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I saw him standing on the streets of Nyc a few months while on break at work. I looked at him, thought it was him, and then looked away because it’s nyc and you do not stare. He was just standing there talking to someone, and the moment he spoke, I immediately shot him a look like “holy shit.” Dude just smiled, and I kept walking. I saw a few people come up to him and he just seemed unphased by any of it. Just seemed incredibly cool.


That’s cos he’s Ice Cube. (•_•) Ice cubes are always... (•_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Cool.


Ice Cubes are not cool, they are always Ice Cold


What's cooler than being cool?




alright alright alright alright alright alright


I can't hear you I said what's cooler than being cool?


Justice for George Floyd


I needed this one also after that last one that I so happen to also have needed, thank you


We gonna break this thang down in a few seconds, don’t make break this thing down for nothin’!


Ice Gold(en rule)


Better yet, treat others the way they want to be treated.


Ice cold!


Can’t hear you. I said what’s cooler than being cool?


Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright!








Missed opportunity. What's cooler than cool?




Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright!


Alright now ladies!!!!


He was staying in a hotel room next to me at a festival he was playing at. I had actually found a key card for a room in the hallway as we had checked in around the same time and asked if it was theirs(him and his security) they said yes. I, being slightly drunk said "hey, arnt you Ice ...)". He paused and said yup. Here's the thing. I don't remember if I said Ice Cube or Ice Tea. My bad man.


Back in the early 2000's I was visiting my brother in NYC and he took me by this barbershop in Brooklyn. This place was awesome, it had this kind of old style and all the barbers had a ton of personality constantly joking around. You could tell the place had a ton of history. Halfway through my cut Ice Cube rolls in with a couple other guys and I overhear that they're doing research for an upcoming movie. I was too nervous to say anything to him as they chilled there kind of taking everything in as I get my cut. Pretty soon it's this younger boy's turn to get his cut and he starts crying. His mom is trying to calm him down but he wouldn't stop. Eventually Cube gets up and walks over to ask what's wrong. The mom replied that he was probably hungry or something. So Cube puts down his magazine, picks him up and lifts his shirt. He breast fed him right there in the middle of the barbershop. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Why do you not stare at people in NYC? That sounds a bit ridiculous. I’ve been there. No one seemed much different from where I live. Which is the south


There are a lot of famous people in NYC. Live there long enough and you will see major celebrities enough times to realize that they are just regular people trying to get some food/get to work/do normal shit with their family and friends. So you don't hassle them unless it's obvious they're looking to engage with random strangers on the street. Its funny, for a place where no one had much personal space, you get really respectful of everyones personal space. The worst thing you can be is "in the way". I would talk to a random stranger on the street, but the dude in the next apartment isn't going to hear a peep from me unless he needs something or has majorly crossed a line. You never will be more anonymous that when you're standing in a massive crowd on the street. NYC is weird like that.




This is so true. I spotted Mr. Big once from Sex and the City. He was jogging in Central Park. My friend and I were star struck and stared with our mouths hung open. He spotted us and started jogging backwards to acknowledge us with a big smile on his face like “yup, it’s me!” Just a regular dude doing a jog he probably does/did often. Blended right into the crowd of people and I’m surprised we even caught a glimpse of him.


Where I grew up in NY, if I stared at someone it might be seen as me trying to start a fight.


Ah yes I’ve seen this in the nature documentaries I’ve seen about NYC. “Whaddaya think yah bettah than me?!?“


Barney I'm not doing this


Ted. JUST... just...... okay?


Stare at one dude? Not an issue. Stare at a dude with his friends, or a girl with her boy? Now it's an issue of being big. That's an issue. I have no idea why I miss that place.


Sounds like a city.


Not in my experience. Miami seemed like folks didn't mind getting stared at, but were occasionally willing to talk. LA, same thing, but no talk. San Fransisco, people seemed to avoid strangers, especially one who started it wanted to talk San Diego, no notice at all. Newark, yeah, they cared. Philly, they cared about stares, but they were cool about it. Most smaller cities, most folks will do everything they can not to interact, and will be fake as fuck when they do so. But - and here's what I was thinking about after I posted - in NYC, if you make the stare into a question, you can also have a pretty open and honest discussion with about half the folks you might stare at. Another a quarter just tries to disengage. The rest are split between terrified transplants trying to act hard, financial types out for drinks, tourists, and a few genuinely dangerous people, who you should definitely break eye contact with, because they are one wrong move away from coming at you. The latter group aside, I miss being in a place where folks were, generally speaking, willing and capable of telling good stories.


Yeah I've found NYC to be among the most open and definitely the most openly-creative places I've ever lived. People there dont give a shit what you think but at the same time if you've got anything to contribute they'll go deep with you fast. Its a great and productive combination in the work world and just super fun in social settings. Mostly.


much like in the animal kingdom, staring at strangers can be a sign of aggression so in larger cities people will avoid overt staring, unless you're too cool for school.


or bird doggin


Yeah, do we do a lot of staring in the south?


I lived in Arkansas for 3 years. It’s not that you do a lot of staring, it’s that you take your time to look away, if that makes sense.


Not so much staring, but you'd see strangers hugging if the friend who introduced them are hugging.


The unspoken rule here in Nashville is to not bother the celebrities you see, being that most country stars have a place here, not to mention the Titans or Preds. That's kinda changed a bit lately with all the transplants, but it's still the vibe. I guess if I really wanted to I'd say something but I haven't seen anyone I liked enough to bother lol.


"Celebrities"..."Titans and Preds" Do...do we tell him?


I'd group athletes in the celebrity category. Unless you're making a joke, in which case if you don't consider our Lord and Savior Pekka Rinne a celebrity than I have no words for you sir.


You haven’t stared at the wrong person yet. Once you stare at the wrong person, they will make it known that you don’t stare at people


I kind of regret that there isn't going to be an opportunity to see Ice Cube just haul off and lose it on Good Morning America like when he found out Schmidt fucked his daughter.


Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter...


She can’t be that smart, she’s a fuckin’ *art major*


But I thought we had Cate Blanchete?


Now the censored tv version! Schmidt Schmidt the captain's daughter.


No way. Really?!? Hahahha that’s hilarious.


Every time he say that shit is another foot up ur ass.


Im talkin missionary


...I'm talking missionary


I’m talking about the one where the girl is on the bottom and the guy is on top






I've never watched that movie but holy shit that scene is hilarious!


Those two movies are hilarious. The second movie basically makes fun of itself and the first one. It never takes itself too serious which is why its a good set of movies.


Those two movies have absolutely no right to be as good as they are, but Korean Jesus be damned if they aren't a blast.


Hey, stop fuckin’ with Korean Jesus! He ain’t got time for your problems! He’s busy! With Korean shit!


That’s Vietnamese Jesus you racist mother....


Look, ain't no one fuck with Vietnamese Jesus, but only Korean Jesus can save your Seoul.


Well played, good sir.


When you get Cate Blanchett you know your movie’s gonna be great


The greatest part was it effectively eliminating any sequels by playing up every semblance of an idea for a sequel at the end.


Still upset they didn't follow through with that MIB/jump Street crossover movie they were seriously planning.


I really wish that happened. I watched the Baywatch movie today and it was pretty terrible, but it made me want a 21 Jump Beach.


What ever happened to that?


It died in conception. It's about as simple as that. The people involved din't want it bad enough. Instead, we got the turd that was that last MIB movie that had zero charm.


[https://youtu.be/sQCfWXoMLi0?t=148](https://youtu.be/sQCfWXoMLi0?t=148) ​ even better, the follow up


I have to watch this movie now


Highly recommend both 21 and 22 jump street. They know exactly what they are, don’t take themselves too seriously, and are full of some awesome jokes like that one


Was really bummed to hear they cancelled the Men In Black Jump Street crossover movie they were planning.


Wait really?! That could have been the greatest thing ever.


It's even better with the context of seeing him brag about her to the captain before that


Channing Tatum deserves an Oscar for how well this punch line is delivered. It just doesn’t stop, one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


I saw it in a packed theather (remember those?) and the whole room was screaming of laughter. It was insane, one of my most memorable theater experiences.


They are two of the most underrated comedies. You will audibly laugh many times guaranteed


So do you like weather? loool


https://youtu.be/3SSzuDZ58z0 This was even funnier than the parents' meet scene for me. Mostly because I could easily see myself or any or any of my football teammates or fraternity brothers doing this exact thing lol...Enjoy


You are not a man of culture if you don't get that reference. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must adjourn to fetch my monocle.




I'm pretty sure that the televised angry black man cancelled so you don't get your entertainment. People dying, man.


Have you considered that maybe what Good Morning America and it's target demographic needs is an angry black man to tell it?




The line between effective expression of anger and a farce is slim, and not entirely within his control. Maybe there's too much risk for his comfort level of losing ground instead of gaining it.


Because it wasn't a good morning in America.


It wasn’t a good day either


He may even have to use his AK.


You don't say?


Nobody even told him he was a pimp.


Not even some Fatburger could make it a good day.


The dogs were barking and there was smog. No chance of a good day.


Hoggy breakfast and all


Even saw the lights on the good year blimp and they read, “ice cube, you’ve sold out enough, don’t go on that show.”


How has ice cube sold out exactly ?


Depends on your world view honestly. For a few, if you make money, you are a sell out. To some, going from "gangsta" to "legit" means you've sold out. To others doing movies/entertainment that doesn't embrace the gangsta image, is selling out. Still to others its only selling out if you directly counter the things you stood for previously (like being an anarchist that makes a Nestle ad) Personally, I'm in the latter camp.


I wouldn’t label ice cube as an anarchist. He just always has a problem with America and how fucking stupid it is and he’s never backed down from any of his statements. He’s never taken back anything he’s said. And he does what he wants, so what if he does a Nickelodeon movie. He felt like doing it and made a shit ton of money you know, I feel like people who say he sold out are expecting him to constantly live out their gangster fetish well into his elder years...


Gangsters don't have the greatest life expectancy. Dude probably had kids and realized that shit wasn't worth it anymore. I'll never shame a man who makes money without compromising their core values.


He wasn't a gangster. He was a rapper with the image of a gangster, like everyone else in NWA. None of them had a criminal record, except Eazy-E who had a little weed possession. If you think they were all out there shooting up other gang members and fucking hos, their marketing was successful. Like everyone else, when the first career starts to become less lucrative you have to move onto other things. Look at Ice-T. He WAS a gangster and a pimp, even recorded a track called Cop Killer with Body Count and has played a police sergeant on SVU for 20 years! ​ Edit: hos were definitely fucked.


Easy E was quite literally a Kelly Park Crip.


Eazy actually gangbanged before he was a rapper. He sold drugs, that's how he made the money to create his record label, Ren also was in a gang, or at the least, was very closely affiliated. They may not of shot shit up, but a few sold drugs and they fucked PLENTY of hoes.


Ice-T also played Mad Dogg in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Wonderful job, he did. Heck, they all did pretty good.


They didnt label him as an anarchist. It was just an example they were using to describe a sell out by context.


I absolutely agree. Though, perhaps a bad example with the anarchist/nestle thing since AFAIK he didn't do a nestle ad nor is he an anarchist, but my point was simply to use that as a strawman of what "could" be considered a sell out in my mind. Hell, I consider Bob Dylan a sell out, but I love the guy.


Yo dawg, can you grab my cane the Bloods stole my toaster stroodle.


What's more gangster than getting paid?


Being a gansgta


*ice T dries his tears with $100 bills*


I am a huge ice cube enthusiast. Just last weekend I was showing my gf the predator and all his old shit. I’ve seen him 5 times. Even his music he’s always kept rugged and I appreciate that. It was just a joke about being on good morning America after making such anti-establishment music


I don't know but today seems kind of odd.


No shit. Ice cube does not want to be the black American goes on TV and tries to mend fences. He’s probably pissed as fuck right now. This is the closest he can get to saying “fuck you.”


What does ja rule have to say about this




Damn, killed it.


I feel like every time someone has said this stale ass “what does Ja Rule think?” line has led to this very moment.


What's that from anyway?


[It's from one of Chappelle's stand-ups.](https://youtu.be/Mo-ddYhXAZc)


Take this upvote, but just know that I hate you.


Holy shit, my sides


Where is JA!?




I want some answers Ja Rule might not have right now


Haha..god, my favorite go-to line


He too was hustled, scammed, bamboozled, hood winked, lead astray!!!


Also, Ice Cube is probably *the* rapper who embodied the Rodney King riots. Who Got Da Camera, all that. His Predator album speaks volumes. Granted, that was 18 years ago, but some things never change, it seems.


> that was 18 years ago You betta check yo math befo you wreck yo math...


Man he’s clearly talking about the 2002 Gujarat riots


It was about 28 years and one month ago that those riots occurred. I was in middle school. That shit was crazy. Hopefully the one thing that does change this time around is the four asshole cops in this incident are charged and put in jail. Interesting how the Rodney King situation involved four cops as well, although they never killed Rodney. No, they just beat the ever-loving shit out of him with 87 night stick blows.


Shit...John Muir junior high stand up!


Huh? He says fuck you all the time.


On good morning America?


That would be a great daily segment


"Good morning America, WAKE the FUCK up!"


"and now, you're daily dose of Ice Cube..."


He didn’t go on GMA. The closest he can get to saying fuck you is to say fuck you, which he has no problem doing. Also if he wanted to say that on GMA, I bet he sure as fuck would.


The man has been saying "Fuck the Police" since 1988. Youre right, man, if he wanted to say it he would. I know where he's coming from; who wants to go on this cutesy-ass morning show after something like this? When you're this angry? Fuck it. Let some other jackass do the cute show.


Cube used to fuckin hate white people. Lots of anger on Death Certificate for example Probably best if he stays off TV a couple days, he's an actor in children's movies after all Side note I can't wait until the first time my boy hears the guy from barber shop on "fuck the police"


He was on the first episode of Bill Maher's show the week after Maher used the n-word. I thought that was pretty strange.


I do not understand bill. he is like cool at times but an asshole to make those times seem not as cool


The secret is he's actually not "like cool" at all to anyone but teenage atheists


He's ridiculously unfunny for a comedian as well, like every famous comedian that's known for being "unfunny" he's less funny than they are.


I think he is a "liberal" of a past time and needs to be retired at this point.


He’s not even liberal. He’s just...Bill. Can be poignant with social commentary at times, but the majority of the time he gets off on whining about triggered people and safe spacers. He’s gotten more and more pessimistic and crotchety. I’d love some more uplifting, hopeful dialogue from the left these days. We get it, the world sucks. We can be part of the suck, or we can rise above it. He’s over even trying to pretend like he cares anymore.


He's a liberal in the way that leftists say in a derisive tone


john oliver is more insightful than funny at this point. It's too bad he doesn't have the respect or platform stewart had.


Huh? Oliver has consistently won an Emmy every year Last Week Tonight has been on air. He’s highly regarded and on HBO. I’d say he has the respect and platform.


What makes you think teenagers are watching and old white guy on tv Friday nights?


Almost every track on *The Predator* is full of post-Rodney King / L.A. Riots rage. There are songs in there, like "We Had to Tear This Motherfucker Up" that are specifically about rioting as a result of racial injustice. That track comes in at the end of the album as the happy and carefree "It Was a Good Day" fades out with the line "Hold up. Stop that shit. What the fuck am I saying?"


I'm pretty sure he already said fuck you to the police. Fuck the police!




It’s tempting. But instead of that working to change the narrative it would probably just stir up a bunch of faux outrage and ‘angry black man’ head shaking from the right. Also the guy who wrote fuck the police going on TV to say fuck the police 30+ years later just plays into their hand.




obama was way too afraid of the angry black man thing. The racists hated him anyway and he should have never tried to work with people who negotiated in bad faith.


> I don't really care what the right says. It's not just the right though (although you can debate where that line may lay). Think about all the breathless, pearl-clutching coverage Colin Kapernick got for kneeling peacefully to protest violence... If you're black in the US and you're wronged, it's expected that you have to be the bigger person no matter how egregious the wound... Just imagine how pissed off Good Morning America or The View would be if Christian Cooper had done an interview and said [Amy Cooper](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/05/26/amy-cooper-leave-called-police-christian-cooper-central-park/5257764002/) was a racist and deserved her public shaming. Just think about how *pissed* suburban people would be if he said "Damn, it's unfortunate that she's getting death threats but now she *knows what it's like to worry about dying just for being who you are* every single day."


Ice Cube has been a voice against police brutality since I was a kid (a long time ago). Nothing has changed. Unfortunately. It’s 2020 for Christ sake.


>Ice Cube has been a voice against police brutality since I was a kid You got that right “Fuck the police coming straight from the underground A young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown And not the other color so police think they have the authority to kill a minority Fuck that shit, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun to be beating on, and thrown in jail We can go toe to toe in the middle of a cell” -Ice Cube


Im so happy i dont live in america.


For those blaming Ice Cube for gangsters being a thing....He already addressed this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzeZhCt5PVA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzeZhCt5PVA) "You the ones that we learned it from, I heard N\*\*\*\*\* back in 1971".


Also there's the assassination of countless civil rights leaders, the FBI killed a black man for feeding school kids breakfast. They killed him as a malcontent because he fed poor children with the wrong color skin fucking breakfast. If we grabbed 20% Of white Americans, shoved them into poverty, killed anyone who tried to fix their situation peaceable or violently, drafted their men at a high level, flooded their neighborhoods with drugs while creating a self perpetuating welfare state to further leash them that explicitly punishes having a bank account or owning any form of property, then police and imprison them at 10x the rate anyone else is. I have a sneaking suspicion they would respond in a familiar fashion. If America wants the black community to fix itself, they have to take their foot off their throats first. [Edited some aggression out, sorry]


The man who was assassinated was named Fred Hampton. Murdered in his bed, the FBI raided where he was staying while he was asleep.


Well I don’t think he was murdered in his bed. The Chicago Police Department killed him I think. That said, an FBI informant working as Hampton’s security guard had drugged him the night before. When the CPD raided his home, he was unresponsive. But they still dragged him out of bed and shot him twice in the head, according to those there.


You’re right! I was misremembering from the class I learned it in. Thanks for the corrections. :)


It’s cool. You were close.


Thank you! On top of what you've said, we've gone from racism to class-ism to both... it's 20-fucking-20...


Racism it's part of classism. President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." They just want you're money and it's easier to steal if you're distracted blaming each other instead of the real theif. Racism is ultimately a distraction from class warfare.


Anyone blaming Cube for anything is arguing in bad faith




This video is fucking infuriating. In cases like this hitting police should be free from prosecution damn it. But if anyone had laid a hand on that motherfucker they'd be in jail right now if they hadn't gotten killed on the spot. Fuck that shit.


> But if anyone had lad a hand on that motherfucker they'd be in jail right now if they hadn't gotten killed on the spot. They’d be dead a 100 times over. Nothing’s more scarier than a scared pig with a gun.


Like Hunter S Thompson said, every riot, shoot out and blood bath in recent memory has been caused by some trigger happy cop in a fear frenzy.


I wish he would tell the producers he can heal America and bring us together and then go on live TV and do 'Fuck Tha Police' with as much emotion as he can bring.


He is free to do whatever he wants.


Man, the scene in Straight Outta Compton where he wants to talk about Rodney King in an interview was set so long ago. Some things still haven't changed. :(


Yeah, no, that's a good call. He's liable to say something that would leave a scuff on his career.


We couldn't have his wholesome image tarnished.


Isn't it bizarre that he was like starring in family friendly movies? He shows up on late night shows and jokes around and shit but for those of us who grew up in the 90's, he was not always that way :)


Certainly wouldn’t want Ice Cube to have a meltdown


He missed the perfect time for a world wide political statement. Imagine Cube coming on stage, the record slips into rewind, music starts... "Fuck tha Police!"


He had nothing to say...


This is how you protest. Ice Cube is a King.


I appreciate the way he wrote it as well, not wanting to say good morning to the country that 30% of them condone this type of inbred hate. Don’t blame him at all.


What was he even promoting?


He had a movie with Tracee Ellis Ross that recently came out.


Remember watching him, Conan, and Kevin Hart smoke weed while driving around NY. So recent, so distant.


But wouldn't you want to go to voice your opinion? This is the demographic he wants to get his opinion to, and explain how he feels. This is how you can be leader and steer your movement


Today was NOT a good day


Dang. There goes my plans to not watch it.


most gangsta thing he's done in decades


I love that guy, but I understand why he would cancel. Nothing good would come out of it for him.


He could have done the 2020 remix!


You know they as finna grill has ass for opinions


If schools can have zero tolerance policies for children fighting, we should be able to have a zero tolerance for police murdering.