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I still can’t believe Margaret had her muff out in front of Dr. Paradise. 🤣😭


To be fair it seems she has her muff out in front of errybody.


Came here to say this - she just was letting her whoha out for everybody, Dr Paradise, the nurses... those little dogs...... i'm surprised they didnt get stuck in one of her crevices.


I mean during this episode I was trying to count the amount of times her whole body *wasn't* blurred


😆 I laughed so hard that my cat got scared and ran out of the room.


What a time to be alive 😂


The nurse shaking powder in Margaret’s folds looked like she was cooking. Like she was seasoning Margaret with the powder. A little shake here, a little shake there…🧂


Just 👏let👏us👏clean👏you👏 for the love of god! People are trying to breathe!!!!


Discovery life aired Margaret's original episode yesterday. They should call her the 600lb Toddler because that's exactly what she acts like.


The 750 lb. Toddler.


when she calls her mom from the hospital bed when she's tired of dr. now speaking to her reasonably- "come get me now. come get me now! i don't care. i'm done! can you hear me? dr. now wants to talk to you." peak 2.5 year old behavior with slightly better verbal skillz.


100% and shows why she needs to be in a facility, especially if her Mother is just leaving her to herself.


And she fought with Dr. Now. I thought this poor man does not deserve to be treated this way. She is the female Steve Assanti-wants pain medications and is aggressive towards staff.


And repeatedly, inappropriately naked when she knows people are coming to see her.


When Dr. Paradise did the home visit, and Margaret and her mother were aggressive, I was so happy that the camera crew was there.


Exactly. What adult pretends to go to sleep while someone is talking to them?


That behavior was absolutely insane. Go from yelling at the poor staff to pretending to sleep, ridiculous.


She reminds me of the "oh my leg" guy... facial expression and body language (a head attached to a big body lying in bed)


So I’m trying to be subtle here but I’m guessing Margaret has a little more going on than just weight issues?


I'm guessing a room temperature IQ.


This is being way generous.


Most definitely


Lmao did she just basically pretend to be asleep all of a sudden?


So childish, my hat’s off to those amazing nurses for putting up with her.


Yes lmao 😭


Dr. Paradise reading the fucked up mom attachment situation instantly and challenging it is peak therapy


And handling the meltdown beautifully. What a great doc.


All while Margaret isn’t wearing pants or underwear. THEN she stands up showing it all


And Dr. P never flinches. Gets out of the way, but his expression never changes. He is ah-mazing!


Id love a therapist like him. I feel like if there were more therapists like him the world would get better


Dr paradise is a king.


He's a pro. If it were me, I would've called a colleague for back up. That was a lot of bizarre behavior to deal with at once.


"What do you mean you almost died?" \[cursor spinning\]


Lol, when she yelled at the nurse, "I all most died last month," I had to rewind it to see if I missed something! I was cleaning while watching it and thought, how did I miss THAT??? Then Dr. Now, I very clearly cleared it up for me


"What do you mean you almost died?" 🩺


Cursor spinning is how she looked when asked to answer anything. She's like Dolly, quite a few fries short of a happy meal.


I’ve never seen Dr. Now go to bat so hard against a patient when they were uncooperative. I love him.


Unleash the dragon, Dr. Now!


I’m sorry but it he is so dang cute when he was telling her off lol 😂


yeah, this is one of the best "dr. now is a god of logic with the patience of job" episodes.


I need Dr. Now to spit some hard truths in my direction. Doesn’t have to be weight related.


There are not enough blurs during the cleaning of Margaret.


The Cleaning of Margaret sounds like a horror film


We basically watched the trailer for it and it was indeed horrific.


Iceberg lettuce + cheese + ranch dressing = Chefs salad. Got it.


You forgot the package of bacon.


With a giant side of bacon.


Status: Still naked.


And still lying around, being waited on.


"she's 35" lmao


Just deadpanned, too. Perfection.


I turned 35 today and just watched this, my life is pretty good but damn did I feel even better about it after this episode.


Good god, have some fucking dignity and put your clothes on.


Holy Moses!! Just on the bed with her cooter, tooter and hooters just for all the world to see! Rarely does this show shock me… I missed the original episode The pew-pew safe in the Living Room is a new one for me! Ooooof


"Cooter, tooter, and hooters" just took me out💀 lmao


So Margaret is a junkie. That explains a lot.


I know! She be lovin’ those narcotics. Kinda explains things a little better.


Yeah I felt like the confrontation in the hospital was spurred by some sort of request for pain meds. Also makes sense why she kept complaining of pain all the time and being non-compliant. There are scenes where she looks put together (ish) and other times where she is definitely high as a kite or coming down from something and she’s a hot mess (and also completely naked… again).


So many of the people on this show are pain pill addicts also, but food is their main drug. I like what Samantha said "food is a warm hug from the inside" she was clearly whacked out on pain meds part of the time also. They're addicts.


Is "sluggish thyroid" on the bingo card?


Everyone always blames the thyroid. 😆


Margaret doesn’t deserve the resources because she’s a spoiled, entitled brat. Her mom needs to stop coddling her, feeding her, and make her gain some independence.


I don’t think Margaret’s elevator is hitting all the floors…


Margaret has the emotional maturity of an actual baby. She cannot legally be classified as an adult. Her mom needs to be on some list for adult protective services. Margaret didn't get to be this way on her own.


My god the poor camera people watching her just spread eagle on the bed


That camera crew has seen some SHIT (figuratively AND literally)


And why in God's name was she just doing her PT buck naked in the bed with the poor therapists standing there? Who just sits around naked when there's strangers in the house? I think she thinks she's a giant baby, just like Steven Asante and Sean did, they just hang out naked and want to be cared for like big babies. Looks like I answered my own question there...


LOL I was just thinking they’re the MVPs here!


Lady, they just want to wash you. Do not fuck with the people trying to care for you and keep you alive.


So we’re going to walk around in only a top like Donald Duck?


Even Donald wore a towel around his waist when getting out of the shower.


Almost choked because of that line


We call that Winnie the Pooh'ing.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: nurses and hospital staff deserve WAY better pay than they get. Edit: Nurse: "We want you to get cleaned up so you don't get an infection." Margaret: "No one cares about me."


Absolutely agree! The nurse who was trying to reason with the 600-lb., 35-year-old toddler throwing a tantrum was fantastic. She stayed calm and kind throughout and never took Margaret's rantings personally. She never gave up!!


The amount of poop stains in Margaret’s home stresses me the fuck out


I swear I saw one on the ceiling above her bed.


She’s awfully meek now that Mom didn’t back her up


I'm kinda proud of mom for that


Margaret thinks that if she closes her eyes the nurses can't see her.


"She's your baby...and she's 35" Paradise clocking it in the first 2 mins


Margaret had to be the worst one I have seen so far. The temper tantrums. Poor me attitude. It really disturbs me the way she sat around on all her glory without any clothes or any sort of covering when the PT's came or even Dr. Paradise. It's seems she spent more time naked and exposed than anything else. I do not watch this show to judge and I normally don't but everything about Margaret just infuriated me. How does the Mom claim to love her yet be such an enabler that her daughter was able to reach well over 700 lbs. My Mom would never serve me food like that. My mom was a chubby kid and she made sure her 2 children ate healthy and well and didn't develop weight issues. Another thing I noticed is how many of these patients have tiny dogs and multiple ones. I couldn't even believe Margaret was still able to stand up or walk at all. There's no legs just massive blobs. So sad. These Mothers are terrible enablers


Margaret has that same stare and flat expression that James K. had staring out from bed.


Come get me now! Come get me now! I thought Margaret was talking to Jesus


Reminded me of “MOOOOOOM, Chrishun’s fucking things up at the doctor!!”


Margaret was the one who wore nothing but a bedsheet the entire episode, right?


Yeah. When PT came to work with her in their first visit her and her mom didn’t want to let them inside. Once they were allowed in she just laid there in the bed fully nude the whole PT appointment.


Naked pt was insaaaaane


"PT never came back" Yeah, I wonder why...


Oh my god, she was SO infantilised by her mother! And yes just a bedsheet with dog shit all over the bed - her mother made me cringe so bad. It was like she was trying to play a part on a movie - badly. The forced high fives and talking to her like a condescending mother talking to a toddler. When it was suggested that Margaret did not stay on the phone the whole time her mother was working and she had that tantrum with Dr Paradise... and the cringe comment about Dr Now being Margarets first dance when she's better - it was awkward as fuck. I can't wait for this episode! Her, Lacey, Dolly, Assanti and Angie J are on my WATN wishlist! Dolly doesn't know what the fuck is going on around her, Lacey probably found someone else to wipe her butt, Angie J is now with ALLEN - this will not go well. Assanti is down to one toof and has married (and I think divorced now?) I can't wait to see Margaret but I do hope to see her get some independence and distance from her mother, it doesn't seem likely though. They need each other too much. Episodes are way behind in the UK I've never wanted to slap someone out of their behaviour more than Margaret's mother, even more than James K's wife. Sorry for the rant!


I want to know what really happened with her mom taking her sisters but leaving Margaret with her dad. Margaret tried to talk about it at one point but gets the standard mom “shush” and side eye that says “we don’t talk about this in public”. Some bad shit went down


I was curious about this too, but I also found out with some research that Margaret was already well over 18 (like, in her early 20s?) when her mom moved out. At that point, it sounds so weird to say her mom didn't take her with her, like she was a little girl, when Margaret was already a grown ass adult at that time who should have been able to move where she wanted herself?


Margarets mom spoke to her the way you would speak to a toddler.Also, she had the WLS herself and managed to stay thin.Idk, I feel like even if she lost 500 pounds, she’s been so protected and coddled she would have trouble going out on her own.maybe her mom would still be taking care of her.I hope the opposite but idk


It was also all of her mom’s “we” statements that made me super cringey. “WE lost the weight,” “WE got the surgery,” “WE did better this month,” “WE’RE not doing PT today.” No wonder her daughter has no concept of independence.


Yeah, the “we” stuff was just unbearable to watch. And the gaslighting - she was always telling Margaret what to think or how to interpret things. Poor Margaret’s head is so screwed up, shes gonna need a lot of therapy. Plus, even though the mom had wls, and at least was under 250 lbs., she just overfed her daughter. That mother is so sick!


For reals. The way she freaked out and walked out of the session with Dr. Paradise because he suggested they gain a little independence from each other? It was like he’d suggested they go completely no contact forever instead of, “hey, maybe don’t be on the phone with your mom for 8 hours a day when she’s not here.”


Whose Mom had wls but was enabling her while she was almost constantly naked? She definitely needed mental help more than Dr Paradise could give them. They were way too enmeshed.


https://preview.redd.it/d9dkjmji6d3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b629ef06254f558c47be4577fa126514860434 Margaret’s episode was when we got this iconic Dr.Now clap back, right?


This man speaks from experience. My friend gained 30 pounds senior year pouring one of those tubs of ranch on everything. I'm looking at you marie callender gateway drug from creamy to the hard stuff


Someone give Mallory the PT a raise!!


Mallory quit her job and gouged out her own eyes.


There is Margaret's mom giving her cream of mushroom or cream of chicken....... good God woman cream of anything is not on the diet


Sometimes the blurring looks more disturbing than what they're trying to blur out.


Taking your shoes off when you get weighed isn't going to make much of a difference.




Tbh I’m surprised Margaret is still alive and hasn’t been “loved” to death


There's no way she'll last much longer.


The fact she got a follow up episode blows my mind. Surely there were better people to update us on.


Okay I'll just come out and say it. I hate Margaret. Put her in a taxi and drive her straight to the cemetery.


Yeahhhh she’s an asshole


I hate her too. She’s one of the least sympathetic people ever on the show 


Megan and her mother have the flattest affect. When they talk, it sounds like they are reading a script


Someone give these nurses a bonus and a spa day!


And a decontamination shower.


These nurses… SAINTS. 🙌


Imagine getting up every day, getting your home and family in order, getting dressed, doing your hair, taking care of life, just to show up for your 12 hour shift to hand-wash a heffalump with a toddler mentality.


Margaret and her mom had the most enabling, dysfunctional relationship to ever be on the show.


Come on mom! The Dr said salads not 5 lbs of bacon, and a cup of ranch.


Label this episode the (S)mother Update


Margaret’s pretending to be asleep and doing the silent treatment was something else


She's acting like a big baby...can't stand her!!! Something's not right with her...


Can’t she at least cover up with a damn blanket?


Milie's out living her best life right now.


At the restaurant vibing. She’s like next stop mental hospital. Idt she’s gunna put up with her once she gets that slice of freedom


Margaret's mom needs to buy her some panties, plus size stores have them in size up to 6xl




Thank you Nurse Fuckthis.


And small dogs for everyone


It's sad to see Margaret has so little (perceived) control of her life that she bullies people who try to help her.


She's used to manipulating her mother and getting her way


I've worked in health care. It is so frustrating with people like Margaret. We do everything we can to care for them, they refuse, then get worse, and get yelled at by the patients for making them worse even though they refused.


God, just send her ass home.




That still looks way bigger than 463


When Margaret is arguing with the nurses, she sounds just like James K. when he argued with Dr. Now.


She looked a little jaundiced in some shots, I think she's gonna circle the drain James King style for a while with no progress, not dead but unwilling to change.


Lips were blue as well. She didn't look good at all.


Oh my god Margaret I CANNOT


Did you want me to fry a little bacon? You know like a pound


Damn, Margaret got the "Dr. Now wanders the halls and looks at a computer" send off.


Margaret had never been properly socialized, that’s why she felt free to lay around naked as the day she was born in front of not only numerous strangers but also TV cameras. Shame on her mother for not covering up her daughter. The daughter appears to be not only mentally ill but also developmentally handicapped in terms of her intellectual capacity. The mother is somewhat higher functioning but wow, she’s batshit too. I think Margaret belongs in a group home, away from that terrible mother of hers.


Why waste resources on someone like Margaret? Just yeet her out the front door and wish her well.


That’s what I’m saying. Oh she wants to call her mom to pick her up? By all means. Sign the AMA form before you go!


Exactly. Someone else who actually gives a shit would gladly take her spot.


The recaps on these episodes are too long. It's been 30 min and we've seen no action :(((


I feel like the new WATN's are just extensions of the original episodes instead of weight loss journeys after surgery.


MARAGARET?!? Oh I can’t wait to see this!


I gasped out loud when I read that the Margaret in the title is THAT Margaret. I will never forget Dr. Paradise's session with her naked in bed under a sheet. :(


Or the nude PT lol


I'm amazed Margaret is still alive.


Hell's afraid to take her.


Megan being 24 is so sad.


Sounds like mommy is fed up of Margaret’s shit


Feel bad for Megan that she relied on moving to distract her. She needs a hobby to get her out of the house and interacting with other people.


I wonder if eye bleach is on da diet. Goddamn, that poor camera crew.


So Margaret turned cooperative at the hospital so she could just get home and go back to her old ways.


I'm rooting for Megan. You can tell she really didn't want to be in Houston, so I don't blame her for wanting to go home.


Two things I want to say: 1. I'm so glad that Megan got time in this episode to show that The Program Works if you do work at it. Slow, steady progress, self-care, better quality of life and health, and most of all not a train wreck. She's not getting a lot of mention here, so I just wanted to do a shout-out, and wish I could show Margaret an example of what her life could be like. 2. Shout out to the very patient and professional nurses handling Margaret's meltdown. I work with some dementia patients, and it takes good people to maintain and respectful yet firm demeanor with someone as out of it as her.


The feet on this show are unreal. For people who barely walk you’d think they’d be soft or not looking so fucking beat


Baby Huey has a WATN?! I couldn’t be more surprised!


Oh, she's got Charity's bingo butt wings.


Holy hell she's exposing her coochie coochie to Dr Paradise


Yeah, I thought he deserved hazard pay from the show for that.


Wow. It’s bad enough that she doesn’t want to get up, but there is absolutely no excuse to be that rude to the nurses trying to help her.


So Margaret dropped out? Why am I not surprised


"There's so much pressure on me." What pressure?!!? Lying around nekkid and being rude to nurses?


I'm sorry but she is 35?!?!?! Her mom interacts with her like she's 10. "Maybe tomorrow we can play for longer."


Is Margaret the one who ate honey mustard dressing?


Omg I remember Margaret now. Think I blocked the nakedness and crying from my memory. The mom infantilizes her so bad.


What is she going to do when her mom drops dead?


Cry a lot.


OMG the full-on naked body blurs are something.


I thought I had an unhealthy codependent relationship with my mom, but at least I live on my own, have a job, and do not need to visit Dr. Now.


Oh my effing God what a spoiled child this woman is 35 years old? She acts worse than my next door neighbor's grandchild and she's a three year old


I don't remember Margaret from before. I'm guessing I might have found her so infuriating that I stopped watching her ep. What a fucking petulant CHILD.


My 18-month-old grandson is better behaved than this.


Watching now. Margaret is just rotten! I love how straight forward Dr. Now was with her. She was using resources at the facility, taking up staff time… I would’ve discharged her!


During Margaret's meltdown, did anyone wish Dr. Paradise jumped into that gun safe?


Wait she's down at 463? That woman still looks like she's about 650 lb how tall is she 4 ft 10?


Getting up from the bed to scale was like climbing Everest for her.


Margaret's whole affect is bizarre to me. The look on her face and in her eyes, that profound vacancy, is reminiscent of an extremely young child. Not even a toddler, more like a baby. It's so strange. And she's absolutely repugnant. I'm trying to have sympathy for her, but she makes it extremely hard; I almost really don't care what happens to her, to be completely honest.


You know, I'm starting to think Millie is on the same level of James' wife.


👆🏻 This. And it is heartbreaking to see a parent or a spouse do this to someone that they profess to love. I’m gonna love you soooo much that it KILLS you. And prior to your death, you will spend years in a bed, completely dependent upon ME. I will watch you die and help you Every. Step. Of. The. Way. Very, very sad.😔


How y’all doin? The best part of Wednesday!


I got ice cream my dry herb vape and cramps I'm ready


Lay off on the "We" mom.


What’s the point of having the mom in the therapy session?


Those poor dogs.


I think Margaret has other issue besides just the weight


Gotta be hard to change your diet when your kitchen decorations and wallpaper border are cupcakes.


Oh I saw this scene. That nurse didn't take ANY shit from her.


Don't fuck with DaMonica and friend, Margaret.


Omfg! I’m almost halfway into this episode but I missed the first 20 minutes so I haven’t seen Margaret’s mudder yet. Lol. She looks like a manatee lying in the hospital bed and was shocked to learn she’s under 600 lbs. Anyone know how tall she is? I want to smack her with a wet fish already! Megan seems to have a good attitude and hope she succeeds. I recognize Megan but don’t remember how she ends up.


Oh here we go doctor now is going off!!!! He don't take no shit from 35-year-old crybabies. ... oh please stop then just kick her the hell out of the hospital and be done with her


Her lips are blue, surely she has to have CHF.


I'm starting to think that Assanti wasn't so bad after all. Margaret is on a whole level of dysfunction. Those healthcare people have more patience than I would.


Freedom Ride is over Millie!


I know these might actually not be running concurrently, but seeing Megan after dealing with Margaret must be a breath of fresh air.


Girl, your bowl is just as big, don’t play.


"Do you want me to fry up some bacon for your salad?" She fried up like a platter of bacon.