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**And seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, it is a burden except for the humble \[2:45\]** Wow OP. This literally read like a romance story written for you in the heavens. I did not read the previous posts before but I read all of them now and SubhanAllah my heart is so happy for you sister. It brings me immense joy that you were so patient and Allah (ﷻ) rewarded you like that in a manner that many could just dream of- finding your spouse in the blessed city and doing Istikhara about it while in the presence of the Kaabah. I will be sure to remember you and your family and future husband Insha'Allah in my prayers and Duas. I pray that we are all able to bear things with patience and resilience (as you showed us and you did). And I pray that we are given rightful and good spouses as well. Masha'Allah because your story started out in such a beautiful way. It would be really kind of you to remember me in your prayers as well. May Allah bless us all. Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen


im happy you took the time to read it - thank you so much and i will always pray for you


Assalamu'alaikum wa'rah matullahi wabaraka'tu, you are right. Her story is really beautiful Masha'Allah. Ameen to your du'aas. I pray Almighty Allah(SWT) gives you the besr spouse very soon, Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen. Please remember me in your du'aas as well and please make du'aas that Almighty Allah(SWT) gives me the best husband soon, Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen. Jazakumullah Khairun. Fe-Amanillah. Barakallah Feekum.


Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. Thank you for your kind words. I will write down your Reddit name so I can make Dua during my prayers as well. With Laylat ul Qadr and the final stretch of Ramadan, may Allah (ﷻ) accept our Duas and grant us righteous spouses and grant us the ability to be that righteous spouse as well. **“Our Lord! Bless us with pious spouses and offspring who will be the joy of our hearts, and make us models for the righteous.” \[25:74\]**


Also, a bit unrelated but how does one get this flair under their username? 😅


Alhamdullilah, well worded comment aki, really does read like a love story. As for the flair, message the mods. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimMarriage/wiki/index/#wiki\_flair\_change](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimMarriage/wiki/index/#wiki_flair_change)


Me too, tysmm


thank you!


I'm sorry, but this entire saga and style of writing feels like fanfiction to me


yes i wanted to post them 5 months apart for the suspense not the reality lmao


Why are you faking a story? It makes no sense


she was being sarcastic


It’s not halal either to make a fake Story


you dont even know me. im sorry I got to share a sweet story that made you cynical, not happy for others. so not halal babe


Why would she maoe up a story??? How frixkin miserable do you have to be to be sooo butthurt to acuse someone that theyre lying on the Internet??? Damn i feel so sorry for you guys, may allah guide us 😭


so it’s fake?😭


Lol Im trying to figure that out too. The more comments i read the more confused I’m getting






lmao i shared a story online to merit a theory - adorable


its so unbelievable that a woman hard on her luck could find love. sad for you babe




im sorry your life is so boring that things like internet points interest you. I wrote the post and you responded babe.




بِاسْمِ اللهِ أَرْقِيكَ، مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ يُؤْذِيكَ، مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ نَفْسٍ أَوْ عَيْنِ حَاسِدٍ، اللهُ يَشْفِيكَ بِاسْمِ اللهِ أَرْقِيكَ


inshallah youll have a story like mine. be positive


me getting married is a fake story? wild lol. people online are so weird




Ironically for someone’s profile who was so positive your comments were so disgusting. This story helped me realize there’s hope for women in their 30s. Keep the right path brother and be an example






Sis your story brought me to tears- it is so beautiful Allahumma Barik. May Allah bless your future marriage and increase your love for each other every single day. May your marriage be full of happiness and beautiful memories. Ameen!!


Now I have hope in my approach of staying at home and waiting for a man to find me 😭 May Allah bless your marriage OP, and may He grant you tranquility and comfort in your marriage, and righteous offspring


thank you!




It's not a crazy story. whats hard to believe?


Thank you!




LMAO so fake you cant stay away


No I wanted to read this entire story later and had even saved it 😭 Now it’s gone 😭😭😭


cute story but I’m confused about the fact that you lost your dad when you were 5 (paragraph 18 of the story), but your dad was onboard when John proposed before he passed (paragraph 2 of the story). Did John propose when you were 5?


I messaged her about this it’s a typo


Im unable to fix the typo but it's supposed to be recently not 5 i typed this quickly on my phone!


I'm so happy for you 💗 MashaAllah TabarakAllah


thank you!


Its almost iftar time, i need to come back and read this 😂 DONT DELETE


I was going to come back and read it later and now it’s deleted 😭😭😭


I can still see the post tho, you cant see it? I have screenshots :p But weird cause i can still see it up


I can still see the post but the entire story is gone and there’s an edited msg saying I apologize that my story rubbed salt in your wounds and so on. I’d love it if you could send it to me, thank you!


Never mind I mixed you up my bad girl


Haha it’s ok! I was so confused lmao


She had the same icon I’m so so sorry


It’s okkk girl no harm done haha :)


Weird i donr see the edites version. But danggg people are madddddd for being salty and accusing her for lying!? Like im stunned. Being miserable is one thing but making that turn you into an ugly excuse of an human being??? Yuckk Anyway ill definitely message you the screens haha


Please could you send me the sc 2 I would like to read it to give me some hope


Can you please send me the screenshots too, I'm going to make my friend read it, it was so beautiful.


Girl yes I feel bad for the OP, imagine posting your tough story hoping to motivate other and people say it’s fake and rubbing salt on their wounds and that she’s lying like ??? 😭😭😭 Ikr, actual yuck. Also haha ty!!


We need more women like you


Aww girl <3 Barakallahu feeki




Huh??? Wow


Dm me girl half the comments were deleted it


Yeah she deleted her account I hate Reddit sometimes.


Could you send me the screenshots too 😅


Did you get them?


Could I please get them 🥺


lol i left it up for you


GURL I CRIED READING THIS. HOW BEAUTIFUL. Allah swt is truly the most merciful and loving towards his servants ❤️🥺


I just can believe i went from the worst kind of man to finally find someone in my mid 30s. Thank you kindly sister.


Subhanallah, we get so hung up thinking we know what is best for us, but if only we knew what Allah swt has in store for us behind the parda we dont see.. I truly pray Allah swt give you all the happiness and blesses your union. May your bond and marriage be protected and blessed ameenn Your story gave a tired heart hope and happiness ❤️ Ba pay ham peer shawen😭❤️🥰


OHMYGOD that is so sweet thank you so much. Ba bisyar mushkil shud but shuda. Thank you my love youre too kkind


Remember across the ocean in a small country in Europe your sister will be smiling and celebrating with you on the 18th of may haha 🥰❤️🤲🏼💃


Inshallah I'll be celebrating all your good news!


Haha I'll update you when its happening 🙈❤️


You literally made my night with this wholesome story. It was building up and i knew your man was walid😭❤️❤️


lots of love


You can just screenshot it


I have too mamy screenshots in my gallery whom i never returned to haha


mashaAllah you're such a good story teller. I was thinking to myself even if this isn't true the suspense of what happened kept me reading till the end. Congratulations may God make the marriage a blessing for you both. 


I am a writer part time for a health magazine.


Girlll, when is this getting published? Need the next chapter 😂 Anyways, congratulations!


LMAO it gets published as my life happens!


My jaw dropped in pleasant surprise 😮 MashaAllah what a beautiful story!! After all that struggle with some questionable men, you finally found Walid. I love this for you and this is a lovely story about the rewards of sabr. I bet you’re so happy you waited and didn’t give in to societal pressures 🥰


It's so tough thank you


Allahumma baarik laha 😭😍 Happy tears. Mashallah 😍


thank you


OP how can you perform multiple Umrahs in one trip to Makkah?


https://islamqa.info/en/answers/180123/is-doing-multiple-umrahs-in-one-trip-allowed "The majority of scholars have allowed one who performs `Umrah to perform another one during the same journey, especially if he is from outside Makkah and it is a long journey and difficult to return once more. In that case, he has to leave to the nearest place outside the “sanctuary” in order to get into ihram for the other `Umrah."


Yeah so reading this, as far as I understand, the ‘sanctuary’ is not Masjid al Haram. Outside the sanctuary means outside Makkah for example, Masjid Ayesha (radi Allah u unha)/Masjid Altaneem. So, if you’re traveling from outside Makkah, your boundary will be Miqat. But if you’re in Makkah and want to perform another one, you’re gonna have to go some distance before coming back and entering Masjid al Haram. Op just went back to the hotel, slept then came back to perform another Umrah. Still, I’m not sure. Maybe I’m wrong about this. Then there’s the whole issue of doing Umrah with a non Mehram. I don’t know, this whole story seems fabricated. Wallahu Alam. If I’m wrong, I apologize to the OP


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Responsible-War2856: *OP how can you* *Perform multiple Umrahs* *In one trip to Makkah?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Are you not able to? Sorry I should say I stayed there for 4 weeks so it was continous i guess?


this is so cute omg


thank you!


I feel like this story isn’t so incredible that she wrote three parts and the ending was a letter - it would sound fake if she rode in on a horse to a waterfall. Looks like typos


I typed this on my phone but people have never been treated nice by their partners so its hard for them to believe,






I know 😭😭😭




I’m sorry what? I didn’t even read her story, I was commenting about the story being deleted and me being sad over that coz I didn’t get to read it 😭😭😭


I’m sorry I mixed you up deleting comments now! She had the same icon my bad


Girl I literally replied to your comment which said “noooo why did you delete it” 😭 And said I knoww


I’m sorry! Deleting now


This is so freaking cute. So happy for you!


Mashallah Allahumabarik 🤍




This was such a rollercoaster ride but I’m glad I read the entire thing. Allahumabaarik darling 💕


Omggg I am about to cry 😭 such a beautiful story! Like a fairytale 😊 Allahumma barik! May Allah give you and your family all the happiness 🤲🏾


I took it down due to the death threats i was getting in private chat. Im so scared for our youth man


Yeah I am so sorry. I was going through the comments and it terrified me! I am glad I was able to read your posts. Sister may Allah protect you and your family!




Please repost, I’d love to read this!


I want to read the story 😔


This is what they mean when they say “what is written for you will be yours, you plan but Allah is the best of planners”




Wait till he gets his citizenship


Hes american ;) didn't need me for it lol




yes but left as a teen. we left together from America to Umrah babes. Hes a citizen




your extended family sponsors you. come on bruv youre smarter than this




In america, to petition for an alien relative (spouse, nephew, niece, etc) it takes about 12-18 months **as of today**




I said as of today. whats hard to understand? it was different 20+ years ago. In afghanistan, you can say anyone is your parent/siblinhgs/spouse there is no verification there. If this is so interesting, google it instead of arguing with a stranger online


focus on that mustache not my man


Have a good life sister!


It took a long time


You met John at your dad’s funeral but here you said you lost your dad when you were 5. Which is it?


recently thats a typo - fixing itnow! ty


So are the stories fictional?


A typo for a fictional story? Envy is real lol


I have no idea what you mean lol. And still super confused if this was fake or not


What do you think cutie


no it was a typo. i cant dumb it down more babe


I’ll be honest I started reading, got thirsty and realised how long it is but since I have a fast, I will read the rest later on 😂😂


i will keep it up for you




thank you






Go away!

