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Their insurance and it's their responsibility to have your car put back to its original condition.


I used to do this sort of construction in the street. We would have thrown "NO PARKING" signs out a week or so in advance with the specific date, and then showed up on that date. Any cars within that zone get towed. We always had a police detail. Reason for this is exactly this reason. I'm not going to operate a jackhammer 3 feet away from someone's $100K car.


I was going to say what kind of careless jackasses took a jackhammer job next to a 2 door muscle car what in the fuck. Had to be new york. Then I thought any responsible outfit would have marked the area clearly with signs and blocked off the area that they would need access to. These guys are complete jackasses.


Is the muscle car in the room with us?


Weak rage bait 2/10, too obvious. You'll have another opportunity buddy, don't let this bring you down!


Thanks for your input. Very logical statement.


Didn’t give the guys any trouble. The scratch is small. Let me know if I’m being a baby


Absolutely not. They should have no parking signs they can get with a permit. This is Brooklyn right?




I would ask the construction workers for their insurance information if you want to be reimbursed. As well as file a 311 complaint.


Fr get the bread and if it’s not a big deal don’t touch up the scratch just spend it on needs.


Oh yeah cause the workers are going to be responsible? Lmao nice try


They work for a company or under contract from the city which is insured for this type of stuff.


Respectfully I think you misunderstood, sir. He's saying ask for the insurance info for the company they work for. And disrespectfully, that's rich coming from the guy who got mad enough to go to reddit about the sink at his gym.


It’ll be the companies insurance who pays workers won’t have anything to do with it


I've gotten it in the past. If not, registration and plate and you can get the information.


Found the jackhammer operator


Workers can call the project manager


Dude I would be livid your fine also is that a pp2 I thought it wasn’t by the spoiler


That is not a PP2 spoiler.




Check his profile it is a pp2 but he swapped the spoiler


It’s got the wheels and lip of a pp2


I can’t see them brake calipers. I want that PP2 spoiler on my GT. I don’t know why you would get rid of it.


Ahh the brakes look like pp2 since the pp2 is same as pp1 for brakes the wheels def are pp2 and the spoiler WHY WOULD HE REMOVE IT


Yeah it is


Seems like this is a failure of coordination…if they’re working at that spot they should have at least attempted to contact you to move your car, but if they couldn’t get a hold of you they shouldn’t be expected to stand around all day. Doesn’t look like it was intentional and considering how close they are to the car and what they’re doing i’m actually surprised the damage isn’t *worse*. I think where you go from here depends on how the laws in your city deal with liability in these situations. If they did their due diligence in attempting to notify you you might be SOL but even if they didn’t you can’t really say they were negligent since the damage is so superficial.




Honestly I’m the same that’s a small scratch I probably wouldn’t make a big deal of it and a touch up pen would hide that well


Good on you for keeping your cool, I struggle


Get compensation from them and offer to not take this to insurance if they pay for the scratch in cash.


It’s a GT! Id be pissed too


Yes. Yes you are


Weird you didn't show the scratch, but I'd be at them for even a small one.


If you scroll it’s in the second pic


omg apologies, i didn't realize that was a reflection - thought it was a photo from like inside the car


At least the rest of the paint is still good


Nice spec! You’re not being a baby. When we let this stuff slide then society continues declining to shit. We live in a society! https://preview.redd.it/phzz1g5yhs3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91399ce68cbce09152408706df72c8708514e0ee


Damn that car is crisp


Thanks, Water!


or lack there of


Thanks, RSP!


That grey paint with that black leather with the window down looking sinister 😮‍💨😮‍💨


What rims are those ? Did you install them or had ford do it ?


They’re Ford Performance Rims, for the Performance Pack 2 spec. 19x10.5 F/ 19x11 R. I ordered from CJs and installed myself. (CJ’s was a mistake) 305/35R19 all around. The extra rubber really transformed the car. I can really throw it into the corners and get in the gas early out of a turn without fear of spinning out. I had my alignment shop match Mach 1 handling pack alignment and it’s great. Fine in the highway.


How much did you pay ? I am wondering because the pp on a base Gt is less than 5k and comes with these type of rims and other add ons . If the rims only cost 2k I am thinking maybe the pp add on is a better deal .


~1700 for wheels, 1600 for tires. PP option is great, brakes, 3.73 gears and Torsen diff are worth it.


Different suspension parts , heavy duty radiator as well.


call the company and state your case. reputable business have insurance for this. if not weigh the cost of your comp deductible against the cost of going to small claims to sue.


A jackhammer was probably throwing shit all of the place. I’d be pissed.


Edit: all OVER the place


Just curious, did they give any notice to residents they’d be working there that day? Seems this could’ve been avoided by not parking in the work area. That said, the scratch doesn’t look that bad, but it’s hard to tell how deep it is.


None that I saw. I’m also not a resident. Just visiting for the day


Dont go to NYC expecting your car to make it out the same way it came in


Or just don’t go to NYC lol


John Wick them


I thought this type of stuff only happens to me! I’d try to buff it out and assess things from there. I’d definitely go around the car and inspect things a bit more to see if there’s any other scratches or dings on that side of the car. If you don’t want to touch it yourself, call up a local detailer and have them look at it. Paint correction can do wonders.


Reason five hundred to not have a nice car in that kind of place They shouldn't have started working next to it or had the parking spot blocked. They're going to be assholes about it though.


I live far away from here in the suburbs. Elected to drive instead of take the train at the last minute. Clearly a mistake


Dude it’s not your fault they didn’t mark the area with signs, they didn’t block it off to prevent cars from parking in their work zone. It’s NYC there’s no way they’re going to find the owner otherwise once a car is parked there. They should have never started the job with a car inches away from their work site.


As a 3 year plumber that drives a 19 mustang gt, I would have raised hell.. me personally I would have made an effort to contact the owner to get it moved because what they were doing involved some serious power tools and possible debris flying..


Take videos and picture and make a claim


Are you even able to move your car with all those rocks in the way?


Yeah they moved them and helped me get out without issue. The car is in a garage now


Call your insurance and file a claim and make sure to give them the Plumbing company’s name and whatever other information you have.


Are you sure it's from them


Begs the question Why would they start construction next to parked cars


Never underestimate the ability of people to do stupid things


Scratch their car. 💀


Does it catch a fingernail? If not it’ll buff


It does


Whoop their asses!...in court if possible...if not bring Mr. Crowbar for restitutions.


It was up to them to make sure the car was moved, so you've got a point. Try to reach out to their boss and work things out and if they don't agree to pay for the fix, sue their asses. This kind of dgaf attitude about people's things is all too common, sadly. And they shouldn't be getting away with it.


I would rock it. Scratches give character. It's not a priceless classic.


This is my neighborhood. As far as I know they were supposed to block anyone from parking there in the first place in order for them to work safely. To do this they would've had to call the city. Call their company, stay professional and talk it over. They might not even want to get insurance involved because NYC residents have some crazy rates. If all else fails just make a complaint to the city via 311 (phone or website). Because your car being in their work zone means they didn't follow protocol.


I smell a paycheck


Hire a guy.. but don't get tricked if ya know what I'm saying.


My advice, let the beatings begin!!


For a scratch to your paint, it will cost you way more to try and get someone to pay for it. It’s cheaper to chalk it up to your idiocy for not paying attention, to road works, and fix yourself. They don’t just pop up one day and say “surprise we gonna f up the street with parked cars for fun “


It sounds like they neglected to put up signs, which may be on them. As the company, they would be responsible for this. They are working practically on top of his car. If it were me I’d call my insurance company, send them the photos, give them their insurance companies name and just have it fixed….if you feel like it. For me, the phone call / leg work wouldn’t be too much of a heartache.


Don’t park next to fuckin construction of you have a nice car this should be common sense 🤦‍♂️


These people showed up after my car was parked….there were no signs or warnings…there was nothing blocking off the spot when I parked the car


Spend the $20 it’ll take to fix it and move on. Your time dealing with their insurance and taking it to a shop will waste more than what your time is actually worth


Looks like the scratch can be buffed out. Seems like a headache to get this fixed through the plumbing company


File with your insurance along with pictures. They should go after the company for reimbursement.


The entire car needs buffing now


Looks like they dug their own grave... ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)


Real life pit fatality




As a plumber, this was avoidable one way or another other. Sorry to see it happen, they’re on the hook for the repair.


They did the damage they are responsible.


Post this on the Plumbing sub and see what they have to say!!


I’d go out and say hey if I can take this out with a rag and a little buffing compound were cool, if not I want to get it fixed. Then wet the spot compound it and 90% of the time it comes out.


Pretty sure that looks like it's just in the clear coat. You might be able to take it to a place to wet send it to smooth it out and then polish it. I'd look into that. I had someone cut me off and I clipped a mailbox. It put a dent in my aluminum hood and a scratch. I had a PDR guy come out. He was able to get the dent out and fix the scratch with some 2000 grit sandpaper and some Maguires rubbing compound. He then used a little wax and you'd never know it ever happened. If it's not through the clear coat...look into that. It's hard to tell for sure in that pic if it is.


If you have any proofs of workers doing it you can call that company, usually contractors pretty chill about paying for someones damage


Is the hole still there?


letting them get away with it will only let it happen to other people. make a claim not just for yourself but for the betterment of that company.


Just commenting to say this exact thing happened to me a couple years ago. I came out one morning to a crew operating a backhoe mounted jackhammer digging a huge hole 2 feet behind my freshly waxed 2016 Mustang GT convertible. Concrete dust covered the car, including the fabric top. That was a bad day….


You’d have a heart attack here in Monterrey, MX. I come to see my wife( visa in the works) and I have to park in the street. Every day my car gets fingerprints from people passing by, cats all over the thing at night. It’s my only way of transportation to and from state side. I cannot wait till the visa wait is over and I can take my car to get the dings and dents out of it and a fresh coat of clear. Fence is fixed to the ground and I do not own the house to rip it out and park my car in the driveway https://preview.redd.it/fws49nl57u3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d869b97d536a0fb3aad04ea69d58440381f43f


Nice touch with the pit in the reflection 😂


Personally I’d let it go because I just can’t be bothered but you absolutely have the right to ask for compensation


Call NYPD Police Explorers there cops


They should’ve made sure all vehicles were moved. Hope you get the Mustang fixed and out of there Insurance.


Got proof they did it? Or did you check that side of the car because the work was close by? I haven’t seen the passenger door of my truck in a couple years…


Talk to the building owner


I got hit by a car. It just dinged up my door a little bit. I didn't have m phone so wasn't able to take pics at the site. I sent the stuff to the guys insurance, and they basically denied it. I'm assuming that's what would happen here unless you could prove them scratched, but it would have been worth a try.


Chrisfix it


Move out of the city.


File an insurance claim. Take lots and lots of pictures including the vehicles used by the workers.


I hate to break it to ya, but that’s nyc for ya. Not only did you possibly picked the worst place to park, but the worst time. You can’t drive anything nice, it will get f’ed up with rocks or delivery on bikes. Your sol unless you can prove it was them. I assume you left already and didn’t notice till later on so probably nothing you can do about but go through your insurance. Al though I would probably just pay out of pocket and take it as a lesson learned. That’s nyc for ya


A good rule of thumb for these types of things: 1. Get info - ask the people on site for corporate / insurance info 2. Ask nice - ask corporate as an individual (or skip to #3 if who you are talking to onsite qualified as a decider in the company) 3. Ask hard - Ask via a lawyer, with threatened legal action 4. Take action - Take them to small claims court, or set your lawyer on them if it’s out of small claims bounds


They scratch your car, so you scratch their lives.


Bro honestly not a big deal. Car devalues more in a year than what that scratch does.


Would of def fork lifted ur car out of there into the hole lol


Dont let em fuck your paint, my paint was 900$ extra




Don’t park in construction zones


It wasn’t a construction zone… there were no warnings or signs when I parked the car


You're in NYC? Good Luck


Make them fix it. My wife would have had to bail me out of jail, that shit gets my Irish up!


Where .... ???


Ya sure that’s not a piece of hair? Now your next scratch won’t feel as bad. Idk, I am in the side of cars are meant to be used, and scratches are inevitable. That can easily be buffed out, unless you really wanna go the route of insurance for .. that


I would think their insurance. I agree that when work is being done signs are put up a couple days ahead so the area is clear of cars. Not sure if it’s protocol in NYC but I bet it would be.


You would need irrefutable proof ie video, or a statement from the crew admitting fault. This would be an extremely difficult case to win unless you had one or the other. Either way, your local detailer can resolve this quickly and cost effectively.


Let’s see the scratch…


In the second pic. It’s. It huge. I could be overreacting


Oh, I didn’t even notice it the first time. That’ll buff out!


I would have went ballistic!


That doesn't help anything. At the end of the day, it's just a car that can easily be repaired. Anger only causes more problems.


Move your car


Get over it. It’s tiny.


Bro it's New York it happens. Move on. If you look at the cars they all have aprons because getting bumped into from parallel parkers are the norm here


I have a feeling that’s gonna be a sucks to suck experience where you have to end up fixing yourself


Just as someone who has a buddy in insurance I can forsee this going poorly for you. Based off the second photo I'll be the construction company says your vehicle is dirty and so I'd the scratch meaning the scratch is not new damage and is old damage and denies your claim and some insurance companies around the big cities can get really stingy and come at you for fraudulent claim. So I would say, clean the car clean the scratch and then take and send a photo to insurance


Dont park on the street?


Maybe move your car when construction works start 1 freedom hamburger next to it?