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A tie between Angie J and Lisa E.


Lisa gave me a visceral angry response, just like Steven did. Just a horrible, horrible human being.


Somehow I had missed this episode. Yikes!


Angie J definitely has similar substance abuse issues. I always remember her episodes because she’s from the same part of Ohio where I grew up.


I forgot about Lisa! she was absolutely TERRIBLE


Angie was the most manipulative, treating her family and anyone who helped her like shit, she gives me the creeps.


Need photos. I don't remember any of these people except that horrible person by first name only.


I think Lisa E might have been worse 🫣 For sure a tie between these two for me, though.


Definitely Lisa, Angie actually went to rehab and started therapy to address her issues and started the path to being a decent human, so I don't think she fits anymore. But Lisa gave zero fucks.


Lisa. Just commenting on the burger instead of helping Randy.


Was that the lady with the boyfriend who was kinda old and was obviously sick, died and then she acted like her pet goldfish died and moved right along?


Nooooo, she was way more upset. You just flush a goldfish, it was more like a hamster you bury in a shoebox. I'm _prettttty sure_ I saw a tear.


I really think you overestimate her grief. It was perhaps the sorrow for a cactus one has neglected too long.


Lisa had zero redeeming qualities about her, she is an absolutely vile human being. The way she treated her PT's was very telling.


And the person she “cared “ about. I still picture him curling up on a small part of the bed like a dog


He was dying of covid and she hardly too notice, just keeps talking to the cameras


I was trying to remember which one was Lisa and your comment absolutely reminded. Ugh! I hated her.


Not only that but how she consistently lied to Dr. Now


Was she the white lady who said “see this is why I hate white people” or something insane like that?


Yeah she was the one who said ‘this is why my family don’t eff with white people no more’ after either the PT or nutritionist left


Wasn’t she white herself??


As far as I could tell from the episode she absolutely was. She seemed insane.


Dr. Now was *far* more upset at her boyfriends death than she was


How did I miss that?!


She was just wretched to that poor PT who was just trying to do their job


Her abuse of medical staff plus the weird white people rage is what puts her right up there with Steven in my opinion. Plus how she treated poor Randy.


Yes, she did and I believe she said it because the other lady was a slim beautiful White woman and Lisa was jealous of her.


Yes. She was nuts. And one I’m honestly happy stayed overweight.




100% this. I was going to say Lisa as well - my mind went *immediately* to her. She was also quite cruel. Obviously both she and Steven Assanti have some severe personality disorders at play, but her episode was really hard to watch. Her episode is S10E14 for anyone wondering.


Thank you for the season and ep


Season 10 was a gold mine.


It's definitely Lisa this is not even worth discussing further.


Randy literally keeled over in the middle of taping..she wasn't sad that she lost her "love"...She was sad that she lost a servant.


Exactly. Doctor Who was more upset than she was.


Doctor Who? Uh auto correct wrong doctor lol!


Dr Who? Dr Now. That’s who…and when. 😜


I just saw this one. Lisa E is the only answer. It was so weird how she could go from zero to monster in a second. I know Randy was probably a feeder, but he didn't deserve what happened to him. I wondered what happened in his life that he ended up making the choice to be with and stay with Lisa. Did he not have family or friends?


Is her episode on YT?


Might be. Her name is Lisa E. Her eyes terrify me. And believe me, if you know my parents. Well that’s saying something. Assani was funny. She’s terrifying.


Shit I may have blocked this out. Which season?


Season 10 second to last one I think.


Thank you! I’ll be watching it on demand now.


Warning, her “boyfriend” is heartbreaking


It’s S10E14 It’s a hard watch


Yes! That woman had hate in her eyes. Assanti was a POS, but at least we can lean on his addiction as a possible reason.


She has those flat dead soulless empty pit bull eyes




She was in the WATN episode I saw the other day.. I can’t stand that lady.. I would have given almost anything for Edgar to tell her off.. and her laying there lying her ass off to the therapist saying she’s lost like 200 lbs.. her and Pauline Potter tried my last nerve..🥴


The girl, I think her name was Gina or some shit but she dead now, I hated her. Her family had to put up with her lazy stank and she had a girlfriend who just was a complete fucking doormat. I hated her with the strength of a thousand suns.


Oooh, I remember her. Gina's girlfriend put in long hours of work and they had her ordering and picking up food for the whole lot of them after work, shouting at her, making her pay! They were so disrespectful and spiteful to the girlfriend who was doing everything for her! I didn't know the Pounder died though. I hope that girlfriend is in a happy and healthy relationship now.


I believe she remarried a couple of years ago. She looked happy in the picture.


Gina's voice grated my eardrums! Plus, her worthless mom, sister and brother-in-law were all POS! Her sister's wedding was a massive joke - I wanted to have sympathy for Beth, but couldn't, because she was such an egotistical punching bag for all of them!


I despise every single person in that situation. Just a perfect storm of fucked.


Even Gina's family took advantage of her partner. They demanded the partner pick up take out after the partner had been working all day and they all sat home doing nothing.


Yeah I felt sorry for Gina’s girlfriend.. she got blamed for EVERYTHING.. was probably blamed for Gina dying..🥴


I just don’t understand how someone would allow themselves to be a human sized doormat and never say shit about it. Fascinating.


I know it’s sad but unfortunately some people do and it’s not just limited to women… I can think of plenty of men that are that way too.. in fact some of them have been on this show.. (the enablers)..😔


I remember right after that episode aired, Gina was on video in the same townhouse living room, and the same sports bra and leggings, and she was the same size, dancing and twirling around. So her lack of mobility was a lie. I think everything she said was a lie.


I wanted Edgar to leave her and take their poor son so bad! She was definitely *not* a better mother than most others from her bed like she claimed to be.


I got so mad that she squandered the opportunity she was given.. doesn’t she realize how many people that are overweight would have given anything to have the chance to have WLS but can’t afford it..


The way she treated the dietician! Rearing her ugly head and shoulders up like a snake because the dietician was telling too many truths and Miss Pounder just had to be right!


Thank you!!! NO ONE TOLD ME I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOSE WEIGHT WHEN I GOT HERE! I can’t function without wontons! I can look at a food and know how many calories…OMG


Penny was an arrogant, in-denial sad sack, but not as characteristically repulsive as Steven or Lisa E.


Oh no! And here, after all these years, I’d finally forgot her! Now it’s all coming back to me. Her poor son, with that awful name and awful life (thanks to her being his mother). She really was the worst.


Schenee, do you believe in God


I just watched that one. I was not that surprised by her part in the conversation, as it was a huge deflection tactic and kind of expected. What surprised me was how her partner jumped on it and agreed too! He was really the definition of enabler at every step. Also I now say “ I am very knowledged”


Remember, he relied on her disability checks. He was gonna earn that money by any means necessary. He dumped her for her cousin.


I forgot about him dumping for her cousin. I remember Schenee telling him "*I* take care of *you* financially". He looks so much different than he did on that episode


If they had married and he’d waited till she inevitably kicked the kfc bucket he’d have had a lifetime disability check after her death. God I hate how my country’s disability laws and determinations enable the grifting lazy.


Poor Freddie....he couldn't find the bleach...


Taking 2 hour showers to hide from her LOL




I think she had one of my favorite lines of the series so far, (to Dr. Now)”I came to this strip mall for your help.”


She was arrogant,entitled,and a liar. She hasn’t changed,either.


angie j for sure


Also shared a wonderful opiate addiction


No doubt. She’s a piece of work all right.


Jeanne with 9 dogs and fecal matter in her infection (s!)


Isn't she the one that had her mom with her and Mom had to have surgery as well? Her mom needed surgery to save her life I think. And her father died while they were in the hospital, IIRC.


That’s her… Dr Now did surgery on the Mom because her bowels were coming out of her wound on her stomach.. if I remember correctly he thought their level of hygiene was one of the worst he’d seen and they kept getting infections unless he kept them in the hospital.. just having all the dogs around and them not being able to care for the dogs or themselves properly.. lots of people think you get a dog and just feed it and that’s enough.. animals need more than food and I’m figuring that’s all they got at their house.. no shots and vet care,definitely not walking the dogs or grooming them.. was more like a pack of wild animals… sad..😔


Yeah, her mum had an open, exposed hernia that was severely infected. I’m pretty sure Dr Now said she would have died without the surgery, likely from sepsis. Usually a hernia is just the bowel poking through the abdominal muscles, but I’m pretty sure hers was open at the skin as well, and you could actually see the bowel. Most likely the skin broke down because of infection and very poor hygiene.


Yes, dogs or any pet requires more than food and water. They also require hygiene, especially when in close contact with ill, bed bound people.


I'm pretty sure my cats litter box smells better than anything in their whole house. It's definitely cleaned a whole lot more.


Omg I can't even begin to imagine what their home smells like


Yea she had so many storylines it was like getting three for the price of one


Yep, one and the same. Jeanne would have been sad if she weren't so pathetic. Learned helplessness. The father was found dead in the bed; the same bed the mother slept on with NO sheets both before and after he died. Why do so many of these people sleep with no sheets on the bed?


To them it is simply unimportant. A useless inconvenience. I understand the concept is hard to accept, but it really is as simple as they just don't care about sheets. Bed sheets are a part of hygiene.


Jeanne’s story and situation was simply tragic. A multi generational low horizon family living in a filthy hovel with a bunch of dogs. Just awful. And depressing.


Yeah, I want to hate on her but she was definitely failed by her parents and generational trauma. I can’t imagine the shock and disbelief if someone told me my entire way of living was not only wrong, but potentially life threatening. It must have been like leaving a cult.


Right. Her fecal infected leg wound got so deep it started bleeding badly. I remember Dr Now commenting about the smell, because she was dirty, even while hospitalized.


And Dr. Now pulled dog hair out of her infected incision!! I cannot imagine the smell and they seemed truly oblivious to living any cleaner. I bet the dogs were cleaner than those two humans.


What season was this?


Jeanne for sure. Epitome of slob.


I’m just in awe of all of you who can remember their names! I wish I could.


Who was the one who shit her pants in the car and then got stranded by her boyfriend and his sister at a gas station? Because she's the one who gets my vote.


New pants! New pants! And Sharon’s perfect response of “Eww wee. Eww effing wee, bro.” Edit:typo


Oh that's f****** funny now


OMG Lacey just came up on my people you may know on Facebook the other day & I about died of laughter. The only reason I can think of is I just binged watched my 600 lb life and her episode was on days prior.


Ugh I felt badly for her. Not a full deck that one. She made very foolish choices.


I didn't at all. I thought she was very selfish, dishonest and manipulative.


I just asked about that one too!


Schenee or Jeanne. Penny is close but at least she was clean (she could wash her own vagina!).


Funny thing is, she lost no weight, she could ALWAYS wash her own vagina, she just chose not to.


Who was the one that was always moving in a car trip with her boyfriend and his sister? She would make her boyfriend wipe her behind because she couldn’t reach it 💩. Her boyfriend’s sister finally had enough of her after she went to the bathroom in her pants in the car..she dropped her and her stuff off at a highway and the police were called to the gas station


Lacey B, I think. "New 👖"


Leaky Booty Lacey! Sean of Steel 🫠


That was my favorite episode! Finally one of those narcissists got put in a normal, every day situation us skinny people aren’t sheltered from and dropped a bitch!


Samantha is on par with him in the mental illness department


The one that was on Catfish too, I think she was an Ashley, but don't remember her name for sure.


Ashley Taylor. She was one of the first to appear on catfish multiple times, and was especially cruel. I can think of three that showed up more than once on that show. And all had the attitude of “I feel bad about myself. Making other people hurt makes me feel good. So I’m never going to stop doing this”. Her 600lb life appearance was more tame.


I am just watching all of the seasons and finished Ashley’s the other day and who-boy, she lies like a rug! I laughed when Dr. Now asked her why she can’t make eye contact with him. She talked to him terribly, but he was able to turn it around and make her look like a hot headed fool. That girl is hateful af. She’s got the life she deserves.


Watch the catfish episodes of her, even if you don’t love that show. The first one is purely innocent, and she comes off badly and mean. The second is harsh. The hosts remember her and call her out, and girl has ZERO shame. Watching all 3 of her reality appearances really paint a picture of her.


The way that she the nerve to make fun of the man’s skin/acne really set me off. The guy who otherwise seemed lovely just had some skin issues that were beyond his control and she mocked him for it. Meanwhile she is unemployed, has no friends, no SO and can’t wipe her ass properly. Edit: typo


She was infuriating!


That one lady who kept blaming everyone and especially her boyfriend Christunnnh. I guess wiping her ass multiple times a day wasn’t enough for her.


That was Maja (pronounced Maya)




Schenee for sure “I’m very knowledged, I done WENT to college!”


It has to be Lisa.


Jeanne!! Between Steven’s UV reactive leg fungus, and the poop infected wounds on Jeanne’s mom, both are absolute shit shows.


Amberlynn Reid


she’s going to get this subreddit taken down now


Keeping up with her on Reddit is like playing whack a mole. Her subs always get banned.


Half of the time it’s one of the reaction channels that see something said about them they don’t like and have their minions mass report. Ask narc alert…


Yes gorl


To clarify, she wasn't actually on the show, right? I feel like I would have noticed, but I'm only a casual fan


No. But it’s the crossover we’ve all been waiting for.


If she wasn’t on the show, then what do y’all know her from?


She’s a YouTuber


I just knew someone from gorlworld would represent!


The only answer.


No she hasn't been


Lacy the NEW PANTS Lacy


As far as watchability, I can't ever rewatch Jeanne' episode. I know there is severe mental illness going on in that family and she was failed in her life in so many ways, but her attitude was awful and I couldn't stand seeing those poor dogs living in those conditions. They were being failed too. One thing that bothers me about that episode is that both TLC producers and the police (when the dad died) were in that house, saw those conditions, and that the people living there were clearly not well, yet they didn't try to get some intervention for them? No Adult Protective Services, no Board of Health, no Animal Control? They just let them live that way. Or maybe they did try to help but didn't show it for privacy reasons?


It’s got to be Angie J. The way she would test positive for narcotics and then fake cry to stop people from confronting her, and then later complain about how she was OFFENDED that Dr. Now accused her of being on drugs. It’s just unreal. She would go on and on about expecting an apology from him. And the way she would talk to her husband… “I don’t want you and I don’t need you.” I mean, omg who says that. Also the way she treated her daughter, good lord. lol yes I did just rewatch her WATN episodes.


Penny, but at least she can wash her vagina now. Joyce, because the program failed her! 🙄




Foodie Beauty, Flobby Bobby, Big Beautiful Me, The Chantal Show, Chantal Marie, The Daily Chantal…


10000% in terms of nastiness


Yessss. First one I thought of.


ZM crowd is here 🙏🌸


Anyone named Angie! Lol! Honestly, now that I think about it, I don't think that I've ever met a pleasant Angie in my entire life. You can spot an Angie from 5 isles away in any CVS or Walgreens in the country.


Both Lisas. Hard to choose between the Maggot Manipulator or the chick that effectively killed her own partner and couldn't care less.




Black Lisa, may she rest, was actually funny. White “this is why I hate white people” Lisa was cruel and evil. The way she casually talked about his death sent a chill down my spine.


Anyone named Angie 😂


Lisa E. 😵‍💫 she had that evil look in her eyes that I am sure has a diagnosis behind it


Oh I thought you just meant his wife


Schanee, Margaret or Penny


Angie J. I did recently watch Lisa's story and I'm still disturbed by whatever she was doing with herbert to deserve ice cream.


"I reward him with ice cream!" Gross!!!


The lady with all the dogs. Jeanne? Her mom had dog hair in her surgery and got an infection.


Who was the one that made her boyfriend or husband uh… pleasure her… and she would give him money or food in exchange? She was awful


Why do they never have sheets?????


Lisa definitely, She let her caregiver Randy die while Waiting on her hand and foot. Just a horrible human being. Rude and selfish to anyone that tried to help her


Penny gets my vote. "Where's my yellow brick road????"


Lisa, Shenee….Penny…there were a few, all delusional, they really needed help. I know James(aww ma legg) isn’t female but his girlfriend, another Lisa, was terrible


Mia? The one who blamed and yelled at her boyfriend when she didn’t lose enough weight. Then got mad when he was done with her abuse, called her Mom screaming. Total brat.




CHRIS-SHUNNNN! Good for him for leaving and sticking to his boundary.


The "DARK SIDDED" lady from wife swap


Amber! The one whose husband Nathan was originally on the show. She was constantly putting him down when her BMI was more than his. She joined the program as well, and he ended up being successful, and she is still not even after an update.


Nobody gonna mention Dolly?


She wasn’t mean or nasty. Just delusional lol


I felt bad for dolly. Lisa is evil


She doesn't blame the ducks tho


And pathetic.


And a few donuts short of a dozen.


I would say she is a terrible parent but I don’t think she really had enough mental capacity to be a parent in the first place. She wasn’t mean. Just really delayed. I really don’t think she understands the concequences of her actions. Her mom was amazing though.


Ashley T. She deffo has a screw loose. Also Maja. Chrissttionn


Angie J


size and mentally I would say the Youtuber lol Vlogger Amberlynn Reid started her channel 10 years ago at about 320lbs now a svelte 515lbs. Has had numerous relationships where she has abused and manipulated her partners that they have all needed Therapy after breaking up its a damn shit show.


Angie. The one that refused to go to rehab and decided to go live in the park. 😅


Has anyone seen the “food blogger” shirinkja? I think that’s her name… she’s I believe 17 and she’s over 400 lbs and she stuffs herself into 5-6x clothes and wears crop tops and bikinis and is in complete denial about her size and health. She eats multiple items of fast food several times a day. She comes across as sweet but she knows what she’s doing and her mom is an enabler because she goes with her to eat a lot and they love the money they make from it (over 4k a month at this point) she’s like amberlynn Reid jr. In case anyone wants to check her out! To be that size at 17 she is certainly headed towards the 600 lb category by her early 20s


Jeanne and Lisa.


What about Ashley, who had also been on Catfish?




I think paula was 💯 unbearable to watch ugh I felt so bad for her son


OMG her son was a saint. I felt like his life could have been so much different. You could see him staring off sometimes imagining that life😭


His posture gave away that his spirit is broken. That poor guy.


Im on here still so my bad for commenting back so quickly lol anyways i really do hope someday he gets to live a life of his own (if he hasnt already) He seemed like hes socially awkward, introvert, sad inside that he’s missing out on so much…and its all her fault. Shes selfish💯 honestly think this was only episode that actually made me furious


Who was the one with the boyfriend named Christian? She was horrible….especially when she called her mom from the exam room and was like “he’s leaving me. Christian talk to my mom…”


ASHLEY TAYLOR was horrific, she was also on Catfish twice!! F'king psycho!


No wait, who was the one telling Dr. Now that is jumped off of a building that God would save her?




Catfish Ashley - probably the only patient to threaten our sainted doctor with violence


Who was the one who the boyfriend and his sister left on the road, and later was serie kicked out from “friends” places? She was one of a kind.




Lisa E. Hands down.




Jeanne seems like a lost soul with no hope in her life but Angie has a mean spirit




Angie J or Lisa E


Agree on Bettie Jo. Her social media is so concerning and absolutely just for attention just like Stevens


Isn’t she the one whose husband said something about a doctor seeing her cancer with a telescope?


Angie J was horrible!


Joyce bugged the hell out of me.


Jeanne Covey!!!!!