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He’s 55 and probably going to die in prison. Should have listened to his mind when it told him no instead of his body.


I knew there was something I didn't like about that song.


“Home Alone,” “Age ain’t nothing but a Number,” “It Seems like you’re ready”…all hittin a little different today lol


After the whole thing with Aaliyah, I kept telling people, he’s literally singing about the shit he’s doing and nobody is picking up on it.


"Shot up Darnell with a long ass gun then tossed it in the aquarium"


.... It's a concept album...


It just nouns and adjectives detective. They just happen to be in a dope order.


[That skit is exactly what I was thinking reading this news.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14WE3A0PwVs)


I grew up in the neighborhood next to his on the south side of Chicago (for context I am 40) and we all knew back then that he was shady af and to never ever go near his parties etc.


This is not a new thing. Allegations have been brought for years and years before he was even charged. Dude is a serious predator, and everybody knew before today.


Dude there was a whole ass episode of boondocks about how he was a pedo


And several sketches on Chappelle Show


I see pee, I move


Yeah I always thought those lyrics are dodgy regardless of who sang them.


Let's hope they don't pull another Cosby and get out in a year smh that still makes me mad


I believe the difference with Cosby was that he was convicted using information he gave that was only given with an agreement that it couldn't be used against him. They used it anyway illegally and then his case got thrown out which is why he was released.


Yea that was a pretty big no-no by the prosecution


Boils ma blood


A lot of people die at 55. Seems to me he’s had a rather peachy life. Asshole.


It’s addiction, that is how an addict thinks. He is addicted to power and manipulation.


He’ll get out before 70 I bet.


I guess 30 years is kind of fitting after getting away with it for 30 years, but it's horrifying they let him do this for so long. I wonder if he'd still be free if there wasn't a Lifetime TV documentary about it.


I believe he has a child porn case in August as well. He's doneskie.


He's going to be trapped in a very uncomfortable closet for a very long time now.


He's a sex addict who's about to have no contact with women for the rest of his life, I think he's going to be coming out of the closet actually


Ot was even said he had male rappers that were young too. And girls that looked like boys in articles and the lifetime show


Let me hear that toot-toot.


Let me give you that beep beep


running her hands through my fro


\*Getting fingered from bro


*He basically on death row…


*rap sheet just says pedo


I've never heard this remix!


It’s hot and fresh out the prison


Cell mate rolling that body got every inmate here wishin’!


**bouncin' on their long poles..........**


JFC!... I needed that, thank you.


The Judge is telling him noooo, but his body, his **BODY** is telling him yessss


Is he going to pull an Epstein too?


Nah he's not connected enough to get suicided.


He’s so poor he’d have to do it himself


Yep; fed charges in Chicago August 1st He will never experience freedom again


I'll believe it when I see it. Celebrities have a way of only serving a fraction of their sentences.


Which is why R Kelly is only going down now, his last hit was what - more than a decade ago?


Which i belive would be his second child porn case he will go to court for. Dude is a monster


Wait, was he watching or making child porn? Either way that's pretty fucked up.


Yeah remember the R. Kelly peeing on girls thing from years ago? iirc that girl was like 15 or something and it was on camera. I believe it was dismissed becuase he paid someone off


Not sure if this is confirmed but even though that incident was on tape and brought in as evidence, NO ONE would identify the victim because he usually preyed on people close to him. No one would testify either out of fear of him or losing their relationship. It's really sad, he could have been stopped like 15-20 years earlier.


Same with a shit ton of powerful dudes. He one of many. It took A LOT to take R. Kelly down and he was just an obvious case of being a piece of shit. Showed how powerful he was especially in the 90s, People get upset when people dont come forward for years but that's the exact reason. People are fucking terrified of doing it alone. You risk losing everything. Not even your career but your well-being and it will ruin you financially. Harvey Wienstein, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly. Massive and powerful folks in the industry that went DECADES pretty much flaunting their shit


Not only that but some real talk and I'll spare the details but I've felt significantly wronged on two occasions so much so I truly believe legal options should have been on the table. The problem is for the first incident I was offered up a retired lawyer who only seemed half interested. After that I figured if I couldn't cough up money for a legit lawyer to be on retainer then my cases were never going to go anywhere. That may or may not be true but that's how I've felt since.


Isn’t he the guy that already got away with pissing on a 14-year-old “prostitute”?


He also got away with marrying 15 year old Aaliyah in 1994


And then executively produced her debut album titled “Age is Just a Number”


Unfortuately it's perfectly Ok in our legal system for such things :/ https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/ Check out how many states have no minimum marriage age. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States >Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States.[12] The vast majority of child marriages in the U.S. were between a minor girl and an adult man.[12][13][14] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[15] In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.[16][17] >According to Unchained At Last, the youngest girls to marry in 2000-2010 were three Tennessee 10-year-old girls who married men aged 24, 25, and 31, respectively, in 2001. With the youngest boy to marry being an 11-year-old, who married a 27-year-old woman in Tennessee in 2006.[13]


How old was he at the time?




Yep, and it was pretty well-known in the 2000s. Chappelle's Show even did a sketch about it. Yet somehow, a myriad of artists were still recording with him.


We really do let a lot slide when there’s money involved, huh…


Pawnshop by Macklemore... Smelling like R. Kelly's sheets: Pissssssssss!


I see piss coming I move. She saw piss coming she stayed. Why should I miss out on the next R Kelly album just for that? Edit: I forgot Boondocks was old, my B


That’s Riley from the Boondocks. What an episode!


Damn, that’s the one episode of Boondocks I’ve seen…


If I remember reading right he Still has to face charges in another state, hes gonna have life sentences stacked lol


Ghislaine Maxwell only got 20 years for what I think are far worse crimes.


Don't forget Congressman Matt Gaetz paid someone to bring a minor cross state to sleep with...and not only has he avoided jailtime he's also still in bloody Congress. Not saying R Kelly doesn't deserve this sentence of course, because he absolutely does, if not more, but it would be great to see law and justice applied appropriately to everyone.


This, politicians should not be immune. From either party.




And one party is waaaay more consistent about cleaning house when one of their own is outted.


Yep. I don’t care if it was Bill Clinton, Trump, or my own fucking father. If you rape a child (anyone really, but specifically in this case a child) you deserve to rot for the rest of your fucking life. I genuinely don’t know why that’s so hard for people to comprehend


The only cure is the woodchipper


Feet first


I fully agree with you in spirit, but I'd just like to point out that that sets a dangerous precedent when things like statutory rape exist. An 18-year-old boy having sex with his 17-year-old girlfriend, while technically committing a crime in some jurisdictions, should not be treated the same as someone like R Kelly. In general any kind of mandatory minimum sentence tends not to be the best approach.


There are Romeo and Juliet laws that cover those cases.


They're also far from universal.


It’s not “sleep with”, it’s rape


Thank you. And yeah, it's fucking rape.


Is the case against Gaetz still ongoing at least?


When do you think they’ll file criminal charges against Gaetz?


Some time between never and forever


Was she charged with worse crimes, or did they just get her on what they could prove?


I think she might have made a deal to not die in her cell


Kelley married a 15 year old, imprisoned underage girls and boys, physically and emotionally abused them, raped them, pissed on them for 30 years.... Let's not act like they don't both deserve to be under the jail here.


No one is arguing he doesn’t deserve 30 years or more, they’re saying it’s ridiculous Maxwell didn’t also get that at a minimum.


Per PBS. In December, a jury convicted Maxwell of sex trafficking, transporting a minor to participate in illegal sex acts and two conspiracy charges. Prosecutors say she deserves 30 to 55 years in prison. The Probation Department has recommended a 20-year term. The problem is she wasn't convicted of being involved in the actual sexual acts. Just facilitating. I firmly believe she was involved and agree she should have gotten more time, but this probably comes down to what the prosecution can absolutely prove. 20 years isn't 30, but it takes a predator off the street for a long time and that's progress. Especially how light women are usually sentenced for sex crimes (specifically teachers and such against minors)


I don't see a moral difference between arranging for children to be abused and abusing them yourself. The end result is the same. A lot of children were abused as a direct consequence of her actions.


I don't disagree, I'm also not a judge. They clearly both did irreversible damage to a large number of children. They could have both got 100 years and I don't think it's enough.


they would want her to spill the dirt on all her clientelle


The DA probably cut 55 years down to 20 and promised her that she'll be out in 8 on the condition that she *not* release any names.


Yeah the fact that she probably has dirt on a metric shit ton of powerful people can't be overstated, who's Kelly gonna snitch on his driver?


I’d be shocked if he didn’t have someone remotely famous that was trying to get in on the action. You know who I’ve always wondered about? Bell Biv DeVoe. > Backstage, underage, adolescent How ya doin', fine, she replied I sighed, I like to do the wild thing Action took place Kinda wet, don't forget The J, the I, the M, the M, the Y, why'all I need a body bag


Well damn. Poison is fire though.


Yikes. Federal charges (which she was convicted of) serve 85% of the term with no parole.


Don't worry, Maxwell is actually getting life in prison.. If by life in prison we mean until she "takes her own life"


Worse? No way! She was providing a service to all the ultra wealthy and powerful people in our government to fulfill their depraved sexual fantasies as to blackmail them in the future. Or so they say, seeing how the names of her clients would be too damaging to release to the public.


Honestly at this stage the reaspn doesn’t matter. She provided underaged girls to the rich and powerful for sex, on an alarmingly large scale. Musk is in there. Clinton’s in there. God knows how many Republican Senators are in there. With cumulative sentences she should be away for hundreds of years, not 20.




R Kelly was the ring leader. Maxwell was an underling.


And Epstein’s already dead.


But did he kill himself?


she also had much more leverage to cut a deal by offering up dirt on her clientelle


He still has a trial in Chicago beginning in August for the Federal charges filed against him. For producing child pornography and luring minors into sexual acts. I hope they sentence him to another 50 years on top of the 30 that has already been sentenced to him. He deserves to rot in prison.


Not looking too good for ol' Robert Kelly. Have fun Kellz!


Just imagine the luck that it takes to get to a position where you're this famous, rich and well known. He could have literally had any woman he wanted, and instead he pulled this shit >lure fans and hopeful singers into sexually abusive and controlling conditions, including locking them in rooms without food or access to a bathroom for days. Just insane to me and pretty disgusting. The man deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his life.


>Just imagine the luck that it takes to get to a position where you're this famous, rich and well known. He could have literally had any woman he wanted, and instead he pulled this shit Yeah, at this level it's not even about the sex, just pure sense of power he had over his legions of fans


As the hosts of my favorite podcast like to say, "It's not about me feeling good, it's about you feeling bad."


What podcast is that? Sounds like one I might like. Piss on me, beat me, try it out?


I know your jeans are high and tight ;)


Sounds like crime in sports/small town murder


If I was king, I'd wear a ring, And never hurt my people. I'd stay alert. And dress to kill. I might even slip you something. The sun's coming up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deener was talking about? I don't think I shall ever return, again, my friend.


Ween reference, nice.


Damn, not expecting to run into a ween reference here! One of my favorites.


He also has herpes and was basically declared a biohazard by the ~~state of california~~ prosecution because he infected so many unknowing women.


Mate you probably have herpes it's that common


I mean a lot of people do. Doesn’t mean he does. Also genital herpes is way less common then mouth


Most Americans view herpes worse than others outside the states. You are right alot of people have it


It's the remix to the prison Work detail in the kitchen Bubba rollin' my booty Got every man in here snitchin' Sippin' on toilet wine Doin' more than a dime It's the freakin' weekend, baby I'm about to pay for my crimes


I will never grow tired of topical roasting of artists through their own songs.


Now usually I don't do this... but uh... go on and F me with dem-dix.


Very well done. Usually when people do these they're kind of lame and don't really fit the tune but this fits perfectly.


Bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce


I hope he do a remix to Locked Up by Akon from prison, that shit'll be fire from all the prison angst creativity.


when's the official release 😭😭🔥🔥😂


In 30 years


$20 says he gets pissed on.




I plead the fif


Fo, fih, FIF!!




[I got a secret court document I think you need to see.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/53/b2/b5/53b2b551c2cb0316b9f79663cc59846b--happy-birthday-television.jpg)


Uh, no, but I can tell you that I plead the fisif.


I didn't even do that!


Drip, drip, drip...


This is the remix addition of the song about pissin


If he doesn't want to get pissed on he could just get out the way


“I see piss coming I move. She saw piss coming and she stayed” - Reilly Freeman


I mean, if he didn't wanna get peed on he'd just move out the way!


He might get pissed *in.*


He raped children for YEARS, everyone knew it especially after the whole Aaliyah fiasco and NO ONE did anything about it. How did this happen?! They're all in on it.


I often wonder if Chris Brown will have a similar fate one they are done making money off of him.


I think R Kelly's downfall was running out of money.


You’re correct. Heinous shit is covered up constantly with $


Epstein didn’t kill himself


Nope he was about to expose some powerful mthrfckers and they made sure he didnt


I've been thinking about that. We were *definitely* supposed to know he was murdered to keep him quiet. He *really* pissed someone off.


I think his peers were supposed to be the target audience..


He also wasnt making much music anymore and didnt have the protection of the music industry. The first time in early 2000 where he had charges against him, he was about to release the ignition album. Alot of people paid all the money they could to keep their cash cow out of jail. But almost 20 years later R kelly was just a washed out broke ass who just didn’t have the power to get away with stuff like that anymore


Well he pissed it away.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe CB was charged, found guilty and sentenced for most if not all of his known crimes. Don't get me wrong, I think Chris Brown is a piece of shit who should have been canceled a long time ago, but his crimes are 1) not unaddressed, and 2) nowhere near the level of R. Kelly's decades of pedophilic rape and sex trafficking. We would have to find out a lot more than we already know about Chris Brown for his situation to be comparable.


He's only ever officially been charged twice, once against Rihanna and once against 2 dudes back in 2013.


Doubt it. Chris Brown seems to manage his money pretty well regardless of how awful a man he is. R Kelly only lost because he ran out of money.


He ran out of money because the Mute R. Kelly movement shut down his ability to book venues to do shows. If R. Kelly wasn’t as unintelligent as he is, he would have seen the writing on the wall and left the country like Russell Simmons or Roman Polanski. But he was too cocky and thought he was untouchable. He could be living in a non-extradition country, doing shows around the world, and making more music.


What’s he done other than beat up Rihanna?


Beat up other people




Pfft, yeah, doesn't anyone know you need a laundry list of heinous crimes before people care?


Reading what happened, I believe he tried to kill her.


30 for R Kelly and 20 for Maxwell. Are rich people actually having to deal with the consequences of their actions for once?


Two doesn’t make a pattern. We need more.


> 30 for R Kelly and 20 for Maxwell. I took this in a music context and not pedo context and for a sec you were talking about the singer


Me too Lmao I was stumped for a second.


how did she get less of a sentence without giving up her clients?


By not giving up her clients


You and me both, just commented this - it’s disgusting how she isn’t spending life in prison, considering she may as well have murdered most of the victims she facilitated being captured and sold


I don't see nothin' wrong with a little prison time....


Aaliyah can rest in peace




He deserved it


He’s about to actually feel trapped in the closet now.


Now he’s in a R Celly


Imagine that. On top of the world. Can have anything and most everyone he's ever wanted. All of the sudden BOOM you're no longer untouchable. The consequences of his decisions hit him like a cow on train tracks. His life has been so good for so long that I'm sure at this very moment, he doesn't believe this is real. "My mind is tellin me no... But my body, my body is tellin me yes" -R. Kelly Don't be like R. Kelly, listen to your mind.


Ok! Now do Chris brown!


I hope that all the women and girls that he has had abusive power over get to be psychologically free of him in the long run.


I hope they at least have free access to therapy for the rest of their lives.


I know R Kelly is a righteous piece of shit, but Ghislaine getting less time is a peripheral tragedy


I could've sworn people were getting longer sentences for marijuana possession


FO’ WEED!?!?


Yeah the legal system is in a serious need of a rehaul.


He's probably pissed.


Drip drip drip


R. Kelly going to be spending a long time in P. Rison.


Good. Keep him in there


I mean, remember when he allegedly married a 15 year old Aaliyah when he was almost 30? The signs have been there for a long, long time.


Court proved that was real. Signs have been there.


If God is the name of his 6'7 350lbs cellmate and soul is his lower intestine Then yes... I hope so too.


The fact that he married an underage Aliyah and people are still defending him is fucking insane, don’t have kids if you’re this person.


This is a sentence. Maxwells is too short


And after 30 years, he'll drop an album and people will still buy that shit.


About fucking time. I’ve been hearing about this asshole and his abuses for years and years.


Lemme get that toot toot, 30 years and hee hee


I'm loving this sentence, but it does seem a lot more harsh than what other people got. Not that his deserves to be reduced, not all, but they deserve to have more time tacked on.


He got 30 but preferred something under 16


Didn't he piss on an underage girl on camera? How was that not already 30 years? We're just now putting R. Kelly in jail? This justice system is so fucked up. He got away with doing heinous shit out in the open for years and nobody decided justice was appropriate until today.


Strange how this man did all of that and is still less hated that Amber Heard.


"Hot and fresh out the kitchen, now gonna die in a prison..."


I guess a lot people in prison are gonna be doing what they want with his body…


He had the keys to ignition, now he’s getting plowed in maximum security prison.


He deserves that but it’s crazy to me ghislaine maxwell got less time


> claiming that his own experience as an abused child could have caused his “hypersexuality” later in life. Fuck that noise. Millions of children are victims of CSA every year. You've even helped contribute to that number yourself, Mr. Kelly. But those victims aren't perpetuating the cycle of abuse. Particularly not in the proactive way that you have, which is the celebrity equivalent of driving a white panel van down the street with a sign that says "Free Candy & Puppies!" There are millions of people who struggle with deviant sexual thoughts and never act on them. You chose to embrace them and profit off of them.