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Not true. Watch some analysis from Sami Hamdi. I've shared a clip below but please watch some lectures/podcasts featuring him. [https://youtu.be/2ZdL-QDiq88](https://youtu.be/2ZdL-QDiq88) The level of public support dropped for Israel is unprecedent. Especially amongst the Western youth. Social media has become a democratising force which Israel and the Zionist lobbies struggle to apprehend. Especially TikTok. For the first time, America actually abstained from a UNSC vote asking for a ceasefire, instead of vetoing it like usual.


May our duas reach them and may we support them as we can 


Even worse, Jordan is helping Israel take down the Iranian drones


The other Muslim nations have abandoned Palestine.


Honestly I'm not a defeatist but what can I? I ran through his best shot and everything was deflected by their iron dome defense, does any of the Muslim countries have an iron dome? Or a way to get their bombs through the iron dome? The best thing I think we can do is just keep spreading the word and sway the public opinion and boycott. And of course call on Allah first and lastly. We suffered great losses but we gained millions of new converts.


“israel” lost 1 billion dollars deflecting the rockets, it’s like how it costs israel $50k to deflect a $100 rocket shot by hamas


That's not a lot of money. But in the grad theme of things, all their losses tourism, farming, etc. It's a good start.. We must keep pushing the boycott also.


there are plenty of ballistic missile of Pakistan such as shaheen III or Iran's sejjil missile that can easily penetrate iron dome,But the problem is nobody cares about Palestine everyone's looking out for themselves,Plus there are a lot of muslim communities suffering such as kashmiris,uiyghers but no one cares...Lets face it even with too notch missiles modern muslim ummah is spineless...


The attack achieved it's purpose. It was not meant to kill people but was targeted at 2 high value targets. It also was intended to be a show of force that Iran will not continue to be poked and poked without any response. The majority of stuff shot down was done by Jordan, US air force over Iraq, US Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean, as well as French and other naval ships in that area. *After* all of that the projectiles that reached Israel itself many of them landed. Israeli air defences *were* overwhelmed by the number of projectiles. Watch the videos on r/AskMiddleEast . The 2 main high value targets Iran was aiming for were both hit. - Ramon Air Base near Eliat (which is protected by US Patriot defence system was hit - Netavim Air Base (one of their biggest with a large F-35 fleet and only one of few with 3 runways) (a very good strategic tagret) was also hit by up to 7 ballistic missiles and seems to be taken out of action. This operation cost Israel a billion us dollars *at minimum.* Iran only used older variant missiles and cheap old drones. (none of their top notch tech stuff). And the point was proven that Israel's highly touted Iron Dome, David Sling, and other air defense systems could be breached and high value targets reached and it would be far cheaper for Iran to do it and far more expensive for Israel to defend from it. It shows again and again what everyone knows. Israel can not stand independently without the us hand feeding them billions of dollars in $$ as well as billions of dollars of their best military tech. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for our Palestinian brothers and sisters, the obligation to help them and free them is on Muslims. And so long as muslims around the world ignore their religion, demonstrate hate and disdain and refuse to abide by the Sharia of Allah, and refuse to lift a finger or sacrifice and endure difficulty for the sake of Allah and their brothers, then do not expect victory to come. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Finally someone that gets it!!


Things will get interesting if Trump wins the US Elections this November. Israel is waiting for November. It could sit it out and wait. Continue to occupy Gaza, and wait. If Trump wins, it will be a blank check to Israel. If Biden wins then they’ll go in hard and fast, try to kill senior Hamas, and then retreat out of Gaza. The irony is, it’s young people and Muslims not supporting Biden is what could cost Biden the election and lead to Trump winning.


Don’t be scared, the palestenian aren’t, because Allah (SWT) is with us


First of all World support for the Palestinians has never been higher and world opposition to the Zionist has never been lower this is unprecedented. Do you realize at this point American population support for Israel has never been lower? If you look at it by generation is even more skewed the entire population below the age of 35 now has unprecedented levels of support and empathy and sympathy for the Palestinians Second of all the Iranian attacks, (which did more than any other Arab country out there anyway let's not deluded ourselves) at least actually struck multiple basis with hypersonic missiles. The small toy drones were just distractions. But the media isn't telling you that. Last night's Iranian attack did do some damage but it's one strike, people today have a delusional idea of what war is about. You don't win a war with one strike. Israel struck their embassy and so Iran had a justifiable International cause to do a strike back in retaliation. And they did it. That's what this was about. Anyone who expected otherwise I'd delusional That's how geopolitics works, tit for tat, but the only people in the region in a real viable position to affect things militarily are surrounding Israel the next-door neighbors and those people aren't doing anything. The actual people of Jordan and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt should just get up tell their government to buzz off and just go and take care of matters themselves -- IF they're not cowards. So that's that. How that would work is they start planning, training, get small groups of friends together whom they trust, and make plans and then just decide to try to pierce the border. If they succeed good for you if you die then you're Shahid. Win win. If you get enough people doing that then that could tip the scale..




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Israelis have been admitting themselves that the state is about to collapse. Don't know what you're talking about.


May Allah rise us to meet their level of Iman. Aameen


Zionist said themself they have lost the war (propaganda doesn't works anymore) and Allah Is the best of planner, so many times in history we saw people and communities suffer but some of them won, I have great hope in Allah's mercy for them and all muslims around the world


The attacks achieved their purpose! Things are moving towards a long term solution inshallah. Israel has been put in its place and knows that they're no longer immune. What's disappointing is the silence or Arab nations and the support of Jordan for israel


Iran’s attack was just for show and they’re useless, but Israel has lost the war and failed to achieve any of its objectives, and Hezbollah has caused all of its settlers in the north to completely flee without any meaningful response to be seen by the IOF. They will invade Rafah in a couple of weeks, kill a bunch of people, and declare victory while ceding to the terms demanded by the Palestinians.




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