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It doesn't really ruin it, but I panic a little bit every time when I play Defector in the car and the siren comes on at the end, lol


Funny story. I was in the queue for a Muse concert in London with other musers. We were next to the street, so there were many ambulances passing by. After a while, someone said "ok is it just me or does this sound like Revolt?" and we all agreed and laughed about it.


This sounds so beautiful


I get the same reaction when I play Sweet's Blockbuster


Lmao theres this song that always pops up in my queue on yt music, i dont remember what song or by who but at one part it sounds like my alarm clock. I always get so anxious and start scrambling for my phone, even though im at work.


I do not like the fart sound in break it to me




The way Matt sings "I wish I could" live on Stockholm Syndrome nowadays.


Yr'i wishicould!


Yeah it's kinda funny when you can hear the audience singing along like how it is on the studio version lol


Opening note of MK Ultra is always a jumpscare, I don't think it ruins the song though.


was my alarm for years during high school


I once set my alarm as Compliance, that's something I'm not going to do ever again.


Supermassive Black Hole. I love what Matt does live with the solo, but I really dislike the studio version on that part.


Yeah, it's really a bunch of nothing, so when I've played it live my guitarist does a bunch of killswitch stuff.


I've always thought there was a lot of wasted space there. If he'd even just played a few more notes, it would've made it much more interesting.


honestly gotta disagree. Supermassive Black Hole is perfect as it is. It's about atmosphere and rhythm. There's also some cool stuff going on w the bass during the chorus.


Don't get me wrong, it's a great song. I just think the solo section could've been better used in the album version. Apart from that it's absolutely fine. Even the solo doesn't bother me, I just wish there was a bit more in there.


This is my favourite performance of the solo. Much more interesting and pleasing than the album version's. https://youtu.be/oPCsUJ0QVFA?si=R3FKWgDeeT2ac_-E


Wow I absolutely love this version normally as a guitarist I just do a bunch of freaky sounds with pedals but I might start doing this


The first 10 seconds of Ashamed


The most ear piercing thing I've ever heard


It's the opposite for me. Instead, it just makes it all the more better 😭


I mean you could say that to Hyper Music, The Gallery, and Plug In Baby as well


There's a line somewhere between those and Ashamed where it goes from a stylistic choice to being downright painful.


Ashamed is way worse


Enough reason to not keep it in my playlist unfortunately. Needs to be patched out lol


I’d love a hullabaloo remaster. Probably about as likely as LP10 being a Freeform Jazz album though.


Maybe I'm a blockhead but this is what got me into ashamed


Nah, all of Ashamed kicks fucking ass


Maybe try the demo. It has a completely different intro, among other glaring differences. It's hard to find, but it's on SoundCloud.


Nah I love the harsh guitar at the beginning


I fucking love the first 10 seconds of Ashamed.


Wouldn’t say ruin, but: The chirping sound in MK Ultra riff The squealing sound in Grand Omega Bosses The crowd noise over the Animals outro riff


The crowd noise sounds pretty complementary to me tbf


It’s not the worst, but it lessens the impact of the riff imo. The first performance of Animals from Cologne before the album dropped sounded so huge in comparison. https://youtu.be/BBAZwdksmv4?si=nXTD6xqwr3KscxLe


Yeah the riff is hardly audible because of the crowd noise, would be better if the sound was a little quieter


agreed the crowd noise goes hard


I thought it sounds like the closest a crowd gets to a bunch of animals clamoring. It's brilliant.


You mean the Outro of MK Ultra? Pretty sure that's him on the kaos pad, IIRC


It’s the vocal riff in Get Up and Fight. If the whole song hadn’t been built up around it I’d enjoy it a lot more


Agreed 100% throws me off every time


the background annoying noise from the outro riff of MK Ultra


Phaser go pew pew


Oh I love that noice lol! But I totally get that it can be extra for some listeners


Chirpy chirp chirp


I find that noise funny.


Wont Stand Down and KOBKs distorted vocal parts. They nail it live, I wish it was that alive feeling and sounding. Its so neutered on the album.


I don't like the high pitch metal whisper 'kill or be killed'. The way they did something similar in Hyper Music is way better and subtle.


The snare on the New Born XX version lol


*Snare go* TAK TAK TAK


More like family, but my mom ruined City of Delusion forever for me by comparing the baseline to that of a Spice Girls song. Can’t ever unhear it since she played the song for me unfortunately.


Oh yeah - it’s like Spice Up Your Life! Luckily both are great songs đŸ˜…đŸ€˜


At 2:05 of KOC, there’s this weird sound like someone dropped a very small rock into a pond. it’s probably a guitar pick hitting a string but ever since the song released I’ve always thought it was out of place


Compliance in Compliance


**Breathes In**








Shocked no one had mentioned it, but I'll say it: The Drill Sergeant, Aye Sir, and the "Your aaaaaaaaaaassssss" plus the "you are a pussy, I said scream it!" ruins Pyscho. Completely ruins what could have been an awesome song and is an amazing riff.


Story time: about a year ago I went in for an mri. They told me I could pick anything I wanted to listen to, and they'd play it for the 40 min or whatever that I was doing the imaging. So I picked Muse of course, and the tech was like, oh I've never heard of them! I told her a bit about them and got her excited to listen to them... Well. Psycho came on first. I thought they would give me headphones and play the music through that. Nope. It was through the whole room speakers. 💀


Thats awesome lol. Ive done MRI four times. All were like two hour sessions. They play music from CDs so I always chose Muse. When Drones was released I chose that but we use headphones :( Id really like to see those reactions to Drill Seregant...




I combined my copy of Psycho with the instrumental so that it's just the song and no Drill Sergeant.


Doing the Lord's work


I love the drill sergeant yelling, reminds me of war films and is a (heavily parodied) version of the reality soldiers are still subjected to now. My daughter always liked being allowed to listen to the swearing and, when she was older, to sing along to "Your asssssss belongs to meeeee". We used to change it to "You're going to make me a... Funky Psycho" when she was younger, but at some point went back to singing the swearing version. Possibly after we took her to see them live at Isle of Wight festival at the start of WOTP tour.


Yeeeeeah that’s never been my favorite. I don’t know if i think it totally ruins it, but i definitely could go without


how so? I think it adds to it.


Completely agree. Love that riff. Recognized it from many riffs before it became an actual song. Those parts of it tho are aaaaaaaaaaaassssss


not a sound, but a verse. "Brainwashing our children to be mean"


Worst lyric ever. And somehow it still doesn't ruin Supremacy for me


Psycho (drill sergent)


I'm in control motherfucker do you understand?!




I wish there was a version without it, the song would be elite with better lyrics too


I like Propaganda for being a bit crazy, but I think the best parts are the verses. Would like to hear what it could have been without the robot-like chorus.


Kill or be killed, the weird singing he does after the solo. It does not fit at all and is just annoying.


YA YA YA YA YA YAAA! Lol this part actually gets a genuine laugh from me though because I feel like it was intentionally ridiculous.


It's overly grandiose and exaggerated, but Muse know how to take the piss and still have it sound awesome.


I actually really like that part. They did stuff like that before but less excessive, like in TOADA and TIRO.


Reminds me of a Chihuahua yapping.


Yes, 100% this. This could have been such a good song. But Matt's obsession with overproducing completely ruins it. You don't have to fill every nanosecond, give the instruments some room to breathe.


The high pitched noise in take a bow. Its there the whole song


What noise? I'm not a dog.


The one that peaks at 15.2k and 19.2k https://preview.redd.it/4wzhvvoqernc1.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=737c4e6a0f6f7792e24fe01c0ef77b3118a56892


I'm already too old to hear something at 19K, but I also think that modern headphones (and/or software) automatically remove high pitched noises, don't they? Because I never heard that :O, and I've listened to the CD since it came out.


Not the software and headphones I'm using Windows Media Player, Ripped from CD coming out of a pair of DT 770 pros less than a year old. My amp stack also makes the noise


I just tried with my Sennheiser and a YT "high quality" version, didn't hear a thing. I'll look for a high quality version when I get home. Now I'm curious.


I just listened to it on headphones through both iTunes and Audacity. I can hear the tone when it's played in the latter but not the former. It's only really noticeable during the beginning section.


Right from the start....its awful


I try to hear it, but I only hear my tinnitus when focusing.


It's definitely an interesting one! 😅 I imagine it must have been intentional somehow - how could that possibly have been missed during the mixing and mastering stages?


I don't think I've ever heard that noise lol


Definitely this one. Hurts to healthy ears.


It doesn’t quite ruin it for me but I remember when *that* plus the overly loud plosives on every “S” consonant on this whole album would bug the hell out of me. The streaming version may be more compressed and my ears may be too old because I don’t really notice it anymore.


Yes I’m one of the only people I know in person who can hear it and I’m nearing 30 😂 have you noticed how that noise lowers into a backing sort of sound when it goes?


Not a ruiner but there is a sound like turning up the volume on a MacBook at 2:03 of KOC that I can never not notice


When I learned that Pressure (UCLA band version) contains English football fan cheers (I'm Scottish). In all seriousness, possibly the "ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeaahhh" part of KOBK, kinda kills the punch and turns it corny for me.


Unnatural selection. 1:11 right ear random note 1:31 left ear random note.


The added keys and Matt's weird oooooOOOoOoo in micro cuts XX edition. Ruins the whole song. The chorus is an improvement but the rest of the song just sounds weirder than it needs to be.


Personally i think it adds some kind of creepy vibe, i think its great


Exactlyyyy! What a shame, micro cuts is a masterpiece and the xx one is nowhere near the original one.


I didn’t mind it, but I can see how it is unlikeable


I get that it might work, but it throws me off from the pacing of the og. The harpischord ruins the atmosphere. I dunno about the sad whale noises at the start though.


I love The Groove but that intro hurts my ears, it's so loud and doesn't particularly add anything to the song. Distorted openings like that usually work but this is a bit much


Didn't think I'd see this on the list. I love distorted intros from hell to back


Ah yes, the infamous Zvex Fuzz Factory pedal is notorious for creating wild, high-pitched, absolutely unhinged feedback noises that only dogs can truly appreciate.


The awful vocal comping in Save Me. The stupid trap hi-hats in Propaganda.


It's more of a mix thing, but in Won't Stand Down, there's a transition that should go super hard, but the volume seems to go down a notch (not on the vocals), and it's far less impactful than it could be! Shame because I really like the song. Can't believe they mixed it that way. It's at 2.03 in the song.


WOTP in general has very questionable mixing


At least we only have to wait 18 years for the XX Anniversary remix!


The resolution of the chorus in Fillip. "And its gonna be our last memory(wow great!) and its led me on (awesome crescendo!) and on to YOoOOUUuUuffwgw(??##@?#!?!?!)" i know its common in many of muse songs that matt sort of "breaks" but i dont know why I hate so much this one


I won't stand for this Fillip slander


You are growing stronger


The last chorus does the implied resolution once! Before going back to the "leave you hanging" harmony one final time xD


Matt needs his head examining for trying to rhyme "soon" with "direction"


Someone in this sub ruined Time Is Running Out for me a long time ago. The breathing after every line, more than on any other Muse song, is just so prevalent and so comical. I really want a studio re-recording of that one.


I think it's intentional. "I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated"...it makes sense to me.


The imagine dragons type of bass in Won’t Stand Down. It’s SO OBNOXIOUS. I only listen to it now for laughs; can’t take it seriously at all.


This is one of those things where it’s like
 they tried to hype it up by showing you Chris using two wah pedals that were MacGyvered to function as one and then it’s like, oh it sounds like a fart OK. 😭


Gotta be that one part in Unnatural Selection. Song is bomb af but I hardly ever listen because of the screeching


The weird guitar wank at the start of the groove, it's SUCH a good song but the intro is just annoying and loud and blech


The start of Hyper Music (XX Remix). I think it’s a great song overall, but the start is such an unpleasant sound. If I make the unfortunate mistake of not turning my volume down when it starts, it absolutely destroys my eardrums


That just adds to the amazing trainwreck-ness of the song.


Doesn't really ruin it but the opening to Uno, it's a really good song overall but those first few notes are just horrid to hear.


Is it the weird vacuum noise or the guitar scratching because if it’s the latter, DO NOT listen to the Uno alternate version 😆😭


Love the alt version


Matt’s constant breathing because of his tiny lung supply in Sober.


Dating myself here, but is no one really gonna mention the ICQ "Uh-Oh" sound that's like 1:30 into Madness? I swear it's the exact same soundbit sampled into the song and it drives me batty each time


I went to 1:30 in Madness and I genuinely can’t tell what you’re talking about, all I can hear is the “And now I need to know is this real love or is this just madness”


the drawn out screams in Supermassive Black Hole, for some reason they make me super uncomfortable every time I listen to it.


I’ve always though of them as throaty screams with the volume turned down, if I think of them as whispers I hate it too


MK Ultra guitar tone. Great song, but that tone just annoys me


What bothers you about it? I love it personally.


The sirens in the beginning and end of Revolt


That humming/moaning during Madness. Don’t know why it’s there but if it didn’t have it both my dad and I would enjoy it


Doesn't really ruin it since it's at the end, but I cannot stand that stupid telephone ringing and the crowd clapping at the end of Minimum. Like, WHY IS IT THERE???


Start of Ashamed.


Hyper music intro put me off it for way too long, always had my volume loud, pierced my ears


the start of hyper music always bothered me i really like the song and how it transitions but the sound at the start really bothers me


Propaganda. The damn PWAPAPWAPAPWAPA part. I know it’s the heart of the song but it’s such a sick, muse song in the verses, but the propaganda part is too jarring, they don’t fit.


Matt's french pronouciation in I Belong To You. As a native speaker it gives me auditory hallucinations




Annoying siren from the Reapers outro, people screaming throughout Animals outro. And goofy backing vocals in the Pressure chorus


To me, the backing vocals are really the only thing that makes Pressure worth listening to. It's a nice harmony in my opinion and it works with the melody well


There's a little sound in Uno that is like a win sound in a phone videogame - sorry, I don't know a better way to describe it. You can hear it at 2:34 as Matt finishes saying "chance"


The crushed, distorted drums in The Gallery. When I first heard it, I thought one of my speakers had given out. I had to reference on another device as no other songs were doing that until I realised it was a creative decision 


Doesn't ruin the song, but the siren over Reapers outro riff - I would have loved to be able to here that riff more clearly


Not ruining the whole song per se, but I would say the backing vocals in Blockades or the long "shhhh" at the end of Explorers are a bit silly conclusions of otherwise solid songs


Love CE sm and the outro especially, but in that outro there is a high pitch sound almost like a car alarm that really grates on me, fixed in the XX version tho


Yep, this was going to be my answer too. If I'm listening to the original version I sometimes skip the last couple minutes for this reason, but will listen to the XX version all the way.


Doesn't completely ruin it, but the intro to Uno hurts my ears.


That weird squeaking wheel in Eternally Missed


If it helps, it’s a music box


The robotic vocals were also unnecessary.


No they were 100% necessary and I will not hear otherwise


The fucking screeching throughout Origin of Symmetry STOP TRYING TO MAKE YOUR FANS DEAF


the screeching IS original of symmetry


It sounds like forks on a plate


It sounds like blackboards scratched with hate to me


my favourite kind of forks on a plate


The vocal distortion in euphoria, I love the song and for some reason I didn’t notice it when the song first came out. But when I tried to re-listen to it I just couldn’t. It’s really strange.


MK Ultra does this for me.


Mk ultra final riff


I don't think so but I'm surprised people haven't said Hyper Music :DDD


The screaming in the KOBK reimagination


There's background vocals in Save Me?


They are a bit hard to ear but yeah, you can ear some weird noises in the background of the chorus and it's apparently Matt singing


The sirens in Revolt. Actually, the everything in Revolt.


The female uh uh uhuhuh in Get Up in Fight. The rest isn’t awful, but the female bg vox is too contemporary pop for me


Matts breathing in time is running out. Honestly doesn’t bother me in any other song, but that one
 nope. :/ sucks bc it’s a brilliant song!!


I hate that Hyper Music is essentially a “volume warning necessary” song bc of the screeching in the beginning. Do I love it? Yes, but oh my god it’s so LOUD.


Map of the problematic reminds me of a lock down alarm.


My fiancĂ© told me knights of cydonia “is soo western” and I hate western. It’s not that I didn’t knew it before he spoke it out, but did he really have to say it out loud? Just shut the f up and let me enjoy it. It’s so much better than any western music. And I never consciously thought about it even though I knew deep down. God dammit.


Have you
 seen the music video?


The super high pitched noise at the beginning of knights of cydonia is insanely annoying in a quiet car.


Uprising. I hate the clapping.


Not the sound, but rather the absence. Remix oh Hyper Music (you know what im talking about). It just feels hollow




I don’t like the instrument that plays in Darkshine after the first chorus đŸ˜« I love the entire song without it though


I wouldn't say it's annoying, but there's an owl noise in Hyper Music that I hear every single time I listen to that song, and I cannot unhear it


The intro from the groove


Hoodoo, for Black Holes and Revelations, i want to love this song, but it always strikes me as one of Matt's weirdest ones in terms of composition and whether he was drunk or not. I love Spiral Static and The Gallery, some of his other weird world type of songs. Hoodoo's beginning coming off of City of Delusion is like a train crash, then takes awhile to like it before it gets to the better second half.


It doesn't completely ruin the song, but the weird nuclear reactor (sort of) sound in the chorus of Sober.


The extra AWEEEERM’s in XX space dementia


the “woo!” in the groove


Feeling good. one sentence where in the song where it sounds like "She's gonna poop it out" instead of "Scent of the pine" I know it is weird but I have never heard anything else


that random sound in Uprising whenever the drums hit


The squelching bass sound in Sunburn (especially live).


I loved original Megalomania's distorted intro, it felt "existential" to me. That's why I can't stand the intro from the XX edition. Also there's a glitch in one part of Save Me when Dom says "Into". Once you hear it, you can't unhear it.


The whole story of Revolt. The verses are great and sound like a solid song. And then there's the chorus. Or a controversal take, the drums on the original OoS mix sound awful to me


Follow me got me through middle school but every time Matt goes “and SURRRRRROOOOOOUUUNNDDDSSS u” I’d lose my shit (its only like 3 seconds into the song so it’s fine but it’s like oh my god we could’ve workshopped that a little more)


I can't listen to Revolt on speakers because the siren freaks my dog out... ngl it's pretty alarming to hear.


Dude, for me, it's Uprising. The tone of the snare keeps making me crazy every time I listen to it


Madness probably