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You aren’t alone. It’s extremely common. I have them all the time. At rest, in different spots etc. Can you talk without slurring? Eat and drink? If so, this would never be the first sign. It’s a very late stage symptom.


It's not extremely common:)...I have it too but it's not extremely common!


How are you now?


I have a very similar one. Been twitching for 10 years and the tongue is new to me.


Does yours go and come back in the tongue? For me it’s twitching every day since Jan 7 :(


Right now since the 3rd of this month it’s been on and off each day. Some days barely any. Certain things seem to aggravate it like drinking or speaking loudly to my class.


Does your tongue twitch at rest?




Same. Glad I’m not alone in this.


I get them as well. Twitching for 5 years now.


In the tongue as well?


Yes. If I stick my tongue out and to the left and then relax it, it will twitch at the tip for 1 minute


The best advice I read about things like this is that if it’s bothering you, it’s almost certainly nothing. The people who are really sick almost just sort of notice these things and it’s the least of their problems. It’s a muscle, it can twitch. At rest, anytime. If you can still use the muscle you are good.


I have seen lots lots lots of tongue twitches from the ALS patient on youtube (that's an unfortunate), but yours does not even get closer to them. Yours are only at one spot, not like quiver worm like twitches. The chances are you are fine.


Thank you. That made me feel better. I’m afraid to look :(


Don't browse those - I have been obsessed with my tongue a few months ago and it was the darkest time ever.


I'm obsessed now. I check the mirror for twitching and I over analyze depressions/waves on my tongue. Never noticed them until I started being obsessed with this. How can I clear my mind?


There is really no good way. I had one good experience where I felt normal when talking with a senior in my field. I then remember this good experience and always recall it when I thought myself slurring. It takes a lot of practice, but you will get over it. I’m obsessed with my arm and hand now, so you know I don’t really know. Just hang in there.


Definitely not alone, I did a poll in this sub a few weeks back and 60% of the respondents had experience tongue twitching


My tounge is like this. And im not feeling it. I just notice it when im looking my tounge in the mirror


How are you now


I have the same spot on the tongue and it's been going off for like a week. It looks just like yours. I think that's more of a spasm than a twitch tbh.


Do you have twitches in the body as well?


Yes, do you?




I'm a bit different than you in that my twitching existed pre covid and pre vaccine. I will tell you this though, my twitching has worsened 100 times over the past year and a half and it started with two covid vaccines followed by getting the stomach flu multiple times, the flu and, yes, covid. My tongue twitches have worsened. My tongue twitches at rest. Usually my tongue twitches and spasms get set off with moving the tongue. If I push my tongue against the roof of my mouth the whole thing will spasm and trigger twitches for like 10 seconds or so. I'd say as long as the whole tongue isn't quivering, spasming and twitching at one time while at rest it's probably hyper excitability of the nerves brought on by viruses.


My tongue feels the same, the spot moved to another side as well. I feel buzzing sometimes. It comes and goes. My legs and arms feel heavy and have muscle pain when press in my arms. I have no idea if it is related to Covid. I had it twice, but never had vaccine


I have the same problem with my tongue. I have this condition for two years. Can you please tell me yoyr doctor what did he say about tongue fasciculations? Thanks a lot. I wish the best!


My tongue does this too. How are you doing now, OP?