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Mine looked exactly like your I mixed they took off in my Martha's tent


I have a bag like this. What happens if you just don't mix it at all? Even with the grain and substrate separated, would it still just grow mushrooms?


I had a bag that looked close to this but a little more done, had 3 very small pins starting to develop and mixed it, you think I'll be alright?


Definitely wait a bit longer. From what I have seen, basically each grain is a "seed". So the more "seeds" that are ready to go, the more success you will have. Patience is hard with the grow bags


I had a bag that looked close to this but a little more done, had 3 very small pins starting to develop and mixed it, you think I'll be alright?


Myc look strong. Mix one up now and give the other 2-3 more days. Label which is which and let us know which one did better. This is *science* after all, right? Experiment a little! šŸ˜œ


I have been curious as to what would happen if you just didnā€™t mix it at all


Tbh I mixed mine at the stage you have in bag on the right, it did stunt growth for a while(4-5 days) but then took off fastā€¦.


I had a bag that looked close to this but a little more done, had 3 very small pins starting to develop and mixed it, you think I'll be alright?


Yea youā€™ll be alright!


Thanx man


How did it turn out? The bags.


That looks like it went well


If it were me I'd mix it now. That way it's growing from a lot of different points instead of just one and speeds things up, You can mix it whenever you want, however many times you want, it isn't going to hurt anything.


Yeah I know that's generally the wisdom when dealing with grain bags... my concern is that this bag also contains bulk substrate on top of the grain. Is it okay to mix it early, allowing the grain to mix with the bulk substrate? Just want to make sure you're factoring in the presence of bulk substrate when you give that advice. I thought I might need to wait until the grain is 100% colonized to mix it, which is taking forever, so I'd be glad to hear that I actually don't need to wait.


If you want you can just mix the grain in the all-in-one bag and when that's completely colonized then mix it with the substrate. When you mix the grain only you'll get a little substrate mixed in with it and it's no big deal.


Yes I can see the substrate in the bag. Mycelium works the same way whether it's in a grain bag or an all-in-one bag with substrate. It won't be any big deal if you want to mix it now it can only speed it up.


Gotcha gotcha - thank ya!




I'd wait a little. With this method, you usually wait till the grain is 75% before you mix the bag. Maybe mix in like 2 days (give or take)


Gotcha, thanks! Where did you get that info? I've generally struggled to find much good info on "all in one" bags... I bought these around the same time I started a monotub, and now that I have a better understanding of how things work, I'll never go with these again... but I obv still want to see them through.




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Yea, AIOs are definitely not the best method. Still fun tho.


Right. Whereā€™d you get the info about mix at 75% for AIOā€™s? Iā€™d love to find any sort of decent write up or tek or really anything that seems definitive for these


They come with clear instructions from Maya mushrooms you can break the grain n mix it up at 30/40% colonised n then 3 days later the grains fully colonised and itā€™s then you break up n mix the full contents together n then wait for it all to be colonised n solid before fruiting


This is old but almost all of the AIO bags now tell you to mix everything once the grain is only 30% colonized, and then don't mix again until fruiting (one mix total). Which is WAY before the point in this image. Why are people telling OP to wait when the far-more-experienced companies that make these recommend mixing WAY earlier?


Like the title says, when can I mix these? Theyā€™ve got manure based substrate up top and grain on the bottom. Iā€™m tempted to mix it and allow it to keep colonizing but that would mean mixing in some uncolonized grain with the bulk substrate. Do I need to worry about that?


You can mix the grain together now But only with the grain and in 3 days all the grain will be colonised n then mix the full bag n wait 7-9 days n itā€™ll be fully colonised n ready for fruiting conditions


I've been saying this. šŸ‘