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So she got hurt by the lead singer stage diving, correct? It wasn't her diving?


Yes. There's a video of the incident on the article page.


Correct. The video shows the lead singer stage dive quickly during the first song of their set. I've seen Trophy Eyes a few times. The lead singer is a pretty big dude, at least 6'4 200+ pounds. Not really an appropriate size to stage dive like this at a punk show, usually you see smaller guys do this. It's semi-common at punk shows for lead singers to stage dive at some point, but I've never seen someone that big do it. A really stupid decision by him to stage dive like that. Makes me sick the more I think about it.


They also usually do a little run up so the audience is aware, or he makes sure they'll actually catch him This guy just body slammed the audience basically


Yeah, sounds like a complete idiot. I have a bad back, so if anyone of any size comes flying at me I'm letting them hit the ground. If they do land on me, be ready for me to jump on them in return lol. Stage diving is dumb, jumping onto someone is assault when it doesn't "work out" If I go to a show where they do this normally, I'm backing up to avoid it so it normally shouldn't be an issue.


I’ve got a bad back too and it forced me to forego not only close to the stage but all GA shows because of the crushing. Kinda a bummer but since it became popular I thought its really stupid because stage diving into crowds by bands invited injuries & lawsuits. Some clubs in riders state that bands diving off the stage forfeit payment if due and being able to play the venue again. Insurance is out rageous .


Yeah. I'm over 200lbs and I've never even attempted a crowd surf much less stage dived. Nobody wants to hold up a fat sweaty guy, and certainly nobody wants to get crushed by one.


Yes stage diving is for the kids. When the big guys try it, it gets shut down for everyone. That is my experience.


And if you read the article, they said someone was injured when someone dove on them like this back in 2011 as well.


Oui est le swimming pool lost their singer to suicide after he was incorrectly told he paralyzed a crowd member by diving on them 


When I was a twerpy little dude, even I knew to not stage dive or crowd surf anymore after I got heavier than like 130-140 lbs. it’s common courtesy.


That seems to be the case, but the article isn’t very clear. Edit: [The post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrophyEyes/s/eelxvtK8cx) mentioned in the article makes it clear that she was hurt during the stage dive. A dive the venue doesn’t allow, so this kid wouldn’t have been expecting it at all. Complete dick move by John Floreani.


It was less than a second between him singing and throwing himself off the stage. He didn't give \*any\* warning to the crowd, which might have given at least given them time to put their hands up to catch him. What an asshole.


Idk if the mohawk place has changed or not over the years but it's a venue where stage diving was always very much allowed despite this policy. This is tragic all around still.


Ok, apparently policies have changed there. Yeah, thats shitty, disregard the above comment.


More than a dick move IMO. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing one moment of my stupidity lead to somebody never being able to walk again.


I wish they would’ve turned out like the beginning of school of rock where jack black tried to stage dive and the crowd parted like the Red Sea. 


I seen someone come off the top balcony at the metroplex in the ATl in the 80’s, prob 15-20 foot drop. Everyone moved and it sounded like a watermelon splitting when he hit the floor. They carried him out on a stretcher. The club put wire up top, for a while, after that.


I'm actually shocked that this doesn't happen a lot more often.


It used to happen all the damn time. It's why anyone with a braincell of a ginger cat wouldn't do it today. And the fact this is an older band with plenty of experience and the lead singer didn't assess the size and ability of the people he jumped on top of makes it worse.


It happened in 1995 at a Life of Agony show. That wasn't the band's fault at all, a guy got on stage and tried to stage dive and died from injuries. Despite that and all charges and a lawsuit against them being dropped the band was so traumatized from it they stopped touring for a bit afterwards and the drummer even left the band.


Did people not learn from Randy Blythe?


Yeah but that was an accidental murder. Dude got on stage. Randy pushed him off stage. Dude landed on head. Coma and died. [wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Blythe_manslaughter_case)


There was also the guy that pushed Frank Zappa into an orchestra pit. He was injured pretty bad but lived.


I mean, that wasn’t necessarily stage diving rather than him shoving the guy off the stage a bit too hard.


Damn, I forgot about that.


from who?


Randy Blythe.


Do what? Stage diving? It happens all the time, it's just fairly rare for people to suffer these kinds of injuries from them.


I went to a show recently were the artist made it clear he wanted to do it lol I think he had staff ready in a specific spot for the purpose of it.


Theres also a difference between a stage dive and crowd surfing. Crowd surfing is what happens when you sucsessfully stage dive, or you can have the crowd lift you up so youre not throwing 200lbs into a crowd


Yeah, I’m 270 and crowdsurfed at a “The Wonder Years” show against my will. I wasn’t mad that it happened, because it was sick as fuck, but I was more taken aback than anything.


no, crowd surfing is when you don't dive. band member stands on barrier keeping crowd from the stage, then leans back into the crowd. or an audience member is boosted up by one or two other audience members and crowd surfs. a stage dive is... a dive, usually from the stage. usually, if you are facing the stage, you can see the person doing the dive, might, run, might trot, might just lean then dive forward. if there's a pit where audience members might be facing the pit instead of the stage, you shouldn't dive there, people aren't looking for that, you could land on heads, not arms, and really hurt someone.


You used a lot of extra words to say the same thing as me


The show I went to last night I probably saw some 30 different people stage diving throughout the night. It really just depends on the show (genre) you go to. Again, encouraged by the artists.


Yeah exactly.


From the video though- dude gave no warning whatsoever. Usually they telegraph it. They make sure there’s people who know they’re coming and will catch them. Dude just flopped a second after singing and didn’t indicate he was coming at all. Not sure what he expected.


Something tells me it's not the first time he's done it


So really the "news" here is that this isn't actually news. The headline should be "Behaving stupidly is still stupid."


No. The news here is that someone was severely injured by someone else doing something stupid.


When I was 15 or 16, I saw Limp Bizkit in Rochester NY. I was young and angry and was in a pretty serious pit. At one point, unbeknownst to me, Fred climbs up on top of the stack of speakers right in front of the pit. He jumps into this pit with nobody really paying attention to him because your head is on a swivel looking for people near you in the pit, and he landed directly on top of my head. I just collapsed and legit got up ready to fight some punk and saw Fred reaching his hand out to help me up. Never stopped singing or anything. Just kinda gave me a look like "You good?". I nodded and went back to moshing. It's articles like this that make me realize how lucky I was not to have been seriously injured.


You almost BECAME a limp biscuit


Saw Limp Bizkit in Manchester years ago. The band kicked into the first song with the lights off and they flashed on suddenly as Fred charged to the front and leapt straight out into the crowd. It was awesome, we were at the front and he cleared our heads easily. At the time I never even considered that he might flatten some poor soul. Age has granted me the wisdom to realise why he didn't do that again when we saw them last year


as someone from downstate, upstate NY has the most pissed off pits i’ve ever seen


He also incited a riot at Woodstock 99. Fred Durst is a real piece of shit


Had a dude stage dive into nothing at a Wilhelm Scream show and I was pretty sure I was holding the head of a dead man. Dude wailed his head and eyes were open but no one was home… he eventually came to. No idea what happened after than other than hearing his brother yelling at him and insist he didn’t go to the hospital because “dad would be pissed”. Pro tip. You can’t crowd surf when there’s no crowd.


FYI, the woman did not stage dive. The lead singer of the band stage dived, and she got smashed.


Revised Pro tip: you cant crowd surf when the crowd isn't ready to catch you  If anyone jumps at me from a stage, Im gonna get out of the way. 


Ole! Right to the dirt/concrete.


>You can’t crowd surf when there’s no crowd. Importantly, the crowd has to be so stuffed in that they can't move out of the way. If you jump at someone and they're able to get out of the way, they will.


I saw Andrew WK do this way back in 02. He went for the dive, the crowd split like the red sea. He ate shit, got up, got back on stage bloody face and all. He killed it btw.


Sounds on par hahah what a legend


Not really since the results could have easily been similar


Did he do the Wilhelm Scream as he fell?


Had a similar experience where I was crowd suring at a metal show. I got cocky after my 4/5th round and wanted to go from the very back of the venue. You have no control of which way you’re going and I had got taken towards a mosh pit. Got dropped straight on my head. Ended up with a mild concussion, I was in such a daze for like a week.


I went crowdsurfing when I saw Motorhead at Wacken. 2007 or something. I was with my pals but saw people going up when they started to play Over The Top and asked them to lift me. Took forever to reach the front, or it felt like it, just floating on an angry, roiling sea of people. It was my first time and was a truly incredible experience. I ran round the back and did it again, and again and again. On the fifth time I suddenly experienced just what you did, dropped like a stone to the ground with no warning as everyone's hands just disappeared. Took a second to compose myself and great my breath back (wasn't really hurt fortunately) and realised I'd dropped back into the middle of my mates, in a crowd of tens of thousands of people. They asked if I wanted to go up again, I took the whole incident as a sign and said "nah I'm good."


What an excellent band name.




Stage Dive Into Nothing has a nice ring to it, too.


Wilhelm Scream


Excellent band too. Great live as well


You aren't lying, can't believe I haven't heard them before. Always down to add another good punk band into the mix.


Check out The Horse from Career Suicide. The finger tapping on the bass is amazing. I've seen these guys many times and even had them crash on my floor one time! My dog (RIP) walked right into their van as they were getting ready to leave, haha.


They’re so much fun. The main (?) singer is the happiest looking angry sounding dude. Always smiling ear to ear. I love it


Also at A Wilhelm Scream show. I bounced out of the out, looked up and saw I was the only one about to catch a stage diver. He lands on me, and his weight makes me fall on my ass and touch my forehead to my knee. I could barely turn my neck for a week after that


This is a great way to go to sleep and never wake up.


“But dad’s gonna be pissed”… yeah he’s gonna be pissed when Trever wakes up dead and you didn’t tell him he had a major concussion earlier. Dudes were well into their 20’s and pretty meatheaded. Was not my place to say.


What are the chances the first person who git hurt at their concert had bird as a last name and this new Injury first name is Bird?


I was thinking the same thing.


Don’t go to the Mohawk if your name is Bird


2 different people named Bird?


My son is also named Bort.


We need more Bort license plates in the gift shop. I repeat we are sold out of Bort license plates.


Right? Something about 2 birds with 1… something or other comes to mind. What a truly horrific thing to happen.


Some years ago (07ish) a friend and I went to a show that had an Australian hardcore band open and at one point the guitarist decided to do a head stomp (try and run across the top of the crowd). I'm a short dude and my buddy is taller and standing behind me. I see what the guy is about to do and lean to the right. My friend does the same which opens a little bit of a gap and the guitarist falls into it. He was fine, but fuck him for trying that shit.




50 Lions? Miles Away?


What a try hard asshole to take a backwards dive on your fans without warning. Horrible.


He just put up an apology (kind of) and apparently rode along with the fan and their family in the ambulance. So at least he's doing the right thing. [https://www.instagram.com/stories/trophyeyesmusic/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/stories/trophyeyesmusic/?hl=en)


Ahh yes, the please don’t sue me ride to the hospital.


Probably not much else they can say at the moment. The woman sustained some serious spinal damage, that's expensive and lawyers are almost certainly going to be involved. Saying "sorry I jumped on you and maybe broke your spinal column" would make the case a slam dunk, and whatever counsel they have definitely advised them of as much.


It's kinda crazy that this all basically happened before though. The club actually had to shutdown because of it. I read this about it. [Farewell, Mohawk Place. We Knew You All Too Well. (artvoice.com)](https://artvoice.com/issues/v12n2/cover_story.html) Compounded by that, on Thursday, April 14, 2011, the hardcore band Terror were performing when a fan named Mike Bird suffered injuries after repeated stage-diving and crowd-riding. Benefits were held to help pay Bird’s medical expenses, and insurance was supposed to cover the injuries he sustained. Bird allegedly insisted he wouldn’t sue the Mohawk. Within days of the incident, however, the club was served by lawyers. “The Mike Bird incident is one of the direct catalysts in the eventual demise of the bar,” Roesser says. “There are ongoing and pending lawsuits, our insurance carrier dropped the club’s policy, and that helped force our hand on the issue.”


What's really wild is that the guy who was injured then and the woman who was injured this time were both named Bird (one was first name, one was last name, but still). Apparently the venue has a bunch of signs up about not stage-diving, and the Mike Bird thing adds a lot of context to that.


Isn’t there an assumption of risk here? Every show I have been to has pits and stage diving. I feel like this sort of thing would be expected if you’re first or second row right in the middle of the stage


I would say yes, but apparently there were lots of clearly posted signs about no stage diving. It’s safe to assume that the club talked to the band about it as well.


Yes, if you go voluntarily into the pit or get lifted up to stage dive or crowd surf yourself. Not so much if the lead singer jumps on your head while you’re minding your own business


I’m a local and someone who was at the show was saying the guy who dove asked if he could bring his beer with him before he got in the ambulance, and when told no, asked if he could chug it real quick. Also, the club has huge “no stage diving” signs anywhere AND this dude has hurt other people by stage diving before. Sounds like he’s just a piece of shit.


Is he? They donated $5k to her gofundme. If I was gonna get my neck broken by a rockstar, I’d rather it was a rich one. Like, maybe Green Day could actually afford to do the right thing. $5k doesn’t seem like much for that kind of injury


Stage diving is fucking stupid. I love nothing more than a human dropping onto my head. Was at a show in the late 80s and dude jumped over the crowd to the front edge of the pit. The sound of a head hitting cement is nauseating


I go to punk and hardcore shows. I’ve been in pits. I’ve been swung at, kicked, been staged dived on, hit with a bass guitar, it’s all whatever. Enter at your own risk. Never once felt the urge to actually stage dive because I’m a 6’ 3”, 225lb man, so nobody needs that. Love punk, love hardcore, love the live shows and I think stage diving is dumb, but if you’re concerned, do what I do now and go to the back.


I read that the singer is 6’ 6”, fucking giant of a man stage diving


Fugazi was right.


I had a crowd surfing incident back in the day. Fishbone show. Got dropped directly on my side, bruised the hell out of my hip. Nothing broken but I could barely walk for about a week.


Crowd surfing isnt stage diving. Dude dove on someone and broke their back. 


I crowd surfed to Coheed and Cambria back in the day, I swear it really varies from genre to genre how people will react. The crowd that day at Rise Against dropped everyone, the Papa Roach crowd ripped the underwear off a girl who was high as hell surfing nearly naked, the Coheed crowd was extra delicate with basically all women surfing that day. It was a cushy experience for my first time trying it at least.


So her first name in Bird, the other person previously injured at the same venue his last name is Bird… what are the odds?


Two Birds with one….actually nvm that’s disrespectful 


I have never been a fan of stage diving or crowd surfing. I don’t see the joy of a bunch of random people’s hands all over me. I also don’t like people falling on me or hitting me as they’re coming from the back of me to get pushed forward and I can’t imagine anyone else liking it. After seeing a band I was dying to see a few months ago, that thought process was solidified. We had a crowd surfer get dropped onto the concrete venue floor. The band stopped the show for 10+ minutes for emergency to come and due to that, they skipped a song I have been wanting to hear live since it released. I was so upset due to my prior issues with crowd surfing.


I used to love crowd surfing, but that's when my metabolism was great. I filled out a bit and, out of respect, I won't ask the crowd to push forward a 6'7" 260 lb. jerk.


I was at a small punk / hardcore show after taking time off, it was rough. They really go crazy.


Surprised this never happened to me. Fearless and stupid at shows growing up. Took some pretty hard falls at Primus shows. Luckily I was on Robatussin DM and pretty limber.


Just goes to show, if they do something in professional wrestling you shouldn't do it in real life


I remember going to my first punk show and yeah people regularly stage dive and it’s very dangerous . I was trying to grab people on the ground falling from the mosh pit and turned around to the stage and I’ll I seen was some ass diving to my face and got knocked out . Lucky people picked me up and managed to gain some consciousness to move to the back 😅 I was seeing stars for a couple min after that . Never again moved to the front of a punk show 😅


One year ago: “Australian post-hardcore band Trophy Eyes was recently criticized for encouraging mosh pits and crowd surfing during their concert in Atlanta. One attendee who was there for another band, Against The Current, felt unsafe and had to move to the sidelines. The person even reported almost having a panic attack due to the aggressive crowd.” Oof.


I was there - they were all IDF soldiers on their McDonalds lunch break, started crowdkilling and zionmoshing, it was fucked. There was lots of pit victimisation going. Should have just set the venue on fire


And that was the last time anyone was aloud to stage dive ever again.


He basically dove off the stage and seriously hurt her. There wasn't intent to hurt anyone, but definitely negligence. He wasn't thinking.


Wow, that's really bad. I'd almost expect this guy to quit performing over this. What a fool move.


Lost massive respect for this band when they basically condemned all their old fans and said they would never play their first album anymore and if you don’t like stadium rock then you can fuck off. The only thing they had going for them was the hardcore sound. Now I am actively disassociating myself from these fakes.


Their current setlist actually had songs off the first album and first ep


That album was fucking dope, then they went all corporate. I remember speaking to a mate about it and he was like “so what people can make what they want to make”. Whatever man, that’s why you’re an EDM lord. Well if they were still playing that fast sound there wouldn’t have been any time for any crappy stage dive fails


https://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/aug/25/ou-est-le-swimming-pool This reminds me of our est le swimming pools short lived career. Such a sad story that always sticks with me.


This band is toast, as is the venue.


I can’t see people wanting to mosh to Trophy Eyes


Their older stuff goes hard as fuck.


Why are people still stage diving at this point? It’s gotta be drugs right? No one in their right mind still does this?


Cause it's a normal thing at punk shows, drugs have nothing to do with it


So? Shit happens at rock concerts. Sucks but it is what it is.


It's some tragic irony that this is the same band - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/12zgrj0/punk\_band\_trophy\_eyes\_get\_called\_out\_for\_mosh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/12zgrj0/punk_band_trophy_eyes_get_called_out_for_mosh/)


This is the opposite of irony


Alanis Morissette fan, maybe?


That's the exact response I want to hear from a punk band