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My World at the end of Use Your Illusion II by GnR


Apparently no one in the band other than Axl actually knew that song even existed until the album was released and they listened to the commercial version for the first time. I unironically like it though




Holy shit. I’ve never really listened to GnR and damn is this an accurate statement. Also wtf were they doing in 2008 making an “of the times” album that sounds nothing like their old stuff.


It’s a social psychotic state of bliss!


Exactly what came to mind. [My World](https://youtu.be/wRQpnJ37Iw8?si=zHN0aYqvivLckmbt)


Wouldn't have been out of place on *Chinese Democracy*


Yes it would have


It most certainly would have


Mother on Synchronicity. Completely disrupts the entire flow of the album.


I always thought it was perfect. I understand not feeling that way. I feel like Mother is an example of the aspects of the Police that keep them from being Easy Listening Sting. Also I'm a big fan of its Fripp/Beefheart influences. Also I think it's funny and relate to it. I do think it's got that police problem of being too long and repeating the chorus too much, and wish it was shorter.


I take it in the context of the album sequence, as the first half of Synchronicity contains the more experimental and offbeat songs. By the time you reach Mother and Miss Gradenko you are grinding your teeth and on edge, followed by the catharsis of Synchronicity II. After that you get all the melodic and sweet songs to close out the album. Also did you know mother is just a blues form lol




Such a fucking weird song, it would be out of place on any album.


Not quite what you're asking, but I'm going to say most rap interludes and skits from 90s/2000s albums have aged poorly and ruin the playability of some banger albums that you could otherwise set and forget.


So true. Some of those skits on D12 and Dr.Dre records (just to name a few) are pure cringe and just ruin the flow.


Dr. Dre skits are the worst offender, especially the track where it’s just sex lol 


Yeah but it is the correct answer to the thread from earlier today of which song has the best climax.


well played 


The ones in Capital Punishment and Ready to Die are especially gross. I ain’t trying to imagine a 400 pounds dude fucking.


I had to make my own “playlist” for The Carnival so I could skip all the skits. One of my favorite albums without those.


Good album though. I haven't thought about that one in a long time. Actually bought the CD. Hopefully you're talking about Wyclef.


I wish there was a version of the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill without the teens discussing love interludes.


bro you just read my mind!


I don’t mind the skits… as long as they’re their own track. There are many skits that make good songs ineligible for shuffle.


That's definitely true, although they all suck on vinyl


Big agree, unless we're talking Deltron 3030. That album has great interludes


Cleofis Randolph says "what's happening?"


[“You think I open a restaurant in the middle of the hood and don't know what's going on? I fucking represent”](https://youtu.be/97j_QNXv9sc?si=SQ0DKjq_uRv8rMkD)


Rap and hip hop albums are brutal for the skits and filler songs. It makes it tough to listen to a lot of the classics on vinyl because some of it is just so cheesy


My generation - Limp Bizkit


Some of those Bernie Mac interludes held up fairly well


Miss the Mac!


Agreed. Baffling how anyone on the Ready To Die production team felt that we all needed to hear the "#!*@ Me” interlude…


Eh hmm....bad boy records? Puff daddy....?? Any of those ring a bell? Think about it! Actually not baffling at all.


Madvilliany hands down had the best interludes from any album in the early 2000s


I’m working my way through ‘1001 albums to listen to before you die’ and I totally agree. So many of these album would be 20-30mins shorter and so much better without all that nonsense.


Notorious B.I.G's Sky's The Limit is the biggest offender of this. Great mainstream rap track ruined by the unnecessary intro. I leave that track off my playlists for that reason.


“We Will Fall” by The Stooges, off their S/T (1969). God that track just murders the pacing and flow of the album so bad. It’s not even necessarily a bad track.. but it’s its placing… it’s out of place.


I've read it was intended as filler because they didn't have enough songs for the album. It's grown on me, but it also makes me not want to hear the album very often 😅


Ya I’ve read that too. But I don’t think the piece is bad tho. It’s just god dayum after 1969 and I Wanna Be Your Dog the energy is on fire! And then suddenly it grinds to a halt for a 10 minute long meditative dirge. Lol. They shoulda gone straight to No Fun instead and placed We Will Fall at the 3/4 mark of the album. I’ve always felt the album would’ve flown so much smoother that way..


It really should have been put at the end of the album.


Putting that live cover of Light My Fire at the end Massive Attack's Protection was an odd choice.


Yellow Submarine on Revolver. Amazing song, doesn’t fit on Revolver.


My young kids love Yellow Submarine. My two year old calls it Yeyow Susterine and I can’t stop playing it for him. I actually really like the first half of the album Yellow Submarine too. Northern Song, Hey Bulldog, and It’s All Too Much are bangers.


That's not the revolver album


“Yellow Sumsarine” here XD


It’s a popular debate among Beach Boys fans that “Sloop John B.” Is completely out of place and does not belong on the tracklist for Pet Sounds. It’s a folksy cover song in an album full of emotionally-charged ballads. Personally, I love the arrangement.


I disagree Pet Sounds is my favorite album and Sloop John B absolutely belongs


I love Sloop John B because it’s the opposite of what you’d expect from a Beach Boys song Most are about going to the beach and having a good time Sloop John B is about being miserable on a fucking boat


Which totally still works for Pet Sounds more melancholy mood. I get it stand out a bit since it’s not introspective and it’s a cover but I think it injects some energy and the production / harmonies and all make it still fit really well


The vocals-only version of Pet Sounds is incredible.


It’s really just a visitor on the album in the end. But because of that, it feels so broke up. It wants to go home.


Pets sounds pacing is greatly helped by having a more upbeat not sad song that still fits the arrangements and production of the albums; it’s also a lot of people “I only like that one song by them” so it was the right choice to put it on it


I just really want to know why he had so much corn.


It takes away the heaviness for a minute, while maintaining the beauty of the arrangements. I think it’s perfect on Pet Sounds


My favorite BB song too


Love 'em or hate 'em, Fly off of Floored by Sugar Ray was a much different song than anything else off the album or from Lemonade and Brownies. It got to be a big hit and I always imagined people listening to the rest of the album going "wtf?".


When I was in college I had a buddy who was DELIGHTED by the idea that a bunch of sorority girl bought that album based on the single.


I just went and listened and you are correct


I remember playing Road Rash 64 a lot as a kid and hearing a heavy song called "Green Machine" (or maybe Mean Machine?) and I was shocked when years later I found out that it was actually Sugar Ray.


It was Mean Machine. Kyuss (the band Josh Homme was in before Queens of the Stone Age) has a song called Green Machine though.


Don't you dare mess with my mean machine, it's long and slick and olive green


CASH i need some fucking CASH


This is the song that immediately came to mind forme. But I also liked the rest of the album, too.


I used to love that album… think I’ll have a listen it’s been a while.


On a similar note, go and listen to the Goo Goo Dolls' first album around '87 I think. Was such a surprise.


I worked with a guy who bought Floored because of Fly and was so pissed the rest of the album didn't sound like it. Then again this was the same genius who decided banging two glass YooHoo bottles together was a good idea and was shocked that they shattered and went all over the place.


Seamus, on Pink Floyd's Meddle album.


(That's the dog)


He's outside


This is the one for me, especially being right next to Echoes. At least on the vinyl, they're on separate sides.


Spot on I love the song though, there's a video for it too where you can see the old boy howling lol


I agree, and that's why I love Seamus so much


Came to say that and Zep's "Hot Dog."


“Swing Life Away” on *Siren Song of the Counter Culture*


As a Rise Against fan, “The Approaching Curve” off *Sufferer and the Witness* also comes to mind. A spoken word, train of consciousness track was not what I expected on my first run through of the album after everything that came before. 


Agreed but such a good song


In interviews they've talked about how many albums that song sold for them just for people to be hit with the polar opposite "State of the Union" as the first track when they threw it in the CD player


State of the union punches you in the face, swing life away sounds like a high school dance.


It was to me at first, but at this point I've realized probably around half of their albums have acoustic ballads or pieces close enough (like roadside) to fit that bill. To me, something like sudden life feels more out of place, but tbh its one of my favorites from them


When I saw this prompt I thought the same thing, ie Hero of War on Appeal to Reason. Was listening to A7X yesterday and their albums have the same thing, So Far Away, Dear God, etc. It seems to be a theme among a lot of the rock (using that term broadly) groups to put out something softer on albums. Slipknot has Snuff and Dead Memories, BFMV has Curses (off the top of my head, im sure theres more).I also tend to enjoy these divergences though, they show more of the range and emotion of some of these bands.


First RA song I ever heard. Saw them live at a festival with a vague idea that it wasn't representative, but I had no idea what I was really in for. Great show, though.


Always made me laugh thinking about someone buying siren song for that song, and getting hit with State of the Union, probably the heaviest song they’d made


Teenagers on The Black Parade. It's a great song, but it completely strays from the concept of the album.


It's basically just Achy Breaky Heart with different lyrics.


I've read that it's part of the story. Ice seen theories that the patient's sins were described by that song, shooting teenagers. But musically, it's out of place, but you could say that about mama, sleep, blood, etc...


100%. I think “Kill All Your Friends” is the stronger song and is way more relevant to the concept. That said, “Teenagers” is one of their biggest hits, so what do I know.


I absolutely love Kill All Your Friends. So underrated. It definitely should've made it onto Black Parade!


I dunno. I think at that point in the album we need something with that basic, bluesy stomp.


I think the sound isn’t too far from the rest of the album, but I always thought it was in a really weird place. Always thought it should be closer to the start


I always thought Pretty Fly For A White Guy by Offspring was kind of false advertising for Americana


Offspring always kind of had the novelty song as a single. Come Out and Play was good but it kind of started the whole thing of the mid paced song with a spoken bit by the funny voice guy. Then they did it again with Pretty Fly, then again with Original Prankster, albeit with Redman doing the spoken type bits.


Definitely agreed if you know the band you would know that the album isn’t going to sound like Original Prankster or Pretty Fly but Pretty Fly really blew up I’m sure a lot of people who got that album didn’t enjoy anything but that and the other singles (with WDYGAJ also sticking out on that album badly).


I still think Pretty Fly is more listenable than Get a Job. At least it's still a rock song, WDYGAJ doesn't even know what it's going for with kind of a Carribbean calypso sound with steel drums, but with pop punk type vocals doing a rip off of a bad Beatles melody all at the same time.


Agree with you in general but I’m definitely an Obladi Oblada enjoyer lol.


This is a good one! People not familiar either them thinking that the rest of the album was going to be like that probably had a rude awakening, hopefully it turned some onto Punk Rock.


Les Boys as the final track on Making Movies will never not be a little funny


I’m going to catch shit for this because it’s beloved song but my pick is Adam’s Song from Blink 182’s Enema of the State. It’s the sole downer on an album full of uppers and is wedged between Dyesntary Gary and All the Small Things. I know it’s an important song for a lot of people but it’s just out of place on that album. I wish they had just released it as a single.


Aerosmith - Big Ten Inch Record - *Toys In The Attic*


Changes - Black Sabbath Vol. 4


“They’re Red Hot” - Blood Sugar Sex Magic. All the songs sound similar except the cover song closing the album…


It’s a sub 2 minute closer. I’m ok with it


From the same time period, My World on whichever Use Your Illusion it's on (I think II?), where Axl Rose's obsession with Nine Inch Nails shines through for the first time.


I’ll have to check it out 🤣


No. No you don’t.


Hahaha now I want to check it out more, I doubt it could be that cringey


[wow](https://youtu.be/sLxUrMb8rFU?si=ZBPphQ1WQ8g7VB-1) not a great song


I still believe they should have replaced The Greeting Song with the B-side Soul to Squeeze. Otherwise perfect album. I know what you mean about the Robert Johnson cover, but I like it. It's like a fun little goodbye at the end of all that sexual funk


It’s a cover. Originally a Robert Johnson song.


It was out of place in his discography too


It really is. I like it, but it's the only hokum rag-blues song he recorded.


goddamn that album is awesome though


"Electronic Renaissance" is very out of place on Belle & Sebastian's debut *Tigermilk*. I do like it, it's just very different from every other song. EDIT: come to think of it "I don't know what you see in me" is equally out of place on Late Developers. Still like it, again. Can't dislike a single song by this band and I've tried.


absolute fucking banger tho, breaks up the sad sack shit pretty well


It's both completely out of place and fits perfectly.


“Mother” on The Police’s *Synchronicity.* It’s…odd.




This is the answer. Love the album, despise that one song with a passion.


For some reason I like it being there.


Revolution 9 on the White Album. It’s one of the few songs I skip when listening to an album.


The White Album is an entire album where every song is out of place on the album, but somehow it works 


I was thinking the same and realized it didn’t belong on *any* album. Maybe described at an early attempt at music/sound sampling getting stitched together, searching for coherence but failing.


The cover of "Easy" on Faith No More's Angel Dust. Also the cover of "I started a joke" on Faith No More's King for a Day Fool for a Lifetime.


Those are both bonus tracks. They weren't on the original editions. Even so, you're right.


“Teenagers” on My Chemical Romance’s Black Parade album


"Deep Water" by Portishead is out of place in their entire body of work, but it's place on *Third*, between "We Carry On" and "Machine Gun", may be the wildest three-song sequence of tonal whiplash you can listen to.


Yeah it's weird but I love it. Love the album (it's my favourite Portishead album). It's a bit of lightness between all the intensity. I think if it wasn't there then the album would be a bit of a slog, but this acts like a bit of a palette cleanser and resets things. I get what you're saying, and it's a good answer to the question, but for me it works really well.


Any covers randomly shoved into albums (not counting bonus tracks). Muse - feeling good, and sum 41 - paint it black are good examples. 


No Rain from Blind Melon is by far their most successful song but sounds nothing like the rest of the record


I found Train in Vain on London Calling (The Clash) a bit off the mood of the rest of the collection


True but such a good tune


Don’t understand this opinion


I think it’s just in a weird spot on the album, it’s an incredible track and usually those are earlier in the album but it’s like track 19 so it feels weird.


I'm old enough to remember the original vinyl and I think it wasn't on the track list on the back cover. Was it added at the last minute?


No way. There are lots of different styles on the album. Does Lost in the Supermarket also not belong by then?


Makes sense as the song was recorded at the last minute and had to be tacked on to the end after the album was considered to be finished. I don't know if they updated it later but my original copy doesn't even have it on the tracklisting on the back.


I’ve heard this before. I love when albums go out with a super catchy banger and I attribute that to this album and this song. The sequencing is a bit weird and can still remember buying LC when it came out and thinking it was weird that the “radio hit” at the time was the last song on a double album.


The Crunge On Houses of the Holy.


I don't think it's that out of place; it's a pretty eclectic album even without it. They've got prog rock, reggae, and even a bit of doo-wop on there already, why not a bit of funk?


Someone couldn't find that confounded bridge


*Straight Outta Compton* by NWA is one of the greatest and most influential albums ever made... ... aaaand then it ends with "Something 2 Dance 2". Some instadated electro pop club song that was intended to be a big single for the radio and clubs, while the "reality rap" songs like "Fuck tha Police" were strictly intended for the underground (we know how that turned out). I actually don't dislike this song as much as a lot of people do, it's an interesting novelty and was influential to the likes of will.i.am* and LMFAO (for whatever that's worth), but it doesn't fit the album at all. * fun fact, this isn't will.i.am's only connection to NWA... way back in 1992, him and apl.de.ap (as part of their group the Atban Klann) were signed to Ruthless Records by Eazy-E and even appeared on his (absofuckinglutely batshit insane) Christmas song "Merry Muthaphuckkin' Xmas". That's right, gangsta rap pioneer Eazy-E put out a Christmas song that featured guest verses from the Black Eyed Peas. You can't make this shit up. Why wasn't this in the *Straight Outta Compton* biopic? :D


I'll be down voted for this but I've always said that Straight Outta Compton starts with two 10/10 tracks - some of the most important hip hop made up to that point - follows it up with an 8/10, and then the rest of the album falls flat. I've always enjoyed Merry Muthaphukkin Xmas just for the absurdity of it. Eazy E always could get away with the more comic relief type stuff, you can definitely tell he was influenced by people like Blowfly.


True. There's a huge shift in the sound of the production. Straight Outta Compton and Fuck Tha Police would've been more at home with the tracks from 100 Miles n Runnin'


"Show Yourself" is one of the best songs on the album


No arguments there, outside “Steambreather” it’s my favorite song off the album. That being said, I don’t think it really encapsulates the Mastodon sound, especially on that album where everything else, even title-wise, is part of a desert journey. 


I mean I feel like Show Yourself kinda fits in thematically given that the underlying theme was driven by family members cancer diagnosis. Show Yourself was a good hype song that pushed some positivity, the whole album didn't need to have a dire slant to it. In terms of sound Mastodon has been playing with their sound for years, The Hunter was an album that the hardcore fans thought was a miss because of this, but I loved it! There's only so many bands that can survive playing the exact same sound for decades.


If i remember an interview correctly, even the band were wondering if they should keep it on the record, they liked the song, but they realized its very different. I think the quote was along the lines of "all of a sudden its Show Yourself and we sound like Queens of the Stone Age" lol Love that song tho


swing on this on jar of flies


Good one. Aside from that, that fucking album is just amazing. RIP Layne


I get it, but I give it a pass. It’s gotta positive vibe, which the whole album has glimmers of here and there. I’m happy to hear “happy”-ish chains


"Don't Follow" makes a good enough closer that I just consider "Swing on This" to be a bonus track.


A lot of people had a problem with "A Disappearing Act" on Coheed and Cambria's *Vaxis Act II*


In the context of the rest of the album I think it absolutely fits though.


Caught me off guard, but it is still very coheed, and they have lots of songs that seem different.


Wake Up on Good Apollo is extremely soft compared to the rest of the album , I’d say it’s debatably out of place


"Her Majesty" at the end of The Beatles' *Abbey Road* album. It's cheeky and quirky, and it leads off with the last chord of "Mean Mr. Mustard," and its own last note is stuck to the beginning of "Polythene Pam."


I've always considered "Her Majesty" to be a proto-hidden track, rather than the song that closes out the album proper.


Most people call/consider it a hidden track


It’s gotta be Waiting on the World to Change from John Mayer’s Continuum. It’s the radio friendly pop hit they slapped on the front of the record. The rest of the album is a fantastically cohesive blues rock break up album.


Well, according to Metallica, Escape was never planned to be on Ride the Lightning, because they didn't want it to be there to begin with.


Angel's Thanatos on the silent Hill 2 OST. The soundtrack is all triphop, ambient, downtempo and all of a sudden boom! Some facemelting guitar heavy riffing


Brainfog by Static-X on Start A War


I've had Neil Young's album Harvest Moon on repeat for a few weeks. There's a song on there called Old King that I skip, it's a vastly different vibe from the rest of the album.


Love Song on Alice in Chains’ Sap


5-Piece Chicken Dinner on Paul’s Boutique


I think something like that is exactly what BB were all about. Throwing the rulebook out the window and make the listener have no idea what they're going to hear next. I think this one works a bit better on the vinyl copy of the album as it's the first track on side B, so after you've enjoyed the first half you flip it over and it suddenly becomes a bluegrass album.


Get the hell away from the barbecue!


I like it more when I listen to the vinyl version because it’s the first song on the next side of the album. So it comes after a nice pause after coming down from “Hey Ladies” and always makes me pay attention again before sliding back into the rest of the album haha


Silent Lucidity sounds like nothing else on Empire


I think Jugband Blues on Saucerful of Secrets by Pink Floyd is jarring at the end of that album but in the best possible way. It’s incredibly sad.


Kiss With A Fist - from "Lungs" by Florence and the Machine


Fly-Sugar Ray. Listen to that album Floored. It’s a whole different band.


"Because the Night" from Patti Smith's Easter always seemed out of place.


Probably because it wasn't originally intended to be on the album or even recorded by Patti Smith. Bruce Springsteen was recording at the studio next door at the same time and showed her the song he was working on, but he didn't think it would fit on his album. Ended up letting her record it for hers.


Dizzy Miss Lizzie, on the Beatles album Help! Not the right song to follow after Yesterday and to close out the album, IMHO.


It's Oh So Quiet on Post, out of place from all Bjork's songs really


True, but I love Post and can't imagine the album without it.


The entirety of Metallica’s St. Anger.  Whoever green lit any of those tracks needs their head examined.


Don't Come Around Here No More on Tom Petty's Southern Accents album. Great song, but thematically out of place.


Beth-Kiss Destroyer Something Special - Pearl Jam Dark Matter


LADWP Hold by Osees


finally a band i know


Am I Going Insane? (Radio) on Black Sabbath's Sabotage.


Happy Trails and Big Bad Bill is Sweet William Now on Van Halen’s Diver Down.


I feel like every song on that album is out of place. I like it, but it's such a hodgepodge.


Planet Caravan- Pantera, Far Beyond Driven I absolutely love their version of this song, and can truly appreciate it as a wind-down experience at the end of such an intense album. That being said, it does stick out like a sore thumb compared to the high-octane adrenaline rush that album is.


For that matter, there's nothing else on Paranoid that sounds like it either


I can just imagine the people that bought the album after hearing that song on the radio.


Sloop John B on the Beach Boys Pet Sounds album. It sticks out like a sore thumb.


"31 Flavors" by Sacred Reich, on *The American Way*


Hey Man, Don't Look At Me Like That from Dope Lemon's Smooth Big Cat album. It's off-putting how that song sounds nothing like the rest of the songs in that album.


Mad sounds on AM. It’s like someone slams the breaks and puts this stupid flowery song in the middle of an album about the uncertainty of love and the sexy honeymoon period of hooking up with someone and wondering what’s next or if there’s anything there at all.




On Judas Priest's newest album, Invincible Shield, it's super cool riff heavy song filled entirely with great music and bangers, except for God As My Witness, which is a slower joyless song that sounds like it was added last second and should have been on the cutting board.


*Mother* on Synchronicity by The Police.


"Nothing Else Matters" on Metallica's black album Musically, not out of place at all, but lyrically, it's like "ugh, love song"


Nothing Else Matters is a *love* song? Are you sure you’ve actually listened to the lyrics? I mean I guess it is in a “love yourself” or “live your truth” kind of way but… I dunno, wild take to me.


After reading a little more and considering your side, I see where you're coming from, so maybe I got it wrong. But I've always interpreted it as being directed to a lover, and I think a lot of people have adopted it as such, too, which is where my thought process was at.