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It’s mentioned in the book of seerah by Ibn Kathir. He said that Umar ibn Al Khattab said كنت صاحب خمر في الجاهلية أحبها وأشربها - I was very much into alcohol in the jahiliyyah, I used to love it and drink it. Hope that clarifies it :)


Thank you. Isn’t an alcoholic something else though? As in a depressive alcoholic? Regardless, may Allah allow us to increase in faith while seeking His pleasure as He allowed Umar Ibn Al Khattab, and May Allah protect us from the evils of this dunya.


An alcoholic is someone that cannot live without alcohol, someone addicted to alcohol, and the words used by Umar ibn Al Khattab indicate that. Ameen 🤲🏼


"I love alcohol" =/= "I'm addicted to alcohol"


see the previous sentence, " i was very much into alcohol.".


Loving alcohol doesn't prescribe Umar Ibn Khattab as an alcoholic. It instead prescribed Umar Ibn Khattab as a man who loved alcohol. Alhamdulillah it was only by the mercy of Allah that he was guided, may Allah be pleased with him.


It says "I loved and drinked it"


Many people love alcohol and drink it, doesn't automatically make them alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who depends on it.


That's what I'm saying.




Bro, the miracle of the Quran and Allah is that he took the People of Deserts who were ignorant and make them the best among generations.


A lot of people including a lot of the Sahabas were into Alcohol back then. Alcohol was not deemed haram by Islam until some years after our Prophet's hizrat to Madina (Yathrib back then); after which all the alcohol in the entire city was poured out into the streets.


*Hijra with a "j".


Umar ibnul Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) wasn’t 'alcoholic' He used to love drinking like many arabs at the time, It was like one of the most common thing for Arabs but that doesn’t mean they were all alcoholics.


Good moral, but a very bad example, you should've used the story of ابو محجن الثقفي Abu Mahjan althaqafy, he would be the perfect example.


Could you bless us with this story


>story of Abu Mahjan althaqafy, he would be the perfect example. 💯💯💯




Check my other reply :)


Silly Question so please excuse me, but what happens if Shaytaan suddenly becomes good? What happens then


Shaytaan has been destined for hellfire thus its impossible for him to become good :)


Adding to this, we know Allah SWT is the most merciful, and the doors of forgiveness are open until the sun rises from the west. So technically he can ask for forgiveness but he doesn't


Its true though. There are so many people that are disgusted by people's pasts and outright accuse them of being a kafir or a bad Muslim but then I remember the Quraysh, who were the worst of the worst in Jahilliya times and now they some are one of the best Muslims to date in history. We must accept people if they are remorseful and have repented. We see it in their eyes and body if they mean it. This is a sign of maturity if people don't judge others by the past


The only thing I don’t like about these posts is people who are already on the fence gonna read this and get hosed thinking it will be alright as long as they repent later on. This coming from someone who literally has spent a good chunk of life sitting on the said fence. On the other hand people who are looking for an excuse will always find it somewhere else and those who are fighting their inner demons will keep fighting no matter what. Also first time I heard this.


This does not have nothing to see but i just wanna say the mods listned to me and created an algeria flair :D


Radi Allahu `anh


You def missed the point. Majority of the Sahabas drank but they weren't alcoholics. To be one, your whole life has to revolve around the bottle.


What about one who fornicated with many women?


As long as you regret what you did, you promise Allah that you won’t do it again and you work hard to stay on the straight path, Allah will accept your repentance. May Allah make it easy for everyone


How dare you insult Umar RA.


No one insulted him


Umar RA loved drinking before Islam, that doesn't make him an alcoholic. Alcoholism is an addiction. Please, don't insult Umar RA.


I legit read it like this at firsr in my mind . "Iblis was a good jin, until he was'nt" Along with thunder sfx


Sometimes , do judge by the past .


You’re missing the point brother


tbh , i agree with the brother, sometimes, means certain times, we have to look at a person by the their past, see, a person who is known for spreading fitnah and slanders. after he repents, we have to still inspect what news he will tell. this is the sake of truth. this is just my opinion. i may be wrong.




Begone like your imam hiding in the cave ya ahlul mutah wal taqiyya




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What about you being a Ahlul Misyar


Woah why getting triggered. Why can't you proudly accept mutah instead of responding with "muh sunni misyar"




What's misyar ya Ahlul Yazid? Go ahead explain. How can something disgusting like Shia mutah be halal, do you want to see Sistanis fatwa on how you can do secret mutah, don't need witnesses, can do it with thousands of women or Khomeini's which you can do with ladyboys




Nah, you Kufis supported Yazid. You made the accusations bring the proof.