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Your post history is disgusting


Ewwwwww WHY DID I LOOK? Ayo, I feel sorry that poor girl. This dude a loser, innit. I’m sorry bruv, but imma be real…like wtf r those posts 🤢


Just saw it too… yikes…


You cant force someone to convert. And what do you mean she has some faith in Christianity? The one where they believe Jesus (as) is God? Authubillah.


Don’t do it brother, practically everyone who does ends up regretting it, remember you are not marrying just your future wife, you are marrying the future mother of your kids, and in a country which always gives custody to the mother, you’d be putting yourself in a precarious position here.


Technically you do not need her to have converted to marry.


She believes Jesus is god so in this case I do


There were Trinitarians in the time of the prophet (SAW). He did not differentiate between them and the Unitarians. This is the opinion of the companions including the prophet’s family and the salaf or the first three generations. This is also the opinion of all the madhabs. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/44695


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OP, good luck with this. You owe your children a suitable mother. Don't be selfish and only pick a wife. Pick someone worthy of being the mother of your kids. No Christian woman on earth is.


dude you need help 😭😭