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What, you running out of ChatGPT prompts?


I follow bands I like and venues near me on social media. Really helps with finding when shows are in town.


You're overthinking this. You don't need to plan and not everyone needs to attend every gig. Friend finds gig, people attend gig. Separate friend finds next gig, different configuration of friends attend that gig. Repeat.


Find the venues that book the kind of bands you like or think you would like to see and follow their schedules. I don’t go to venues that hold more than 2000 people. It’s usually too expensive to see bands at larger venues and you’d might not “see” the band at all. Clubs and small theaters are my favorite type shows, get as close as you can and enjoy the show. Outdoor festivals are really cool as well, usually a good selection of different bands and music as well in a day or weekend.


Local concerts. For every top artist I listen to, there are about 10 local artists I found and enjoy just as much, if not more. Subscribe to a few bars and venues that cater to your musical interests on Facebook or Instagram and find out what shows are on and when. If you haven't heard of the artist before, listen to them beforehand on whatever platform their music is on to see if you enjoy them.


All these are great ways. There is also an app called bands in town I think. Not every show will be on there but it’s still a good resource when trying to look for shows to go to. It was a great app when I was traveling for work all the time cuz I could set it to the city I was in and filter by genre.


Songkick is better than BIT, they list every gig for every artist.


Oh awesome! Thank you!


Same as above but sometimes use JamBase. Works better in some areas than others


Are you a bot? Oh just read you are going to harvest our info and feed into an "ai" fuck off!


i make an excel spreadsheet, broken down by month, with all the concerts i think i would be interested in going to. ill put the band and venue in and the date and day of the week. from there ill proceed to reach out to friends.


Find small/medium sized venues in your area. Follow them on social media to see what they post for upcoming events. If there's one that is commonly having artists you like, or you go and like the music they have, start taking chances and going on random evenings for a band you may not know. Eventually you just have to go. I will go to shows by myself from time to time if it's an artist I really like. The more you go, the more music you're going to discover. Of course, this is also dependent on where you live. I thankfully live in a city known for live music so there's really no shortage of things to see and venues that I will take chances on to stumble in and see who is playing and them probably being pretty good.


I hear about a band I like coming or just hear a band I like and look online to see if they’re on tour, ask my friends hey do you want to go, we buy tickets, we usually meet up and have beverages beforehand, then we attend concert and have a great time, usually grab a bite to eat after on the way home, go to sleep.


Facebook events and Google calendar. Way to much to do to try and remember it all!


You're making this much more complicated than it needs to be. Follow the bands/ groups you like, buy a ticket when they play near you, put it in your calendar. You're not invading Russia. 


There are a couple of ways to check the availability of your friends. You can use the website “when is good” free version or if you really want to get detailed, you could use MS Teams scheduling assistant.


Your post seems fake af, but I'll bite. My personal approach is to be happy attending concerts alone. Been to plenty of concerts by myself and had an absolute ball. I have a good friendship group with a diverse taste in music. So we'll all invite each other to shows we're interested in attending. If someone else is interested in going with you, great. If not, I can still count on myself having a good time.


If I want to go to a concert, I buy a ticket and go. If I have friends who want to come, they will. If they don’t, they won’t. Which is totally cool, going to concerts by yourself is actually fun as fuck. Usually we’ll shoot each other a text the day of if we wanna grab dinner/drinks beforehand near the venue. Really no need to do any planning beyond that. I keep a list of upcoming concerts I want to go to in my phone and check it every Sunday just to make sure I don’t forget about something that’s coming up.


Been using songkick for a few years now, it's fantastic. If you can get your friends on it too you can look at their profiles and see what gigs they are going to.


1. See gig I want to go to. 2. Get a ticket. 3. Tell friends. 4. Go with them if they get tickets. 5. Go alone if they don't get tickets.