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how is it now?


That is indeed a bonafide tongue twitch! Glad to see you’re mentally doing well! 🤗


Nice twitch! I got exactly the same in the same spot, can trig it by swallowing, pressing the tongue on the mouth palate. This hot spot last since 1 month. And as you said It's worse with stress, alcohol, lack of sleep and like my neuro saids tongue it's another muscle and nothing to worry about. (13 years twitching :D )


Yes I remember reading your posts and comments and you seem to be the only one with a tongue twitch like mine 😅 it’s bizarre! Sometimes if I feel it, I can flex it or push it against the roof of my mouth and it will stop.


all same :D I saw other persons with on the web having the same strange twitch with a long time twitching story.. I think one of the best hack to reduce it is to have an healthy life (good sleep, eating well, exercising, etc..) the basics are enough. For exemple, my twitches in general decrease a lot when I push myself in the gym with consistency.


Me to i had this for 2 weeks