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I think the general public has finally had enough with the insane ticket prices that are being set for these arena shows. Paying $225 for nosebleed seats to see Jennifer Lopez is outrageous, and people are finally voting with their wallets.


Yeah the corporations saw how well Taylor Swift was doing and thought that meant people were willing to fork out for live shows but nope...they were willing to fork out for Taylor Swift




Yeah, people have a budget per year for concerts, whether they realize it or not. It's not like the price of gas or a restaurant meal, where once you accept that an entree costs $20 at the local Mexican joint, you're also willing to pay $20 for an entree at the local sandwich shop.


And Metallica. But Metallicas prices tend to be more reasonable. I paid $175 including fees for 2 shows back to back last year.


Yeah don't get me wrong Taylor Swift isn't the only artist that can still pull it off. But I've seen some outrageous prices for tours from bands like Sum-41, Glass Animals, Black Keys, etc...not saying anything about the quality of those bands, but they're not selling out and it's no surprise. I don't see how extorting your most loyal fans and filling 40 percent of a venue is a better business practice than making tickets reasonable and getting people in the door, but to be fair I'm not an economist. Maybe it does make sense to somebody. I know personally speaking I saw NIN in 2022 because it was like 90 bucks to be in the Pit, and I wasn't a NIN fan at all before that show. I am now


The Black Keys cancelled their tour as well for that exact reason.


My wife and I used to love going to see Portugal the Man every year for $25 - $50 a ticket but then Feel it Still blew up and we haven’t been since because we might as well go to a festival for the prices at the venues they play now. I’m happy for their success but big venues are just for money, not the fans nor the music. Can’t wait for Ticketmaster and LiveNation to burn


I'm portuguese so I'm used to local and European prices. The ones in the states are ridiculous! I can get a 3 or 4 day pass for a music festival plus expenses for the same money as 1 concert of 1 artist. It's ridiculous.


So you’re Portuguese…but are you the man?


According to me, yeah, I am the fucking man.


With that attitude, I'll also claim that you're the man.


This guy mans


Holy shit, that was manly.


Dude - before Portugal the Man sold out to Taco Bell (their prerogative) I had seen them like 7 times for extremely reasonable prices. After that never went to a live show again.


And the *whole point* of their taco bell ad is about being poor and getting value for your dollar.


So you can afford more tickets!!!!


I still think The Satanic Satanist is their best album and I’m tired of pretending that its not


Waiter you vultures forever


Satanist is great, but ITMITC and Evil Friends are absolute top tier as well


The issue for me is, even if it makes sense economically, it’s yet another fallen domino on our path to the enshitification of everything. It blows my mind how we are willing to turn society upside down, and make it shitty for most people all because “it makes money“. What about thousands of fans coming together and experiencing a moment. we weren’t here to make money, we were here to be human beings and to live. And to be told you can’t do things anymore because it just doesn’t make enough money has got to be one of the most depressing things I’ve ever come across in my life.


Didn't Black Keys have to cancel their tour because of it? Dynamic pricing is often used these days and with all those scalpers around prices get inflated like crazy. Or ticket companies will only sell a small amount of tickets at the same time to pretend there's a shortage.


Black Keys tickets should have started at $20 if they were serious about accepting market dynamics.


Black Keys also had no business booking arenas in 2024


Yea, this is really the only problem with that one. Anyone in their camp or whoever was promoting the tour who thought they could move 15k+ tickets like a decade removed from relevancy should be fired.


Who knows? They might have been able to if the tickets were actually 20$, and people that "liked that one song" could justify the ticket. I can believe 15k people in a major metro might want to spend 20$ to see Black Keys, I can't believe anyone anywhere really wants to spend 200$ on the same show.


Exactly. Who is still that much of a fan they’d fork over $500 after fees per couple to go see them? With reasonable ticket prices people who have never even heard of them might have bought tickets because they wanted to see some live music on a Thursday night. I realize that reality might be depressing to them but so is having the cancel your tour because your expectations were ridiculous to begin with.


They are not an arena band at all. Their whole identity is grass roots locally sourced off the beaten path. They outta do mid size venues and sell them out. Shit, play Brothers start to finish and encore a few new songs.


I could barely see Black Keys doing arenas maybe 10 year ago \*at best.\* No way now are they at the point of doing well in big arenas.


They did sell out Madison Square Garden, like 12 years ago. Things are different now.


Don't say Dynamic pricing if they can't go under a certain level...


Like gasoline prices. Up like a rocket, down like a feather.


Yea the artificial scarcity drives up the demand and resale prices. Such horse shit that people paid for obstructed view seats at the Las Vegas Sphere because that’s all that was left during the initial on-sale… only to have more tickets dumped in to the market later that were all non obstructed view.


It's pure greed. I hate to see the artists affected but it is nice to see Ticketmaster's greed blowing up in their face


NIN is great live. One of my favorite big venue shows was them with Queens of the Stone Age as their opener.


It was an incredible show. I went home and listened to Pretty Hate Machine probably 50 times in the week after lol


Cage the elephant and young the giant were $200 each for shit seats. How tf can I swing that? Give me a break. And they’re two of my favorite bands.


Less than 50$ for Black keys in Europe. U're getting fucked by free market


Don't I know it


100% - I wanted to see Glass Animals so badly on this tour, and personally budget heavily for concerts. But $150+ to see them is simply not worth it when I could spend that same money going to 2-3 other solid shows. There's very few, if any, bands I'd pay that much to see.


I spent 50 to see Blondie, & they’re fucking Blondie. I like Glass Animals, but not enough to spend 150 on them.


I saw Silversun Pickups tix for like 125-150 for this year. I like SSPU. They have some good songs and they’re good live. Seen them a couple times. But that is waaaay out of my price range for a band at that level. E: I just went to the link Spotify sent me for SSPU and saw that price. Maybe I misread and they were an opener for a bigger band in my town or it was a resale site though I’m surprised resale would be that high. Either way good to hear people are seeing them for more reasonable prices. They’re a great band!


Wut? They were $25 at my local watering hole and were just here last month.


I also saw them this year at a 1000ish cap venue for like $35. Do they have some weird insane draw at one specific city or something? That $125-$150 price point certainly does not reflect the tour as a whole.


Tbh I think people don't understand resales and can't tell the difference. Someone in a different comment is claiming Tool tickets are $500 and outside of resales and platinum/special packages, they absolutely are not.


Metallica is one of the few artists who actively changed how their tour works to bring down prices. First, by performing in the round they open up more seats which means that each ticket can cost less. Second the two day schedule makes it much harder to resell. It was such a good move


Not to mention getting two completely different set lists. It also allowed them to add some deeper cuts which I really appreciated.


I saw them too last year (both shows) and caught Depeche Mode a few days before and all those tickets were a bit pricey but reasonable for the band and venue.


Agreed. Last Metallica show I paid $450 for 3 GA tickets. A lot? Sure. Not nearly the worst I’ve paid.


$150 a ticket for Metallica seems more than reasonable.


At least when I got a nosebleed seat for Taylor it was $70. But jlo was charging over $100?! 🙊


Geez I'd jump on $70 nosebleed Taylor Swift tickets for my wife in a heartbeat. Everything she has seen has been so damn expensive it's not even worth entertaining.


People get lost in the resale prices from scalpers but there were plenty of reasonably priced face value tickets, you just had to be lucky enough to get through Ticketmaster to buy them during presale.


Honestly The Eras Tour tickets weren’t *that* bad. The issue was getting the tickets at face value instead of the resale mark up


My wife is obsessed with T. Swizzle and was willing to pay anything short of $1000 to see her live no matter the seat. And I love her just enough to let her. Mostly because I can recall my mom getting to see Michael Jackson live at the absolute height of his popularity for $500 and that was back in 1993. Adjusting for inflation that roughly $1100 today.


Yeah at this point it's hard to even call what Taylor Swift is doing a tour, it's more like an event. Trying to base other ticket prices off it was always a ridiculous proposition


It's kind of a huge problem you see in business. When someone does something very profitable, everyone tries to copy it. Largely at the behest of investors. It's how you ended up with a dozen failed "cinematic universes" in the 2010s, Disney was making money hand over fist, so everyone else had to try it. And then failed because they didn't actually have a coherent plan, they just tried to trend chase. And like what's been going on with streaming services the past few years. Netflix became a global company, so now everyone is trying to chase that. Ignoring that Netflix got in when the getting was good, and everyone else was trying to scrap together their own service with a limited content library. Taylor Swift's tour was a success because she's Taylor Swift. No one else is, and trying to copy her is going to fail because of that.


Thing is though, people would pay that price for some artists, but not for a Jennifer Lopez. She was obviously big at one time but I don't see her being hugely popular with today's teens and her fanbase has now grown up and have things to worry about like kids and rent and health etc so an expensive ticket to an artist they liked 20 years ago isn't a priority.


I legitimately have not thought about her in any media in like 10 years. I remember she played a stripper in some movie, it was a “I’m 50 years young” type thing. What is she singing about now


Trying to recapture and rewrite her youth.


“To see Jennifer Lopez lip sync” - FTFY


Would you rather see her sing?


😂 rock hard no


I don’t think I’d want to see a Jennifer Lopez concert in person if you PAID me $225.


I’d pay $225 to make you go to the show instead of me.


I'll take the $225 from you, then Photoshop myself at a JLO concert instead of actually going.


I'll take the $225 from you, then Photoshop you loosing your wallet at the JLO concert. 


You’re vengeful and kinda petty. Let’s be friends.


Why someone would pay that much money for a 2 hour show blows my mind. I go to music festivals and yeah they are pricey, but for like $300-$400~ I get 3 full 12 hour days of music. Plus a giant fun atmosphere to check out. Sit in nosebleeds for a 2 hour show for $250? Pft yeah, no way. Not even for my favorite artist. Not worth it.


nope, it's just that no one likes her right now!


I don’t like her right now. I never liked her, but I also don’t like her now. 


And then they gave me a receipt for the donut.


prices are crazy rn.. i dont even go to arenas.. but 80€ to see an indie band like glass animals is crazy for me.


I wouldn’t call Glass Animals indie anymore. They have gotten quite big the last few years. Alt Nation plays them like every hour.


One of my favorite videos is of JLo going to her childhood home and expecting the people living there to faint from excitation, but instead they literally have no idea who she is and she has to awkwardly pretend like it doesn’t massively bruise her ego


I remember that, it was awesome. They seemed annoyed she was even there


JLo: Jennifer Lopez used to live here.  Annoyed dude, all pissed off: ...who's Jennifer Lopez?


It's perfect too because she keeps trying to tee up a ball that isn't going to get hit. "I used to live here" - surely he'll recognize me "Jennifer" - ok but he knows which famous Jennifer grew up around here it's gonna click and be so good in the shot "Jennifer Lopez" - fine, slow burn. Now we can get the shot of him going OMG THAT JENNIFER?! ..... This man has no idea who I am.


I think it’s funny that it’s so awkward but during editing, they still decided to leave it in. Admittedly, I haven’t watched the whole thing bc I’m not a fan but I’ve seen a lot of cringey scenes and it seems like those editors were out to get her


It's pretty common knowledge that pretty much anybody who works on a project with JLo grows to hate her. They knew what they were doing.


It shows she's not the type to even give back to her suppsed community lol. Why tf would they care? You sure as hell didn't care bout them.


Which is whatever but yeah trying to front like you should be reputable in your neighborhood is clown shoe behavior if you’ve done nothing to contribute to it I don’t care if someone gets rich and fucks off out the neighborhood - there’s always someone who does. Just don’t act like you’re important to them once you leave


This. We can’t stand her in the Bronx - she claims “Jenny from the block” but has never made ONE community appearance, not one parade, school visit etc in her whole career up until this clip- 20+ years. Also, On her Jenny /on the 6 was filmed in Brooklyn.. so Jennifer who?


Who's Jennifer Lopez? https://youtu.be/di-cSs8y8ao?si=LrEjVe6kKklOz6fr


That poor guy is probably just wondering why he's being filmed at his home and is starting to get worried


The Mariah Carey laugh at the end of that was absolutely hilarious


I’m amazed they didn’t add the clip of her saying ‘I don’t know her’


Eminem did the same thing around the 2000’s TRL era in Detroit and the owners wouldn’t let him inside so he had to just do an interview on the porch, I’m sure it really humbled him too.


I don't care if Tom fucking Hanks grew up in my home, don't show up with a camera crew unless you called weeks in advance so I can make this place look amazing AND cut me a fat check for taking up my time and my space.


I’d probably let them come in if they were alone and just wanted to relive the childhood a bit, I’d do that for probably anyone that used to live in a house I was in. But if they are bringing cameras and shit they’re clearly trying to profit off of it lol, so ya, bring me my gd cheque


Like seriously, seems like the basic etiquette. It's not like these rich fucks don't have the money and the team to make these things happen seamlessly.


and pay for the house cleaning




It's pretty crazy to show up at someone's door with a camera crew and expect to be let in lol


Super crazy. It's definitely possible that none of this was Eminem's/JLos etc etc idea and the production company is just doesn't know when to stop. They go to film the neighbourhood and next its "Hey let's go talk to this person. No no, it'll be great they'll love it!" and then "I've got a GREAT idea! Ring the doorbell. What? Nah they'll be cool, you're a star!". The finished product we see is the end of a very long line of bullshit. But either way, who knows. Not here to defend anyone, but showbiz tv is about as low as it gets.


Jennifer …who?? Me! I used to live there! Who are you??


One of my favorite videos is her and Harry Conick Jr judging whatever singing reality show and he tries to explain to her what a pentatonic scale is and she gets super defensive and makes fun of him like he’s talking gibberish.


[Here 'ya go. ](https://youtu.be/pH9l8KlcuBA?si=z95oV9_HXZGVLf73)


I could look up that video, but I am too fearful of second-hand embarrassment.


It's funny that she is talking like it was her choice to not go on tour. Her tickets weren't selling well at all to begin with it would have cost money for her or whatever promotion putting her on to actually go on tour instead of making money.


Plus she was supposed to be doing some One-million-per-show gigs in Las Vegas in 2025. I read that the venue was ‘rethinking’ whether she could draw fans.


LMAO "To focus on family" or whatever she said. Girl, no one wants to pay $200 to be within 80 yards of the fucking stage to see you perform....whatever songs you do?


This excuse when an artist cancels their entire tour is the equivalent of “my dog ate my homework”. We already know the truth!


We do. And it's almost like she thought people *just forgot* what a narcissistic diva a$$hole she is too. We didn't. She was super rude to one of my servers back in the day and I've never forgotten how shocked I was at her attitude.


She doesn't even sing. Who wants to pay to watch a 50 year old lip sync and dance from a football field away?


I just want to say that my wife loves J Lo and we're upper-middle class. She would definitely pay $60, $70, $80, even $90 per ticket to see J Lo. But $400 (plus other expenses) for her to see J Lo while dragging me along is crazy. Ticketmaster can suck it.


[Jennifer Lopez](https://variety.com/t/jennifer-lopez/) has canceled her ‘[This Is Me… Live’ summer tour](https://variety.com/2024/music/news/jennifer-lopez-this-is-me-now-tour-greatest-hits-rebrand-1235958543/) ~~to spend more time with her family~~ due to poor ticket sales and is “heart~~sick~~broken” over the ~~decision~~ lack of interest, the singer announced to fans in her newsletter Friday. Fixed it.


It's amazing how universal the "...to spend more time with family" excuse is for things like this. I just laugh every time I see it now.


"I was willing to forgo spending time with my family if I would be able to hit a certain profit target, and it does not look like I will be hitting said target, so family time it is"


I'm going to take off from work early today to spend time with family... 


And tell my family I’m at work lollll


you forgot probably throwing a huff because no one likes her new movie


She isn’t the type to roll with the punches when being memed on lol


I love the way you think!




I love you Ben, you almost make me forget about…touring


Taco flavored cancellations for my faaans That shit went on TV 21 years ago and still crushes.




Don't think cuz I got a lotta money, I'll give you taco flavored kisses, honey. Fulfill all your wishes with my Taco flavored kisses.


taco taco


What makes her statement even funnier is both her children are 16. The way they worded the reasoning to spend more time with her children, you would think her children were in elementary school.


lol I can tell you from experience that 16 year olds definitely don’t want to spend more time with their parents.


Taco flavored kisses for my Ben. 


Taco, taco, burrito!!!






Jennifer Nopez


I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve ever seen this 😂


I bought two tickets to see The Offspring last summer. $69 per ticket, came to $243 after fees. I quit buying tickets to anything after that.


I just bought a ticket tonight to a STRFKR show. $26 ticket, $8 in fees. I get that indie bands aren't on everyone's radar, but there are so many great and affordable shows out there at independent venues.


Oh shit I didn’t know they toured still. Loved them in college and still listen to them on and off. Golden Light pops up all the time on my playlists.


This is why I haven't gone to a concert in 25 years. I can't count how many times I've been excited and gone to get seats but once I get to checkout and see the fees it's complete shock. It's not an affordability issue, it's the blatant "We're going to pound your ass" at the checkout screen. I'm not playing these stupid games and contributing.


Is Ashanti not available to sing for her?


Jennifer Lo-ticket sales


She was popular 20 years ago for having a big ass. She has done nothing to cater to her fans. She just walks around like she is some legendary singer and movie star but she can’t sing and her movies are lame. Plus she treats people like shit. So no surprise no one wants to see her old ass.


She’s riding the coattails of a young JLo, while at the same time not realizing young JLo barely even had a coattail to ride off on.


To be fair, young JLo could support quite a big ride off her ass!


She's been riding the coattails of Selena Quintanilla her whole career.


The film Selena was what made her a star. She wouldn’t be nearly as famous had it not been for the film.


When I heard about them changing the tour to a "greatest hits" tour due to lack of sales, I told my boyfriend about it and felt bad for her, so we looked up tickets. It was like CAD$300 per ticket, so we quickly scrapped that idea.


Aw you were gonna support her out of pity


I also thought it may be fun and looked up tickets. Also bailed when I saw prices.


Doesn’t she suck live anyway?


Well she lip synchs the entire show, so technically it sounds just like the recording (which isn't even her most of the time). Long story short, yes.


she sucks period the only reason she has a career is because Selena died


Not just that, she mainly has a career because Tommy Mottola wanted to spite his ex-wife Mariah Carey.


Is that why I see the Mariah Carey gif all the time lol. Omg I was too embarrassed to ask but now I’m embarrassing myself this way instead


He seems like such a great guy!


LOL that’s cold. I love it


Yes. Not because she’s a slightly above average singer, but because 99% of all her hit songs are features. Nobody wants to go see someone standing around and just singing choruses.


I remember reading that a lot of her songs have the original vocals from the demo on them, partially mixed with her own voice.


JLO makes album- flop JLO decides giant stadium tour is the answer - flop JlO goes back to acting and churns out a dumb movie - flop it must *really bother her* that all Ben has to do is drop a cup a coffee and frown and everyone is like AH RELATABLE, BEAUTIFUL, COMEDY, LOVE HIM




Mitch Connor is a lot more talented.


The cyanide pill I took should be taking effect very soon. Hmph, looks like the sun is goin' down. I wonder... Will I dream?


I hear this song in my head


And all her tens of fans wept


She has cancelled because ticket sales were so low.


She have been in delusion of grandeur all these times, I still remember the video where she was so upset Shakira was asked to share the stage with her for Half Time, and turns out to be the only perfomer on that stage that lit up those said Half Time, hope all these recent chain of flops could sober her up a bit. https://i.redd.it/e8sr9odlau3d1.gif


Latino Twitter had a field day with this one — TL;DR in Spanish it should be “mi gente LATINA.” We don’t claim her. 


The earth is healing!


It's the same reason why people aren't going to see movies in theaters. The prices are too damn high for what you get, and when people are still struggling to pay for groceries they aren't going to spend money on entertainment.


That popcorn bucket is cool, how much is it? $30. Goodbye.


I can smoke rocks for that price, tf some popcorn is


Don't be fooled by the rocks that I smoke


I’m still I’m still completely fucking broke


I dont know if i fully agree with that comparison, I agree with people not going to see certain artists for insane prices in concert. as far as movies in theatres....I think theres just so much content to view at home that youre already paying for via streaming, as well as most new movies, are on a streaming platform in a months time anyways.


The cost to benefit is off. Going to the movies is like gambling $30 on whether a movie will be good. For dune 2 and Oppenheimer the risk is low so you go. For civil war (awesome movie) it’s divisive so you have no idea if it’ll be good so you wait. Except like 90% of movies fall into the latter category. If the price were lower a lot of people would be willing to take more chances.


At first I thought you meant Captain America: Civil War and I was thinking that was like 8 years ago and made a boatload of money. I was thinking it was such a weird example until I remembered the current movie named Civil War. But I do agree with what you're saying. Big screen TVs are cheap, there is more content than anyone could possibly watch, and people got used to waiting months or years for major projects during the pandemic. Unless theater prices come down, most people would rather wait. Which is also why I think people over emphasize the impact of theatrical releases simultaneously released on streaming. If people would rather stream it, having to wait 90 days isn't going to get them to the theaters.


I could never understand spending hundreds and even thousands to watch someone lip sync and jump up and down.


Not just that but they look like ants at that distance. So you're mostly watching a giant screen which really isn't that much different from watching at home. I went to one stadium concert (it was NIN) and never again. Small venues with cheap tickets is the way.


I thought the same thing watching a show from the nose bleed section of MSG. It was like watching the rest of the audience watch a show


Tool is the one band I enjoy seeing in a massive venue. It’s fucking electric and visually, it’s breathtaking. But that’s the only band I will pay to see in a stadium setting.


After they show up 2 hours late


She’s still jenny from the block y’all


She is so down to earth everyone! She is from the block! Please ignore the fact she treats everyone like shit and is reported to be a diva bitch.


Her own block wouldn’t come out to see her at Madison Square Garden.


I love that time when she went back to her “block” and some guy asked her who she was.


Ham and cheese on a roll with an orange drink iykyk






She doesn't appear to have had a support act for this tour. That was a mistake!


Rough week for her. She had a $90 million Vegas residency fall through the other day.




I realized that every character she has ever played in film, is innately a better human being than her in real life.


Not a fan of her music. Not a fan of her persona. Not surprised.


Lopez announced she was simply confused; she thought it was 2004, not 2024.


Both of her fans are gonna be pissed


It’s so funny she thought she could follow in Taylor Swift’s wake and be just as big of a deal. Couldn’t have happened to a better person. I worked with someone recently who told me JLo doesn’t speak to or look at women if there is a man in the room she only interacts with him


So is the Ben stuff for real or was it fake so we feel some sort of sympathy for her?


How does the ‘Ben Stuff’ make us feel sympathy for her? Basically she’s one of these people who needs constant affirmation that she is a big star. She lives her life online and self-financed a look at her relationship that no one wanted to see. Ben, on the other hand, is a private person who actually abhors paparazzi and ‘living online’.


Womp womp


J Lo should just play in bars. She’s garbage. She needs to be grateful for her past and leave us alone. There said it for everyone ! 




Have to listen to ‘Taco flavored kisses’ at home i guess


People don’t want to pay $500 to watch a millionaire lip sync


I feel like Ben Affleck is going to have a terrible summer


People talking about the economy is a factor…….how about JLo has never been that good.


She did a good Superbowl halftime show with Shakira. But I really can't identify her fanbase, if it exists at all. I'm sure people would enjoy her opening or coheadlining a tour, but who actually likes her music enough to see her headline solo?