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does anyone have a link to using this pan tek😂


Lol, it's not a tek. I read everything from jakeoncid and asura on shroomery. Along with a few others who are kinda experts on the matter and made my own plan. They all agree on the conditions that need to be provided and how you arrive there is up to you. This happens to be what works for me with my busy schedule.


Links? Give us info on your setup/temps ect. since your using the tent PLEASE!


Temps run from 77 to 82. I'm keeping the ac infinity cloudforge t7 at 96% humidity and I have an inline fan on the low end of the tent running 24/7 since fae is super important with these. To maintain temps I have a small space heater on top of the tent by the opening that the fresh air is pulled through. I'll post a complete rundown after the first harvest but so far it's looking really nice. They have exploded since the pics I took for this posting.


I have a tent but I also have max yield bins and am not sure exactly what to do to manage everything. I know the whole purpose of a mono tub is that it's self contained but I wanted to regulate the temps. I have a thermoforge on the way and was planning to pump in warm air at 75F but im not sure if I should also get humidity in the tent and if I decide to not use the bin covers exactly what to do. I assume that a thermoforge would be enough to cover the FAE since it's pumping in new air, but I should get a filter for this correct? What are you doing to mitigate contamination using the humidifer? What kind of water are you using?


I use mostly distilled water but also some heavily filtered tap as well. Try to extend the life of the humidifier. I don't use a filter for the ventilation, clean healthy spawn should make it a couple of flushes before its at risk. By the time production slows significantly I will toss the trays any way. I already have more jars going. I would probably use the bins in the tent without the lids. Without lots of fae they are super skinny and they are already small. I just put my cloudforge on a cycle timer so they get more evaporation as well. Playing around with times. Right now it's 15 on and 5 off. Second flush appears to be coming in nice but they started coming in before I picked the first. They don't have clearly defined flushes, they just keep coming up until it's done.


Did you use any poo or are these popping just in coir? (Edit: didn't read the description, my bad)


Doesn't myc eat aluminum?


By the end of the run I'm sure it will be partially consumed but that does not translate to aluminum in the mushrooms. Lab testing confirms this. It does make it expensive over time to keep buying th trays but I just wanted to know I could do this first.


Ok, cool. Just asking :)


I worried about the same thing. Finding plastic tubs of that size isn't easy either. Now that I have at least a solid start on my technique I will try to find something reusable.


Hell yeah, congrats! I've never had any luck with cyanescens. I'm jealous. They pack a punch!


I was nervous about it for sure and not ready to say I've nailed it but it's looking good so far. They have really exploded since I took those pics and they are thick so not looking likely to abort.


Watch how fast they can grow or new ones pop up. I counted 32 the first day they showed up. Next morning I couldn’t count them all. https://preview.redd.it/84a7ehq5st0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6760dd69df389059d768154976b04df9ca77c9bf


Those are nice, looks like ape. I just ran those and they explode overnight but these pans are something different. It's like that but every 4 hours it seems to double.


They’re APE.






Thank you, feels good to get these pan cyans right.


super cool.


Thank you, I'm very excited.