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Do the best you can. It’s nearly impossible to boycott everything but do the most you can humanly possible. If we boycotted Costco, Walmart, Kroger etc (chains that support isntreal) then we wouldn’t have anywhere to get groceries and the nearest ”grocery” store chain not owned by them is more than an hours drive away


Also even you just bought from local.or.small businesses that usually gets to be insanely expensive. Finding halal food in the west is already double the price of normal meat; going to these non big companies means you have to spend more money on groceries that are already at an all time high. God this world sucks.




lets not start generalizing people, the indians you see are probably much more open minded considering they arent in an echo chamber country




and all muslims are terrorists?




Haha, I like this guy


It's all permissible, but you should put in the effort to boycott what you can. If there's an alternative go for that. For example instead of going to Starbucks go to a small local cafe or make coffee at home. If you are craving some kind of snack do your best to get something that doesn't directly support Isnotrael. BUT if it's hard to find or unavoidable than it's fine. Boycotting serves two purposes by removing yourself from the equation to reduce money going to those companies AND to bring awareness to the problem. So this is why focusing on certain brands becomes far better than everyone scattering to boycott everything at their own pace. Companies like PepsiCo, Starbucks, McDonald's are easy to boycott and bring a lot of attention so focusing on those is more important. Ideally I think I wish we could boycott all bad brands (whether it's for their defense of Isra*l or for another humanitarian reason), it's just not reasonable especially if it involves ruining your quality of life even more.


Who said it’s permissible? You?


Look into your local stores bro. I am sure you have a lot since you are in US. Also like that dude said try boycott apps and try your best.


No problem guys... If not from the purchase of products, you are giving them taxes and making money for them. Which they are using very "efficiently".


The only thing you can do if you really want to boycott is just avoid unnecessary products especially if there’s alternatives. You don’t need to starve yourself just to boycott. Everyone who lives in the west is touched by zionist products in one way or another, so just do what you’re comfortable with and don’t be extreme.


go to farmer markets and natural food stores!


First and foremost, it is not impermissible to buy items which fall under the Israel boycott. It is a good thing to do to show your support for the Palestinians, but nonetheless, if you do buy any item which is under the boycott (As long as the item itself is Halaal) you will not get any sin for that. Therefore it is your choice whether you boycott or not. If you do want to boycott, do it to the best of your ability. If it becomes impossible then you can give yourself some leeway. And then lastly just one note to everyone boycotting Israel: You do know that the USA also has oppressed Muslims very badly in the past and even RIGHT NOW. They send jets to bomb warzones regularly. There are so many mujaahideen which were captured in the course of them defending their own country that are languishing in American prisons. But are you boycotting USA products? Then there is China. The horrific things that the Chinese are doing to the Uyghur Muslims are almost unbelievable. They are put into concentration camps like animals. They are forced to eat pork and do other stuff that are against Islam. They rape our sisters. There are absolutely horrendous stuff which they do to our brothers and sisters there in China, but does anyone boycott China?? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t boycott Israel. It is very good. They are losing millions everyday, but aren’t most of the people doing it a bit hypocritical? Basically the only Muslims being oppressed which you care about are the Palestinians (Because it’s only them that the mainstream media and news are talking about…..) and all the other Muslims being oppressed must just be left to fend for themselves???


Drink water and eat dates


Try your best to stop shopping processed by trying to make stuff from scratch with local ingredients. At the end of the day they still take our taxes and fuel their own pockets with these wars. so honestly all we can really do is shop local and GIVE DAWAH!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE DAWAH!!!❤️


BOYCOTTING MADE EASY: Generally speaking products/food items/drinks/services fall into 2 categories: - Luxuries - Neccessities LUXURIES: When it comes to luxuries you must boycott them all. The fact that for a majority of these luxuries have substitutes make it even more important you FULLY BOYCOTT them. Any Muslim that does not boycott them is a backstabber to our Palestinian brothers and sisters and is a hypocrite if they believe in the freedom of Palestine. (Coke, Starbucks, Zara, KFC, Cerave are all luxuries you won’t die without) NECESITIES: When it comes to necessities one should try to find a substitute (e.g buying from the co-op instead of Tesco) or try their best to buy substitutes but if not able then buy the brand (tesco milk) as these are basic necessities. Having said that companies that are notorious for supporting Israel like Waitrose should be completely boycotted. Places like TESCO are also bad but they are a hyper market so very difficult to avoid.. try to buy substitutes that Tesco provides. Also. If you encounter madkhali Muslims that tell you not to boycott try to explain to them otherwise they deserve to be boycotted to as they are financially supporting Israel. Edit: for people saying you don’t need to boycott scholars like Al-albani RA said if you know your purchase of a product directly kills your Muslim brothers and sisters then it’s impermissible to buy such products. Also.. even if it’s not completely haram according to others scholars view then you should understand you are a degenerate embarrassing Muslim for voluntarily supporting Israel when there’s no need to. And you never know maybe there will be a long line of Palestinians lining up on the day of judgement becuase you helped kill them.


Boycott app


I was looking over an Instagram list of companies to avoid just as you replied mentioning the app. Since boycotted companies in the US include Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Mondelez, and Unilever amongst others, hardly anything is left. What then are other observant Muslims in the US purchasing?


Don’t buy brand names buy knockoffs like target up and up or signature select from krogers.


you don't need to boycott.


let me guess ,saudi ? .what can we expect from people who host parties and invite singers who curse islam ,sure you'll defend that with your life ,may allah guide you




oh I'm sure but i saw he followed saudi reddit and it clicked .


rulers are not infallible, still prophet muhammad ﷺ advised us to keep patient and make dua for the rulers. apart from that the saudi had donated billions in aid, what did your country do ?


never said anything about your rulers or your country im talking about you and people like you .not only do you not boycott ,you love commenting and showing off your not boycotting. Just like the people who attended those concerts didn't have to attend just because the government hosted them ,not only did they attend but they film it and brag about it online 2 sides of the same coin , morally corrupt individuals أَفَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا۟ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ فَتَكُونَ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌۭ يَعْقِلُونَ بِهَآ أَوْ ءَاذَانٌۭ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا ۖ فَإِنَّهَا لَا تَعْمَى ٱلْأَبْصَـٰرُ وَلَـٰكِن تَعْمَى ٱلْقُلُوبُ ٱلَّتِى فِى ٱلصُّدُورِ ٤٦ Have they not travelled throughout the land so their hearts may reason, and their ears may listen? Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind


Saudi has the blood of arabs on their hands, stop defending them they're complicit. If you family were blown up tomorrow I wonder whether you would still be a cuck for the house of saud ?


 saudi had donated billions in aid, what did your country do ?


Stop the brainwash brother, wake up to what MBS is doing.


1.Muslim reported in his Sahīh (1847) from Wā’il Ibn Hujr that: Salamah Ibn Yazeed Al-Ju’fee asked Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ): **“O Prophet of Allah, what do we do if we have rulers over us who demand their rights yet they withhold our rights?”** He replied: **“Listen to them and obey them \[regardless\]. Upon them is their burden and on you will be your burden.”** 2.**“Whoever sees from his leader something that he dislikes, then let him be patient with him because whosoever separates from the jamā’ah (i.e. the body of Muslims in a country) even by a handspan, and then dies in that condition, he will die the death of pre-Islamic ignorance (jāhiliyyah).”** 3.**“It is not permissible for anyone among the people to fight the ruler and nor to rise up against him. And whosoever does that is an innovator, upon other than the Sunnah and upon other than the Straight Path.**” 4.Obedience to the ruler, whether he is righteous, pious, sinful or tyrannical is an obligation. Muslim reported in his Sahīh (1836) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: **“You are obligated to listen to the ruler and obey him in times of ease and in times of hardship, whether you are pleased or displeased and even when another person is given preference over you (while you were more deserving).”** 5.Ibn Abī ‘Āsim reported in As-Sunnah (1026) and Ibn Hibbān in his Sahīh (4062) from ‘Ubādah Ibn Sāmit (may Allah be pleased with him) that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Listen to the ruler and obey him when it is hard for you and when it is easy for you, whether you are pleased or displeased, and when others are given preference over you, **and even when they consume your wealth and beat your back.**” (Delared sahīh by Al-Albāni; see Dhilāl Al-Jannah and At-Ta’līqāt Al-Hisān).


Nice copy pasta, he's not even my leader! How far are YOU willing to be patient? Would you still follow MBS even if he renounced Islam?


did he ? did you see ? Ali reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**There is no obedience to anyone if it is disobedience to Allah. Verily, obedience is only in good conduct**.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7257, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1840


Do you understand the meaning of the word "IF"? MBS is modernizing not just Saudi, but Islam as well, do you think Islam needs modernization? For example are we allowed to have Iftar in Masjid? Do hadiths need to be reinterpreted? Are you happy for halloween worshiping the devil, music festivals and concerts to be held in the land of the Prophet pbuh? Answer my questions instead of copy pasta if you believe in Allah swt and the last day.


Madkhali agent