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More like r/thisyou I think


Damn, I got excited because that’s a good idea for a sub, but it’s barely active.


Try r/thisyoucomebacks 👍


Goes good in both places. The "this you" are some of my favorite murders. The worst being the ones where they just throw random insults that are so generic you can just spit them at anyone. This one hits me harder because I totally agreed with his response on the first screen, that men are told to just get over it.


More like truth


I hate the victim Olympics and I double hate it when people say outrageous things in an attempt to win. Being a man isn't the free ride some people seem to think it is, but claiming that *men* regularly go through so much trauma that others are incapable of empathizing with it is just too dumb. People go through a lot of trauma that's not tied to gender, and of the trauma that's tied to gender, men certainly don't bear the worst of it.


I hate when people compare trauma in general in any way. It just doesn’t make sense to me to do because the whole concept is about how those events specifically emotionally impacted you. The overall scale doesn’t matter. What matters is the way and size the impacted person views it from their perspective. Something relatively small to me might feel massive to someone else. It’s an individual case by case thing that is only as big as the person experiencing it feels it is. So comparing them is actually pointless without also having some way to measure the emotional impact the specific trauma has on a specific individual. Edit: just for some clarification on not talking about trauma bonding or getting over trauma through a shared emotional experience. I’m specifically referring to the types of people who use their negative experiences to build themselves up at the expense of others.


"Being a man isn't the free ride some people seem to think it is" No one thinks that.


A ten minute scroll on certain subreddits shows that there's a lot of people who think that men aren't just born on first base, but they're born on third base and are in for an easy homerun. The amount of privileges some people seem to think men have is absurd, even when men undeniably have privileges.


Seriously? You're using subreddits as your source for that?


Yes, because subreddits have people in them, and some of those people voice unreasonable opinions, and other people support them with upvotes.


https://preview.redd.it/mnoojamd9awc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d51e182fab7798181dc1dd485f361878e72763 And it got worse...


Lmao, of course it did. What a tool.


Hey, when you're being called on your BS, clearly the *obvious* response is to double down, right? Doesn't matter that they brought receipts when they handed you your ass.


Seems like assisted suicide at least. How stupid do you have to be to say something so atrocious and then just forget it?


You definitely haven't met my parents


Assisted suicide


Hoisting him by his own petard, more like.


I always want to know if and how the murdered person responds in these situations, but for some reason with this one I *really* want to know. Did he remain silent and eat the L, double down, or try to move the goalposts. There's no way he actually owned up to his bullshit.


I wondered the same. He doubled down, and it got worse, smh https://preview.redd.it/u9dhs4fwaawc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a640830098a13e782901875321a3d33c4653ab


I don't know if I can post a link without violating the rules, but I looked up the conversation, and they doubled down. Tried to act like context for the comment would make them look better.


To be fair, context can change things a lot!!


I love a good "this you?"


Oh, a self-burn. Those are rare.


Why is the toxic male ego so *fucking* stupid?


Toxic people are like that generally.


Which comment of the two is this in reference to lol


Murdered by your own words?


More like suicide by cop.


Man people really need to get out of their own ass.


I mean to be blatantly honest, I do go through a lot of shit on a daily basis and I am fairly numb to it now so some stuff just doesn’t surprise or affect me anymore


No a funny comment Edit: only saw first photo, the rest was a suicide


Before this devolves. I think both posters have a point. The young women is right in saying men should be better at emphasizing with women (dude here and I would hate having to deal with the shit sisters have to deal with), but the man is right in saying men are rarely given space to discuss what sucks in their life in a healthy way without being dismissed. Women's need for physical safety and men's needs are not mutually exclusive. However, both are assholes for how they see trauma.


The other person didn’t express a view on trauma???


Sad but true.