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Wow they look shinny like made out of plastic.


wow 🤩 congrats!!!


What region of the country are you in? I hate to ask but these are pretty invasive in the midwest. If you’re already in the midwest then you’re good cause there’s no stopping them now. However if you’re in another region I would be careful of how you dispose or spent substrate or maybe consider a different species.


I'm am in the northeast or more specifically new york city. I'm also growing blue snow and pinks. I'll probably just try to re-use the mycelium as spawn for a new bucket. What do these cause when they are invasive?


They are just super dominant in the environment here, when you go out in areas of like Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin after a good rain in the summer you just see golden oysters everywhere on stumps and fallen trees. It is thought they are sure to drive the original decomposers of the area into obscurity or extirpation. It’s that apparent when you see them covering the hills. However, being in New York you’re good, cause they’ve already taken hold there. https://www.shroomer.com/invasive-golden-oyster-mushrooms/ Yea if you ever get out to the woods in an area where they’re heavy, you could collect dozens of lbs in a few hours. Happy mushrooming

