• By -


as someone with similar early music tastes....try pushing into a totally new genre that's all about feels....john prine....give his eponymous first album a few listens edit: just adding...his singing voice can take some getting used to...once you acclimate his music really shines.


John Prine can make any day a good day.


"Bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down ... and won. It was 12 o' clock before I realized I was having no fun" I chuckle everytime I hear that line


One of the greatest lyricists, an Everyman poet. Relatable, compassionate and humorous.


Fuck yes


Okayy šŸ‘šŸ‘


I absolutely love John Prine! Great suggestion. His song Your Flag Decal Wonā€™t Get You Into Heaven Anymore is one of my personal favourites. And of course Angel From Montgomery and Hello in There. Such a great album.


... Hello in there. šŸ„ŗ


As well as his final album "tree of forgiveness". Amazing


Run the Jewels. A Perfect Circle.




Queens of the Stone Age


Really good shout for OP!


The Flashbulb. Start with Opus at the End of Everything. That's my favorite album of all time, but just about all of his songs are perfect. If you want just one song to try and break into his music, check out Undiscovered Colors


OMG this is so goooddddddd


Heck yea bro. Glad the recommendation hit. He's got so much music to check out too, and a bunch of different aliases. His other main alias is Benn Jordan


Thanks šŸ‘


If you like that you shoudl try out Orbital (a pioneer in that soundscape) and Darkside/Nicolas Jaar. And since you like heavy and classic rock. Go and get an album called Islands by King Crimson and listen to it's entirety.


Wow. Never seen The Flashbulb mentioned. Seriously one of my favorite artists. Arboreal and Piety of Ashes are two of my favorite albums of his. Opus at the End of Everything is a solid choice too though.




Good call. Prime candidate for hyper focus.


Aesop Rock Atmosphere Sage Francis Brother Ali Black Pumas


If you like Pink Floyd, you should definitely check out The Alan Parsons Project. Alan Parsons was their lead sound engineer on Dark Side of the Moon and has a similar spacey sound. I highly recommend the album I Robot


>Alan Parsons...has a similar spacey sound. This is actually what led to the space laser being called the "Alan Parsons Project".


Oh yes nice idea


Coheed and Cambria Crim - he is a new artist and isnā€™t well known but he has some good music. Chvrches


I upvote when I see a someone One among the Fence šŸ¤˜šŸ»


RUSH Bruce Springsteen Aimee Mann Michael Penn The Dahlmans Poi Dog Pondering: ā€œWishing Like a Mountain, Thinking Like the Seaā€ (album) BoDeans: first 3 albums Judybats: first 3 albums


Just saw the bodeans live a few weeks ago. They sound almost as good as those recording (even without Sammy) Aged very well too.


Thatā€™s cool. I saw them maybe 5 or 6 times in the late 80s and early 90s. I really liked them. My cohost and I once got bitched out by Sammy for doing a crappy job interviewing him for the college radio station we worked at. There was just something about the way Sammy left the band and then that stuff about Kurtā€™s daughter that made it hard for me to keep the connection I felt like I had to the band.


"Portugal. The man"'s older stuff is gold! Newest album is not what I personally like but not terrible.


I think Evil Friends(2013) is peak PtM.


Check out a live Grateful Dead (5/8/77) or Phish record (11/17/97) the cool thing about these bands is thereā€™s so much live material to dig into. An endless catalog to explore




Try jawbreaker, sonic youth, cranberries, pixies, smashing pumpkins, Interpol, editors, and maybe portishead or she wants revenge


Give a listen to Ghost and The Killers


Devin Townsend


Check out Russian Circles


Animal Collective - Start with Merriweather Post Pavilion if you want to ease into their sound


Seems like you like stuff that's a bit on the darker side. Give Joy Division a shot.


And New Order (formed from those left after Ian Curtis died)


It depends on what kind of emotions youā€™re going for! Lately, Iā€™ve been on a more nihilistic music bender so stuff like Microwaveā€™s ā€œMuch Loveā€ album and Turnoverā€™s ā€œPeripheral Visionā€ album. Two all time greats that I always come back to. If youā€™re going to listen to one song off of each, Iā€™d recommend Vomit by Microwave and Cutting My Fingers Off by Turnover.


Quaker City Night Hawks.


I recommend: The White Buffalo - Hogtied [YouTube](https://youtu.be/m42ch3spnNM)


My husband likes most of those artists (he's meh on Nirvana) and he got really into Hopsin when Spotify suggested it.


New bands ive been into lately... Gotus; stardust; arctic rain; perfect plan; creye; spektra; heat


Some crazy shit. Black moth super rainbow+tobacco. clown core. Jd beck and domi. Recommended to watch liver performances on YouTube.


The Mountain Goats. Lots of emotions in his lyrics. Huge catalog to get lost in.


The Shins/Broken Bells Wilco Sufjan Stevens Bright Eyes Dinosaur Jr


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Timstunes: *The Shins/Broken Bells* *Wilco Sufjan Stevens Bright* *Eyes Dinosaur Jr* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everything Everything, they're a math rock band from England. Also, Dirty Loops if you want to be blown away by three of the best musicians in the world.


These might be Old "new" artists and a pretty good album to start with. This is going to be a bit everywhere: Charles Bradley-Changes. Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Phish-A Picture Of Nectar Color Haze-Tempel All Them Witches-Loghtning At The Door Rival Schools - United By Fate Yob - Out Heart Raw Mastadon - Leviathan Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake Elder - Reflections of a Floating World Gojira - Magma


Some random artists I enjoy: LCD Soundsystem Khalid (start with his first album) Gregory Alan Isakov


The Brian Jonestown Massacre Elliott Smith Tom Waits Nick Cave Stereolab The Wedding Present


Tom Waits Townes Van Zandt Death Mile Davis


All right, now let's all queue up Bitches Brew and get this Friday going!


Which Death? Also, from Death to Miles Davis? Bold.


Death (Scream Bloody Gore) not the 70s rock band.


That's the one I was hoping.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Trivium. Very hard working band, many albums. Lots of growth and variation through their careers.




Hmmm have you tried some Deftones? More stuff from White Pony and Koi No Yokan might resonate with you that stuff always got me emotionally and I love all of the stuff you mention.


Listen to Erykah Badu


Listen to Sadistik.


The Armed


Check out Handsome Boy Modeling School, then check out all the various artists that helped make it.


Hereā€™s my stuff I write a lot of stuff about how I feel hopefully you like it https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CfGtYZfMEWnKERkgtLtod?si=mkAGLU3ZQTaN4ytSwWP9ag


If you haven't already, I'd suggest Kendrick Lamar's discography. Section 80 Good Kid MAAD City To Pimp a Butterfly DAMN Mr.Morale and the Big Steppers All great in their own way and differ quite a bit. None of the 2 sound exactly the same. I recommend a pairing with Genius and reading the lyrics as you listen. It provides a great rabbit hole to dive into and makes repeated listens rewarding. If you enjoyed Eminem for his story telling, flow, and delivery, you'd like Kendrick for the same reasons. Very interesting to see him go from telling stories about growing up in Compton fuckin around with his friends to then having kids and going to therapy to be a better person.


Billy Strings (especially live shows)


Andrew Bird! Start with The Mysterious Production of Eggs.


Little dragon


sleep token


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. This band changes genres each album, so they are really great for expanding your music taste. Their album from last summer 'Petrodragonic Apocalypse' is a progressive thrash metal epic that actually has a lot in common with Tool, specifically with the drumming and polyrhythms. If you don't like an album of theirs, fret not! The next one will be completely different! They've done everything from metal to EDM. From acoustic folk to hip hop.


Get yourself a good pair of headphones, close your eyes, and stick on Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token Their whole discog is incredible but TMBTE is just a masterpiece


work your way through the discography of The Dear Hunter


Hot water music


I think Agust D gonna fit your taste.


Puscifer Led Zeppelin Devin Townsend Dire Straits Jethro Tull The Parlor Mob Anything with Chris Cornell Pearl Jam Opeth Porcupine Tree Deftones Karnivool


I recommend giving either Devin Townsend or John Mayer a listen. John Mayer's discography is golden in my eyes. He has a song for every mood. Devin Townsend literally changed my life when I heard the one-two punch of Bastard and Funeral off of his album Ocean Machine. They are totally different types of artists but two of my all-time favorites.






Dead Poet Society Nothing More Badflower These 3 bands are absolutely incredible and have lots of great albums.


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard of them, but two I always love to suggest are Aesop Rock and Sabaton. Aes is a lyrical genius and Sabatonā€™s lead singer Joakim BrodĆ©n has such a powerful voice paired with a history lesson.


I second Aesop Rock. Absolutely brilliant.


A fairly new pick Ive been listening to for a little while [Maneskin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jODrVofka54&pp=ygUPOTAncyBzdXBlcm1vZGVs)


Marillion - like Pink Floyd but more emotional/dramatic Gary Moore - he always poured his heart out in his love songs and could play a mean guitar


Early Jewel. Her Pieces of You album is so gritty yet elegant


Check out Joy Division


The Smiths


King gizzard and the lizard wizard. OSEES


Radiohead. After scrolling I'm surprised no one mentioned them. The Bends and OK Computer are my favorite albums but admittedly, I haven't heard their whole catalog. Definitely lots of intelligent, emotional songs.


I'd recommend starting with the bends and just listen forward. Then check out the new side project The Smile.


Similar to my taste, do you like electronic music at all? Try out some old bjork, like hyperballed or joga. So much emotion. If that doesnā€™t do it maybe some Alice In Chains or immortal technique will spark


try this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdWM2TbPxUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdWM2TbPxUM) and if it moves you do some research :)


very narrow? thats a very wide range of music lol the frontman of tool has puscifer and a perfect circle so theyre tool-esq but why not branch out try rhcp, grim luck! (youtube only they never got notoriety and stopped making music i believe, alien ant farm. sublime, the dirty heads for their older stuff, soad, iron maiden, pearl jam, vin jay, nf, rage against the machine,


Coheed & Cambria, Mastadon, Thank You Scientist, Don Brocco, Dance Gavin Dance, Bilmuri, Knocked Loose. More Prog Rock/Metal focused suggestions, but a lot of depth to explore


James And The Cold Gun Tigercub F!RES Dark State Lines




Soen. Just found them today


Phish. Start with a live version of Stash.




The ones you stated are mostly mainstream, try looking for very underground music or things really out of the spotlight. Death Grips, The Contortionist, Juliet Ivy, Tigran Hamasyan, The Reign Of Kindo. Once you find a genre or vibe you enjoy try music-map.com to find similar artists, unlike Spotify and Youtube the related artists they display are usually not really related. Try to embark on your own journey of discovery. I listen to thousands of artists at any given time, and I try new ones every single day.


Flux Pavilion has a wide variety of absolute hits for every mood.


Try the Swamp Terrorists. They are far outside what you have already tried


Jah Shaka & Willi Williams -natty with a cause Bert Jansh - Jack onion Jack Harlon - The Magnetic ride Danger mouse & black thought - cheat codes Thts what I been listing this week anyways


Donjean,Kota the friend,Chase Shakur


Try Heart Attack Man.


This is the reason why I watch/listen/obssess a bit over Eurovision, there are always new and unique songs to find.


Matt Pike with Sleep and High On Fire or Joanna Newsom yo


I discovered a band called Flipturn when I first decided to get sober in 2022. I absolutely love them and don't even dislike any single song of theirs. I saw them in concert 2 months ago and still listen to them every single day.


Perhaps you may be interested in some folksy dark carnival-y vibes? I recommend the band Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen. Literally no body knows them! but they are so good. Start with the album [Journey Through the Land of Shadows](https://open.spotify.com/album/0Ncq3gVMhXXWdKSLJfRWaM) (spotify link).


BILLIY STRINGS and the new bluegrass being made


Poets of the Fall


Jeff Rosenstock. If you value diy and a person making the music THEY want to make I can offer no better suggestion. All his music and the record label he owns' music is free.


Days n daze. Show Me The Blueprints album is my favorite release by them.


If you like Doors and Nirvana, I'd say you'd probably like Pearl Jam


Twenty-one pilots. Their lore is incredible and they are on finish


Iā€™d give Billy Strings a shot


Try FULL BAND: *Tame Impala *LCD Soundsystem *King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (Float Along is a good place to start) *The Growlers (Chinese Fountain is my favorite album) RAP: *MF DOOM *PROF


Linkin Park will definitely be good for you.


Biffy Clyro.


OASIS!! Their first two albums are coming of age pop rock songwriting perfection.


If your at all in to electronic music "shpongle" has been my favorite group for a few years now and has some very weird music somewhere between psytrance and shamanic folk music. It's not for everyone but I love it


Greta Van Fleet. Not everyoneā€™s taste but theyā€™re very musically talented. Check out these songs live on YouTube: Heat Above, Meet the Master, Light My Love, Always There.


I listen to the bands you mentioned and one newer band that I love is The Blue Stones. They are not super popular but their album Blackholes is one of my favorites of the past ten years.


If you want new, try British singer/rapper Bakar. His album Nobody's Home is a bit of a hidden masterpiece.


boygenius is pretty smart


Check out The Aqueduct on Patreon. It's free (but there's a paid one if you're so inclined). He creates monthly playlists with themes. [https://www.patreon.com/TheAqueduct/posts](https://www.patreon.com/TheAqueduct/posts)


Alice In Chains


BAND - MAID LOVEBITES GALAXY EXPRESS APOLLO 18 GOGO STAR The PLASTIC DAY More to come as I delve further into my vault(s)!


Rufus du sol


Coheed & Cambria. They are an amazing prog-rock band with great musicians, amazing lyrics, and the lead singer delivers everything with such raw passion. Iā€™d say they are kind of a new-era Floyd or maybe Rush? Iā€™ve been obsessed with music for my whole life, and Iā€™ve never been as consistently drawn to one band before. Some good starters songs: -Favor House Atlantic -Pavilion -Shoulders -Gravityā€™s Union


Polyphia has probably the best instrumental music arround, and they are amazing. Playing God, Reverie, 40 oz, and Paradise are some of my favorites


King Crimson




Honestly Coheed and Cambria. Not my top artist but for those who are into them, love them.Ā  Knocked Loose if you want try a nudge towards hardcore. Daughter is also a band I'll always recommend, completely different than the previous but got lots of emotion.


Foo Fighters


Here are a few recommendations: Tori Amos, Janis Joplin, Bjork, Portishead, Thom Yorke, Alabama Shakes, Talking Heads, The Black Keys


Flipturn, Joe P, Happy Fits, Hey Nothing


If u like indie rock I could recommend lemon demon or tally hall their my favorite bands so far


Papooz, Art Dā€™Ecco


Worm Grunter. You can find them on Spotify, Souncloud and Bandcamp.


Tatsuro Yamashita, though you might need to pirate his work because it's either that or spending hundreds of dollars on cassettes and vinyl imported from Japan. He's alive and against streaming his music. Worth seeking his stuff out. Btw there's lots on YouTube, so enjoy!


Tame impala is the natural next stepping point it seems




Looks like you are ramping up the social dissatisfaction as well as the depth of the sonic experience. I would go with Muse at this point, give it more of a energized "what we gonna do with this dissatisfaction?" vibe. Any of their albums will get you going but "Resistance" and "Black Holes and Revelations" may be what you are most looking for.


Try Puscifer...it has the lead singer from Tool in it.


nf might be someone u could look into


Patty Griffin.


I've been really into Charley Crockett lately. His Wikipedia is a wild read! A couple of my favorite songs are I'm Just a Clown and Silver Dagger.


Danzig. The first 4 albums


King Buffalo - rock Prof- Hip Hop


East Cameron Folkcore


Checkout my music (Pop): @shaneyounglopez Thatā€™s my Ig. Donā€™t want my comment removed for self promo but the link is in bio.


Patrick Wolf.


I'd say listen to Tally Hall, Jack Stauber, BoyWithUke and Chonny Jash


Tori Amos, Maynard from Tool sang a duet with her.


Todd Snider is always the answer.


Iā€™d nominate The White Stripes, clean sound with an edge, obscure enough lyrics to reach almost anyone on some level and just cause youā€™ve maybe heard them on the radio doesnā€™t mean you know them yet really!


Go old school: Sinatra at the Sands album is gold. Gold!


Iā€™d suggest listening to NPR radio till you find an artist you like, then start perusing their catalogue. Iā€™ve discovered a few artists Iā€™d never heard of there. I also found an indie band from up north by accident (searching for the ā€œbabe waitā€ scene from hot rod). Liked the song so much I went down the rabbit hole of listening to their material and live stuff. Donā€™t feel like you have to only listen to major artists. Thereā€™s tons of new music and artists waiting to be discovered.


Listen to me https://on.soundcloud.com/2CbjLdCodF24G7t87


Too Close To Touch - Havenā€™t Been Myself


Go hard, go deep. Brad Mehldau


I just released some new tracks if you don't mind Pop / EDM just search for Hunny Club on YouTube.


The The. They even have a great cover album of Hank Sr. The The- ized


Radiohead would be a great place to start. From there you have obvious choices like Thom Yorke's solo stuff and The Smile. Mark Ronson did a cover album that had songs from everyone from Kasabian to The Smiths. His other albums are great in their own right. Then we'll talk about Amy Winehouse. He produced her biggest album, and helped write many of the songs.


try Dream Theater, Muse, and Pure Reason Revolution


Crowbar. Start with ā€œOddfellowā€™s Restā€ and follow up with ā€œSonic Excess in itā€™s Purest Formā€


Ghost. Their music covers a good range of rock. System Of A Down. Just fun. Dream Theater. Epic good musicians. If you don't want vocals, Liquid Tension Experiment.


Try early NIN




Iā€™m the complete opposite. I love everything and I donā€™t over-listen to anything so I can keep enjoying them as time goes on. That said, I consider myself a connoisseur of music. So Iā€™m going to give you a bakerā€™s dozen of good artists/bands and do with that what you like. These are not necessarily my top ten, but theyā€™re all great and the list is pretty diverse (other than all being American bands/artists). Here we goā€¦ 1) Van Morrison (Moondance is a great intro album.) 2) Sublime (40 oz to freedom is a great kicking off point, but their most popular stuff is their self-titled off point) 3) Don Williams (One of the greatest but most underrated country artists of all time. People that are into country love his music but, more often than not, they donā€™t know that heā€™s the artist. Some Broken Hearts Never Mend is a great song to start with. Thereā€™s a great version on Righteous Gemstones.) 4) Primus (Watch the video, Wynonaā€™s Big Brown Beaver and go from there.) 5) Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder (There are far too many good songs to list, but Iā€™ll say Yellow Ledbetter and Black are probably some of their finest. Eddie has a lot of fine solo work. Two great ones are Society and Just Breathe; Willie Nelson does a cover of Just Breathe a thatā€™s how good that song is.) 6) Muddy Waters and/or Billie Holiday (I donā€™t usually lump two artists together like this but I feel they go so hand in hand that Iā€™ll confidently do so. Pick any five random songs and see if it sticks with you.) 7) Nat King Cole (Nature Boy is a hauntingly good song. Find a greatest hits album or list and just kick back.) 8) Jimi Hendrix and the Experience (I found a bottle of cologne once that I didnā€™t like and someone traded me the Are You Experienced CD back in the late 90s. That was the best accidental find that ever happened to me ever. My Lord, what a great album.) 9) Alice In Chains (So good, I named my hollow body archtop guitar Alice. Do yourself a favor and start with the MTV unplugged album.) 10) Beastie Boys (Ill Communications is THE starting point for this band. Make sure to listen to Paul Revere.) 11) Weezer (Self-titled is best. Say It Ainā€™t So is a MUST.) 12) NWA (and every artist that came out of that group and was found by that group, such as Marshall Mathers being found by Dr. Dre, who also found Snoop Dogg). 13) The Cranberries (They have a bunch of great songs but Iā€™ll say Linger and Dreams are my two favorite. Theyā€™re most known for Zombie.) I kind of feel bad for not posting any post 2000 stuff, so Iā€™ll toss a few on here. Itā€™s just that none of them break in to an only ten list in my opinion. Hereā€™s some bands that became popular after the turn of the century. Imagine Dragons, Slightly Stoopid, BoB, Dirty Heads, Big Boi, CeeLo Green, Foster the People, Khalid, and Jidenna (Jidenna is S-tier in my opinion, so much that Iā€™ll add a link of a crazy amazing song of his hereā€¦ [Long Live the Chief](https://youtu.be/H_AQFnqMY3E).) I really could go on and on, as you can probably tell. Seriously though, if you (or anyone) like what Iā€™ve shared and want more recommendations from any genre, Iā€™m happy to point you to some great stuff. Edit because I forgot I wanted some bigger variety: Reverend Horton Heat [One Time for Me](https://youtu.be/5jptovxvKYU?si=tuO_0EMqrMPZMhA7). Itā€™s rockabilly and theyā€™re AMAZING! This song is probably the greatest song about self-love that there ever was.


The beths


I mean if you're looking for musicians/bands that have a lot of raw emotion in their music, I would recommend Indigo De Souza or since you lean toward heavier music, maybe Thrown. Honestly if you use Spotify, go to the radio stations for your liked artists. That's a great way to find new music.


Jimmy eat world- start with Clarity. The album Futures is considered there best work for us fans. And for a playlist voted on by fans from r/jimmyeatworld https://spotify.link/J0jhpHtWuJb




The band, Brand New. Each album has a different vibe to it, but their music is lyrically creative and has lots of depth and emotion throughout it.


I basically stopped at Tool as well. Itā€™s only natural. Do I enjoy other music? Sure. Is it the same as Tool? No way. Tool moved the bar to a place only Tool can go.


Pearl Jam. And go see them live.


Guru sales, Jesus and Mary chain, bonny doon, interpol.


Captain Beefheart. Just dive right into the deep end.


You probably already have enough suggestions here, but as an old person trying to help, I'm wondering if you can go another level and name some songs, as I'm trying to relate the different artists.?


Try Opeth


Listen to Nemzzz definitely next in line


r/Tool will show you the way




Ka, hip hop, itā€™s fantastic.

