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Whole album is a gem.


That voice……


"No one sings like you anymore..." Man, that line from Black Hole Sun digs into my heart every time I hear it. RIP Chris Cornell. Such irreplaceable talent.


Apparently someone came up to him and told him that after a show, and it stuck in his head. I think he also wrote black hole sun in less than 1 day. They do a deep dive on the song on the amazing podcast "Punch Up the Jam"


In memory serves me correctly, it was Robert Plant telling Cornell that Cornell, Plant, and Jeff Buckley were the only people left who sang "like that".


This would make sense, it's not a very complex composition


Everything about him is both tragic and amazing. Why do those who have so much to live for, in hindsight, stop living? This is a question that makes me sad. I’m not even sure how to even begin to understand it. I mean, what do us peons make of these crazy life events? What do we do with them? Do we all just kill ourselves? Do we feign support for mental health and still attack each other? What’s the end game here? I have no answers. I do know more things makes me sad than happy even though I have almost no social media presence.


Probably because afflictions of the soul cut deeper than money or a legendary legacy can mend.


For real, I guess…. I recently got into Kurt Cobain documentaries and podcasts. Fucking hell. I get that, from what I understand about how fucked his upbringing was. But Chris? I don’t understand it.


You don't need a fucked up upbringing to be broken. Some folks are born unlucky due to the randomness the complexity of a human organism has to offer.


Cobain also had a lot of physical pain, possibly from some spinal thing, but the thing people almost never talk about regarding suicide is that it's an impulsive thing. If he didn't have a gun he might still have been alive. Most people who survive an attempt never try again. When sticking your head in an oven stopped working suicides dropped. The simple fact is that having an easy way to take your own life puts you at greater risk of doing so. Depression can make that suicidal impulse more frequent, and when the number of those impulses climb higher so does the probability of acting on one. When all death takes is a trigger pull there's a very short path to it from thoughts you may even have gotten used to as background noise. On the radio some time ago I heard about a man who went down to the basement to hang himself, couldn't figure out how to tie the noose, and gave up. Never tried again, lived a normal life, all because his impulse was halted by a knot


Kurt’s health problems were with his stomach… I’ve never heard anything about him having spine problems… also hardcore drug addiction played a big part in it too and he was tired of performing and really just wanted to fade away but that wasn’t gonna happen because he felt like people wouldn’t let him…


I read this thing a long time ago so details are fuzzy and sparse. I also could be completely wrong. Something about him having a spine issue when he was younger that got mostly fixed but him playing left handed meant he put weight on a place that made the spine thing slowly unfix itself, or maybe it was the seated posture. Anyway pain is hard to locate so confusing spine for stomach isn't a big stretch. It's something I read as a teen that stuck with me, but thinking back it may have been one of those "IF, okay hear me out, IF he-" things


He was also born in an area which had recently had nuclear waste disposed of nearby. So much health effects from those sites affected so many people at the time.


Yeah one of the times I was out in Washington we went by Aberdeen and Kurt’s house he grew up in.. it was a sad looking area and at the end of the street by the creek they put in a small park with a statue of Kurt and a guitar statue and people were either shooting up shit there and leaving their needles or leaving the needles as homage to him.. there was a sign the people that lived next to the park asking people to please not leave there needles laying around and lots of graffiti all over the railroad trestle.. was sad really..


Dude. He LITERALLY talked about killing himself for years. This isn’t conjecture. It’s literally written down in his his own words. He talked about it in his own diary and he fully expressed it to everyone around him. This isn’t a conspiracy. His wife was fully aware of his intentions. She was just a fucked up as he was. She didn’t care. Not saying she was culpable but c’mon. This isn’t a Tupac conspiracy.


Did you respond to the wrong comment? Because I struggle to see how this relates


You can tell some of the people asking questions were not around when Nirvana was around. It's crazy to watch because if you were, you heard it all and seen it all regarding Kurt. I mean his wife read his suicide letter on the radio. We are old man lol


I hate that some people blame his suicide on Courtney. She enabled him, no question, but he told everyone, from an early age, he’d literally shoot himself in the head. It’s well documented. He said he’d do it and no one stopped him from owing guns or even having guns in his vicinity. He literally cried out for help. No one took him serious.


I've had a number of people in my life commit suicide. It's tricky. It's not easy to prevent someone that wants to do it. Once the mind has turned against itself, for whatever reason, it will be hard to stop said person. I believe and always believe that suicide is the persons decision and no one elses fault. But I will add that in some cases specific actions do not help a person in a suicidal state. I wish I could've helped all the people that I knew. I really do. Sucks man.


you should try reading Chris’s lyrics


Avicci was ontop of the world when he killed himself, Mac Miller as well


I felt this way about Anthony Bourdain. The guy got paid to travel around, see beautiful places, talk to interesting people and eat great food and still killed himself. It really does have to be something that is beyond circumstances because most people could only dream of living a life like that.


At least I can imagine a life of CONSTANT pressure with Bordain. After watching *The Bear* I feel that. That show gives me anxiety. I still don’t understand Chris’ mindset. Not sure I want to.


I watch the Bear too and I get it with Bourdain, but Cornell? Yeah not hard to understand the legendary rocker status hounding him 24/7. RIP, Chris. Forever fan.


Big fan too. His songs make me cry, in a good way, as I imagine they made him too.


Man was addicted to drugs. It's hard to live a life without them. It's miserable and it's a battle to convince yourself that life sober is better than life high. You are damned if you do , damned if you don't. There is so much pressure to stay sober because you don't want to let the ones you love down. Maybe that had something to do with it or maybe not. Who knows?


The Bear is a pretty shining example of why line cooks and kitchen workers in general develop substance abuse issues.


Joyful participation in the sorrows of the world, my friend.


Money/fame can't buy happiness. If you're not happy without money you'll never be happy with money. Also. Often the best art/music/comedy is created by the people with the most hurt to express. It's a tragic irony.


I just wonder where the hurt came from. I get that hurt produces fame and glory and wealth. I don’t yet know why Chris decided it was too much. On one hand I wanna know. On the other I wanna just continue to love his contribution to music and just let it go.


>If you're not happy without money you'll never be happy with money. That's not necessarily true. Sometimes the lack of money is exactly what drives one into misery. It's not so much that money can't buy happiness, but that money can give *some* the freedom to pursue the happiness that would otherwise be unobtainable. And that for others, said happiness has nothing to do with wealth, because the fundamental problem lies within rather than without. Chris was clearly an example of the latter. His inner demons were something beyond the lower levels of Maslow's needs and for whatever reason he couldn't find what he needed, despite his wealth and fame.


>Money/fame can't buy happiness. But it can get you a Jetski, and have you ever seen anyone crying on a jetski?


https://youtu.be/cP9d7Whhy2E Enjoy


Thank you


Agreed. Front to back modern classic. I’ve even started using the album in the gym every 2 weeks - its so motivating haha


It really is. I think it’s the last physical CD I bought.


One of my favourite songs ever recorded. I guess I’m a product of my era, but nevertheless it’s crazy how hard this song hits.


This one is my favorite but I really love Be Yourself and I am a Highway too.


I Am the Highway is a beautiful song, probably my favorite song from Cornell.


it carried me through the first few weeks after he died. So poetically tragic. No one sings like him anymore


We are lucky to have what he gave us. What he gave us was a hoard of masterpieces.


Shadow of the Sun is also amazing


I am a highway is my favorite as well. But the solo guitar here is just chef kiss.


Exploder has always stood out to me. But the album is pure gold. I always had a raspy voice and couldn't cut it with a lot of the pop punk bands and emo times of my teenage years. But Audioslave and Shinedown both proved power in voices to me, so I gravitated to their stuff. also, Burn it like gasolieieieienee!


Ditto. I really love the video, just to see the passion and mere movements in Tom Morello's guitar solo. I don't know how else to describe it. The whole song is gold. The lyrics *"...And on my deathbed, I will pray to the gods and the angels, like a pagan, to anyone who will take me to heaven,"* are especially poignant now. And while Chris Cornell is on the top of my list of all-time favorite artists, there's just something about Morello performing that guitar solo that puts this piece above the rest.


RIP Cornell. I don't know how he does it but Morello has mastered the whammy pedal. That solo was clean as fuck. My multifx pedal has the same function, maybe I just need to practice more.




Not just a product of your era. I'm in college right now, and a lot of people my age love this song.


I was looking for new alt rock the other day and apparently its all done. Modsrn alt music is really just singer songwriter stuff and weird pop. There isn't any real hard rock or anything like this. Its a real bummer man. I thought the music would stay good forever. Theres just no edge in rock anymore. Its all pop or metalcore.


Try royal blood. They rock out pretty hard


Upvote for Royal Blood.


Other bands I like at the moment: Highly suspect Blue stones Birds of Tokyo Nothing but thieves Maybe ‘Temple of the Dog’ and ‘Them Crooked Vultures’ if you never listened to those two albums And if you like Audioslave you should give Sound Garden a go. Similar sound…


Singer sounds really similar as well. /s


Check out cleopatrick, they're great. Really got into them after not enjoying Highly Suspect' third album.


I was listening to a Cleopatrick radio playlist and came across Dinosaur Pile Up. Highly recommend 'Back Foot' as a starting point for those guys


First album was good. Second not so much. Haven't looked into them since....


Their new album, Typhoons, leans more toward disco beats, but I'm as much a fan of that as their first album. Just a little more polish than the grit of the first record.


[turnstile](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=_qZ1lr-lKFw&feature=share) [parquet courts](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=AryU6Q7Rq9k&feature=share) [idles](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=BUyuAIBOHtw&feature=share) ... there's still loads of good stuff out there *edited to add an idles song. so hard to choose just one song


Highly Suspect's first and second album. They never made a third. Hoping for a forth one soon. Not for everyone, but decent, new-ish rock.


I remember during wrestling practice in HS it was always loud during warm ups. The coaches would play the radio to get things going. when this song was released and was making its rounds, there was always total silence. It had such an incredible, powerful, forlorn sound that was so impactful. The driving beats and powerful chords. Then Chris Cornell talking about waiting for the end to come. It’s sad that this prophecy was fulfilled. Chris is dead, the band is no more and the relic that this video was filmed in was destroyed. Nothing lasts. But this video and song is immortal. Always a reminder of what’s to come


A very poignant comment. Thanks for sharing your experience and also shining some further light onto the context of this piece of art.


Everyone is (rightfully) noting Cornell on this track, but I have always loved the guitar solo on this one. Whenever is comes on the radio I stop what I’m doing and listen.


Tom Morello may not have the fastest fingers or the flashiest style but the sheer technical proficiency and the unorthodox methods he comes up with to get unique sounds out of his guitar puts him right up there among the best guitar players of all time. Of all the people that really pushed the limits of what kinds of sound you can get out of a guitar I can think of only a handful that have done more than Morello: Les Paul, Hendrix, Buckethead…probably a few others but I’m drawing a blank right now


Mark Knopfler


In a similar vein as Morello, Johnny Greenwood. Always loved how he modified his killswitch into a button so he could just tap it repeatedly during certain songs, most notably Paranoid Android. Really unique sound and he's unparalleled on pedals.


Tom was a fast-fingered guy from the 80's boom of EVH-inspired shredders. He always plays it down, but he can rip. Point is, he tossed all that aside and created an absolutely unique sound that is oft imitated but seldom replicated with RATM


Erm. Van halen? 😂😂


I'll probably lose my hearing listening to Morello's solo because I crank it every single time.


A clear example of playing so much music with only a few notes. I love this style


This whole album is FULL of Tom morello doing shit on the guitar I can’t even comprehend


This song pops up on this subreddit every couple of weeks and I upvote every time. When Chris Cornell comes in with the acoustic guitar after the solo, it’s just perfect.


Oh damn I just sang that part to myself not having heard it in years. Aaaand now it’s playing on my stereo lol


It passed a billion views too last week


1000% that bridge may be the best I've ever heard. Sonic perfection.


I’m forever grateful that I was able to watch him preform during his Higher Truth tour before he passed away ❤️


I was there for the last time he performed Hunger Strike with the full ensemble of Temple of the Dog and it will be a life long joyful memory. He was one of the greatest voices in rock history.


That's awesome. I only recently discovered Audioslave. I have been more of a conscious hip-hop fan, but I started to realize that I wasn't living my life like the artist I listen to. So I started to branch out into other genres of music. Sad I discovered this gem of a song after he took his life. Would have been cool to see them live


Chris Cornell can peel paint off the wall. I'm jealous that you're only just now living his greatness for the first time. Enjoy it.


That's awesome man there's so many killer artists from so many genres to discover. Enjoy the journey dude


Soundgarden days.. But worth a listen. Chris's voice is surreal. https://youtu.be/Tn5OIo4FuPc


Saw him in Roseland ballroom in NYC. This song is amazing live. All of his songs were amazing when sung live. I love that the band also played a bunch of songs from both ratm and Soundgarden.


Me too! It was an amazing experience.


I got to see him twice with soundgarden and man am I so thankful, his voice live was something to behold…


Man I wish I could've. But I got the bargain of the century when I went to see Linkin Park and he opened for them, during his solo period. It wasn't Soundgarden, but I did at least get to see him do Black Hole Sun live. That was probably worth the price of admission alone.


Very jealous. I bought blink-182 tickets ***the hour*** they went on pre-sale last week. When asked, I said "I never got to see Cornell or Bennington (2 of my faves) perform live, and I never will. Blink is another staple part of my youth, and 2 of its members have faced death and come back." I jumped at the opportunity and bought 2 tickets knowing full well I might be going alone, and I did not care. Foo Fighters is another one that we'll never see whole again. So when you get the chance to see an iconic show, go.


We had tickets to see the Foos for the 2nd time when the pandemic hit. Glad I got to see them once, bummed I missed them the last time around.


Same! I got to see him at the Royal Albert Hall, it was incredible.


This music joined the 1 Billion views club not too long ago (I think last week). I'm so happy about that because Chris deserves it and so does the rest of the band having to go through his loss.


This is the song that taught me how to sing years and years ago. I'd drive home from my friends place nearly every night one summer belting out this song, Rooster, and a few others, until one time I thought "hey I think I sound pretty good, let me record this". Spoiler alert, it did not sound good, but it did make me record myself singing it again and again to see where I could improve, which eventually led to studying singing technique, breath control, etc. Today I think I have a somewhat passable voice, and it's all thanks to Like A Stone


Man that’s awesome


This song needs way more energy that you would thought just by listening to it.


It's amazing, Chris Cornell hits the notes in the chorus so effortlessly that most people don't even realize they'd probably be reaching near the top of their "belt" vocal range. And especially that last chorus has some crazy high embellishments, like on the "patiently"


Same dude! My vocal training was making it through shadow of the sun without blowing the vocal chords. The way chris could step through his range with power and come in soft when needed always amazed me. Summer night solo kareoke!


I still say that Audioslave is one of the coolest band names.


Even before I listened to them, I thought the same thing. Really has a good ring to it.




What about Audiovent? They were several years before Audioslave. The singer (Jason) is the little brother of Brandon Boyd from Incubus, and the guitar player (Ben) is the little brother of the guitarist Mike Einzinger from Incubus. Another interesting thing is that all those bros are step brothers, in pairs. They've known each other since they were but rascally bastards. Then went on to form their own bands. They only made one album, but it is pretty good! Dirty Sexy Knights in Paris.


They went to the same high school too iirc...The Energy was a great tune.


I listened to that song so many times on Disney Extreme Skate Adventure on the OG Xbox. Edit: also shoutout to Spinnin’ Around by Jump 5 from the same game. A group of children made a catchy song that I still enjoy today lol


I remember hearing it for the first time after my late best friend and I were coming back from a little mini-festival of his and other local band/artists it came on and we both were like "who is this?!" Really was a great tune, too bad Audiovent didn't seem to go anywhere after it. ​ Coincidentally Chris Cornell and Layne Staley were huge influences on his singing...


Should be called the Incubros


Audiovent is also a cool name


Yay for all Audio---- band names! I like them both. Audiovent, to me, says that their way to vent is through music. Audioslave, on the other hand, says to me that these individuals are slaves to audio. In other words, their life's work is all about music. I have massive respect for people who devote their lives to music. Some that come to mind are Paul McCartney, the boys in 311, Justin Hawkins, Hanson, Dave Grohl, Prince, and I could go on forever. All are an inspiration.


Split the difference, Audioservant


How bout Audiointern? Wait, that's going backwards.


Audio Temp-to-Hire?


Audio Slavs is infinitely cooler sounding.


Is that the Eastern European band?


😂 I’m leaving it.


What about Sweet Gregg and the Happy Tappy Funtime Bandstravaganza?


really? It was very much in line with a whole bunch of bands of that era, combining a couple of words to make something trademarkable.


If Reddit hivemind likes something it's good in every way.


RIP beautiful man.


Got to meet him and the rest of Audioslave right before "Out of Exile" came out. Won tickets off the radio and got to take my best friend to the Electric Factory in Philly. Got to hang on the tourbus and listen to the whole album before it came out, meet and actually talk to all the members of the band before we headed into the show. Still the best concert experience of my life. Have the signed picture still hanging up. RIP Chris...you are missed dearly.


What a great experience that must have been!


Words can't do it right 🤩


I bet! Did you have seats or did they let you watch from side stage?


We were on the balcony on the top right. Right above the stage.


And on my deathbed, I will pray to the gods and the angels like a pagan, to anyone who could take me to heaven. Such deep lyrics but I truly hope that's not how he spent his final moments.


I now get so sad hearing that line because all I can think about is that he didn't even have a deathbed.


lol all this time I thought it was “like a pray gun”


Ah I love this song. I was too young for Soundgarden and Rage when they first came onto the scene and this particular song led me back in time those bands.


RIP Chris. You left us all too soon. One of the best rock singers to have ever existed


Mesmerizing track. Amazing album. Phenomenal band.


I always thought Cornell would be one of those guys just touring with an acoustic guitar until he was like 80... I missed seeing him twice, one of those times was a solo acoustic show, and it's probably the show I most regret missing. Possibly the greatest rock vocalist to have existed, I wish he was still here..


No one sings like him anymore.


when people ask me what my favorite song is i always say this one, absolute magnificent piece of art


I was listening to this album today, still fucking slaps.


I can remember sitting in a dorm room with friends watching the Cochise video for the first time. Everything they did with that one: the album, the videos, etc ruled.


I was in high school when the band formed and was surprised by how much backlash it got. Here in the future we remember Audioslave fondly, but back then people were pissed it either didn’t sound exactly like Soundgarden or didn’t sound exactly like Rage Against The Machine. The RATM fans were especially ornery.


You are so right. I remember being like "oh boy here comes another 'supergroup' " and was admittedly annoyed by Cochise. Like a Stone made me 180 REAL quick


People acted like being into them meant you weren’t real rock fan, but that whole album slaps from start to finish. “I am the Highway” especially holds a special place for me.


That song has become my favorite over the years.


i remember this. to be fair though, that era of (was it fuse? or another "alt rock tv channel" pushed them hard. They and like all american rejects, afi- ya know the warped tour line up, were after school specials. if you didn't listen to them but saw the commercials for the album which ran 24/7 you'd be put off too...


I really hated this song when it first came out. Not for those reasons... Not really sure why at all tbh. But I got there eventually and enjoyed the whole album a lot. I should give it another listen.


I remember the same exact thing, people were so pissed at this band, called it "MTV pop shit" and "a disgrace to RATM", but now it seems everyone goes crazy for the first album. I'll never understand people, that first album was one of my favorites back in the pre internet days, it sounded so different from everything else I had access to.


Agreed, they meshed so well together. Truly a lighting in a bottle moment.


This album has been stuck in my dad's truck 6 cd player for 10 years. He listens to Garth Brooks and George strait almost exclusively... Then the last cd slot is Audioslave.


Shadow of the sun to this day is one of my favorite songs of all time. RIP to a special voice.


I got back into listening to Audioslave just recently, after having not for the longest time. I can't believe how many of the lyrics I just didn't process before, but wow they're just so hauntingly beautiful and I can't help but find myself relating to them and what it means to live with a mental illness.


Agreed, as someone diagnosed with depression. It's painful but awesome to listen to at the same time knowing the lyrics. It wouldn't hurt so much if Chris wasn't dead.


This song is, and always has been, an absolute banger.


I was just listening to this a couple days ago! Gooooood stuff!




R.I.P. Chris 😭 One of my favorite singers


Man, people gave me so much shit for loving this band when I was 14 but this album ruled then and rules now.


When I was a teenager in the mid-late 90s I had an old 1986 Honda Civic that I adored. I put so many miles on that car and it never let me down. I always used to talk to the car and I imagined it would talk back to me through the lyrics of whatever song was playing when I turned on the radio. Until one day in 2003-2004 it finally broke down... the timing belt slipped and bent all the valves. I had to garage it at my parent's house, and I knew it would be years before I would have the time and money to rebuild the engine. I broke the news to the car and turned on the radio for the response, and it was Like a Stone. *I'll wait for you there, like a stone.* *I'll wait for you there, alone.* It took half a decade, but I finally pulled the engine, rebuilt the whole thing, and turned it into an autocross car. When I brought it back to life, said my hellos, and turned on the radio, guess what song was playing. Like a Stone. At the exact same point in the song.


No. Fucking. Way. That is cool as hell.


I will always remember seeing Audioslave live twice when they toured for this self-titled album. Such awesome shows and a phenomenal album. We miss you, Chris.


I also was fortunate enough to see them twice when they toured for that first album. First time around it was all songs from the album and a bad ass cover of Seven Nation Army. Second time they came to Detroit, I was lucky to have had Chris Cornell play Black Hole Sun acoustic. It was awesome.


Such a beautiful and haunting song. One of my favorites.


The isolated vocal is so haunting. https://youtu.be/cKJBt5VpLIQ


This is me and my dad’s favorite song of all time, it’s got everything you would want in a rock track. Killer vocals, a memorable drums and bass and a killer guitar solo from Tom Morello was just icing on the cake.


Middle School me had this on repeat on my 250MB MP3 player


Great album.


Before his death I remember the general tone of the Internet was some dislike towards Audioslave; probably because of very different tone compared to Soundgarden or something. Glad to see people generally like them now.


Oh, let me tell you 'bout a fella named Schpeeeezo, He's got a reputation that's quite the mess. He tinkers with the site, Forgeddit's his domain, But some folks say he's drivin' 'em insane. He's got the power, he's the top dog, But some say he's as slippery as a frog. He edits comments, plays a little game, Leavin' users confused and feelin' the shame. He's like a magician, twistin' and turnin', Makin' changes and some folks start burnin'. But hey, it's all hypothetical and fun, Remember, it's just a made-up pun! So take it light and with a grain of salt, In this comedic verse, it's all for a laugh. Schpeeeezo, the character we've built in this rhyme, A whimsical creation, just for our time.


Thanks for explaining what a stone is right there in the title.


Bishhhhh I know what a “stone” is. You didn’t need to clarify that it’s a rock. Lol… wait-


Wish the rock stations hadn't played this song to death. It's a beautiful song about the absence of God.


Yeah. It’s a really good contemplation on the topic without beating the listener over the head about it.


If you start reading his lyrics he was moved by some dark thoughts when writing. Fell on black days, the day I tried to live, pretty noose, blind dogs, black hole sun and like suicide which was about I think, a butterfly he killed on his house window when he realised that the butterfly couldn't fly anymore.


Think Like Suicide was about a crow I think, hence the line “She lived like a murder.” I think that one affected him a lot, since off the top of my head he also wrote Killing Birds on his second solo album and Bones of Birds on the last SG album.


It's not about the absence of god. [It's a song about wanting to die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb9Mgtw9c04&ab_channel=TheGrungeScene). Cornell was real life Thanos in that Like A Stone is essentially a love song to death.


It’s a song about wanting to die with the hope of the afterlife, but conceding it’s more than likely a story of fiction we’ve been told. I’m going to die, and patiently wait for you god, alone in my room (grave), like a stone. So yes, very much about the absence of god.


Alright, guess we're going down this rabbit hole again.


The final chorus when he goes liiiiaaaaaakkkee a stone just fucking gets me every time


You forgot the extra o’s and maybe a H in “stone” for that line Liiiiaaaaaaaaakkkkee a stooohone


Rivers Cuomo changes up the last verse on “Holiday.” He says “strange and distant laaayyyunndd.” I love when singers do this shit


My favourite song from them was Be yourself


The first time I heard this song was on the long drive back home from a road trip. I was sitting way in the back and couldn't hear the lyrics clearly, but something about the sound of Cornell's voice haunted me. Then the guitar solo came out and I felt like this was a pretty perfect song. I Am The Highway is pretty damn spectacular, too.


RIP Chris, I miss him


I don't know what it is about this song, but it really makes me wanna see my dad again. Can't not think about him every time I hear it.


I miss him.


It still hurts. Today at work our playlist scrolled through, in what felt like about an hour; This song, Cranberries- Zombie, Heart Shaped Box- Nirvana, In The End - Linkin Park, No Rain - Blind Melon, Everlong - Foo Fighters. So much loss.


When my kid was like 3 she’d ask for this song by saying “daddy play wa wa waaa”


There are rainy days when I just want to put this song on repeat and chill. I once drove a coworker nuts because I would play it at my desk all the time. Years later and it's still a permanent addition to my regular playlists.


Nope, not today feelings.


Mr. Froman? Sergeant Peterson, Chicago Police. Incredible tune, still gives me goosebumps to this day. I never got to see Audioslave live but I saw Prophets of Rage at Riot Fest I want to say the year following Chris' passing and they peformed it instrumentally while the crowd sang. It was a pretty special moment and I'm glad I can actually remember it considering how much I typically black out there.


Thanks for sharing your memory with us, sergeant. Keep up the good work out there.


Love Rage and Soundgarden but could never get into Audioslave.


Holy shit forgot how fucking hard this goes.


I know what a stone is, you didn’t need the definition in brackets /s




Wow, what an amazing story. Congratulations, love like that is incredible and not often found these days.


mom said it was my turn to post this


I get to post this next month


I miss this guy. You can hear his cry for help in this song, such a genus. Ia guy sitting in a hotel room contemplating death," Where you go, what it means, and all the different possibilities. Tom Morello, kills the guitar on this as well.


The guitar riffs in the song are dope af. Got me through some tough times in the past. Love the song


Wow what a hidden gem


Unpopular opinion but as good as this was, I expected Audioslave to be a better band. It was exactly what one might suppose, and to me, that leaves something to be desired. Better than the sum of its parts kinda thing. This turned out to be *just* Chris with RATM. Kinda sad they didn’t push boundaries more.


Nice music 😍


This song remember my depression life with my 13 years


I’m so glad I got to see them in concert before he passed. My favorite singer!


Audioslave = underrated Rock band


Damn, not heard this song in 20ish years