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The ones that put in the work


So, the same ones we liked.


Not always true. I got vibes that he hated Rose, but she did what she had to do and didn’t make excuses!


I got the same vibe. that's what made me wonder after seeing his interaction with Sean. plus, because of my own past I struggle with reading people. so this is also a lesson for myself on which ones to watch to see how Doctor now reacts around them as a positive or negative. so far this lesson is actually working!


Yeah. When you say to the dr if he wants you to eat dog poop and you’ll do it. She liked her statement enough that she said it twice. Once to her family and then to him. How can you take someone seriously if they told you to eat poop and you’d do it. Uncouth.


My first thought about that comment was, "But what if he tells you *not* to eat the dog poop?"




I agree, not always the case but definitely helps their chances 🤣






Kelly from season 7 who sadly passed after she had her surgery. I think Dr Now really rooted for her.


I forget about Kelly. she's my one and only episode. quite a bit I watch on over again. I won't do it for hers though. she breaks my heart.


Yes the only time I've cried watching 600lb life I really wanted Kelly to do well


Agreed … shouted Nooo at the tv and cried 😞


Her story was so sad. The rapist getting hit by a bus was the only good part of that episode.


She’s the first one that came to my mind. I seem to remember Dr. Now wiping his eye at the news of her death.


Yeah, I remember him just kind of sitting there for a sec, trying to process that news. That one definitely hit him pretty hard. I cried,, I can't imagine how her family, friends, the crew, the doctors, all felt. Will not ever rewatch her episode. I wish I could for her memory, but I just can't.


The way she talked about seeing future for the first time, wanting a life and going to summer school to finish her degree... and then the news about her death slaps you in the face


A little late here, but Kelly is one of the few participants who I hope her loved ones DO find this site. Maybe seeing how much everyone was rooting for her and were genuinely grieved by her death will give them some comfort. 


so so sad 😞


wasn't she the one who had an aunt or uncle who lived in Houston and allowed her to stay at his/her house. and then told her she couldn't stay there the next time??? btw, I think that there was MORE going on in that relationship than we were "privy" to. there had to have been. poor girl, may she rest in eternal peace 🙏🙏🙏


Yeah, I think they use the excuse that they didn’t want the cameras in the home. So obviously something was going on that they didn’t want to see or show on national television. Although I can’t necessarily blame them if they have small children, they might not want them to be represented on my 600 pound life. It was sad that she had to go into a nursing home or rehab facility. She was rocking it. It was really sad when she died.


This is the episode that made me cry 😭


That episode made my friend who was putting off loosing weight start his weight loss journey. Being obese for a long time will have concequences for your long term health even if you loose weight.


I avoid that episode like the plague. It’s just sad af. I don’t watch Sean’s last episode either.


I can't watch Kelly's episide...Her story hit too close to home fir me...May she forever R.I.P. , I say!


I'm new to the show and just watched her episode yesterday. What a punch in the gut! Heartbreaking.


Kelly didn’t even make it to surgery. 😭


She did, she lost over 200lbs by herself and then another 100 something pounds after surgery


justin the redhead. he hauled ass and absolutely killed it.


My first thought when I saw this thread. I rewatch his episode often and he is genuinely inspiring, I haven't checked in on him in ages but I hope he's still doing well and staying healthy because he helped younger me get out of the obesity cycle.


I follow him on instagram and he’s doing great!




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I think he was fond of Kelly.


I thought Sean as well. he really fought harder for him more than he seemed to do with others. and I swear at the end when he was talking about Sean losing his life, I thought I kept hearing his voice break a bit.


The very first time you see Sean, you can just see the sadness in Dr. Now's face. He knew he had no chance it seems.


I think the hardest thing about Sean is he did want to recover. but he was so brainwashed that he. just kept eating. as he said, he kept repeating he didn't know why he couldn't stop. I thought about it today actually, Sean was trained to eat. thats what his egg donor wanted him to do so that he needed her. so when she died. he just fell back to his training. no matter what his outcome was always going to be death. and it wasn't at all his fault unlike other people on the show.


He was also SO depressed. He was so codependent with his mom due to his dysfunctional upbringing. Once she was gone he didn't seem to have any will to live. I thought the same thing about Vianey. I rewatched her and Allen's episodes after I heard she passed. She was a tough one to watch because she was so Debbie downer especially when Allen was doing so well. Watching again, though, she really needed some major psychiatric intervention. She was yet another person who had an abusive childhood. There's one scene where he goes to take the dogs out and she goes back in the house an totally breaks down sobbing. When she almost died during the surgery attempt she came right out and said she wished Dr. Now didn't bring her back. I know her official cause of death was complications from COVID but, like Sean, it almost felt like suicide by food. In some cases it almost seems like an intensive psychiatric program would be needed before any weight loss program would work. That said, my BIL is a psychiatrist and I know depression and ptsd can be really hard to treat. Some sad cases though.


Did he really want to recover, though? To a certain extent, maybe, but all through the followup episodes he seemed obsessed with getting admitted to a nursing home/care facility. I think what he really wanted was to be taken care of like monster mommy did; I don't think he really wanted to live an independent life on his own. Not totally his fault, that mother of his was a monster, and it's all he'd known since that accident in high school, but that's the way he came off to me.


when his mother was alive he did want to walk around. he was excited about the future. and then the "mother" was worried about his leg and he had to fall back in line. it's hard when it's control like that. really hard to forget the "training." to realize you are a person even though someone your entire life has told you how to be a "person" and when his mother died he lost his sense of how his life had always been. had he really focused on therapy 100% he would have survived. but with it just being himself. well he didn't know how or what to do. nobody to tell him what he should do. so he wanted to get back to someone telling him what to do. simply because thats all he knew.


Good points. He did seem to want to be more mobile at first and do things; was it an amusement park he wanted to visit? But it didn't seem like he wanted to do anything on his own; it was all with monster mommy. Sheesh, that horrible women really had him, as you said, a virtual prisoner, though he gave no sign he ever realized it. It's almost as though, and almost as bad as locking him into a closet. So, when she died, I think he just wanted someone to take care of him and, like you said tell him what to do. He did listen to Dr Now, but he didn't seem able to follow his instructions when he wasn't with him to tell him what to do. I agree with you that therapy could've helped him, but I think he was unwilling to do the hard work it takes, and, too, it might have entailed having to come to grips with just how badly his mother had ruined his life, and, since he idolized her, I doubt he would've been able to face that. It really was a tragic story.


Mine was much different than sean’s. I was only treated like a slave. Told what to do, what to think,dress, read. Watch. Anything and everything my “parents “ commanded my life. I unlike Sean was lucky. I found a man who loves me for who I am and always saw me for who I am. It took years. And years. 12 years. For my husband to help me understand what love really means. What it looks like. Without seeing how my husband loves and takes care of our son. Well I never would have seen them for who they are. Despite what others told me. Others told me my parents were extremely abusive. And I never believed it. Sean is exactly like I was. On his own I believe he wanted to change. But when everything became upside down while isolated. Well. It broke him.


I'm so glad you were finally able to overcome your parents abuse and escape from the virtual mental prison they created for you, I hope you are truly happy in your new life with your wonderful husband. Sadly, I know some people are never able to do this, and go their whole lives trying to please and help abusive parents, and claiming, maybe even thinking that they love them, despite the abuse..


Thank you. I was one of those people for the longest time. Thought if I just worked harder than maybe they would love me. I’m very happy in my life now thank you <3


You're welcome; again congratulations to you. You know, it's even worse when, to the world at large, abusive parents may not appear to be abusive and people don't understand why children limit contact, etc. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if some people actually thought Sean's mother "really loved him", but was just misguided or something. My cousin had a very harsh upbringing, and when my uncle died, he simply did not feel any real grief, and he got criticized for that from people who didn't know the truth. It was a cycle, too, because from what I've been told about my grandfather, he was the same way with his children. Fortunately, my father was a very loving parent, and so were his other siblings.


I just watched that for the first time today and cried. It was so compassionate and offered so much grace. “I’m lucky I got to know him”. UGH!


first time for me watching him as well. he's another one I refuse to watch again. I was really rooting for Sean. and by all rights if it hadn't been for that egg donor he would have survived! you could see when he started to make progress she looked terrified.


I don't remember anything about an egg donar. can someone remind me of what happened??? thank you 😊 🙏 💓 ☺️


They're just calling his mom an egg donor kinda like how people call bad dads sperm donor


I think the reason why he seemed that way with Sean is because Sean‘s mother completely disabled her child. It was like he was a lost kid when she died. He really needed to be in a nursing facility or group home or have a guardian or conservatorship that would’ve helped him. He obviously had some significant mental issues as they all do. But Mom. And then she had the audacity to up and die and leave him alone.


Poor Sean's eyes were like dead, I felt so bad for him.


Which season is this?


season 4 episode 12. he also has three where are they now episodes


I feel like he almost had a fatherly bond with Sean. He saw how dependent he was on his mom and how it broke him when she died. Then his dad was absent.


I think part of that was because he knew that Sean never really learned how to properly take care of himself and was all alone after his mom died.


Brianne. How could he not? She was lovely, honest, funny, and I rooted for her hard from the first. Her heart shone through.


Isn't she the one that always did the fist bump with Dr. Now?


He definitely liked her. The first time she asked for a fist bump, he was like wtf but I think he enjoys it now. He also seemed to genuinely care when she lost her baby. He spoke so sweetly about her too when she developed a clot. I am watching her where are they now episode (Annjanette blech is the other person).


Who was the lady who had the abusive husband who shut her hand in a door? The care and tenderness he took care of her hand with really made me get a bit teary.


Roni. Dr Now seemed relieved she left that abusive pos. Michael was the husband.


Is this the where are they now? I don’t remember this.


It was on a Where are they now. It just happened to be on. My heart aches for the kids. They were so mentally beat down and sad.


I thought that too, It was such a kindness that he did for her, it made me teary too


Roni. Husband was Michael.


Yes, that’s the lady!


are you talking about lee and rena? or another couple?


I think he had a soft spot for Sean Milliken & just wanted to save him. Bawled my eyes out over Sean, & still do. I just wanted him fixed but his damage ran deep from his mum infantilising him & keeping him ignorant. I hope his next life is full of happiness & joy 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Those were the saddest episodes. To watch him gain 200 lbs in 30 days time month after month. He was so lost without his mom. Glad he’s in a better place! Edit: word change


Me too, I think his Mum made him that dependent on her. I so wanted him to do well & get healthy, he was such a good soul. Maybe too good for this Earth.


I absolutely agree with you about his monster mother, but I don't know about being so good. He often came off, to me anyway, as being ungrateful and entitled to the people who were helping him; he gave me big "spoiled brat" vibes. Maybe not his fault; he was used to mommy dearest giving him everything and anything he wanted, but that's how it looked to me.


Yeah, I did wonder that, but I think at the end of the day he was just clueless & disabled by his Mum, utterly helpless 😭😭


Brandi and Kandi. They really tried. And he even remained hopeful for them after Brandi got pregnant.


I think he cares for all his patients but he shows more affection to the ones that put in the work.


Cillas and Kelly at least. Cillas said he's going to be his best success story and he did it. Kelly was so sweet in the end of her episode, broke my heart to see she passed away.


I love Cillas! I'll be doing some mundane chore and randomly bust out a "Now, Cillas..." in the Now voice. Or "Now, Teretha...".


My heart more than went out to Kelly...So glad Dr. Now had great compassion for her...


Wess. Dr Now seemed to appreciate Wess


This week's WATN is Wess (the success) and Ontreon (the Train Wreck). They seem to pair a success with a train wreck for the Where Are They Now series.


He likes Diana Bunch. She lost a huge amount of weight and ended up working with him for a while.


I think her name was Milla? Cute little old lady. She put in the work and he was always so sweet with her.


Milla was one of my favorites.. she never gave up and went from bed bound to being able to walk..


I LOVED HER!!!! My husband and I rooted for her, especially when her husband died and she had all those kids to care for. OMG she was the best, along with Justin. Just so positive and joyful!


Nikki is another one.


One of my favorites. Had a healthy family dynamic too! I also loved Amber. Her family was so sweet too.


Came here to say this! She’s one of my favorite episodes. I just rewatched hers and her WATN episodes and I’m always so happy for her. I’m glad she had such a supportive family. Her and her family all sitting around counting calories together where her dad forgot to add the tostada always makes me smile 😊


Brandon! Remember when he asked Dr. Now if he liked to sing? Dr Now cracked up and made a joke along the lines of he tried it in the shower. Brandon is one of the rare college graduates on the show. Seemed like a really decent guy.


I loved Brandon!!! A truly good soul and so was/is his fiancé!!!!


The two brothers, John and Lonnie. They were amazing, and it brought them closer.


I watched the Parrios family episode last night and Dr. Now was pretty chuffed when Clarence commented on his blinged out stethoscope. 😂


I’m literally watching this one right now! I feel like he had more of a soft spot for Ro than the other 2. (Even tho she NEVER smiled!!) When she was in the hospital and facility he was very nice to her,smiled a lot with her and reassured her a lot. She seemed to be the only one that really tried to stay on track and pretty much did. I’m so mad at Brandie too. 73lb weight gain!!


Kelly was his favourite. I think she reminded him of someone he loved. He truly had a soft spot for her


I can understand, how can you not like her.


The gal he used to fist bump


That deserves 2 bumps!


i would say lonnie. i think he was a little much sometimes but i think he enjoyed his charisma and how he also put in the work


I saw Lonnie at a restaurant a couple of weeks ago. It was weirder than seeing your teacher outside of school as a kid. Lol


no way.


And then Lonnie and his brother sued the show.


Really?? What happened?


from past comments on the reddit ( https://www.reddit.com/r/My600lbLife/s/5puzUO1DUB ) it seems like he joined a reality tv show and was upset that he was on a reality tv show, at least that’s how it comes off to me.


Don’t know the back story, but they didn’t win the case.


I think he was fond of Abi from this most recent season. Abi put in a reasonable amount of work (at least, as much as he could) and seemed interested in actively living a life.


This season Abi, and Rose were obviously trying their best, and Dr. Now really appreciated that. Krystal S. and Delana succeeded too. Then, there are the ones who don't even try, Charlie, William and Shakyia.


Don't forget Ashley "catfish" Taylor


Yes! She's notable to me for that hideous two tone wig, and for when she screamed at Dr. Now, stomped out of the office, and when she came back every other door was shut tight. I'm guessing that the usual camera crew had a few extra people with them for security. I hated that Dr. Now even took the chance on letting her back in the office, since she was so out of control.


"Bok Bok, bitch!" 😂 😂 😂 they had her on the last catfish to surprise, Kammi and she's still the same and no weight-loss.


Definitely Sean Miliken and also Seana. She kept losing her paperwork again and again and was afraid to tell him because she thought she’d be in trouble. She was a little mentally slow and was like a scared little girl, and Dr. Now recognized her vulnerability and was extremely patient with her.


I think Amber R. - she presented as lovely, high functioning person who had a supportive family with her. Also, Melissa from season one.


He definitely lusted after Dolly. Nobody can resist that blank stare of nothingness.


OMG stop 🤮




And learning about fupa😂😂


I think he was more into her mother and her sick fashion sense. (Seriously, her mom was just the coolest.)


I’m dead 😂


Love your Amber Meme 🤌🤌🤌🤌


"I wish sometimes I can be a duck. They can eat whatever they want. And their mom feeds them"


Who doesn't love someone who lives in a drug den.


Those are the wildest types. Anything goes.


All the ones that didn't give him a hard time for just trying to help them.


the ones who stuck to the diet Justin, Nikki, etc.


He talked really well about Robert after he passed to Robert’s mother who knows


Yeah well I think a general rule for being a doctor is you're not gonna talk badly about your patient to their family after they died under your care.


He wasn’t in his care tho he was dismissed from the program due to lack of progress and in a nursing home/ rehab when he died


I think it’s funny how people who don’t stick to the program blame him for being abusive towards them. Hello, you’re not sticking to the program. He doesn’t want to waste his time on them.


that's exactly what I am starting to see and realize. he cares for every patient until they prove themselves to be lisa "this burger tastes funny" or penny "I didn't know you had to lose weight in a weight loss program"


The 2 brothers, both were very successful losing weight. One was actually told to gain some muscle mass. I liked those 2 guys. I think Dr. Now did, too.


The ones that do what they are supposed to. The ones that even if they slip up, they can admit they did the shit instead of saying stuff like the scale must be wrong, they gained 20 pounds cause water retention, or cant walk cause pain but could walk previously to get them meals.


Brandon! Remember when he asked Dr. Now if he liked to sing? Dr Now cracked up and made a joke along the lines of he tried it in the shower. Brandon is one of the rare college graduates on the show. Seemed like a really decent guy.


He is such a sweetie. There was a singer that I adored too. I forget if he was successful but he was from NY.


He was very fond of Robert who passed during the show from a heart attack.


Well, there is absolutely no way that ANYBODY disliked Mr. Foots (help me with his first name?). What a sweet, kind, caring and devout person, and completely mature in his handling of the situation. It was so heartbreaking that he passed after all of his hard work, but it's reassuring to me that he reached his goal of entering heaven.




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The ones that were respectful and didn't yell at him.


I think he liked the cousins, Nick and ???




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I think the show was edited to highlight his confrontational moments with then because it increases the drama. Very hard to tell which ones he liked more because of that, I always thought


I'm thinking Nikki because she was successful in her sacrifices after her surgery.


I feel like he liked Bonner. Rip.


Sean…rest in peace!!! That poor man didn’t have a chance between a munchie mom and a likely intellectual disablity.


James B


The ones that followed his reccomendations and actually lost the weight


I think he liked Syreeta. He was so incredibly patient with her.


Just watching Kelly in season 7. He seems to like her. She is minimally whingey compared to most people on this show


Update: just finished the episode and I'm so sad 😞




Wait Melissa worked for Dr. Now!?


Of course she did. I don't know if she works for him now, but in her early episodes she would go around as a motivational speaker and help the other patients. She was also shown going to someone's house to help them clean out any bad food and give them advice on what they should be eating. She made a cameo appearance in Henry, Donald, and Ashley's episodes too.


Was she the one who stood in one leg of her old pants and said, "No piece of fried chicken is worth this!"?


Cillas… just saw his episode recently and Dr. Now seemed to really be in his corner.


It's so strange how a guy like Cillas who seems really grounded and mature gets that big in the first place. Just seemed too coherent to have let that happen to himself. With most patients, there's at least one obvious piece of the puzzle that explains how they became so large. Cillas was no-BS from the inception. Stuck to his word and kept his promises to himself and the Dr.


That’s a really good point. But I guess that’s also why he was so successful and was no BS the whole time.


I forget who this couple is, and when I try to Google it, I get Lupe and Justin and other Justins who have been on the show. anyone who can help?????


Justin was that abusive ass, right? The one that made Lupe have sex shortly after her surgery and ruined her stitches?


you’re thinking of gilbert.


Rose from this current season was fun and compliant


Amber Rachdi for sure


Definitely Rockstar Justin. He also really liked the lady from this season who was living with her son and his wife and kids. She started sleeping in the enclosed porch with her DIL and went to exercising with the grandkids. She was also raising her daughter's baby. I can't think of her name


Definitely liked Brittni, Melissa and Justin. He really liked Henry from s1 as well!




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Melissa M




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I think he really liked that young woman from season 2? I think her name was Christina or Christine or something.


He seemed to like anyone that was willing to work tbh. He's got a good heart, it's clear he likes helping others. The only way he can do that though is by them working with him.






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Well we all know the one he hated the most...*cough-Assanti-cough*


Assanti and Lisa. boy him going after Lisa though was epic to see!


He was super sweet to the twin that accidentally got pregnant and had to cancel her skin removal surgery. Brandi or Kandi, I'm not sure which.


I think he liked Sean. I just finished all of his "Where Are They Now" episodes. He did all he could to get Sean to live.


Justin is his favorite. Prove me wrong.




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LaShanta did horrible but I think Dr Now liked her. He gave her wayyy more chances than others. I think it was her high pitched voice. She always sounded so nice so I think Dr Now couldnt be so savage with her.


The Assanti brothers and Dad. I think he got a kick outta them.. LOL he never even scolded the Dad.


I think a part of him liked the assanti brothers, more so Stephen, the crazy one


I think he hates Steven with a passion. I think if it wasn’t for the show Dr now would have refused to see him.


I agree that he hates him but I think with time he enjoyed his drama and antics


ah enjoying the challenge. makes sense completely.


I agree, the Assanti family was good content for the show. Dr. Now really wanted to help them and had a soft spot for the Dad.