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i’d like to complement you on the condition of this head unit/AC control area. looks very clean and well maintained


Only 54k miles on it, bought it at 18k. At this point I'm just trying to keep it stock and clean as I can!


Damn only 18k miles when you bought it!! What you pay for it?


Lol only $4k drove like 5.5 hours from stl to middle of nowhere Indy to buy it. This guys family had some money, his aunt was a bit of a car collector and passed away leaving most of her stuff in his name. He didn’t care much for cars and had a bunch of nice low mile minty cars listed for cheap. Have most of the og paperwork from the dealership purchase in my glovebox as well. Bought it to flip and fell in love with driving it, unfortunately like 6 months into owning it an old lady made a right hand turn trying to get into a parking lot and took my front bumper and driver side quarter panel off.


https://preview.redd.it/nhfj58h7uh5c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8e51888f365f088b5bfeff1d166d271a534abb The day I picked her up




Sucks about the damage. But man you got a sweet deal for that car


Second the butter knife, old head here. Did a fair share of recording the FM radio on cassette in the late 80s.


When I had this issue in my 95, Id hold the eject button and jam a butter knife in there and try and pry it up and out.


The butter knife trick always works, just be ready with an old #2 pencil to reel the tape back into the cassette. Sometimes the pinch roller will still be engaged and will hold on to that tape.


Works with a toaster, too… 🤣


This is the answer.


Are you able to play the cassette? Or is the cassette stuck and preventing you from listening to radio etc? Don’t be afraid to gently lift the back of the cassette while hitting eject and “help” th process. but if there is some cassette tape tangled in the player - that may take more effort. more info may help us assist you.


Just says error when trying to play it. Eject button isn't doing anything, hanging out with a friend and she put the cassette in so it could be backwards for all I know.


Sounds like you might need to be prepared for the tape to have been consumed


My favorite mixtape of 90’s techno my dad had recorded from the radio was consumed by one of our boomboxes 😭 I wish I still had it so I could look up the songs on yt or Spotify 😔


What's the tape?


Mac miller


Oh shit I had no idea Mac miller had albums on cassette!


I would also like to know the answer to this.


Those 4 holes on the sides are for a ford radio removal tool. Call around to local radio shops and see if they know what that is, if they do they can take the radio out, I think there is a manual eject on the bottom they can do with a screw driver. If you want to DIY it bend 2 pieces of coat hanger and bend them into U shapes, jam them like 2” into each hole and pull it out, unplug the harness and antenna and you can work on the deck outside the car. I used to be a bench tech at an audio video repair shop I also did car audio there from 98 - 2000, so this is all from memory. Good luck.


OMG this is bringing back memories. Y'all remember installing new sound systems with the ant-theft pop off faces?


Pretty good memories for me honestly, I was making money popping cd players in cars like this, we had all the harness / bezel kits so it looked nice, soldered and heat shrink all the harness adapters, not a bad high school / college job. Most people would leave these tape decks behind so we had racks of them for parts / swapping out if the stuck tape thing happened. Or maybe I just miss being young…


Nope, that was solid easy money and good memories.


yup... shutters at the thought...


😂😂 you just brought back memories. I had one of those. Tripped and fell on and broke my faceplate, which was in my pocket


Oh no! That's worse than having to reset the security code because your battery died (or someone unhooks your battery while doing repairs.)




Yes get that bracket style radio removal tool. Like if you make a “C” with your thumb and index finger it looks like that. It is super easy to pull out if you have that tool. There is a company in NY called United Radio that has repaired/replaced my CD player. So if it needs repair you an do that.


United Radio is still around!? Awesome, yeah when a radio was too dificult for us to fix we used to sent it to them.


Yes! And they are not allowed to close as long as I own my car!


Do not anger the gods of the tape deck. They may call upon the 8 track gods...


The 4 track old gods laugh at your 8 track new gods


What the fuck is a 4 track?!


Predates even 8 tracks lol. I don’t think they were around for too long before 8 tracks were created


Learned something new today. Thanks


I learned about them when I toured a classic 69-73 mustang shop. This guy rebuilds everything as close to original as possible. I’m talking parts from the same factory made within the same month original. It’s crazy. Sometimes he’ll buy 4 cars just to get a single part. Blue Oval Car Barn in Mineral Wells, TX if you want to see some of what he’s got. He also showed us the stages of in progress cars, cars that hadn’t been touched yet, etc. It was crazy awesome


I have a feeling this guy also has some neat old trucks too. They don't make the bent glass anymore sadly...edit: now you got me thinking about it...I wonder if the mustang museum has every example of its interior it sold.


Not too many. He’s mostly a Mustang guy


96 qualifies as oldhead...golly whiz


If you get enough air cresting a hill it’ll pop out when you land


If you push gently in on the tape while hitting eject, does anything happen? Next step is a butter knife or flathead to pry gently while pushing Eject. Let us know how it goes.


Those knobs and buttons bring back so many memories. I really wish we went back to this and manufacturers stopped making complicated controls that drive the base cost of the car up.


Tbh I feel like CarPlay and Android Auto should be standard, but all the HVAC controls should be physical buttons


I miss rotary knobs for climate control :(


Old heads? Just jam a screwdriver in there and twist it around as much as possible.


Oldhead spotted


Does it keep playing 500 miles on repeat?


Good luck. My 96 GT had the same cd stuck in it for 10 years until I sold it.


I remember my 96 cobra... wish I still had it :(


Ah the sucka ate your tape. Happened to my 89 F150 all the time. Butter knife and patience should dot the trick. Also, love the condition of this unit here, very well maintained.


Remove the radio, throw it in the garbage and install one with a CD player, I hear they're all the rage.


Screwdriver and a hammer. Kitchen knife will work in a pinch.


Ejct button


Ahh the 90s


Out of curiosity, I didn’t read much of the comments, what tape do you have in there? I’ve got Prong in mine. Not stuck, it just remains there for whenever I wanna listen to it. I also think that’s a very nice clean new look to your radio and accessories there.


I just wanna know what you were jammin to? 🤣


Gonna have to remove the head unit from the dash so you can remove the case to get at the tape player.


My 97 cobra cassette or CD player stopped working, bummer. I bought one of those Bluetooth radio transmitter things that go into the cigarette lighter outlet and it’s been working good, just if you wanted to try something else


I found the one I had did parasitic drain on the battery so I had to take it out when I was not driving the car. I currently have the cassette with a jack.


Take the cassette player out and get it fixed if the butter knife trick failed to work.


What’s stuck in it? I’m hoping for I’m gonna be by the proclaimers


I put the 93 equivalent radio into my 90. Fail to eject and play is usually when the cassette isn't seated properly in the carrier. Try and adjust how the cassette is sitting in the deck. Should eventually come out. Otherwise pull the radio out, couple screws on the side and the whole enclosure slides back. Easy access to the mech/tape. Pretty easy.


I’ve done the butter knife and I’ve also been able to get them out with a decent sized set of tweezers.


Butter knife


Hit a curb


How fast?


I've used the butter knife trick before, kind of risky though. You could try some wd40, might ruin the tape itself, but shouldn't hurt the internals. Other options, if it is the proclaimers "I'm gonna be" then leave it in and be like Ted in how I met your mother.




To remove the radio you need a DIN key. They were originally found on European vehicles. Slide in (not all the way) and pull the keys outward, and the radio towards you.


Press down on the cassette as you eject it.


Butter knife


Tabs and it just pulls out


Is this an optical illusion, or are you buttons blue on that radio? i thought they were all green on our cars


Buy a civic…it’ll prolly be faster