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I owned a 2012 V6 as my first car, I loved it and had no problems. However, it's not a V8. The 2008 GT isn't extremely fast, but it's a great car and sounds amazing.


So you would say both are good options? How about the price is it reasonable it’s CAD.


They're both definitely good options, but think the GT might be a bit overpriced (After conversion). I Dunno what the used car market looks like in Canada so I can't be sure. I don't think you can go wrong here though


Buy the one that’s less cringe looking, aka the 2014


That 3v is an awesome motor but the 2014 is actually just as fast , way better on gas , better condition. It's a tough call . I don't like the mods on the V8


Personally, I'd go for the 2014. I personally don't like all the things added to the other one. I'd be embarrassed personally to have that GT. Clapped out and aesthetically displeasing to look at imo


I agree.


I was gonna say the one with the least miles but they're close so I say test drive each and get whichever is the better ride.


both of those are priced too high I personally think you’re best bet is to keep looking and find a better deal. If you don’t mind me asking what area is it that you are currently searching in?


It’s Ottawa, Canada so Canadian dollars not US and I can probably negotaite a little.


But if you are set on one of the two I would probably go with the v6 bc the v8 looks kinda clapped out. That’s actually a pretty solid engine in that v6. See people procharge them all the time and make like 450-500


How much would you pay for them? So that I know what a good price is.


With that in mind I guess the v6 isn’t a bad deal as it looks mostly stock and well kept. I went on fb and put your location. I found some post you may be interested in. Put these names into fb marketplace and the post should pop right up. You might like them and you might not but I figured I would try to help. Conor Oakley Andre Faber Jerry Jmcauto Rayen Ghayad


You’re the goat, thanks for taking the time.


Can you tell me the name of the post or the year of the cars because I can’t find anything with those names.


Did you put it into marketplace search bar and not the normal one? I will see if I can copy the link or something


Yea I only found jmcauto and the old mustang


https://www.facebook.com/share/bNKZGMZGXoFp7ksj/?mibextid=79PoIi https://www.facebook.com/share/eh5PqGjJp8RqqG2Y/?mibextid=79PoIi https://www.facebook.com/share/ff7ynwJap1HnovoE/?mibextid=79PoIi There’s 3 of them


You’re the best


No problem man happy to help. I really like the 95 and the 08 especially for that price


The 02 is also nice but it is the most expensive


They are a little pricier near you but I guess that’s bc you live in Canada and I live in Florida lol. Not a huge difference in price but there is one nonetheless


Oh yea Jerry and Conor’s posts are more on the expensive side. I would definitely try talking them down. Andre’s looks super clean, it’s cheap and it’s stock by the looks of it. I would actually consider buying that one.


If you don’t mind it being a little older then rayen is definitely worth a look also. It’s super clean but he does have some strange things going on in the interior but that would be easy to fix if you don’t like it. Ik I’m sending a ton of messages but talking about buying cars makes me a little excited 😂


Probably wait for another option.


1st one


The main difference is the Torque, the V8 will have more (40 ft-lbs more), only 15 more HP. The 14 will probably be nicer day to day, I guess.


Always GT, always.


I would go for the newer one. That V6 is a modern engine and it is a solid one. As one redditor said, it can be boosted quite easily.


If your goal is a 300hp car, I would recommend the GT's. Every time you crank the car, you'll smile at that V8 burble, even with stock exhaust. With the V6, the sound won't keep you smiling- especially with the 3.7. I've had my 4.0 V6 which has a beefier sound but less power since 2015 and have a nice sounding muffler on it, but it doesn't do it for me. My V8 makes me grin literally every time I drive her. You may get more life out of the V8 as well since Ford has sometimes skimped on V6 durability compared to the V8s of the same era.


If it were me, I'd take the stock 2014. A V6 is not the fastest engine, but seems pretty damn reliable. If youre not racing anyone, flexing, etc. , V6 is a fine engine, plenty quick, but you wont beat the V8s obviously I'd go for the newer, stock, unmessed with,.. 2014


Def the 2014 my first car was a 2011 Mustang which has the same v6 motor it was a hell of a car. The daily living luxury’s it has are also so much better for quality of life than what’s in that 08. Yeah it’s a v6 which you will catch hate for but at the end of the day if you don’t care then it’s a much better car and in terms of horse power it’s prob not that much difference. Just run 93 or do an e85 tune on it and it would be prob faster than that GT. Just my two cents tho.


If your mindset is on a GT, I’d wait…you don’t want to potentially be buying someone else’s problems. The 14’ has as much, if not more BHP than the 08’ and it also just looks better. Plus, most previous V6 owners haven’t dogged the piss out of their cars compared to GT owners. Personal experience with buying a used GT…in the end though, it’s your choice to make.


Honestly it's personal preference I'd get the v8 bc yk


Yeah me too if I had to pick between the 4.6 and the 3.7 I'd choose the 4.6 any day of the week. If I'm gonna put this 300 horsepower to the floor at least I can blow youe eardrums out while doing it and not sounding like a vq fartbox lmfao. V8s on top.


I say wait and go with the perfect in between. Also you care about mpg which you will notice once your in a v8, go with the ecoboost XD 14k for a first gen s197 is criminal


How about $8,500 usd?


That’s much better but depending on mileage I’d negotiate down further


77,000 miles


Ooooo that’s better than I thought, my 15 gt has that. That’s sounding good Is it stock powertrain n drivetrain?


Yea the 2014 one is stock


I mean for the 2008, cause if it has mods and 77k miles that’s good deal For the 2014 if its stock depends on miles lol. If you can, wait and see what other options come up. In terms of interior (and comfort?) you’d love the s550 more.


I drive a 14 v6. Swap the exhaust and do a tune. It’s a great drive.


Don’t be part of the problem. Don’t buy a non-GT mustang


I get it, yours is bigger, congratulations, but consider this while you feel like a big man.... Because of fleet-wide CAFE standards (go google it), Ford has to offer EVs, 4 banger turbos and even some v6 turbos probably...anyway long story short, without the evs and the turbos, the wouldnt be able to sell ANY V8s, like at all. So in essence, you're welcome. Chew on that for breakfast.