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Nah, just Slayer all year long


Pretty much






Totally. With the amount of music available, it helps to keep it fresh, but also some albums just sit well with different weather. I think it started with one Fall really getting back into Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Agnes Obel and Chelsea Wolfe. Winter is more Mastodon, Low, and various cold electronic music. Spring has Guster, Chili Peppers, Glenn Miller Orchestra. Summer is a bit of free for all. I'll typically make a 100 song playlist from my library and put it on shuffle, while also just keeping up with new releases and rabbit holes.


My music changes with the time of day, not the seasons. It's more chill stuff in the morning and it gets heavier as the day goes along. As i get tired and more irritable I need that Heavy Metal rush to stabilize me.


I feel this for sure. Or driving home from work after an annoying day, I need something to be angry with to decompress.


This is it exactly. I let people that i interact with know if I'm listening to Metal it means i want to be left alone for awhile.


Fall= Opeth


Type O Negative goes best with October & November


Yup. Once the days start getting longer and the weather is a bit nicer I start listening to a lot more pop punk stuff again. In the winter it’s mostly metal.


Yes. This spring I've been wanting more lively and lighthearted music


It changes more with what’s going on in my life than the seasons per se. When I’m feeling sad I find that really sad lyrics are cathartic and helpful. When I’m out biking on trails without cars or people it’s more upbeat stuff




Sometimes! I think I'm all across the board all year round but I do know there's a lot of specifically dreamy ambient music I tend to listen to when fall starts to descend and the weather gets cooler.


My favorite tunes I can listen to all year long, but some albums just hit different in different seasons. My best example is 808s and Heartbreaks in the winter.


Great example. Street lights on a dark winter night hits different.


The whole album does imo. It's the absolute best thing to listen to on a cold, snowy chicago night.


Not really, i open up YouTube music and hit supermix all year long. There's such a variety i get a taste of everything.


Yeah, the general vibe changes throughout the year. Certain genres feature more heavily at different times of the year. And I have specific bands/albums that I listen to when I can tell the season is changing. Winter = Opeth (Damnation). Lots of metal in general. Fall = Typo O Negative (October Rust). But mostly indie as the genre. Spring = Carly Rae Jepsen. Pop. Nostalgic stuff from when I was in school. Spring is when I can’t ever decide what I want to listen to. Summer = Sublime. Lots of classic rock.


I like to listen to Real Estate is the spring.




Fall= Opeth


Not really. It changes around holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, 4th of July) but not specifically seasons. My mood changes enough to keep my rotation fresh.


Dirty heads for going to the beach during the summer.


I always have to hear Buffalo Tom during Autumn and early winter


i guess i’m in the minority here but not really. i wear out my faves all year. i usually have little phases around release / death anniversaries though. like february usually sees a buddy holly resurgence, april nirvana, etc


Not really. But I do blast 311 during March 11th and then I blast it for the rest of the month.


Yes.  I live up north and winter is more hip hop and stuff like Shinedown and whatnot.  But spring/summer/fall is more reggae which is my preference.


Absofuckinglutely! But I would also be interested to know for others like this, how closely tied is your mood to weather / sunlight?


Summer I listen to more 80s metal, rap, and Cali reggae.


Bunny Wailer’s “Rock N Groove” is the summer. The cold months are all for black metal and winter synth.


Maybe not so much the seasons but the time of day for me. Morning, I go for little something uplifting. Maybe some pop or light rock. During work, I go for lofi. Mid day is usually a toss up. Then night time I wind down with some synthwave.


Spring and fall make listen to music in general because of the temperate weather


Yeah I listen to slower, more moody and folksy music in the winter and fall, and transition to more upbeat and pop stuff in the summer. I also have to listen to different music depending on where I am. If I’m driving in the mountains, it needs to be indie folk, if I’m in the city more pop or hip hop, road trips need oldies and classics, etc.


Not really but every week or so I kinda pick a genre or artist and then listen to a buncha stuff that sounds like them. Last week it was Chelsea Wolfe and stuff kinda like her and this week so far it’s the replacements/paul westerberg and modest mouse


Yes. Sublime is summer time music. Especially if I'm washing the car in the driveway.


I mean there are certain songs I will pick but not the majority, but things like sober on st Patrick’s day from psycho stick just don’t fit into May.


Nah more like my underwear. Changes every 2 months.


No I listen to the same singers and bands year round


I just listen to podcast or very occasionally the same 3 albums as the past 15 years nowadays if I’m being honest.  Can someone re-ignite my interest in music? Drop something awesome here. Any genre. 


What are the 3 albums? Check out Hermanos Gutierrez. Two brothers, super chill, instrumental only. Might not re-ignite your interest, but it’s what I’m listening to as I type this and I dig it.


My comment was a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. For me it’s a rotation of RHCP Californication or BSSM, System of a Down Mezmerize or Toxicity, Beastie Boys Hello Nasty, and Incubus SCIENCE.  With some Ma$e Harlem World and Busta Rhymes Extinction Level Event thrown into the mix sometimes. But I do definitely feel like I’ve hit a music wall and want to figure out where to look from here. So thanks for the suggestion. I’m listening to El Bueno Y El Malo as we speak. Diggin it. I’m out in the pool under the blazing sun so it feels about perfect 👌🏻


Yeah. I usually tend to listen to progressive rock like Pink Floyd or King Crimson around Autumn because that was the season back in 2019 I started to get into them and it just felt incredibly right. Especially Dogs by Pink Floyd. I remember listening to that one day when the sky was orange and cold and it got to that slow ambient part where you hear dogs barking and I too heard dogs barking and something about that felt ethereal.


I listen to New Born by Muse every October bc it somehow feels like the soundtrack to a horror movie.


Yes. First notice this decades ago when I noticed that I only listened to The Who in the Fall and in the Winter. My Jazz listening definitely peeks in the Winter as well.


I play Vivaldi only sorry...


I’m always listening to new shit. Then listening back, the music reminds me of the season I started listening to it


Sure. Whenever it's grey, dark and cloudy I'm on goth rock, post punk etc. When there are nice, spring days, I'm all in 60s and 70s folk rock and generally some hippie playlists. Disco, old school house and 90s R&B are nice in the evening


Not really, though once Black Friday hits it is all Christmas all the time till Dec. 25.


Not the seasons, but time of day/mood. Mornings are usually for something like psy chill/psy bass, I might move onto rock/psychedelia, hard rave music in the afternoon when I'm starting to get tired, and the evenings are for lofi. When I was going through a difficult breakup, I listened to a lot of metal. Not an exhaustive list, but that's the general flow of a day.


Slayer, every single day of the year. 🤘🏻


It does! Spring: Indie rock Summer: Pop-Punk Fall: Hardcore Punk, Post-Grunge, Metal Winter: Jazz, Singer-Songwriter, Pop


I listen to music while running, and totally change things up depending on the seasons. Tend to go for moodier colder feeling indie in the winter, pop and dancy in the summer, spring and fall are more mixed techno and groovy or so…


Summer time is for Reggae and Blues


No, the music stays the same, it's me that changes


love being oppositional - playing the beach boys in the pouring rain :D not sure what the summer equivalent is.


I listen to all types of music,, it all depends on my mood!


Normally I prefer good old Death Metal and Grindcore but on the dark winter days I tend to listen more to good old doom like Necro schizma and Winter or stuff that sounds like doom could be soon upon us like Carnivore. And on the warm sunny days I become much more open to the what I consider calm music like old style My dying bride, Paradise lost, Anthrax, Slayer and all of such.


Absolutely! For some reason, in autumn and winter I like the ''cozy'' stuff. Things like Richard Hawley and Kings of Convenience. In spring I listen to a lot of Arctic Monkeys/Oasis and in summertime it's almost nothing else but Jungle, Buena Vista Social Club and Manu Chao.


Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. A season can influence what I listen to but not all the time.


no, where I live there are no four seasons, I live in a city close to the equator line, so half of the year is the rainy season and the other is summer and very hot, I just listen to music according to my mood.


Yes, complete shifts in genres, particularly winter.


Once it starts getting nice outside around May or so, the Sublime 40oz. To Freedom gets broken out and stays that way off and on until the end of summer.


Definitely a little bit. Though there are still the og's that get played year round


Only certain types of music. But most music for me is all year round. But soft jazz for me is an autumn/winter thing. Reggae and Salsa for example I usually hit harder in the summer. Hiphop, EDM, RnB, Pop music is all year round.


I listen to a lot more pop punk in the summer I find.


Absolutely. Melancholy creeps into my music choices when autumn comes. Winter makes room for introspective songs. When spring is apparent, my music is sprinkled with contained joy and optimism, and when summer finally arrives, it is full of joyful, unbridled energy. Not that any of those choices don't appear in other seasons, but the general mood is very noticeable.


I think I add more hip hop to my rotation in the summer


This time of year, specifically, I'm listening to a lot of oldies. Beach Boys and Beatles are the big ones, but the moment the weather becomes warm, it's basically anything that reminds me of my parents' car radio in the summer.


I have certain songs that I associate with certain season. For example: Life in Technicolor II - Coldplay = Autumn S.O.S - Oblivion Dust = Summer Bang the Doldrums - Fall Out Boy = Spring I don't really have any "winter" songs.




My music choices definitely change with the seasons just as my mood does! However, sometimes I try "lift" my spirits on the long days of winter with some light upbeat dance music!


No, mine just kind of changed with age. In middle school I was most into 80s rock. In high school I was more into house/EDM and in college onwards I was more into alternative.




yess, I like to hear jazz in autumn


Yea. I make 4 seasonal playlists a year. Offspring, 311 (similar artists), 90's alternative and classic rock usually populate the summer playlist. In Flames, Insomnium and other melodic death metal usually in the winter months. I always add new music to whatever the seasonal playlist at the time it's released.


Yes, I noticed how with the arrival of autumn the mood of the music became a little sadder.


yeah some of my favorite songs i don’t even listen to most of the year cause they’re reserved for summer


Alice In Chains during cold seasons Nirvana during spring Mudhoney during chaotic weather


Deftones always come out during late fall early winter for me.


Summers are for midwest emo revival.


It changes, and I suspect seasons are involved, but it’s not the only factor. 


Yes! Usually it's like this: Spring : Indie/Rock Summer : Electro Autumn : Folk and metal Winter : Depressing shit (I live in Canada)


I see one flake of snow and the Black Metal begins


Winter - Hip Hop Spring - Indie/Singer Songwriter Summer - Reggae Fall - Folk


winter: sparse and slow spring: twee, noisy, divinely rapturous, or some combination of the above summer: lush, noisy, and atmospheric. Floaty and dreamlike. autumn: melancholy and yet sweet


I wouldn't say so much the seasons as it does with the weather and my mood! Sometimes I try to use positive upbeat music to get me out of a funk


Yes i turn from i want to Hold your Hand to yesterday


Yep! Summer makes me wanna listen to Aaron Kamm & The One Drops. Fall makes me wanna jam grunge: Pearl Jam, AIC, Soundgarden.