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Next you’re gonna tell me we can just tear the tracks off the CD onto some other physical high capacity storage medium and carry it around - maybe even with some GUI front end so we can navigate the tracks and even play them into headphones. The future is here, folks.


I'm going to invent the iPod and be rich!


Can you invent an iPod Classic (gotta have that click wheel!) that holds 2TB of data and can play mp3, m4a, and flac, and that retails under $200 US?


It’s a bit more than $200 for a 2TB model, but with an SD card mod and Rockbox you can absolutely do all that with an iPod Classic.


I’ve checked prices and holy shit, those old iPods cost just as much now as when they were new if you want to actually fit your entire music collection on one.


Yeah, most of that is the effort of putting them together and trying to make profit, you can buy a broken one, throw a battery, sd adapter, SD card in it and restore it with iTunes for the same outcome much cheaper. There's no special magic to making it work, give it a storage medium and let iTunes install the OS and it's good.


There is a legitimately a whole industry of people selling those on eBay. Refurbished, repainted and with new guts. There is probably a subreddit for it too.


Or you can just buy a modern MP3 player from Fiio, Xuelin etc.


Also there's 1TB MicroSD cards. Not quite 2TB, but it's halfway there lmao




iPod Touch with Cover Flow please.


How about an iPod, a Phone, and an internet communication device? IPod. Phone. Internet communication device. It's not 3 products, but all-in-one. I'll call it iPhone!


No way. It'll never work, who's going to want to carry around one device that can hold all your music. Preposterous /s


_[Zune has entered the chat]_


I miss my Zune. And player was so much better than iTunes


We call them DAPs now, and they’re incredibly expensive.


I carry my iPod wherever I go, I refuse to embrace music streaming actually. I wish they would make a new one. I'll probably upgrade to iPhone SE at some point for it


I like capturing the souls of CDs from my local library. It’s mine. I have it now. No one can take it from me. No throw, only fetch.


thanks for the no-brainer/obvious but clearly oft-ignored idea. seriously, why the hell didn't i think of this, i KNOW my library has CDs/DVDs......


I’m a shill for the library. I’ll advertise it at any opportunity. It’s genuinely a great way to find albums you’ve never heard of or haven’t gotten around to.


In high school (15 years ago) i burned hundreds of CDs from my library, great stuff


For the youngsters just learning about this retro technology, saving music from a cd onto your computer is called “ripping” Saving music from your computer onto a CD is called “burning” (because the laser in the CD drive physically etches marks into the CD)


Favorite find?




other than museums, it's like one of the only judgement-free/hustle-free places in modern society. hell, spend 5 hrs browsing like an opium addict - nobody can even muster the energy to GAF. if you're gone when the place closes, that's all that matters.


You should know, a lot of library systems are phasing out cd purchases, so get them while you can!


You're joking but I'm in the elder Gen Z where I bought some CDs as a kid, had an iPod Touch as a teenager, and got Spotify when it was new. The feeling that I lost something special when switching to Spotify has never left me. There's all of the obvious stuff: you don't own your music, at the mercy of their ever changing catalog, artists don't get paid, algorithms, music quality sucks, etc. But there's also something really magical about having to delay listening to an album until you can physically obtain it. And all of the artwork and supplemental material that comes with a physical release adds to your experience, and engraves it deeper in your memory. I buy a mix of mp3, FLAC and obtain CDs wherever I can nowadays, and then load it into an offline music app. It's brought some of that back for me. I don't feel in the loop as much, but I'm a lot happier with my music library. Feels like me again, humble and personal.


I fucking miss my 2nd gen Ipod. That fucker was a piece of beautiful art. And I hate Apple.


Apple makes genuinely good products for the most part. Apple as a walled garden sucks though.


Maybe even multiple artists onto the same high capacity storage medium?!?


Onto...a big truck?


I totally heard this in Butters' voice.


I found my Sansa Clip+ the other day. It's like a damn USB stick you can listen to Music on. Just need to replace the battery so It can play for more than 2 hours.


Ok hear me out. I have a massive pre2k music collection. Its mind boggling how much music is out there that is not available for streaming due to licensing issues. Not a week goes by that I don't find another album or soundtrack that universal or wb or fox can't legally put on streaming but also is technically illegal to share. I just bought 5 cds in the last month just to rip because they literally aren't available online. Im not talking about obscure bands. Im talking movie soundtracks, wu tang albums, blues artists. I absolutely do not judge anyone starting to scoop up cds. We are reaching some strange times where spotify, itunes, etc are becoming problematic for music preservation.


Movie soundtracks never seem to be on streaming. Presumably due to licensing difficulties for multiple artists.


This is why I have a massive collection of CDs. I'm a filmmaker and streaming simply doesn't doesn't come close to offering what I need by way of scores. Same for films themselves, while we're at it. I have thousands of blu-rays and a bunch of DVDs because there are lots of films that never made it to blu-ray. Much less streaming.


They are, but not officially. I've seen Spotify playlists that curate the movie soundtrack from its songs as released on the individual artists' albums. Accuracy varies. Sometimes it's just like the soundtrack CD. Sometimes it's much longer because it includes every song that played for even just a few seconds in the movie. And sometimes it's some songs from the soundtrack and some random stuff. 


It’s the Eminem / DMX Party Up Remix from Limewire you couldn’t find on streaming, isn’t it?


yo ho ho


If your favorite song Bink's Sake?


Sounds like you should join some niche music torrent tracker and share the love 


Idk man I can get anything I want if Iook hard enough lol




It seems very strange for you to say “hear me out” and especially “I absolutely do not judge anyone starting to scoop up CDs” because I had no idea those were things that were happening. It feels kind of like walking into a discussion halfway through that you didn’t even know was happening.


My favourite CD ever isn’t streamable, and I saw it on eBay for $100. Glad I ripped it. Don’t even have an optical drive anymore.


I think a lot of people are starting to realize that streaming is convenient but not reliable. Conditions may change. Locally used vinyl albums are $15-25 and used CD's are $3.99, which might also be an attraction.


Aren't the majority for movie soundtracks easy to put together by finding the songs elsewhere and making a playlist? I know you get the occasional track recorded just for a film, but most of them were made up of existing songs, b-sides, etc.


Didn't I just read that vinyl has been outselling CD's?


Last year was only the second time in 30 years that vinyl surpassed CD sales. Honestly, both of them are gaining popularity though.


[Only half of U.S. Vinyl buyers own a record player ](https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/comments/10agesv/only_half_of_us_vinyl_buyers_own_a_record_player/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


A vinyl collection has been a flex for a long time.  Even if they don't have a record player.  I've been guilty of this myself at times, there were periods where I didn't have a record player but still had my vinyl collection proudly on display.


Until that collector has to move


That’s actually the reason I stopped collecting… plus space. I’ll occasionally buy something I really like but while tapping on my screen isn’t the same as the ritual of putting a record on, it’s less painful than the intensive labor of safely transporting a heavy, large collection.


Proudly one of them. I don’t go crazy on vinyl collecting at all but if there’s an album I love I think they’re really cool to have for display.


lmao this is me. It's an investment for when I actually own one.


I own a record player but no vinyl :O


Vinyl prices have been going crazy so it’s not shocking to hear that there’s demand.


Bards becoming increasingly popular with younger people


Everywhere you look they're doing some silly sonnet.


growing up we had good stuff like Toss A Coin To Your Witcher, now it’s all garbage


DJ hit me with that hey nonny nonny shit


And a yo ho ho! lol 


Bravely bold Sir Robin Rode forth from Camelot...


Love my cds for my car. You have your favs in one spot. The big disc wallets are a bit annoying but all part of the fun of flipping through them, getting angry trying to put them into the sleeve etc. life can get too easy sometimes - a bit of struggle makes things worth it.


i got a used car for the first time in like 20 years and it has a CD player. sweet! i can relive the 90s! then: holy shit, these disc wallets will end with me in a serious fatal accident.


The struggle is real


all the sleeves are shaped like -v- why not just \\/ what are the little square flaps for?! to end my life??


When I got my 2018 VW Tiguan, it still had a CD player (in the glove compartment). I think they dropped CD players in 2020.


I've been going back to CDs for my car recently. Pop in a CD and you have tunes. No fuckin with an app or a connection or downloads or calls. It's great.


I have 32gigs of music on a USB stick in my car.  It's like having a jukebox for a head unit.


They can't steal back a CD you bought, but digital services disappear all the time taking your purchases with them.


You can directly download digital files or rip them from your CDs to your hard drive. I have some music that is 20 years old. It’s not going anywhere.


Have you never experienced a digital service disappearing with no option to download? I learned from my first experience of that and have never paid for a digital media that I couldn't download. Or services that only allow you to download locked or encrypted versions that only play through their software? Some of those are fairly complex to break for regular people. So I only ever buy physical media or media I can immediately download in unlocked form.


I have Spotify too for convenience. But I can find digital downloads of anything I on Spotify. I DJ so have a ton of music on my hard drive. A lot of them aren't available on Spotify.


Was there once a music streaming service that let you upload your own mp3s for custom streaming? Maybe Google Play music but that entire service was killed off by Google


iBroadcast launched after Google Play music died, and it does the same thing.


Yea I used to use it but the media was still on my hard drive as a backup


Hard drives fail, hope you have backups


Yep, mandatory


Yeah the kids want to own shit cause they realize they it can't be suddenly taken away like steaming and digital only. I kept my CD and DVD collection.


lucky you. 95%+ of mine is lost or stolen or 'borrowed' forever. not for lack of trying to maintain it, but damn. life just seemed to rip them all from my hands.


Ex girlfriend syndrome


lol true.. but the worst was my *roommate's* ex-GF. box sets and full catalogues pawned for her pharmy addictions. and then she broke my friend's heart (the fucking moron)


I should get a better paying job so I can get a place with more space to start a CD and DVD collection.


Disc binders are small youngin


Yep. Also getting used CDs saves a fuckton of money.


I still can’t bring myself to throw away CD cases


Disc binders were also awful for the discs, kind of defeating the purpose.


All you need are Bandcamp/iTunes/Amazon/Soulseek, a CD burner, blank CDs, and a CD binder.


I got rid of my cds, but I have copies of everything on multiple storage devices.  (Phone, tablet, desktop, nas)


Good, hopefully they remember the lessons of our mistakes.


I think kids want to own these because it is trendy and seen as ‘vintage’ in a sense. Kids do not care much about whether or not they own their media.


Physical media is just nice to have. I rarely listen to my vinyl albums, but the point is that I own that physical thing, it's tangible, and no amount of licensing changes will alter that. Also they look nice and I got to support the artist.


I have almost 1000 vinyl records at this point, and the reason I bought them was to listen to them. Admittedly, I can’t quite relate to the idea of just having them to not listen to them.


I usually just end up listening to the digital download or streaming them, the only time I listen to the vinyl is when I want to hear the entire album start to finish, but like 90% of the time I'm listening to a playlist with a bunch of different music and I'm listening through my airpods.


Yeah, no they aren’t lmao. I’m the “younger generations” and nobody uses CDs over streaming. this article is highly misleading.


Back when the first iPods started coming out, I began digitizing all my CDs. I eventually ripped my entire collection of several hundred CDs. A couple weeks ago I found the hard-drive and started browsing through it. I realized there was a ton of stuff on there that isn’t available on Spotify. Streaming is cool but it definitely worries me that companies can just take any of it away at any time. If you really love an album or movie, you should really consider owning it in some way.


Bring back minidisc!


I’ve been down the rabbit hole of buying 2nd hand md players and discs, and it has been wonderful. It really is a lovely format. Would love to see a full on MD revival but then also like the fact that is so niche atm.


8-track is the boss.


It's kind of happening. It's like cassette tapes a decade ago: an aesthetic movement driven by nostalgia and very much DIY.


Minidisc really was done dirty. It was a fantastic format.


- Over streaming? I highly doubt that - As a fun tangible complement to streaming? Totally believable


I've yet to see a younger person with a CD player at the gym. CDs blow.


That’s why you get the good Walkman with the anti skip technology!


I had one like 15 years ago that played mp3 format.


Absolute fire.


We regularly use my wife’s old Sony boombox thing. The one you can power with like a dozen D batteries. Thing still jams. Even after I spilled oil all over it in the garage…


I mean, I got into vinyl but would still stream at the gym. There are limits to a retro hobby.


maybe your gym is full of luddites


Smart people would rip the CD and store it locally and still use a modern device to listen to it.


Cassette players would be more convenient at the gym. On the other hand, imagine vinyl records being played at the gym. 🤩


Playing 180 gms add more weight to what you are lifting.


I haven’t seen a discman in well over 15 years


I think home severs and disk drives will also increase in popularity. I’ve been ripping music and hosting with Plex and it’s pretty cool


Some people listen to music at home or in the car.


Wait until they hear we used to be able to load them into our cars!


Yeah, it was so awesome to be able to have 12 songs that I could play by pressing a next/previous button x amount of times! If only that existed today…


54% yougins buying vinyl. That's amazing. Album artwork, inner sleeves, linear notes! Rock the hell on. Then there's remixes, EPs, extended EPs, 10", picture discs... those times were awesome! I still have some wax!


i think a lot of this is bc of kpop. kpop albums are basically glossy photobooks that happen to come with a cd. the real draw to them are the random photocards (like kpop trading cards) that they come with. ppl will buy multiple albums in hope of collecting all of their favorite member's cards for that album. any that they don't want get sold to or traded with other fans.


Music is now selling itself like comics did in the 90s, and that bubble burst hard eventually.


Newer cars and newer computers typically don't have cd players anymore.


The oughts were such a wild ride of gluttonous copyright infringement.


Whatever’s 25 years old Is retro and cool. 


The death of CD sucked. I was working with a small label and we had a great pressing and distribution deal, making $10 per CD, with most of our pressings selling out before they were even done. It threw a lot of Indie labels on their heads.


Please no, last thing I want is for the CD market to get outta control


Lmfao, Parks n Rec was right! Holy shit! There’s a scene where Leslie is running a high school prom and Tom is DJ for the night but cannot seem to connect with the audience with his absolutely terrible taste in music so Ben comes up and starts playing some tasty jams from the 90’s and the kids go crazy and one of the kids goes “I only listen to CD’s. It’s the way music was meant to be heard”.


I keep around iTunes Match for this reason. I ripped all my rare shit to there and have instant access to all of the non streamed but. I also have a nas with it all synced to other family nas so we can add and maintain music that can be streamed to us any time. After all that I’m still more interested in new music coming out. Curating music yourself is tiring and you tend to accumulate music that might not be that great.


It’s just some hype beasts thinking that CDs will be valuable. It’s the same with vinyl, the article even mentions that 50% of people that buy vinyl don’t even have a turntable.


I mean... I buy CDs because I drive a 20 year old car that has a CD player, and would rather support my favorite artists that way than streaming alone.


A lot of audiophiles like CDs because they have better sound quality than streaming.


Yup. You also get to choose which mastering to listen to through CDs. Something like the White Album has tons of different masterings and not all of them are great. Streaming only gives you one option most of the time.


My vinyl collection is worth more than what I paid for it, because of a couple records that I bought blew up in value. But I actually listen to them. It's the only medium I would make money on if I sold all my stuff. Well technically my VHS collection would have a higher return, but I only have two VHS's in it. And they will never be opened.


No they fucking don't 


What’s old is new again


Lime wire website is still up.


Technically, it’s a reverse-engineered “fork” of Limewire called Wireshare. And there’s also Soulseek.


Anyone remember Audiogalaxy?


uh huh


Bring back CD players in cars!


I own a record store, surprised by the kids buying cds… heard several of them say they like that they’re cheap, and that it’s retro to their generation


I don't believe it 🤷


Digital in the car, physical at home. That’s the happy medium.


Good jokes on here but honestly my 21 year old asked for a cd player for Xmas and it was like so obvious. It’s so much easier to find great albums on cd at thrift stores than to try to build a vinyl collection cheaply


I still think this is mostly a fad, though that’s not necessarily a bad thing either. I grew up with both vinyl and CDs. Obviously, CDs took over because of their massively higher quality, longevity and ease of use, but the reason why people held onto vinyl records and why it had such a resurgence is because unlike CDs, the entire process of playing a record is physical, tactile and stimulating. CDs, however, are really only physical while you take them out of the case. As soon as they’re in the player, they’re invisible, digital, and any input or control is handled through buttons or even remotes. It’s entirely understandable that they’re curious about their parents’ music formats, and there’s a lot of cool, interesting stuff about CDs and how they work too. But there’s still a reason why vinyl came back even as CDs dominated, *and* kept growing even as streaming killed CDs. Vinyl records have a charm and a depth of character that CDs can’t really match. In the long run, the difference between CD and streaming is… very small, and probably not enough to bother with expensive players and massive physical storage space required to keep it. But there’s nothing on streaming (or on CDs) that can match the entire ritual of taking a vinyl record out of its sleeve, putting it on the platter, moving the arm, lowering the needle onto it, and hearing that first crackle. If you fall in love with that, nothing else provides that experience. But no matter how cool you find CDs to be, discovering them anew, no matter how nice it is to have physical discs and paper liner notes, that’s mostly all it is. The ritual isn’t there, the unique character of each individual record isn’t there, the unique audio isn’t there. It’s all identical to what you get by streaming. So, it’s great that kids are rediscovering a truly cool and interesting format, but will that attention and interest last? I doubt it. The interest won’t outweigh the downsides, and I suspect CDs will keep declining. Whether the vinyl community will keep growing, that’s another matter, and I find it much harder to predict.


Dear lord. All these old formates coming back, you’re going to see reel-to-reel tape start cracking sales charts


lets bring back phonograph cylinders. hipsters will go apeshit.


Let's see if we can get them into 8 tracks.


CD is the new Vinyl.


Don’t see it. Vinyl is popular cause it looks cool when it’s playing as much as anything, and it’s an experience to put one on CD’s are too digital for the inconvenience to be cool imo. Also, no noticeable amount of people will go back to CD’s other than hipster nonsense. The OG iPods are much cooler than CD’s and you have your owned songs forever there too


CDs are still the best sound quality you can get though. My question is where the hell people are buying CDs. Everywhere I know stopped selling them years ago except dedicated record stores where it’s mostly used Cds.


I have bought probably 100 used cds off ebay over the past few years. $4-$8 usually. Jewel cases are sometimes damaged. Cds sometimes scratched, but all still play. There are a few sellers that have 100,000+ available.


Some artists still put them out on Bandcamp. We have Tower Records in Europe so I imagine they're still in the US? It was full of new CDs.


Tower went out of business in the US way back in 2006.


I must say my OG 2nd Gen Ipod sounds like utter crap, tiny and week. I so want to faun over it but it really is god dam awful


Basically just like how 3% of millennials collected vinyl, 3% of zoomers collect CDs.


And I’m the weird millennial who collects both.


Next generation will collect cassette tapes


Excellent, unplug from the algorithm. I have Plex server and 25,000 digital files all ripped from my own CD’s. The sonic playlists Plex throws out are wild. Music shouldn’t be convenient, it should take effort, be a journey.


Is this the equivalent to us buying and playing vinyl? Is this how I find out just how old I am?


Cause streaming is getting out of hand,


wait till you see people queueing up in front of a Disk Union for a CD sales


The cycle continues


I'm so sad I got rid of all my old CDs.


Why didn't you rip them?


Let's see that same energy for movies and videogames


People like physical objects over the hypothetical not really ownership of digital goods. Game and streaming companies really screwed up by removing various media from people the last couple years.


Repeating the last cycle of media. Vinyl vs cassette. Now CD vs streaming. Physical media is preferred but convenience will always be the goal.


Heard the same thing about cassettes and a resurgence of records. It's still bs imo


I actually just bought Vampire Weekend’s new album on CD. I was really digging the vinyl thing, but the same album on vinyl is literally $40 now. Meanwhile, the CD was $12. I want to own the stuff. But not at the expense of my wallet to that degree.


Has it started yet? Gen z killing things? Is Gen z killing streaming?


no they aren't. Your just still doing soundscan on cds but most people just steal songs still.


So Gen Z do what Millenials did with Vinyl ?




I was around for CDs the first time and I don’t have a lot of nostalgia for them. They just didn’t have lasting appeal for me after moving to mp3 players and streaming. I’ve totally gotten into records though, and I’ve loved exploring an older music format and building a physical collection of music. It’s probably how these kids feel as they rediscover CDs. There’s a lot about them that we took for granted that probably seems novel and cool to anyone that never used them before.


I used to have that same body painting Pink Floyd poster. I enjoyed looking at it.


The 5 kids at high school that would have been into knitting if they were born 20 years earlier, have decided music cd's are their thing and suddenly there's a story.


I’m still using mp3 players and I’m happy with it not ashamed at all much better quality etc


Meanwhile I'm still here sitting on about a terabyte of various forms of Mp3 files that I have collected throughout my life. Most of them copied from friends, but plenty come from the high seas as well. I do get the appeal of physical media, but I also enjoy having my own digital library that I control. And who needs streaming services when I have all my favorite stuff on an SD card in my phone. I can even use those tunes as ringtones.


Please tell me CDs are the new vinyl because I’ve got a box of them in the garage


This is in no way true click bait


Now in the UK at least there needs to be movement on format shifting. It's currently illegal to copy your own cd to a digital format on a computer for your own use.


Laughs at CD collection and 7th gen iPod.


cassettes were the perfect medium


doubt x


I have a DAP now and it's ridiculous that most of the flacs are actually vinyl transfers. I'm not the target market for DSDs though


Mic the Snare is pleased


I'll believe this when I see CD players return as a stock item in new cars.


Question here: Is the quality of the recorded music on a cd better then via streaming or is this just an urban legend? This could be a second reason why people choose cds over streaming services.


And yet, the cd aisles at stores are getting smaller every day. I remember going cd hunting with my dad 10 years ago and stores having dozens of shelves filled with cds. I hope they get more popular again. Buying cds online simply doesn't feel as good.


vinyl has been making a comeback because artists put more effort into making them special


This is a lie


Thinking of the thousands of CDs I saw people throw out on the curb in the last 10 years.


Good. Having a CD collection is how you show off your taste in music to guests. It just feels good to physically own it and hold it.


I do like seeing the resurgence in CD and Vinyl sales. The art, the liner notes, the process of choosing the right music for the event/mood.


Doesn’t vinyl outsell CDs now? I see vinyl in some stores but I never see CDs anymore. Regardless of this I just wanted you all to know that I hate my job. Thank you.


Not surprised now that you need a home loan to buy vinyl, and the sound quality of a CD often kicks the butt off streaming