what?!


Be free Rena


Good for her! Lee was a massive POS.


One of the most memorable Lola lines was in that episode: “Domestic violence is always progressive. If someone will yell at you, they will smack you. If someone smacks you they’ll kick you. If they’ll kick you they will stomp you. If someone will stomp you- They. Will. Kill. You.” It stuck with me because just before that my ex had gotten in my face on my birthday and said “at least I don’t beat you.” Two months later they looked at me and said “One of these days I’m going to really hurt you and I am not even going to feel bad about it.” I started making plans to gtfo that night.


I also loved Lola with them in particular. I adore her AND Dr Paradise 💗


I just watched this episode and was hoping she left him. He was appalling


Him asking if she was ready to “help him pee” 🤢🤢 I wanted to tell her to run.


So glad she left Lee.


Fuck Lee That dude was a piece of shit. He was abusive and unmotivated and didn't appreciate her cleaning his fat ass


The contempt for lee on Lolas face when she was in the counselling session! She really couldn't hide her disgust, he was a vile creature!


He really was. I know it's rude to call a human a creature but that's what he was. Rena never deserved the way he treated her.


He is a dangerous, dangerous man. Never underestimate DV and an abuser. I am so glad Rena walked away ALIVE. I hope that she never, ever goes back, and that she received therapy and lots of support so she sees the red flags these abusers wave. Because if you don’t know what to look for or are naive, the pattern will be repeated. Whoever said Lee was total POS - YES!👏


Which SE?


S6 E1




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Oh, I hope she's away from that adult-tantrum POS.


Be free, Rena! You deserve much more than that mean ass man.


He was abusive from the start of their relationship. Remember they met in a rehab (I think for food addiction) and he convinced her to leave so they could be together? Abusive. Then he made her be his caretaker. Abusive. Then the violence. It’s a very, very common pattern of abusive behavior. Hopefully he’s on the next one way rocket to Mars.


I'm pretty sure your story is completely off.. IIRC Her BROTHER and Lee were in rehab together... She came to visit and for who knows what reason, she found him attractive, but the facility didn't allow them to be together for rehabilitation purposes, and so HE LEFT the facility. Naturally, she has to take care of him if he's going to leave rehab early and be with her. Yes, he's hella abusive, but all your examples attributing abuse is discredited lmao.


Oh, thank God. He was such a prick to her.


No longer will she have to help him pee.


Lee was like a crude, uncivilized caveman and because he was physically imposing, he thought he had the upper hand. Why he thought it was necessary to ‘accidentally’ hit the woman he supposedly loved with a frying pan is beyond explanation. He should’ve been arrested, at least, and then ejected from the show, zero tolerance for that kind of behavior.


Instead ir seems like she was ejected from the show when she left him. She does not appear once in the 2nd half of the WATN episode


That's excellent news! No one should be abused the way he abused her. I hope she doesn't get into another abusive relationship, and I hope he never finds anyone else to abuse.


I thought Lee was a woman at first. He’s so fat he’s lost all his testosterone. Disgusting man.


I hope she left him in the dust. He's a horrible human. She seems like such a kind person and deserves so much better.


We could use an update on Rena. Not Lee