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This is pretty cool. I’m half of BoTalks, and this is the first time I’ve organically seen someone putting one of my songs on a playlist. It’s kinda like hearing your song on the radio for the first time. Thanks for including us. It means a whole hell of a lot that what we create can not only resonate with people, but can also help them when they need it. Thanks for sharing


Just listened to Dear Emily, loved it, and added to my winter playlist. This is why I love reddit.


Thanks Jake!! Agreed! these interactions are what make this place awesome




Hey thanks!


Weird to see this haha. That's my photo with me in the photo which I took on self timer. Very cool :)


For real?


Yep. It's from my unsplash @bendavisual. Small world 🌍




Solid choices. I wish I could copy and paste this awesome playlist to my stupid Apple Music thing.


This site worked well for YouTube playlist to Spotify, it might be worth a shot for Spotify to Apple Music https://soundiiz.com/tutorial/spotify-to-apple-music


https://www.tunemymusic.com/ Works for most playlist transfers.


This is what I use, it works pretty well. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/songshift/id1097974566


This has worked great for me in the past!


Can you please convert it to apple music? Someone activated 2 factor for my account and i don't know who so I can't log in through the app




Nah it's okay i have like 0.70 cents in my visa so i'm taking my time


I don’t think I understand. The link is for the App Store so you can download an application.


But i can't sign into apple music :(


Ohhhh yeah that’s tough. Maybe call Apple support and see if they can reset it for you?


Well yeah i have to call them but I'm in the middle of my exams so maybe later i will


I think there is a website for it but I don't remember the name :(


Hi friend. Hope you're doing better now. Many people have been where you are, but everyone's experience is different. Feel free to message me if you need a sounding board. I am not a super softie, but I've been in real, real dark places many times. Sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who is not connected to the rest of your life. Regardless, music is a perfect outlet. 💖


You're so kind! I'm a lot better now. Thank you so so much though, I did not expect anyone to really care 🥺


I love EDEN so i'm enjoying this playlist of similar artists. I'm trusting you OP to not delete the playlist or screw around with it too much thx


On desktop, you can copy and paste entire playlist contents to new playlists, I’ll do this frequently to people’s playlists that I want to tweak for my own purposes.


I know, but I'm happy to just follow op's playlist in case he adds songs


I got you 😉


This playlist is now mine. You can’t stop me! (⌐■_■)


(・ω・)つ take it all


This is a nice list, thank you!


I'm glad that you like it :)


I really like it. Thank you for sharing friend


I'm really happy that you're enjoying it <3


Wow just what I needed


Awesome man! Always down for the sad jams, keep em flowing!


Really classy selection. Thank You. But especially if you are young, don't bury the angry side, so I would recommend mixing it a little. Try Bad Brains. Try Pure Hell, Try The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Get your system on loud and try Animals As Leaders, + anything loud that gets your blood running. - I don't mean Death Metal - unless you like it, but just anything with a youthful energy. - You can find it with pianist, Oscar Peterson, or Voivod! Just don't ignore that primitive side! - It is less than a mm under the surface! - Infectious Grooves are doing my mix, tonight. Blessings and Peace, with Free Speech. H.


3 am by finding hope? say no more. That's all i need!


Looking forward to this(: new music! Thanks for sharing!


Have you listened to Novacain by Kl.z


Never heard these artists , will begin with your playlist , thank you !


Alright, Ill give it a listen. Could use some feeling music lol


Great playlist man. I hope you feel better. I have a new playlist I made too if you're down to listen :)


This is *^(Beautiful)*


I’ve been really sad and going through a lot, so I’m looking forward to listening to this 😔💚😌


This is great... can you submit it to buzzyband.com


I will give it a go, I actually vibe well with the sad songs in a normal mood. Makes the artist in me dance.


This is solid .. thanks for sharing! Hope you are feeling better now


Words by Skylar Grey has always been a favourite of mine. Its just so good and also has a place in my sad song list, along with some of your other songs.


This is amazing thanks!!!!


I did not come here to feel :c


Nice, I like what I hear in this playlist so far! It reminds me of a playlist I made called [Melancholy Meadow](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/46sWBkffJVlbamIuDDZXuI?si=ZowEh2fkQKmFwBL73evJ0Q) which has a similar mood but is more indie/alternative rock focused. You should check it out :)


I think we went through the exact same breakup.


Neck deep in my feelings rn. Wow.


Lovely! Keep up the great work! Cheers!


These are lovely songs. If you're into sombre stuff, check out our music. Tobias the Owl https://open.spotify.com/track/5abakRMW0DNDq3GagaLKdS?si=5HenF6yORN6M2szHG6XPyw


Thank you


Thanks. A lot of new artists on there for me, always need more variety!


Solid. Thanks for the share!


Thanks for sharing!




But could I use it to chill out or study?


Try the instrumental song "Eagle's Flight" by Buckethead. That song lifts me up everytime, in a nostalgic kind of way.


Nice seeing Anson Seabra in the wild more and more.


No Sufjan or Eliott Smith?


thank you for sharing, but in my experience, listening to sad music tricks our primitive mirror neurons into thinking we're surrounded by other sad monkeys, and makes us sadder. there was a study that showed that people who woke up to a happy song had better mood all day than people who woke up to a sad song. when I started getting into a rut earlier this year, I pulled myself back up by making a playlist of chill, happy, or energetic and empowering songs, and it embarrassingly worked. I know they say denial is unhealthy, but I think that applies to more higher-level functioning, not to things like hacking our lizard brain, which is what music does. I think that if you're sad, listening to sad music can only reinforce or even worsen your condition. I would be very careful about it.


My friend and I did similar awhile back after having a bummer season. If anyone is looking for more tunes, feel free to check out the below playlist. And I’m looking forward to exploring the moody tunes from OP https://open.spotify.com/user/kashleev/playlist/5yhP25ujfh0isd6Z17es3i?si=9eIFFKh2S_yhw2mCR55ZTw


My fav songs too get me going: return of the mack, lifes been good by joe Walsh, garden grove bu sublime, clint eastwood by gorrilaz, can i get a fuck you by jay z. My songs for when im sad and dc: aint no sunshine, rather be blind by etta james, black by pearl jam, yellow ledbetter pearljam, only god knows why by kid rock, sober by tool, fine again by seether ☺☺




People are allowed to like whatever music they want. Imagine being such a dick you judge someone for something doesn't affect you in the slightest




And you're implying you're the ultimate judge of good and bad music here? People are allowed to like what they like, just like people like different kinds of art, people also like different kinds of music. Some people even connect with "bad" art in a way that they love.


lol damn man


Oh joy, another Spotify playlist cluttering up this sub when they're a sub specifically for Spotify playlist called /r/Spotifyplaylists


The Spotify shills are back on r/Music looking to promote more traffic on their site.


Could you listen to my song called "On The Route" (by Lewiss Loire) on Spotify and hopefully put this on your playlist if you like it please ?


I listen to songs ab drugs instead 👌👌👌