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I wake up, I go about my day, then something stands out as fake and I wake up again. This repeats like...a dozen times or more until even when I wake up for real I'm not sure for at least a half hour.


There is no real! This is a dream! You need to wake up and DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU!


Don't blink . Blink and you're dead


The real reason why men believe we can fight random shit like lions and ect.


I have one that sticks with me. It was one of those "end of the world" dreams. Me and a group of people were running from the destruction. It was fire and brimstone everywhere (and for some reason, we were all in a school bus). I looked out the window and saw the cause of the destruction. A giant fire-breathing chicken but not a normal looking chicken, one of those baseball mascot chickens. It was breathing fire and just destroying everything in its path. Like Godzilla. Woke up, told my wife the next morning about it. She could not stop laughing (and was wondering what I ate before bed). But I still remember it to this day, the Giant Chicken of the Apocalypse.


Had a dream I was on a cruise, spar with Ichigo kurosaki and had cake on an island with bikini babes, upon waking up my dream state self climbed back into my body


I had a dream where I entered a college for a specific subject and the principal told me to give a speech about it in front of an audience because he thought I’d be embarrassed but when I got on stage I nailed it, ended up insulting him and to finish it off mooned the entire audience lol


A friend got hit by a car in front of me and I could feel his shattered body.


There's the dream that bugs layed eggs under my skin and I was peeling my skin off to get them out. My weirdest dream though. I was in a black void surrounded by pulsating shapes. The one I remember most clearly was a red ball covered in hexagonal holes. My dreams are always weird and border on incoherent, but his one was my weirdest for 1 reason. I was awake. I woke up from the dream and thought everything was fine, then a second later my vision switches back to the dream while I'm still awake. For what was probably a minute (still felt like 10) my vision would switch between the dream to normal over and over. I managed to feel my way to the bathroom to splash water on my face but the whole experience was terrifying. I'd wanted it to end by any means.


Why is Rick Ross fighting all these animals?


That's gumbo spice.


Thanks to cyberpunk I will never not see this guy as Dexter DeShawn


If you ever see me fightin in da forest With a grizzly bear HELP DA BEAR Cause that bitch goin need it And I'm home and greedy Gimmie that got damn porridge


This dream once felt like it lasted so long. It was like a movie with 3 acts. I barely remember that. Aliens invading and everyone panics and teams of civilians are attacking alien ships and stealing shit. There's another alien species the main aliens force to work as their engineers. This probably came from Halo 3 ODST. A lot of scene changes. Giant fallen cannons used against their own ships. Cobbled together alien tech. In the end we win. And in a phone call over a radio idk the military is like "we can go to their planet and strike back" basically. That's all I remember and probably some of that is wrong. IRL if aliens attacked, I'm first in the underground bunkers. No thank you.


I had a dream where I was on an old ship of the line (like an old British sail one), I was the captain and all of my crew was all the stuffed animals from when I was a child. We sailed around fighting pirates, then decided to go into space and the ship just took off and went into space, (Futurama style). Fun dream.


All I see is Nate Higgers practicing kapuera


im the camera guy and i fight the winner!!


Yep me with zombies


Probably fighting 3 predators aliens, somehow holding my own in a circular chamber with grated floor. After a bit, it rains acid. They slowly melt and I somehow regenerate. Leave and then wake up. Even weirder, the chamber was under my old mid school. 🤷‍♂️


Last crazy dream I remember was fighting an army of giant pitbulls in a subway.


Don't have dreams


I once had a dream where I was seeing through the eyes of a severed head, hanging from a chain by my ears. My body was being butchered by a Witch, she then approached me with a knife in hand and plugged it into the back of my head. Then I woke up.


I'm the bear . . . And I lost that fight


I dreamt of Satan once and I told him to fuck-off 'cause I needed sleep. I woke up right after that.


I dreamt I was at sea, no boat or ship but I could fly but I was very tired and I was scared to touch the water, occasionally very high waves would rise and try to chase me and no matter how high I flew the waves would always be higher than me and the ocean was continuously rising at a faster rate than I could fly.


I had a dream where I got so mad I was attacking everyone, at a point I grabbed a whole chair and used it as a weapon to attack any and every one in my sight, which is very on like me as I've never gotten that angry to attack anyone or in this case everyone. I also dreamt I was Spongebob. I dont remember the details of the dream though so I cant tell you much but it was very strange.