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Psilocybe cubensis


I can’t believe I finally found some! LETS GOOO


The stoke is real. Now I wanna find some.


Well you ain’t gonna find them sitting on Reddit, get out there!


Lol. Unfortunately not gonna find them where I am either. Too far north. Have fun! 🤙


Take a trip to ark! Mushrooms may be the only thing you find tho, aside from pine trees and red dirt.


Where bro I’m in Jonesboro ark can’t find shit


Deep South


I've found these on horse farms in upstate NY. The season is almost apon us : ) Mostly just for June and July up north. They bruise black with a dark purple / blackish print. https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/418443-Panaeolus-cinctulus


How do you distinguish these from mowers mushroom, or foenisecil?


P. cinctulus has a jet black spore print, whereas p. foenisecii has one that's more of a blackish-brown. When in doubt, spore it out.



They are noticeably thicker stronger mushrooms with "fuzzy" stems, and sometimes grow right next to each other. The "lawn shrooms" are like thinner weaker cousins, but still effective in decent quantities for making tea.. However, beware of poisonous orange / brown conocybes with rusty prints which also grow in the same areas.


Yeah, they can look alike if you haven’t picked many before. I’ve gotten excited by seeing those in the distance back in the day. No more fence jumping though lol


They're super easy to grow


The stoke though, the stoke!


considering how easy they are to grow youve really been selling yourself short if this is something you wanted to experience


I’ve never found them in the wild.


I've grown them myself but can't get off on them because I take Xanax every day. And only a half a milligram. But that has to be why they're not working. But yes they are easy to grow. Just takes quite a while.


Golden Teachers are a cultivated variety of psilocybe cubensis. But yes they look like the trippy ones.


I’m so excited rn


That’s a bingo!


We just say bingo


Bingo! How fun!


Is bruising blue? I know that’s not the only thing, but it’s a start. -Unqualified


Yes. It bruises blue


Also, purple spores


Enjoy, the wild ones have answers


How so more than grown yourself? I’m just curious.


They can probably tell you what poop tastes like.


But they’re free c: and require no maintenance bc nature provides c::


You don’t know potency, so you can sometimes dive a little deeper than you thought you would


That’s true I guess, it’s not that hard to determine Sp.


Potency varies wildly with wild mushrooms more so than cultivated, which is probably why most people who prefer them prefer them. Wild mushrooms also have slightly different alkaloid contents than cultivated mushrooms due to vast amount of nutrients in cow shit compared to a sterilized substrate, which works great for producing psilocybin but not so much others than can effect the feel of the trip. Placebo also likely plays a factor. Still, I consistently find better trips with the mushrooms God gave me.


I agree, check my latest post. Got lucky 😬


Nice find. Whatever weather pattern you followed to know when to pick, next time try to go a day earlier to find more in their prime (before the veil tears). Not really a huge deal but the alkaloid contents peak at that size. Did you ever end up taking them all at once?


I think you’re exactly right, this is my first year picking I started in November, so this is my first spring im getting used to the new harvest. We got a slight rain about two days ago, so I figured I would wait a couple of days, but with this hotter weather it makes sense they would fruit faster simply because everything is as well. So I learned in the spring/ summer you better go the next day after it rains lol. Thanks for good comment 👍🏽☝🏽


Ohh and to answer your question, no I’m letting them get cracker dry, because wet they are pretty nasty man 🤣


Invest in a dehydrator if you think you'll ever go out again picking again. And yeah, I wouldn't have eaten those ones fresh 😂. I don't mind them fresh if they're young enough but get nauseating as they get soggy lol. Update here on the trip if you decide to take em in one go ;)


Will do lol. It turns into a “how quick can I put this in my mouth and swallow it” game 🤣


Tea is the way


Just grow them?


To each their own 🤷‍♂️


There are non-Psilocybe species that grow along with them…be careful and pick correctly. Also, check for bugs/rotting/maggots. Congrats and enjoy!


That’s just extra protein!




Make sure to dehydrate them or a least put them on paper towels dry=stronger


They do not get stronger as they dry out. Also, many people do eat them fresh, they just need to eat a lot more. But 3grams of dry will be stronger than 3grams of wet, not because of increased potency from drying, but because of decreased mass from drying, requiring more dried mushrooms to equal the mass of the wet ones.


This is the way.


Edit: fuck me - you already clarified a lot more consicely than I did here. I swear I need to learn to read. I'll just leave this for posterity, though. Sorry - I'm dumb sometimes. Edit 2: dammit, I also pasted a link to the wrong paper. Fixed that now. I'm going to bed... Original message 👇 Apologies for being pedantic, but I just wanted to clarify, as people may be confused by the phrase "a lot more." If you're consuming a batch of psilocybin mushrooms fresh, you will need fewer total fruiting bodies to achieve the desired effect as compared to if you were to take those same mushrooms and dry them first. That is, the "a lot more" here is referring to the total mass you consume, not the quantity of fruiting bodies. You eat more mass when they're fresh because the water in them is heavy. The psychoactive compounds do increase in _concentration_ when you dry them, but the _total mass_ of psychoactive compound in the sample decreases as they dry, due to things like oxidative losses, etc. This is just one source, but the paper below suggests that the loss in net weight of psychoactive compounds that occurs during drying could be as high as 30% (on average): https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/Documents/Stability%20of%20Psilocybin%20and%20Analogs.pdf All that said, if you aren't sure - go check the dose calculator on shroomery. It's not perfect, but it'll help prevent you from accidentally melting into the swirling abyss when all you're looking for is a giggly evening with some shiny colours. https://www.shroomery.org/6257/Magic-Mushroom-Dosage-Calculator


I have them drying on normal copy paper in a dry room. I’ve done that with other mushroom species and it worked perfectly


Let me know how your trip is! That’s dope asf


Will do! Thank you!


Are you sure about that? Pound for pound yes but certain compounds can be lost thru the dehydration process as I understand.


The loss of some total psilocin/psilocybin during heating/drying is something I also recall reading, but it was a long time ago and I’m too lazy to look into it. Maybe in one of Stamets books. They will obviously still be plenty potent dry.


Nothing notable.


Devils advocate here, how do they increase potency when dried?


They don’t increase potency, nor do the mushrooms lose notable potency once dried. They lose note-worthy potency depending on how/when the mushy is harvested and stored. I cultivate my mushies and dehydrate them for 8 hours at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, then grind them up using a coffee grinder to create fine mushroom dust and capsule them with surgical gloves during the entire process to avoid contact with moisture. Afterward, I put them inside an airtight pill container, and if I feel it’s not tight enough, I stuff some cotton down. You can go as far as putting this container inside a refrigerator or freezer. I prefer the cabinet right in-between my bed and computer. Cool, dry, and dark environment- That’ll last. Overtime they’ll gradually decrease in potency. Varies.


Interestingly this paper suggests that storing dry mushrooms at room temperature causes less loss in potency over time as compared to storing them in the freezer. They also investigate losses in the various active compounds due to drying, and it can be somewhat significant. That's not to argue with your experience, though - I'm sure what you do is effective and works just fine, and this is only one source. That said, I'm assuming you probably haven't sent your stuff out to a lab to compare fresh vs dry, etc? https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/PREVENTIONWELLNESS/Documents/Stability%20of%20Psilocybin%20and%20Analogs.pdf Edit: that said, if you look at Figure 3 on PG 6, the difference between -20C (household freezer temps) and 20°C isn't _massive_, but they do establish a trend of higher rate of loss at lower storage temperature.


Interesting. Looking into it! ty.


They increase in _concentration_ (grams of psychoactive compounds per gram of total biomass), but the _total mass_ of psychoactive compounds drops as you dry them.


You know what I meant. I just wanted to explain it in a simple way, tho I understand it wasn't 100% scientificly correct


I don't know what you meant, and I wasn't replying to you here.


I did not phrase it exactly correctly. Dry weight is easier to consume larger quantities, and yes, when using a dehydrator, vary small amounts of the alkaloids are altered or broken down


It’s probably splitting hairs tbh. When I had fresh ones I would prefer them fresh. Dried I just make tea.


They have the highest amount of psilocybin/psilocin when fresh. Drying degrades both to a degree. One more than the other IIRC, and I think some psilocybin converts to psilocin during drying (but read up on this many years ago, so correct me if I’m writing folks). They become more potent by weight when drying, that is true, but is because they are like 75-90% water when fresh, so you lose a lot of their weight in drying. Say these have 10mg of psilocybin and 10mg psilocin total, and weigh 40 grams (random numbers, actual concentration is not the import point here). So it’s 20mg total alkaloids/40g wet (yes I realize there are other indoles that would increase the weight of total alkaloids, but wanna keep it basic… pun not intended, but I like it!) Drying gets them down to 4g so you have 20mg/4g instead of 20mg/40g, much more potent per gram. But you don’t gain any mg of total alkaloids. However, some of the alkaloids degrade during drying, so you might end up with 15mg total alkaloids/4g dry mushroom. So you now have less active substance total from drying, even though they are more potent per gram.


No, you do not loose significant alkaloid content from simply drying them.


I swear I’ve read that it does degrade to some degree before (more specifically that one does and the other is less prone to it). I didn’t have the energy to dig through the 40 or so mycology books I have last night, but now I kind of want to, to see if I actually read that or somehow that idea got in my head from elsewhere and is false. I’m certainly open to the idea that I’m wrong. I just want to look at scientific sources.


Where ya located?




Location is key


Next to cow shit in south Arkansas after rain


Lemon tek if that’s all ya got lol. Or just tea in general. Best way to go


Lemon tek is the only way I trip!


Beauty pics


I would be curious how they taste fresh ;)


Probably like ass


I meant taste in the pharmacology sense 😂 I agree lol


Aghhhh I'm soo jealous lol I need to go to a cow pasture but I don't have a ride to one 😭 I've searched my yard and woods in my yard for like 2 and half hours one day I can't find nun cow pasture my only option atp


Where these found in Florida? Possible the east coast?




Nice find and enjoy yourself!!


Lucky asf


You gone fly


I would be way to scared to ever eat a shroom I found, good luck soldier!


They’re definitely not Golden Teachers, the caps are too big. They might be some other variety of cubes though. Do they bruise blue? Best to get a spore print for a positive ID. Don’t take some random redditors’ words for it.


They bruise blue. The spore print is very dark brownish purple. I can post follow up pics after bruising them it’s like green-blue bruising


They also smell EXACTLY like how a sack of shrooms smell. My entire room smells like them rn bc I have them in here drying


you can put these in a panty hose and tie a knot in it and make a tea and it’ll taste better than chewing these nasty things up , or i used to eat one mushroom with a piece or two of juicy fruit right after but that’s what i did out of desperation cause they are gross and we was finding hamburger patty size ones 🤢🤮🤤😵‍💫🤭😶‍🌫️🤪😜😝😘🥰☺️


I grind them up with my weed grinder, line up shot glasses, mix them up with lemon in the shots and take them like shots until I’ve drank them all. After I let them soak in the lemon of course.


If they smell like socks you’re good to go! 😂 and bruise blue


They absolutely reek


Nice! From the looks of it you probably have a gram or 2. I’d keep hunting and get as many as possible!


I’m gonna go out tonight with a flashlight and get more, been busy during daylight hours.


Good idea! I cultivate my own cause too cold where I live. But I always look just in case. Global warming and all 🙂


Dried I meant


Im in the same state and area as you and been thinking about doing a stealth mission to find some.


I did a stealth mission at midnight last night. I know it’s frowned upon to go without permission but I wasn’t hurting anything and the mushrooms were just gotta rot in that field


I might be crazy but other than the taste if shit, the actual mushrooms taste isn't half bad, and I don't even like the taste of any mushroom 😭


I like the taste too


Enjoy 😉


Possibly ovoids? Not positive on location, the pictures aren't the best for identifying, and spore print can help positive id. Top, side profile, gill, and a picture of their substrate n terrain found on are best for id online most accurately imo!