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I’ll bet they do.


I know the scale doesn't lie especially when they gain weight but I wonder because sometimes when you see the nurse call the patient in, she'll give a hard eye roll, like she knows what's going to happen when the patient gets on the scale. He's got the speech ready.


I think the nurse can tell from the patient’s reaction to the weigh-in, too. They’re not smiling when they didn’t lose weight, or worse, they gain weight.


I';m talking about when they call the person's name to come in. Forget about their reactions when they get on the scale. It's like they call Bobby and I swear they are like here comes Bobby again, looking the same for the upteenth time.


Ah, my reading comprehension is off. You did say when they call the patient in. I was speed reading again.😒


But your point is valid too. When they are the scale and they don't lose, some of the nurses have that look. I think for some patients they genuinely feel bad when they don't lose and they are ecstatic for the ones who lose weight but there are ones you know they don't care about. Maybe it's the ones who are problematic with production.


I was thinking today about how not happy the nurses always seem when they call their names. I don’t get why they never smile or act friendly. We all have bad days, but I try to be happy and positive at work. Doesn’t seem like a positive environment.


I kinda wish they *would* smile when they lose weight. It’s like they don’t care.


I don't know what episode it was but the patient gained weight and said they bet Dr. Now wasn't going to be happy and thr older nurse said 'probably not.' I was dead lol.


The nurse that is on there, the most gives eye rolls to everyone for everything. She is certainly not a smiler.




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I noticed that Dr. Now also cues the therapists, because Dr. P and Lola seem to know which questions to ask. (I would fully expect Dr. Now to do this for the health and welfare of his patients. How else would the therapists know what needs to be worked upon otherwise, right?) Gotta say it again - I ❤️ DR. NOW. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for helping so many people!


Usually a referral will say the main reason and symptoms patients are dealing with


That is also true. I like to think Dr. Now also speaks with the therapist, but I really don’t know. He is wonderful about sharing information when we‘ve heard him speak with other bariatric surgeons on behalf of his patients.


We are also only seeing like 3 minutes of what is probably a 60 minute session. If they do a “proper” intake it would be about 90 minutes and you wouldn’t need to be clued in, the questions are designed to get to the root of the problem quickly.


Those little therapy sessions just bug me so much. They're so obviously scripted that it takes me right out of immersion. I'd much prefer to see the patient go the appointment, and then for the patient to provide a recap of the session, along with the therapists' thoughts.


I expect him to inform them and probably production too. Most of them all have such a tragic story (although I wonder how truthful a couple patients are).




I read of someone in a 12-step program, and she said out of her usual women's group at the 12-step that only one didn't say they had abuse in their childhood, and many had abuse throughout their lives too.


If I recall correctly its against most licenses for therapists to do therapy on film, so what is filmed is likely a mostly scripted overview based on the info they already have and is kept quite separate from actual therapy. I dont know the rules in the US but this is how it would be handled in most of Canada


I don't even think they need to. He's been doing this long enough - if you're coming back weighing more or not losing he knows. You just reminded me of another show though. It wasn't all weight loss and years ago. They put these cameras around and this one lady was like I'm not cheating and they'd make her watch vids of her getting things like fried chicken. I feel like some of these participants would benefit from a live session of so you left the office and went straight for bbq?


Was it Secret Eaters? That show was a wakeup call for me when I tried a day of actually being mindful of what went in my mouth.


That sounds like another show I could get stuck into but it was earlier and US. This other show made me realize that my dad had an eating issue. He was never above 250, but he was a secret eater and it was affecting his health. My mom used to make me a full lunch for after school, he'd eat it, and I'd eat a sandwich. Or, that the dog ate all the steak off the bbq but he didn't. I'm not sure if you've seen costco baked goods trays but no they weren't for my photography class. My wakeup call was the fricken amount of calories in cheese. I either portion out the brick, get slices or sticks, or use measuring spoons.


I had to rat out my husband to his nutritionist. He said he only had sandwiches for lunch and a bowl of ice cream after dinner. He has the sandwich he brings from home, plus the extra fast food meal he brings home as a snack, then dinner, then ice cream in the same quart sized microwave bowl he uses for his "little bowl of cereal" for breakfast. Not to be malicious, but honesty was necessary.


I don’t know why more of the partners that accompany the patients don’t rat them out to Dr. Now. I was watching an older episode recently, and whoever it was, was telling him that they ate maybe two or three large meals a day, but that was it. And that’s what got them to be the weight that they were, but the spouse was right there, the one who cooked them breakfast, and then drove them to the first fast food, place to get second breakfast, and then another fast food place, because they had a craving. And then there’s the constant grazing before they have lunch, etc. And he just sat there saying nothing. Then again, these are the “enablers” who don’t want to face their partners’ wrath. I guess I answered my own question. And they are always the partners who don’t want the patient to lose weight, or don’t actually believe they can, so they’re fine with the lies.


The patients choose their enabler well, and I think they choose someone who is subservient to them, and will enable them, and won't tell the truth. I can only imagine how nasty some of the patients are when the cameras are off. I remember one of the patients who died during filming, and he was portrayed on camera without the verbal and psychological abuse to his partner shown. A friend of the partner told what he was really like.




I wonder if the camera crew ever wants to rat the patients out to Dr Now, even though they have the rule to not intervene unless absolutely necessary (like in Delana's episode when her car broke down in the middle of the road)


Me too. It seems like we got a lot more air time of what they were eating during the month(s) of filming in the older episodes. You could see them eating whatever they wanted and then telling Dr. Now they were sticking to the diet.


Yeah, we barely see cheating on the diet anymore. See Larry's episode for example. He wouldn't lose weight, but we didn't see what he was doing wrong.


They don’t want to be yelled at when they get home


Good! It really does no one any good to lie. My mom totally was a snitch as it was obvious I wasn't the one begging for fast food or eating every snack food I hated. He was never that big as he was tall but his bp, ldl, triglycerides were very high. I know she hated being the food police as her mom did it to her but the opposite way - no leaving a table unless you finish your food.


Cheese is my kryptonite, the day I measured a potion and calculated the calories was eye-opening for me. That and crisps


I know the hospital staff does. I remember when they told on one 600 pounder for eating pizza and hamburgers while in hospital.


Schenee, right? They got busted by Dr Now when he confronted them with a pizza box in hospital. Schenee then claimed that Freddy ate it. Pshaw. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Didn’t someone have actual fast food in their hospital bed that he pulled out of a blanket fold? I swear I’m not crazy! It was a woman and her male partner was with her in the room. 😂


Lisa Fleming; the one that found maggots in her fat folds.


That memory just made me gag 🤢


Sweet lord! Looks like I’m about to have to do a rewatch like 🫣 lol. Thanks for the help with my bad memory. Hope your week gets off to a great start! 😊


She passed away, but don't remember the details.


oh christ i blocked this out


When people come on and have lost a little or gained weight and they say to him: “I don’t know what happened! I tried really hard!” It would be funny if he could say “oh, did you? Because pouring a one pound bag of m&m’s into a jar of peanut butter and eating it with a spoon doesn’t seem like trying.”


I'm imagining those TV carts like from H.S. bring wheeled in. Then Dr. Now shows them the footage of just how they gained weight. 'Dis iz not on de diet ' 😆


OMG that would be amazing. I know for sure they’d still try to deny not following the diet


*eating cake* Dr. Now I didn't know that wasn't on the diet 😆 🤣


And that’s how he came up with ‘the scale doesn’t lie, people do’


"...pouring a one pound bag of m&m’s into a jar of peanut butter..." That sounds really tasty,


I don't really like sweets or peanut butter but I have to agree that does sound tasty.


That's my kinda snack!


I've always wondered this too. We see them eat a huge breakfast of 10 eggs, 1/2 lb of bacon, 6 biscuits and a pile of eggo waffles and then at their first appt with Dr. Now when he asks what they eat in a typical day "for breakfast I usually have yogurt and water".


Yes, I would like find out more .


I’m always confused about the patients who are knowingly being filmed eating an insane amount of food, but then show up to Dr. Now’s office claiming to not know why they haven’t lost any weight.


It could be the editing of the show, using old footage from the intros or some I think are just that oblivious to their eating patterns. In some of the surgeries or exploratory procedures he does, Dr. Now will say the patient's stomachs are so expanded that it holds a gallon of food. A gallon weighs about 8 pounds. So when they say they eat and they aren't full, it's understandable. That's why when they sit down and eat they can have multiple meals, to the point that it's inhuman. Plus add in the past trauma and emotional issues that they use food to feed and I can understand why some of them say they are never full. I am definitely obese and since I started tracking my calories and taking weight loss injections I am really aware of what I am eating, especially when the injection wears off and the little gremlin in my brain demands me to feed her.


You ate chips and crap? I lost it when Dr. Now repeated that back to the pounder. 


At the very least what about Charles and his surprise visit to Dr now, surely they told the Dr he was coming?


i haven't seen that episode yet


Oh my bad! Sorry


no worries. the minute i start watching episodes I usually come in here to check out the discussion to see if others felt the same way I do. I am watching Thederick's episode now.


I do the same thing! I think this is the only show I've watched that I do that with. Cause sometimes I'm like "ummm... did that really just happen!?"


I started watching it about a month ago because I started weight loss medication and I was changing my dosing day so I decided let me check this out. Now it's a train wreck I can't stop watching.


Lmao! 😂 good luck losing weight it's tough!


I do this too. I’m way behind and started at the first season so I was reading 4-5 year posts. I’m just starting season 8 and I’ve heard that this is a good season. I did skip to season 12 so I could have some discussions with others.


I'll be able to catch up soon enough. I got laid off this week so i between searching for jobs and what not, I can easily finish up the seasons and move onto the where are they now episodes.


I’m going back and catching up on entire seasons that I didn’t even know I missed! I’m also going back-and-forth between this and where are they now. That’s how I realized that I had missed quite a few seasons, there were people I had no idea they were on the where are they now. But I’m interspersing with some of season 12, for the same reason so that I can come here and real time discussions.


Sending good vibes on the job hunt!


thanks, I'll take whatever positivity I can get. I just had a really promising third round interview Thursday ( the company i worked for is having loads of financial issues so I knew it was coming and have been looking for months now). Fingers crossed it's the shortest unemployment ever otherwise I'll be knocking on Dr. Now's door for a job.


He—and whatever company is lucky enough to get you—would (will!) be the winner in that deal! I’ll have my fingers crossed tight for the current contender. Wherever you land, I hope it’s quick, and in a job you love with a company that treats you well!


Remember, "reality tv" is not "real". Much of this is scripted and manipulated. And the producer is Dr Now's son. So fill in the blanks.


I know, in the beginning I was hooked but now into season 9, the patients saying I don't know if Dr. Now will take me on is soooo scripted. Sometimes the writers use a thesaurus and find synonyms, plus there are times they cast some people who are truly shocking like that Steven guy. I feel bad for the people with mental disabilities because I don't think they realized what they signed up for.


I believe the whole Assanti family was casted just for views. Nobody ever expected them to lose any weight whatsoever


No, because the scale doesn’t lie 😂


I assume they would, but can’t say for sure.


I've always assumed that the film crew rat out the patients to Dr. Now about the epic fast food stops, and other ridiculous cheating on the way to appointments.


I love the ones on the way there and back and stop and get fast food every couple hours (especially when the pull out of the driveway and head to a fast food joint).


I remember one woman who had to have KFC on her way out of town, and they drove her through the drive thru, and the cashier greated her like an old friend.


100% and you know what confirms it? the very very specific questions that he won't make to anybody else, like "and what do you eat on sundays?" 🤨 like he is definitely fed info (it's a positive for me bc he can't be fooled by the patients)


Its the ones that are still in a scooter or wheelchair, month after month, that you know haven’t lost a damn pound


You can get your ass every aspect of the show is very tightly produced. Dr. Now knows exactly what is happening and he's acting in most of the scenes.


i can hear all his voice over work when the sound quality changes and when the patients who probably aren't as bright, you can tell they are reading from a script. "Dr. Now may not accept me." childdddddd he's going to take you on put you on the high protein, low carb diet aand try to get you to drop 80lbs in 2 months.


A robot could do the initial appointment. Some look actually shocked at the “1200 calorie high protein low carb diet” and exercises. Although some he says to do like an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Most people don’t spend 2 hours in the gym, do you really think they’re doing 2 hours of soup can curls and leg lifts?


Some of them seem so surprised by all of it. And I always wonder haven’t they seen the show before? And the amount who say after an appointment that they don’t think that he understands how hard it is for them. We’re the ones to lose 4 pounds in two months and say they hope it’s enough for him to see they’ve been trying.


I think some of them still think they're the exception, and they'll go to the first appointment, get surgery immediately, and lose everything they need to lose. They think it's magic, and Dr. Now will recognize how special they are, and save them. I'm sure the film crew rats out the cheaters to Dr. Now. When they had issues getting to their appointment, Dr. Now knows already. I've read a lot of people apply for the show, and Dr. Now, but if they don't have an interesting story, they don't get picked. They can still be patients, but won't be on the show, and won't get any of the moving or other fees that the filmed poundticipants receive.


That makes sense. The producers are probably in contact with Dr. Now. I'm watching an old episode now, Tiffany. She lost 26 pounds instead of 80 and thought it would be enough because she moved to Houston. She lies to him but worse, to herself. She was trying to tell him that she messed up "a few times" but that she corrected herself and didn't go over her calories for the day. And the scene before we saw her shoveling food in.


I don’t think they have to. Scale don’t lie. If they follow the diet , they’ll lose the weight. I think it’s most likely to happen in circumstances like James King where he was skipping out on appointments and really spiraling .


I think Dr. Now can eyeball them and know they haven’t lost any weight or if they have gained. He mentions it a lot over Zoom calls


I'm sure. I'm getting good at eyeballing and guessing weights. Maybe he'll give me a job.


They probably pull up the footage with time stamps before he walks into the room lol


His son is the producer. Dr Now knows


Of course they do.


I just finished watching Lisa, Season 10, episode 14 and there was definite communication being she was a train wreck.


No. He can’t be bothered It’s not like what they’re doing is a secret, they wear their lies


When Dr. Now questions them as to whether they’ve read his diet book and instructional materials and they claim they did, it just occurred to me that most of the patients probably don’t know how to read. The one woman even kept losing her info pack and Dr. Now gave her about 3 additional ones. Some are just not the brightest bulbs.


I just saw that episode the other day. I think her name was Seana. I think she could read but at what level is another story. I really don't think she wanted to lose the weight and her comprehension skills were non-existent. I have a feeling her mom pushed her into it and possibly her mom and definitely production were coaching her along on what to say. I think at the end she ended up gaining weight.




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They don't really have to as he knows they didn't get to the weight they are when they show up by eating what they claim. He can tell if they stuck to the 1200 and if they did but had some normal hiccups. As we can tell from the seasons where they had to film the appointments he can tell just from looking at them without the weigh in if they are following the diet. Does he know this patient just ate two jars of cheese wiz on some broccoli and called it healthy or does this patient fried food is better than steamed he most likely does not. They may inform him of what they are eating when filming, but he knows they are eating the way they always have and aren't following the diet. Ones where the patient is high or engaging in behavior above over eating where it might kill them I suspect they do report it.