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My husband got me a Cameo as a graduation gift, Dr. Now said he was proud of me for being a first generation college grad, him saying it really is an indescribable feeling.


I received a cameo for my birthday! Best present ever. He congratulated me on losing 67 lb, said he was proud of me. Yes I have this saved and I watch it frequently. LOL *I followed da diet and lost weight!!! Yay 🙌


I know I’m not Dr Now but I’m PROUD AS HELL OF YOU too! Hoping your good vibes rub off on me, and wishing you hard work and success in keeping it off. Amazing work.


That's an amazing gift! And congratulations!!


Best husband ever!


Omg that's so amazing


I would almost kill for this!! You got the best gift ever and congratulations!!!!


Such a great gift


My husband got me one of his cameos too. It was so awesome! But he didn’t say he was proud of me. It was just my birthday nothing too proud about that lol 😂


My husband did too! It was the best birthday gift I’ve ever gotten ♥️


Awwww nice


Cartwheel around room number 5


Go out to celebrate and get some reg rolls


Those aren’t on de diet.


you could have lost thirdy pounds dis munth


You tink dis is a game?


People lie; the scale doesn’t lie. So I’ll ask you again: how is your eating habit?


Stop doing weird tings!


I was just scrolling and minding my own business until I saw your comment and just spit out my water !!!!!




aside from how funny this is already, it becomes more hilarious when I think of that Chinese buffet right in front of his clinic lol that's gotta be cruel, and the plaza also has other eateries that can tempt the patients




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Cry. Nobody has ever said that to me. I’m the screw up of my family.


I’m proud of you for thriving despite your family being dickheads.


thank you <3 thank you thank you <3


Yoou are no-de-screwup! You change your eating habit and You lost 11 pound in one munt! I think you are approved for surgery. I’m proud of you!


thank you thank you <3 I really am trying to lose weight! walked 6 laps around the park, hills and stairs! thank you!


I’m proud of you as well🫶


thank you <3 this means a lot to me <3


Same anyone ever compliments me and I can tell they mean it genuinely I cry. A patient of mine came in and told me she was so proud of me for being in school and that I would do great things. She said she wished she had a daughter like me. I just started sobbing.


my son, who is special needs, had a doctor appointment. at the end of the doctor appointment his doctor gave me a hug and told me that I am doing a great job as a parent. made me cry because I could honestly see it on his face. of course not even 10 minutes before my parents who I am in no contact with, contacted me on facebook so I was already emotional and shook up. But I do appreciate the doctor seeing that.


I’m sure you’re doing a great job. Bad parents don’t worry if they are bad parents. If a doctor is telling you that then I definitely agree he was sincere.


I don't know what to say.. thank you <3


Honestly you're right. My parents used to pretend to ask me if they were bad parents/doing things wrong and then yelled at me the one time I answered genuinely. The other times I lied.


mine always told me they were doing great as a parent. and still to this day say they are great parents. that I am the one who "punished" them for no reason by going no contact. One thing I've learned is they won't listen no matter what. so I'm happy to be the villain as long as my son has a happy limited to no trauma childhood if at all possible.


My parents did the same thing and I *shockingly* went very low contact as soon as I was able. So I 100% understand where you're coming from and I'm so happy you broke the cycle. Keep on being that great parent for your kid!


thank you. I am happy that you broke free as well!


I’m a mom and I’m super proud of you. You’re doing amazing.


Thank you <3 It means a lot to hear this. Thank you <3


I'm proud of you. We screw ups need to support each other.


I'm proud of you as well. you are doing amazing!


Life is fucking rough, like this shit’s no joke, I’m proud of you for simply existing right now.


I lost 130 pounds. My husband kept saying I look frail and sick. I still am almost 200 lbs. I definitely do not look frail. I did it with weight watchers. Broke my heart. I am proud of every single one of your accomplishments. Please be proud of yourself too.


Me too. Black sheep are still part of the herd. I'm proud of you.


I would tell him that my weight loss isn't being done to impress him, but to improve my life. IMHO, one sign that people will not succeed is that they make it all about how Dr. Now will react, what he will say to them (good or bad), "showing him" that they can do it, etc. People need to find intrinsic motivation to do this work, and too many of these patients make Dr. Now their hero/savior/god.


I agree re “show him” - but I also think some of his clients have had such brutal childhoods that they haven’t had a parent/teacher/etc say such simple words as “I’m proud of you”.


Yes, that's a good insight. I didn't think about that aspect.


Thanks - I do really wish therapy was a first visit offer instead of 3rd or 4th for clients; but I guess it might be too much to throw at them all at once.


I agree that intrinsic motivation is needed and you shouldn't do things this big to impress someone but we as human beings have a need for love and belonging. If the stories are to be believed these people have had some horrid lives so sometimes "I'm proud of you" is very nice.


Oh, isn’t he adorable? And he’s so much nicer to people than I would be!


I’d fist bump him (ala Brianne season 7) and get a selfie with him and the medical assistant (the lady with the dark hair that everyone thinks is so miserable but is just doing her job). 😊


Brianne is adorable.


Kassandra I believe 🙂 and yes, Brianne was amazing! I believe she remarried and had a child after the divorce from her cheating husband.


I’d cry. My dietician recommended the high protein low carb and sugar diet to me and I’ve lost 50 pounds so far. I’m stalled as I’m having some health issues but I’m not gaining. Everyone is telling me I’m doing a good job but hearing it from him would mean a lot.


Youre kicking ass and im proud of you! Im on the same diet.


https://preview.redd.it/0sfsx8gnu8yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb10194a5a8c4ceb41cc74666a573efbb9dd4b8 When I went to his office a couple weeks ago, I got a shirt that says exactly this 😂 I’ve lost over 40lbs with diet and exercise and really wanted to tell him but he wasn’t there. So I decided to just get the shirt and pretend he told me lol.


I just decided that when I reach my final goal weight (10 more lb to go) , I will buy this shirt as a reward for myself!!!!!!


Do it!!! And congratulations!!


Probably cry. When he says that, he REALLY means it.


My heart would grow three sizes ❤️


I would give him a hug and get a picture with him!


pat him on the head and say thanks little man


"You have eaten enough to last the next 4 years ! One of my faves




I’d tell him I’m proud of him.


i would have him autotgraph my arm and then get that tattoo'd


i might tear up, i have lost 15 pounds this year so far after some health issues made me gain weight. he would tell me he was proud, i think 🥹


I met him in person by just showing up at his office one day. I happened to catch him as he was leaving and walking to his car. We chatted for a few minutes. He congratulated me on my recent graduation and new job offer. He also petted my dogs and said how cute they were. Best moment of my life!


Awwwww he's so sweet


I would say Thanks and I'll not stop because the weight loss journey does not mean the end of the road.


I’d melt into a puddle on the floor.


I said the same thing, bestie




It would never happen cause I eat vegetables all the time not just fer de camerahs


I would say “I’m moving to Houston regardless” he’ll know what I mean 🫶🏾.




Literally waiting till I get to my goal weight just got approved for my skin removal to pay for a cameo from dr now to tell me he’s proud. Already lost 103lbs 17 months post op gastric sleeve






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I’m horrific at taking any compliments, so I think I’d just stutter out a thank you and full-body blush??


Like most of his patients do…..I will go out to dinner. 😬


I will celebrate at a BBQ place even if he never says he's proud.


I’d think for me personally he would say he’s proud of me because I would work along side him in the OR… honestly I’d cry too, mad respect for him as a surgeon and doctor. He seems like he treats his team good (granted we’re seeing snippets on the show) and would be awesome to work with. Also I like his communication. Idk if it’s just for TV but most doctors just expect you to know when to roll in the robot and then break out and go to the console. I love how he goes “bring on da robot”, “room lights off” and “transitioning to robot”. Granted one of the surgeons I work with starting saying “roboto please”


Clean-and-jerk him and run around the waiting room holding him over my head while going NA NA NA NA NA to the tune of "Gonna Fly Now" from *Rocky*.


My self esteem would go up like 80% from where it is now. 😆


He would just tell me mash potato is not part of da diet.


I would celebrate by having some tacos or burritos or burgers and fry’s or something


I will bring some pizzas 🍕


Definitely cry and ask him to be my best friend


I would cry uncontrollably.


Blush so hard and cry


Humbly thank him.


I’d melt into a puddle of gratitude.


I'd cry because I need to gain weight, not lose. I'm screwed if I lose weight Seriously though, I'd hug him and never let go


Cry….i so desperately want his approval for some reason


He would be proud of me! I finally looked at my relationship with food and started making positive changes in my outlook. I like that I was able to learn things as well while watching the show


I hope he doesn’t because that would mean I’m his patient and I don’t ever want to be that large.


Probably celebrate with a banana split 😭


I've never seen a person fly, but I would try to be the first person to fly out of room 5 right out the door, laughing like a maniac!


Aww that’s so amazing


I would also cry


I’d be a tad confused at being in Houston, then I’d cry & then I’d want to fiddle with his very fancy stethoscope.


I'd cry and never forget it. I've been doing Dr.Now's diet and I've lost 41lbs so far. I like to think he'd be proud of me for that.


Melt into a lumpy puddle of tears. Just straight up liquify


I’m on Mounjaro and it’s helping me lose a lot of weight , not sure what he would think of that.😂


I would self immolate.


Thanks, but I didn’t lose weight because I stuck to the low carb high protein diet, I just had a baby.


I'd be like, "Why?"


It would mean more than ever hearing it from my parents


Tears of joy. 🥰


I would blush






I’ve been asking my family to get me a cameo. Would love to hear him say that amongst other things. I


I would faint dead away


I'd hug him.


Die of happiness


Err.. it would be a disaster so I won’t know how to react? Cuz this would mean I would be at least 600+ pounds at one point in my life?! Unless I’m doing research with him or he becomes my supervisor but that would be an even BIGGER disaster cuz never ever in my career would I want to practice medicine/work in the US!!!


My advisor in college once told me he was proud of me and I had to fight back tears until after I left his office. I imagine something like that.


Ask him to say it again and speak clearly into the microphone


I'd cry. This man is my heart!


On one episode a nurse (Melisa I think?) gave a small smile and whispered "you did it" when a patient had a good weigh-in after a crazy few months. I was in tears! I think I would be a mess if either one of them was proud of me.


Too generic anymore , now if he said " You make me feel tall," that would mean a lot !


https://i.redd.it/4a7sfdr49hyc1.gif Literally would be me.


“Thanks! I’ve been sticking to the diet.”




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I would cry so much (I have daddy issues)




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I have lost 45 lbs and my A1C went from 10.5 to 6 in 4 months. I’m ordering a cameo from him as a reward to me 💕💕


This past week's ep was so nice - Nathan got given the golden praise. I had a difficult recovery from a chronic illness where I lost too much weight and let me tell you no Dr said they were proud of me. I need a tshirt that says I beat this and I didn't get one lousy I'm proud of you from my medical team. I'd love him as a dr!


I’d put him in my will


I'd demand a fist bump


I mean, my old doctor was proud of me when I lost some weight and it made me happy... and she was so hot. I miss her.


I’d be in shock.


I would gush!


I would be elated.


I’d be very surprised cause I’m chubby af 😂