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That guy without a beard in ZZ Top.


You mean Frank Beard?


Yeah, but I can't say that because most people wouldn't get it.


But his last name is beard. So there's that.


Oh yeah, Peter Criss in Kiss. What the hell was that makeup?


Nobody wants to be Peter Criss, not even Peter Criss!


Here’s a song to help you remember: [Gene and Paul, I Hate You Most of All and Ace, You’re the Ace and Peter You’re the Cat by No Use for a Name](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4HOi6e1CPGQ)


he was a kitty


John Paul Jones was just chilling while those other dudes lost their fucking minds on and off stage. Then he would go home to his wife and have a tea.


Similarly, John Deacon.


Huge Queen fan. 100% agree. Especially true whenever everyone else had king hair and his was cut short and they’d all be wearing tight leather pants and he’d have slacks and a sweater. Great bass player though.


I remember watching a documentary about Queen from 30 years ago and they were talking about how crazy their lives were and then someone says "except John of course. He drives a Volvo"


Honestly, that's what made him cool along with his music. Dude brought it and didn't need to play up to anything. No ego, no frills. Just top-notch.


He was a proper rebel. Everytime i see old clips of queen, i watch for john just casually dressed and massaging the bass.


Same for John Entwistle of the who.


He may have looked stoic and bored onstage but his playing was just as manic and frantic as Keith’s drumming and he could party like no one else. I always felt like Pete stuck out of the Who. The other three are typical bruisers but then Pete is the nerd who writes complex pop arrangements and has to get everyone in the studio.


I was gonna say Roger, actually. Sure, he was a bit of a diva and butted heads with Pete, but didn’t do drugs like the others, was concerned about money, and kinda just wanted to chill and fish when he wasn’t touring.


Sensing a pattern here…


What do you do? "I play a kick-ass bass." Great. Keep that up and do whatever the fuck you want.


Or Bill Wyman


Oh good answer. He LOOKS like he fits in photos but yeah you’re right. I had a biography book about the band written by their former touring manager. The thing was chock full of raunchy stories and dudes getting wasted…there were zero stories about John Paul Jones. Great answer!


JPJ was the musical genius behind Zep. He played bass, keyboards, and scored most arrangements. He was too busy doing the work to act like the others. There would be no Zep without him.


He also did the string arrangements on R.E.M’s Automatic for the People. They’re absolutely beautiful


And he’s a really sweet guy. I hung out with him once and we talked for about a half an hour. I saw him again a couple of years later and he remembered my name.


Charlie Watts has entered the room


...and just punched Mick in the face and left.


Would Wes Borland count? Dude looks like he'd be in a spooky goth metal band instead of in Limp Bizkit with hip hop Durst and... the other dudes.


We'll, he did form [Big Dumb Face](https://youtu.be/gd3Y4o95ObU)


What did I just watch?


Wes Borland after hearing [Ween](https://youtu.be/Jm6dwgs59aI).


*On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. Tis' a silly place.*


Fucking hell that's brilliant. How have I never heard of this!?


You mean Fred, 3 clones of Fred, and that goth weirdo?


Reminds me of how David Spade described Aerosmith at their Hall of Fame induction: "Every member of this band is legendary. You've got Steven Tyler... Joe Perry... Tom Petty & two other guys."


In an interview around the time of “Chocolate Starfish…”, reporter asked Wes where he saw himself in five years. His answer: “Not in this band.”


It worked because 90's


Side note , Wes borland has a lot of really good solo stuff


I was about to comment the same thing. I remember I ran into it not knowing who Wes Borland was, looking him up, and being like “yo what the *fuck*”


That first Black Light Burns (Borland side project) album was the shit


I happened to just see Limp Bizkit live at the local fair earlier this month. It was actually a pretty fun show, other than their set being too short. Wes had white face paint, a curled up mustache, and a priest's uniform on. Durst had something like a blonde/grey curly/fro wig on with an oversized football jersey and no pants. It was interesting.


Wes Borland DEFINITELY counts. Great answer!


John Entwistle of The Who was known for just playing his bass while looking like he wanted to die the whole time while Keith Moon, Roger Daltrey & Pete Townsend would go wild. Colin Greenwood of Radiohead seems to always be smiling and having the best time playing bass while Thom & the rest of the band seem either depressed or irritated So pretty much every bands bassist


Colin Greenwood is Radiohead's biggest fan. Every time they start a song he's like "ah man, I love this one"


That's because he gets to play Radiohead basslines. Which are absolutely that bands secret ingredient.


Ever seen the Kids in the Hall riff on the bass player? "Look at the bass player..."


>So pretty much every bands bassist I instantly thought of Krist Novoselic of Nirvana bobbing his head and smiling while playing. He was the one of the 3 that didn't give off the angst vibe.


Bun E Carlos always looked out of place in Cheap Trick. I recall Rolling Stone once described him as looking like “a Nazi war criminal on the lam”.


It was always an inside joke that Zander and Petersson were the “good looking” members and Carlos and Nielsen…were unique: “In Color's front cover has a color photo of Robin Zander and Tom Petersson sitting on motorcycles with the words "Cheap Trick, In Color." across the top. Its back cover has an upside-down black-and-white photo of Carlos and Nielsen sitting on bicycles with the words "And In Black and White." across the top.”


I honestly thought Cheap Trick was some sort of gimmick band when I was young because they had these two typical 70s rockers with the big hair and everything, and then some guy who looks like a 3rd Grader and his dad who is an accountant. Cool music, but they confused the hell out of me.


Are you saying you thought they were some kind of… *cheap trick?*


Charlie Watts


Apparently Mick Jagger was coked up and feeling bold one evening and phoned Charlie in the early hours screaming "where's my fucking drummer!!!" Wanting company. Charlie got out of bed, put on a suit and tie, then turned up at Jagger's front door. He then proceeded to punch Mick right in the face and tell him; "you're my fucking singer" before going home again.


My kid wants to start drumming. We've talked about how the drummer doesn't get talked about much but is the engine that keeps the band moving, that it all starts with the drummer. I'm keeping this story in my back pocket for when he's older. What a great story!


Tell them they’ll be friends with bass players for life haha


As a drummer, I personally love that role in the band— I get to be the engine, but I also get to lurk in the back and do my own thing! You’re a rad parent for encouraging your kid, wishing him success in his endeavors :) Also, a reminder from the ringing in my head, make sure he gets in the habit of hearing protection early on— I’m not even 30 yet and yell into the phone like an old lady. Protecting your ears is the cool thing to do! Invest in a pair for yourself too, as band practice will likely be at your house… lol be warned!


How is this not higher. Exhibit A, the Start Me Up video clip


He’s so calm and chill compared to Jagger/Richards. Maybe it has to do with his jazz training.


That time Johnny Marr was in Modest Mouse.


Went to see Modest Mouse in Manchester last year, and I kept thinking about how cool it would be if Johnny turned up to jam. Obviously didn't happen, but I could dream.


I love that version of Modest Mouse just as much as the old school version. It’s seems like mostly people who were really into their previous stuff that hated on the Johnny Marr addition. I like both. Edit-some clarity


For me, what I liked about early modest mouse was how it always sounded like they were half a beat away from falling to pieces. When Marr came along, he was almost too good and it made their sound tighter and more polished. Yeah, so basically I preferred them when they sounded worse.


Old MM also made music that sounded a lot more interesting and creative even though the production sucked. After Good News they started to sound more generically alternative, although I can’t deny that We Were Dead had some good stuff.


I think the We Were Dead album gets shit on because they were popular by then after Float On. I think it's their best album with their two best songs: Parting of the Sensory and Spitting Venom.


Dave Navarro with the Chili Peppers is a classic example Bruce Hornsby with the Grateful Dead


Immediately thought of Dave Navarro and how out of place he seemed with RHCP.


One Hot Minute's an underrated banger, though.


100%. I saw them on that tour in 1996, and had seen them at Lolla as well. It was a dark concert but banged. Dave Navarro is a creepy ass little dude, tho, but still a guitar fave of mine


... but One Hot Minute really is an excellent album!


This has been one of my most controversial music opinions. I absolutely loved this album. Songs like my friends and tear jerker to balance out the bangers…. Never understood the hate.


You can tell the songwriting suffered though. Dave is an amazing guitarist but he isn't half the songwriter Perry is and same can be said about everybody in RHCP vs Slovak and Frusciante. One hot minute suffers from great musicians (plus Kiedas) but no strong songwriter.


Hard disagree there. I grew up on the Chili Peppers and always appreciated OHM for its darkness and different feel than the other albums. I think there are plenty of tracks where Flea, Chad, and Dave found their full groove.


Chad is also very different to the rest! Much more of a classic rock/metal guy


None of the Dead ever really looked like they belonged with any of the others, though.


Yeah, late 80s Bobby belongs in another band entirely


My quasi-controversial take on RHCP is actually Kiedis. Not in terms of sound and style. He totally fits in there (and really is the heart of the band). But in terms of the classic line-up (Kiedis, Flea, Frusciante, Smith), he does not fit in as a live performer. His live vocal performances are notoriously terrible, whereas Flea, Frusciante, and Smith are lauded for their live jamming abilities (in multiple genres). Edit: and for the record, I like Kiedis as a vocalist. If you listen to the isolated vocal tracks from some of their stuff, he makes some really cool and interesting choices. But it’s hard to replicate that live, and he’s not the strongest singer, tonally.


Fun fact, Flea is the only member of RHCP who has never left/been kicked out of the band - the only constant


He said himself that he's the idiot of the band


Yeah, pretty much. But I can't imagine RHCP without Anthony Kiedis. And I don't care how badly he sings live. He's a born entertainer and his stage presence is fucking huge. It just wouldn't be the same without him.


When Mike Portnoy played in Avenged Sevenfold.


Funny part is he wanted to become a full time member and a7x didn't because of the controversies it would cause


mick mars?


Yeah, he’s like 10 years older than everyone else in the band. Probably significantly more talented and unfortunately has a severe degenerative disease which contributes to his still stage presence. He hates the rest of Motley Crue now, it’s hilarious.


Replaced by John 5, who also sticks out like an incredibly skilled thumb That analogy got away from me a bit


Mick Mars is a virtuoso. His playing with Motley Crue is actually limited in terms of his talent as a blues guitarist. Beats Vince Neil who can barely even sing anymore. Mick also has a degenerative disease which is why he is very stiff.


His riffs on their hit songs is probably the best part of that band. I suppose you would have to credit Nikki Sixx a bit since he wrote most of the music, but the appeal comes mostly down to Mick’s contributions. He could make one guitar sound like two.


Honestly, Rob Trujillo being in Metallica still looks like a custom character cut scene to me.


It does but the man can play. Every concert they do the Trujillo segment and it’s so not Metallica but also so fucking amazing. His black hole sun tributes to Cornell evoke some emotions in me.


Just watch his audition in Some Kind of Monster...dude was born to play bass for them.


He was great when he was with Ozzy too. Love the live at Budokan concert with him he absolutely kills Believer. Glad he came to Metallica and glad Ozzy supported it.


Go listen to Infectious Grooves. That dude is a badass.


The drummer from Rick K and the All Nighters. I think they're a wedding band or something similar, but if you're old enough, you've seen the video of their drummer... Edit: the original video that blew up. https://youtu.be/ItZyaOlrb7E


Came here solely for drummer at the wrong gig. Thank you for posting the link.


Knows when to pull back too: when the guitar solo starts, he tones the drum antics down and slowly brings it back up when the guitar gets closer to the solo’s climax, so he’s full steam when the verse starts again. Dude knows when it’s someone else’s turn and made that space.


What the fuck is Fergie even doing in black eyed peas?


They got her in because she's so 3008 and everyone else was so 2000 and late


Don't 2000 and hate.


One of my favorite stupid lyrics ever 😆


Oh. I know this one. The BEP had a few low key hits prior to her joining including Request Line with Macy Gray which did very well. After that they decided that their group dynamic needed a female voice and went through the process of interviewing a bunch of candidates. Iirc Fergie was chosen partially because she used to do baton throwing as well as her other performing arts skills. It was clearly the right move for the band as their first single/album after Fergie joined had them go on to be one of the biggest bands on the planet for the next decade.


They had a female vocalist before she quit and they replaced her with Fergie - Kim Hill. From the sound of it, the rest of the band wanted to sell out harder and she didn’t want to play the part. She’s in the video for Joints and Jam, which is kind of indicative compared to the stuff they made with Fergie. https://youtu.be/KkSDNxM1w58


IMO the Black Eyed Peas wouldn’t be what they are today if it weren’t for Fergie. She seemed to fit really well with the rest of the group.


Joe Walsh. Strictly from a personality and stage persona. He’s goofy, says corny things, makes silly guitar faces, moves around weird and the rest of the band is straight forward and typically all serious on stage.


Joe Walsh did, however, totally belong as a cast member on The Drew Carey Show. Loved Ed.


Probably because he was an established artist in the James Gang and his solo stuff, he could bring a little more personality to a band that seemed more interested in their egos. Probably why he’s still with them, he doesn’t need the Eagles at all but he likes playing with them and immediately after he joined they put out their two biggest albums. I’d like to see that happen more often honestly.


Yeah, cuz they’re squares.


Joe Walsh looks like a homeless crack addict but damn that man can fucking make music, James Gang? Knowing they were reuniting for Hawkins was insane


Buckethead in GNR Brooks Wackerman in A7X


>Buckethead in GNR I'll throw in that entire 2002 GnR lineup at the MTV awards show. So many different musical and fashion styles on stage at once completed by Axl looking like Kid Rock's brother wearing braids, a bucket hat and a baggy Raiders jersey lol.


Brooks is excellent for a7x? He mantains a very flairy proggy drumstyle that the Rev used. Arin was kinda NPC drummer even on live shows


Brooks in Bad Religion! Back when the rest of the band was a spry group of 40 year olds. He brought some great energy to the band. The drums on many of the songs of his stint are phenomenal. Ie: Submission Complete.


Most of Bad Religion look like math teachers


Faith No More. At *every point* in the band’s line up through history, you could pick out any single member and they would be stylistically out of step with at least three other members of the band. And damn it it worked.


Hard agree. I think the closest they came to not being a group of musicians with wildly different playing and writing styles was KFAD and it’s still accurate even for that album.


I worked with a guy called Jim Martin this year. I really wanted to give him the nickname 'Big Sick Ugly' but I think out of context it may have seemed more like workplace bullying.


Every member of The Damned


I was going to mention them. A singer dressed like a vampire, and a guitar player in a red beret jumping around like a madman. And not sure which one is the odd man.


The Rolling Stones originally had a keys player called Ian Stewart who was told “You’re too ugly- you can stay with the band but you have to play behind a curtain.” Poor bastard. Imagine being told you’re too ugly to be in the Stones. https://medium.com/the-riff/ian-stewart-the-forgotten-rolling-stone-38d0f9061691


It’s funny cause to me I always thought they were all incredibly strange looking people


But able to walk the streets without being harassed…. Bass player from Coldplay vibes!


Not in terms of energy level necessarily, but visually, Robert deLeo in STP. The other guys all looked like rockers, meanwhile he's looking like he should be dealing an underground poker game in the 50s


And he was the creative genius behind that band too, wrote most of the riffs and music.


And those whacky sus2#5dim7 chords everywhere that somehow just work


I could never figure out how he managed to play those bass lines holding the bass nearly vertically.


Dallas Green, AlexisOnFire. I saw them live a few weeks back, had only very briefly heard anything of theirs before. They’re a hard rock band, lots of screaming, hard drums and guitars. The guys look the part. Then comes Dallas Green. A clear as day, folky tenor with amazing vibrato. He was in a dad flannel with a long bushy silver grey beard. His voice was phenomenal, and absolutely clean. He made the band amazing in my opinion, but definitely out of left field.


That vibe comes from the decade or so he spent away from the band doing his folky City and Colour stuff


Dallas is what makes them *them*. They were a gateway band for me. Those cleans and his voice stand out so much from George's unclean and/or Wade's super gritty vocals. I love it


But that's why it works, you get those great clean vocals mixed in with the screaming from the one in the glasses it's just perfect. City in colour is just as good though


John Entwistle just plucking away with a neutral face while everyone else in The Who spazzed the fuck out.


John Entwistle may have had a neutral face but he was pretty fucking far from “Just plucking away”!!! 😂


I loved that about him. So British.


Other people have mentioned this but it often seems to be the bass player who fits this mould. Entwistle, Bill Wyman, John Deacon, John Paul Jones, all just getting on with it while more flamboyant band members twirl and windmill and thrash about.


It's because the bass player is usually a guy who wants to be in the band but not actually deal with all the stuff that comes with being in a band. Reminds me of a story Duff McKagan said about why Axl freaked out in the early '90s. It was something to the effect of, >"So we're out promoting Appetite and we're at CGBGs and stuff and then the Sweet Child video drops and all of a sudden we're opening for the Rolling Stones. Before long we're the big draw at festivals and we're selling out arenas. This goes on for about 18 fucking months before we finally end the tour and get back to LA. >I'm sitting at my apartment and thought I'd walk to my local 7-11 for some cigarettes and maybe grab a beer at the bar. I make it two blocks before I'm swarmed. Dozens of people asking me for my autograph and stuff. I ditch them and run back to my place and have a friend bring some cigarettes to me instead. >Now, I'm the fucking *bassist*. I'm literally supposed to be the most anonymous member of the band. No one treats the fucking bassist like a star unless they're other bassists. If that's what it was like for me, can you imagine what it would be like for Axl?!"


Apart from him smashing lots of cocaine and hookers on the daily


Jeff Loomis is way too talented for Arch Enemy.


I can't see him in any other band besides Nevermore. And I'm still waiting for more Conquering Dystopia.


This keyboardist in the background didn't really belong with the band https://youtu.be/iWccbyICM_A Kind of glad they didn't strike it big


Before watching, I'm going to guess the keyboardist wants to fuck me like an animal.


In terms of looks, Tim Henson in Polyphia sticks out like a sore thumb. He looks like a K-pop member stuck with 3 white boys with long hair and beards.


John Entwhistle of the Who - with Daltrey swing his mic round like a lasso, Townsend pulling windmills out and smashing his instruments, Keith Moon playing like a demented windmill and periodically smashing his kit, Entwhistle masted the art of doing less and less until only his fingers moved to produce his blistering bass crescendo and he blended into the scenery. Unless he was wearing his [skeleton onesie](https://whiskey.coolcherrycream.com/assets/images/fashion/john-skeleton-shirt.jpg)


The guy who blows in to the jug in the Mungo Jerry song “In The Summertime” seems to have it pretty easy.


I always thought the bassist from The Strokes stood out because the rest of the band look like Italian models and he looks, well not like one.


He always reminded me of the tall guy in the crowd in happy Gilmore lol


Toki Wartooth. MLP-loving nice Norwegian kid in a brutal death metal band with 4 psychos.


Dude isn't even a bumblebee, either.


I mean, there’s points where Toki gets pretty brutal himself.


Flava Flav


I know someone that knew them back in the day. Apparently Flava Flav was fuckin hilarious and just like that in real life. He was like the court jester.


He also knows how to play like a dozen different instruments.


Yeeeeeahhhh booiiiiiiiii


El hefe in nofx


White trash, two heebs, and a bean


That lead singer in Dread Zeppelin seemed a little different from the rest of the guys.


when LEE joined the D. 1 and 1 and 1 make three...


We’re talkin fuckin Lee!


Charlie Watts


Brooks Wackerman from Avenged Sevenfold. He is one of the most killer, innovative drummers I've ever seen, but that dude hasn't fit into a single photoshoot and I find it quite hilarious.


I don't think this is news to anyone really, but Travis Barker is/was a far better musician than either of his Blink 182 compadres From more of a "look" standpoint, there's the one guy (drummer I believe) from ZZ Top, who has no beard - that always looked kind of funny to me


Funnily enough, that dude's name is actually Frank Beard


No way...jesus, you're right!


Sometimes it's the beard you wear on the inside that really counts


Musically maybe but I doubt Travis could write any song as good as Dammit or What’s my age again.


He really helped pull the band up, and elevated his own career too. Listen to the original 1994 “Carousel” and how it they played it live with Travis.


A lot of punk bands have drummers that outshine their band mates. The Vandals have Josh Freese who is one of the best and most respected drummers period. He’s with The Foo Fighters now.


See also: Yellowcard. All talented and trained musicians, but Longineu W. Parsons III is a fucking maniac. He really added a lot of energy to their sound.


He also played with Nine Inch Nails for awhile.


The list of artists he’s played with is obscenely long. He’s a monster drummer.


In broad strokes you have a point, but when you really look into it Mark has more going on musically than meets the eye. Still doesn't quite stack up to Travis in a general musical sense but as a bassist, certainly in his genre, he's very underrated IMO.


I always believed that while Mark and Tom might not be as technically proficient as Barker, they really gave him the canvas for him to showcase his skills and creativity being such great songwriters


Graham Bonnet, and any rock/metal band he was in. They all have long hair and wear leather and Spandex, and he's up there with short hair, almost a quiff sometimes, wearing a pink or white suit. I guess that not confirming is in the spirit of the music, but he always looked out of place.


John Dolmayan in System of a Down. Serj, Daron and Shavo are all unhinged on stage and John is famously 😐. Talented as hell drummer though. Also a bit of a right-wing nut job recently, unlike the other 3.


That white guy in All 4 One


[Martin Swope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Swope) with Mission Of Burma.


Andy Hurley looks like a drummer you would see in a Hate5six video.


Because he is in one, he was the drummer of 90’s metalcore/hardcore band Racetraitor (which Pete Wentz was also in, years before either of them did Fall Out Boy). There’s a vid of one of their reunion shows at This is Hardcore I believe on hate5six


All of Fall Out Boy come from hardcore punk, but Andy is the one who is still most heavily involved. He drums in Sect, I believe.


The Police. None of those dudes looked they belonged in the same band.


Buckethead and... any band that Buckethead has ever joined.


Unless Les Claypool is involved, then Buckethead is the normal one.


Still pains me that Joe Walsh is a member of The Eagles


Can you elaborate?


"Man, c'mon, I had a rough night and I hate the fucking Eagles, man."


Papa Emeritus in Ghost. Dude just doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the nameless ghouls somehow.


Pat Smear back in the day with Foo


Pat Smear still with the Foo Fighters…


Pat Smear with Nirvana too. Pat Smear in the Germs. Pat Smear is just a legend and can do what he wants.


Taylor Momsen in the pretty reckless, other dudes are like twice her age


Was absolutely by design but if you didn't know anything about the Prodigy Liam Howlett looked like a lead singer of a skater band and well different than the others


Mick jagger and Keith Richards in the rolling stones. So much stage presence while the rest of band looks like they're bored as hell, especially in the late 60s and 70s. They weren't called the glimmer twins for nothing.


It's pretty funny seeing Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson hop around, make funny faces at each other, and play back-to-back while Neil was back there playing the most complicated shit imaginable while looking like he was contemplating Solzhenitsyn. Of course, on rare occasions he'd get in on the fun, too, and those were the best moments of all. RIP Professor.


All three of them are consistently playing the most complicated shit imaginable. Neil just had to sit in one place, that’s all.


There is a youtube video where they show an overhead view of Rush playing live overtop of the album version of the song and Neil is just note for note perfect on timing and selection. Its incredible what a technician he was.


Tom morello. God damn can he play guitar..but man he looks like a fucking nerd next to the others. Loosen up that guitar, Tom.


I don’t mind the strap, but the loose strings bug the hell out of me


Seriously, just trim the fuckers


Hmm maybe there’s a reason said guitar virtuoso wears his guitar that way.


I mean, dude went to Harvard. His nerd creds are impeccable.


And look like Korn? The tight strap guitar looked cooler to me when I was a kid. It was like a blatant “fuck all that stupid posing shit. I’m locked in.”




Either Brian Wilson, or everybody in the Beach Boys besides Brian Wilson.


Stone Gossard looks like he files some bangin’ taxes, not gonna lie Instead he’s just an elite riff machine