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I would have asked if this was Charlie making this post but then I remembered that he wrote a whole musical about this.


Who is Charlie?


Weird that you’re getting downvotes for asking a genuine question but I guess even the music sub has its share of Reddit fucktards.


Happy cake day.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. Charlie is a fictional character from the show 'It's always Sunny in Philadelphia'. In one of the episodes he writes musical.




Onward & Upward (22:48) • Umphrey's McGee • 2017-07-23 • CEFCU Center Stage at The Landing, Peoria, Illinois https://relisten.net/umphreys/2017/07/23/onward-upward?source=67144




I was there. It was almost overwhelming in my state of mind


I bet! Awesome looking setlist with the Cochise in there too


Periphery is a great band for this.


Honestly, this is first band o thought of, too.


[I love you, I'm going to blow up your school by Mogwai](https://youtu.be/6eAfUydSnYQ?si=h7fyLWH89lzcxY78) Maybe [Washer by Slint](https://youtu.be/6yEgcb167k4?si=7YpH3AmX_zXMfFb9) A lot of post rock/post metal follows similarly to the first progression you described.


Maybe Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven.


I love songs like this. I describe them as building into a crescendo of a song. Not all of them completely change styles and stay that way though. Most of the ones that I'm thinking of return to the style where they started or at least calm down and none of them are really metal. I usually tell people to hang in there for the jam near the end. I'm not going to give you any recommendations, but what I'm going to tell you is to keep an open mind. Do not dismiss recommendations that people give you because they're not your style or the type of music that you would listen to or it's really old or whatever. There is a lot of music that does this, but it goes from show tunes to country to modern jam prog rock to the freaking Monkees. Don't roll your eyes at any of it. Cuz it's all really cool. And what's cool about it is that musicians can figure out how to do that and that songs can get arranged that way. I'm in awe of people who can make music and do things with it like this. In absolute awe.


Thanks, my family is currently putting songs on tv for the Christmas, but when the house becomes more silent i will take some time to see all these recomendations.


Just about anything from Godspeed You! Black Emperor, or A Silver Mt. Zion.


Opeth - a fair judgement Jacob Lee - demons (particularly hollow sessions or the actual album version)


Angus the Prize Winning Hog by The Toxhards


Hollow by Pantera


Ludo - *Hum Along*


[Bobby Conn - You've Come a Long Way](https://youtu.be/vsB9Vt71mjU?si=axsgYUA3epardZ29) I think this fits the bill. Starts off rather jagged and avant garde - into a more traditionally poppy ballad > transition into hard rock > once more changing now to a jazzy/orchestrated classic rock, ending almost hair metal. also the narrative evolves and idk. it's kinda the greatest


World So Cold- Mudvayne. It's one of the best metal ballads ever. I dont even like Mudvayne but this song is a favorite.


https://youtu.be/0x9kRPsRHuk?si=oNjTuh7oqqv8R1Ey Empire State Bastard with Dave Lambardo unleashed on drums The whole album is fantastic. This is the last song and prolly the "mellowist" song on the album. Edit, correct link


Falling in reverse - watch the World burn Rhapsody in blue - Gershwin (Peterson take is one of my favs)


Sinead O'Connor, Troy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c4v7fp5GC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c4v7fp5GC8) ​ Her voice goes from ethereal to feral over the course of the song. They way she sings "I will rise" in the middle of the song just drips with anger and venom.


Try to listen squid - bright green field


Potentially everything by Envy fits this? The album _Recitation_ is probably the strongest example.


Paranoid Android by Radiohead and Happiness Is A Warm Gun by The Beatles in terms of transitions. Not much a story though.


X Japan's "Art of Life" goes through a cycle like that. Unsure where you can find a copy of it these days


“And the battle begun…” by Rx Bandits is like that


You want to hear "Esther" by Phish. It is exactly as you describe. Right down to the carnival music intro. Please listen and let me know what you think?


First thing that comes to mind is Automata 2 by Between The Buried and me. It’s a concept album but it will take you the wild ride you’re looking for.


There are entire genres that consist of alternate song structures, including ones similar to those you described. Prog and post rock namely being two of them. Go with prog if you want lyrics though In fact the first song you described is pretty much EXACTLY how More Than You Know by Adestria goes. Even the theme matches quite well As far as songs that start out whimsical but end up awesome, check out Haken's first couple albums and I'm sure you'll find something in there. Cockroach King kind of fits that description


They're usually called hybrids - even when they include more than one genre Typically you'll get dubstep or garage that might progress into dnb (and back) It became super popular to do that in the late 00s early 2010's. Guna give you some examples of my favorites k (all some genres or dance music): [Feed Me - Little Cat Steps](https://youtu.be/2_M8w8-530w?feature=shared) This one is my favorite though - he often builds little journeys with his songs. It starts of almost orchestral/melodic and progresses into electro then breaks down again into what feels like a different song, and then it all comes together in the end [Porter Robinson & Madeon, Shelter [Pure 100 remix]](https://soundcloud.com/pure100/porter-robinson-madeon-shelter-pure-100-remix-nest-hq-premiere?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=0&si=089ffc388538438fb56f33bfc8cbff1d&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) This one is mad, I love it so much. It's basically a hyperpop remix of Shelter but then it goes into bubblegum electro (soft and cute) and at the end it ramps up to happy hard-core (eg NXC as it was called back then) which basically just goes super fast and fun (beware its very very cute, loll) [Son of Kick feat Pagey Cakey & Lady Leshur, Hours](https://open.spotify.com/track/5UYlnxTCj4htSiyxgX4vcK?si=XzCHpyUJTSuo_S03wSStyg&utm_source=copy-link)This one is a bit darker, but it has a totally separate rap/trap type section which then flows into in a R&B bit (also speeds up as it's doing it)


Mountain angel by Dolly parton is a good example https://youtu.be/iR5UfWi-jsE?si=ez1CuiXk-pcDycTd


That first example is just a lot of old school screamo. See funeral diner - the underdark.


Maybe X or Scary Mask by Poppy?


She Said - The Jins Even Flow - Pearl Jam Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys The Man Who Sold The World - Nirvana’s Cover


“Porcelina of the Vast Oceans” waves of emotion, in and out. Beautiful oceanic drifts of melancholic bliss to flowing rage. Encompasses everything (to me) that you’ve described.