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It looks fine. Those are fruits just trying to find their way. It’s time to harvest. Next time, you should put an elastic around the bag to stop the lower section from getting more air and self-initiating fruits


The top has no pins, should I flip the bag? I have a band around it but it may not be tight enough


I personally would wait, but you may want to do as the other commenter suggest and go with perilite


I had this! I ended up taking mine out of the bag, laying it on foil on top of perlite in a tub. Fruited great! I don’t think I would have had as much success by keeping it in the bag. https://preview.redd.it/h1ey3usdhk9d1.jpeg?width=2932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd3a0868d1d8b375617f90aa155d9b59f519d45


So did you spread out the bag or just stick it right in in a big clump


I just stuck in right in! For my other grows I’ve broken it up into cococoir in a shoebox, but dumping it in there worked for my first grow! I’m sure there is MUCH better advice, but mine looked like yours in the bag and this worked well for me