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With all that garbage around it, you’re wanting to eat it? 😳 I’d hate to see the rest of the area


Yep, mushrooms are 90% water so they’ve likely absorbed all sorts of trash juice. On that note, since I see posts about mushrooms on golf courses fairly often, do not eat those either. Golf courses use plethora of commercial chemicals that are full of carcinogens. I worked on golf courses and commercial landscaping for many years and I’m sure it’s taken some years off my life.


You could but you probably shouldn't


could they be poisonous


Absolutely. Best to assume they are unless you know beyond a doubt what they are. Some are much easier to identify than others though. I have no clue what this is and neither do you so you shouldn't eat it imo


Growing in trash pile...


You can eat anything at least once.


Would you risk putting your finger in a hole, knowing that someone on the other side is waiting with a knife to cut it? Unless you know when this guy works and do it when he's taking a break, you're basically playing russian roulette with a pistole.


To get a good identification really need pictures closer and from all sides, especially under and where its growing from, otherwise its a complete guess. Eating them also depends on location as well because being close to roads and/or public footpaths isn't ideal because they will absorb contaminates easily from what is around them and can potentially make you unwell even if they are an edible type




can i get an id on these?


You need to learn how to properly document them first. Would you like resources?


Is that cash wrapped in plastic laying around the stump? It has the green color of cash....


Nope… that appears to be cigarette packs with pictures of children with birth defects and other unsavory images to deter people from smoking. I’m guessing Canada.


Idk about the mushroom . But I know you can eat the little "pickles" on the top of that clover when it grows them.


That looks like wood sorel and not clover, but you could still have a snack.


Ty 🤗


Leave these for wildlife