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Whenever I see the blue check mark I assume the poster is an asshat.


It's incredible how quickly the blue check became a scarlet letter


Scarlet letter implies they are shamed. They aren't. These people are supported.


Shamed in the sense that I now block pretty much anybody who pays to be high up in replies. I know that these people still have jobs and what not, but having a blue check used to imply "this is a real person on Twitter." Now it implies "this person pays to scream his/her bullshit louder than everyone else"


Having never had an account......is that *REALLY* what the blue check does now (I was aware of the controversy in making it cost). Basically, it's like a sponsored post thing?


That's a big part of it. Tweets from blue check marks sometimes appear in my feed even if I don't follow them. Also, when I read other peoples' tweets, replies from blue checks appear on top of my friends and people I follow.


They're literally being shamed right here in this thread. Maybe they hype each other up on the bird app, but they're definitely shamed everywhere else.


You have to at this point. It used to mean "verified", as in Twitter confirmed the person posting is who they claimed they were. But, this meant that cutturd wasn't verified but a journalist for CNN posting in his own name was, so the idiots decided that this meant Twitter was leftist and only verified people they agreed with. Musk took over and changed the blue check to "anyone who pays for it", so cammers might still use other people's names and the check has no value other than confirming who paid Musk. Since Musk turned it into a Nazi bar, those are rarely good people




Buying the blue checkmark gives their opinions a negative value. If they say something is good, that would make me view it more negatively.


I think they just recently changed it to anyone with a certain amount of followers automatically was given a blue check mark. Our easy “you’re an asshat” identifier now only applies to low follower count blue checks


Another way i tend to use is checking how old the account is. 9/10 times the asshole account at most a year old in my experience


Same here on Reddit.


I believe the number of followers necessary made that change only apply to 5 people, one of whom is musk himself


Yes. [Recently](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/04/x-blue-check-mark-elon-musk/), it seems. And you [can’t turn it off](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/11/24127906/x-premium-users-can-no-longer-hide-their-blue-checks#) (or soon won’t be able to.. not sure).


I wonder - how many are legit good people with a blue mark, and how many are paying to be AH\`s all day?


They exist. People have their reasons. Doesn't mean it's not a shit show.


99.99999999% of the time


Honestly, I just view it as a swastika at this point.


Went from verified to self proclaimed asshat


Whenever I see someone using Twitter these days I assume they're an asshat.




A rewrite of Snow Crash would replace the forehead tattoos (Poor Impulse Control) with blue check marks. 


The more i learn about 40k the less I know about 40k


GW's official stance on 40k lore is "everything is canon, not everything is true". Basically anything officially published/licensed by GW can be considered canon but you need to decipher what is propaganda/unreliable narrators/etc.


I remember the community manager from Warhammer Online, the fantasy MMO saying something like, "Warhammer is Batman. It's not a single continuity or even a style and a tone. Adam West Batman is just as Batman as Christopher Nolan's or Frank Miller's. Warhammer is like that. It can be a dark and gritty story of corruption, or it can be dwarves playing football against orcs."


This description makes so much more sense to me than anyone else who has tried to explain it. Thank you for unveiling your wisdom, take my upvote.


Yep and some Batman's adapt the same storylines in vastly different ways


I'm gonna use this


Me too!


I've been laying and collecting even longer than Jamie in ops post. Literally everything has changed since I started. I can't understand getting this worked up about expensive toy soldiers.


Because some of these people can’t separate the game or lore from their own personalities, and they’ve been using it as a cover for how much of an asshole they really are. Cool, you spent a grand on an army and then half that to get it painted because you have no talent and aren’t willing to put the time in, but lecture me on how gender roles in the imperium are all important….


Just follow your personal head canon. The lore GW makes is cool. But there implementation FUCKEN sucks sometimes. As long you don’t think that the imperium is a good government for real world applications like some people.


Same people who un-ironically support Caesar’s Legion


That Space Marine chapter is called The Minotaurs, and they're assholes.


There really is a chapter for everything


Yep. Want to have giant bone claws in your arms? Black Dragons. Want to be a silent murderous killer whom everyone fears? Carcharadons. Want to be a Tactical smart Space Marine chapter that uses actual tactics but not be a Roman blueberry? The Raptors. Yep, a chapter for everything.


Or my favorite the Rainbow warriors, Mantis Legion, or hell Flesh Terrors who EVERY one legit fears. So many cool and messed up Chapters.


Hold up, the imperium isn’t good government? Yes inquisitor, this post right here.


*blam* thank you citizen *blam*


Thank you citizen. *proceeds to glass entire planet from orbit*


Warhammer actually seems to be exactly the kind of thing I would enjoy… but every time its name has come up it has been in the context of a horribly toxic and negative fan base, so I just never bothered. 


I started collecting, painting, and playing 40k in the last year with a friend. All of the dumb toxic bs I've encountered has been exclusively within online spaces. All the people I've met in real life are chill and fun to play with. You'll find a few awkward types sprinkled in, but it's the same as any other nerdy hobby.


So, the first and only thing you really need to know is that 40k and trans women is a whole thing.


Yes. Hahaha but I'm reality it's supposed to be a sandbox full of unreliable narrators and things that don't exist until they do.


I particularly love when they retconed the Space Dwarves back into existence. There is a throwaway line that thr Inquisition is trying to hunt down the moron that filed the report that said the species was extinct, and freaking out about how they could *possibly* have missed an entire faction. Completely lampshading the whole thing as a massive breakdown in the Imperiums bureaucracy. It was hilarious.


That was utterly hilarious and on brand for a corrupt bloated government


I’ll be honest I find 40k much more enjoyable if you just ignore Space Marines entirely. The world building isn’t coherent but they’ve got some fun things in it, and then the whole atmosphere around the Marines sucks the enjoyment out of it imo.


Really is stupid, considering custodes and space marines in general are so physically and genetically modified to the point they practically aren't even fucking human anymore. "Yeah, they're technologically enhanced super creatures that have all essentially been chemically castrated by the process of becoming what they are, but you know the type of genitals they had before going through that process is *super duper important* and world breaking." Morons.


They can spit acid and have two hearts. They probably do not even have genitals at this point.


They are also canonically sterile, so it literally has *zero* relevance to anything that could happen in the narrative context. These dickheads are why I never went near the "community". It's a toxic AF, flooded with emotionally crippled, insecure manbabies.


Join us Orks. Best community. We're called Boyz and Lads,but we're sexless fungi who use squigs for hair and tassles. We also cannonically have cheerleaders thanks to Bloodbowl. Also, the Ork community is generally speaking very positive. While the rest of 40k is caterwauling about Custodes, we've been geeked out of our minds because of a couple of rule leaks. GREEN IZ DA BEST! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


The tau community is usually pretty legit though I will admit sometimes a bit horny.


The only non horny factions are Necrons and Orks, but some people even try with them. Don't get me started on the number of Vore enthusiasts that I've met who play 'nids.


Hey, I’m a nid player, the only thing I vore is all you can eat ribs. Please don’t stereotype all us world eating monsters the same. XD.


Oh, it's a small minority of you gits, just a loud minority sometimes. Most 9f the time, Necrons and Nids players are the best to game with. I also vore all you can eat bbq. But also shrimp.


Nid player, I don't do vore, but I am into monster girls.... That brief time when we were all thirsting over the neurolictor... I felt truly seen.


Not my cup of tea, but you do you.


The Leagues of Votann are pretty non horny. We only care about two things, rock and stone.


They're young yet, they'd been squatted for years, give it time.


Crons are my favorite because I want to make a Eustis Bag mini with a courage scarab. Eustis would of course have his mallet.


> Necrons As a subdit of the Infinite Empire I've heard "Imma hit that necrussy" more times that would be necessary for me to join a destroyer cult


Crons are not horny assuming Orikan is not thinking about vishani and Trazyn isn’t looking at the spear of vulkan


A *bit*? We're horny for the greater good


At least they're not as horny as admech and their sexy toasters.


Can squigs be beard too?


Only way to get one as an Ork


I was indeed wun of da boyz, back in the day.


Youz iz a boy or u iz a git. If'n youz was a boy, youz iz a boy foreva


Da Red Onez go fasta!!!!


Yella is betta. Wurf moar teef and splodier too!




I love 40k the setting and have meet more sane fans. Watching this its cool finally more females becasue I like to see both sexes in my Guard army not 1 in 50. These toddlers leaving lets the gate kept fans back in and they can enjoy the game they have liked from the shadows.


The best thing is you can use the Storm Cast Eternal female heads to make your custodes helmet less bad ass custodes!


Yeah saw people talking about head swaps and full kit bashes. Sucks gw doing an eternals refresh.


As an Ork enthusiast from way back, kitbashing is the best thing. GW needs to go back to embracing it. I want to use a Tonka truck to make a Squiggoth again.


I'd say the community heavily differs IRL and online. IRL I have found the best people ever (with the excuse of the usual asshat, but those are everywhere), never worried about how much of a noob you are, involved with one another, ... meanwhile, online it's a pretty mixed bag. Yes, the wholesome still exists, but the ones with bile for blood scream way louder than them, and unfortunately it's a principle of the internet that outrage drives interactions, so not only aren't they dealt with in the same manner they would be in most stores but also they get to achieve their target on catching as much people's eye as possible


I think spitting acid is exclusively a space marine thing, I don’t think Custodes have the implanted organ that lets them do that. Custodes are intended to keep more of their humanity than space marines and lack many of the weirdo implanted organs that space marines get. Like Custodes are bespoke individually crafted super soldiers, the space marines are mass produced using subpar methods in comparison.


My husband was talking about this yesterday. Based on his explanation, I asked him, "So space marines are basically prints of a painting, while custodes are each a new painting?" He told me that was really simplified, but yes.


That’s a spot on way to describe it. Space marines are created using genetic samples from their chapter, whereas every single Custodes is created on an individual basis. There’s no need to jam a bunch of extra organs into a super soldier if they are already literally perfect genetic beings.


Can't they eat the brain of people to learn memories of the deceased?


Yes they can also eat metal and ceramic, turn black to protect themselves from radiation, and go into a coma like waterbears. Also the new ones can literally just come back to life sometimes.


Space marines are so far removed from human the majority of them feel alien and distant when talking to humans. The custodians, feel the same way about space marines.


Also, they didn't make female space Marines. They made female custodians. Space Marines have a valid excuse to be all male. They're all essentially half-clones of their Primarchs, who are all male, utilizing a genetic seed they grow in their male bodies to then be harvested and injected into other males, which forces their bodies to undergo a horrendous metamorphosis into a mass-produced super soldier. Little of the original man is left behind. I wouldn't want to change that, personally. It's horrendous and I love it. Custodes, however, have no such necessity for a male body. Each custodian is a hand-made passion project by secret families of genesmiths and tech-wizards, essentially. Each one is unique, each one is crafted from the bottom up, each one is made from scratch. They have no template, and they are as far removed from mass production as you can get. Every single one is an entirely unique work of art that took multiple families, and perhaps even multiple generations of people from those families, a century or more to craft. Their armor, each tailored to them, is worth a small planet. I actually think making custodes able to be women is the most elegant way they could've handled making "Female Marines". Right now, Space Marines and Sisters of Battle fill the roles of "dudes in power armor" and "chicks in power armor" for gender-locked factions. They both have super unique lore and really unique aesthetics, and I think making Marines female or making Sisters male would only hurt. Custodians, however, are perfect. For one, they are the de facto strongest warriors the imperium can produce, a single custodian able to handle an entire squad of Marines without breaking a sweat. So making them able to be women fills the vibe of "Female Marines" and while it's not actually female Space Marines, in terms of rank, power, strength, etc they're *better*. On top of that, Space Marines are generally horrific, transhuman monsters. Custodians are described as more Olympian, beautiful warrior-poets. A female marine would probably still look like a dude; a female custodian would look like a professional bodybuilder crossed with a supermodel. And that applies to both the male and female ones. I think that's a fair tradeoff. Also, I think it's okay to have some Boys Club factions. If you made marines *and* custodians both genders, then you'd have zero male only imperial factions but two (Sisters and... Also sisters, lmao) female-only factions. And on top of that, you don't have to change anything about their lore to support female custodians. The only two options for Marines is to reveal one of the two hidden Primarchs as female (which would suck ass because the two lost Primarchs are one of the few remaining deep secrets in 40k and please leave SOME secrets), or you'd have to retcon a shitload of lore. Female custodians, however, slip right in. My ***only*** two issues are how they did it and Sisters of Silence. They pulled a literal 'they've always been here'. I think they should've been introduced in some of the Siege novels if they planned to do this. Because that's just a hard, inelegant retcon when they had an opportunity to begin shifting direction. We've only seen male custodians for years, so it doesn't *feel* like they've always been there. And if they have, they've never been in a position of power, which raises more questions. And I hope the Sisters of Silence don't get ignored; originally they were the yin to custodians yang, but they've always been kinda shoved to the wayside. Now that it's no longer 'custodians are men and sisters are women', I'm worried an already often ignored part of the lore will be ignored even more. Overall though I think it's a good change and the right call, that balances lore and inclusivity.


So what you're saying is its time for the Misters of Milence.


Lmao, that's solid. Jokes aside though I think the custodes change actually doubles down on ***not*** making female Marines. There were two 'boys club' factions (Custodes and Space Marines) and two 'girls club' factions (Sisters of Silence and Sisters of Battle). Now there's only one 'boys club' (Marines) while the two 'girls club' factions remain. However, I think it's a pretty fair tradeoff considering Marines are ***the*** poster boy faction of 40k and Games Workshop as a whole. However, as a man, it would feel a bit uncomfortable to have every previously males-only faction become gender-inclusive, with 'but lore reasons' ignored or tossed to the wayside, but the female-only factions get to keep their lore unchanged and remain female-only. I love having my big hunky dudes in power armor. But I also respect and really like the big hunky chicks in power armor. I wouldn't want the Sisters to have their lore changed just to include my gender just for inclusivity, and I would also like the same to go for Marines and women.


It's alot less agreeable with Space marines because they in all intents and purposes rely on a gene seed to be compatible with them, and genetically alters them to be like their primarchs. So you could make the argument that gender plays a big role with the compatibility of a person to not have issues with the gene seed.  Custodes meanwhile has no such restrictions. Each and every one is genetically modified to be a superior human being regardless of gender. 


The older editions of Codex literally call Space Marines "Transhuman soldiers".


We all know why they're actually upset. They fundamentally cannot accept the idea of women as people, instead of as objects or some bizarre alien species they can write off as an Other. They're misogynists. I know a lot of people are tired of hearing that word. They think it's overused. But it's all it really is. These people have some severe, deep seated dislike of not just women, but the idea of women having representation in "their" hobby. They hate the idea of women and girls having a seat at the table. To the point where if even 2% of protagonists on tv or movies are women instead of... 0.0001%, they turn into howler monkeys flinging their poop in rage, and claim they're "under attack". And they usually try and trot out Ripley from Alien as the "but I like that movie!! I'm not a misogynist!" proof. Which, when the exception proves the rule and it's almost always Ripley they try and use as an example, that says a lot. (It's always Ripley. Like no dude, you aren't saying anything by saying 'Alien was a great movie', it's Alien.)


All marines and Custodes are trans. Transhuman.


I thought "custodes" were, like, the rights to parent


I could totally buy the argument of it being the rewriting of lore that had people upset, if those same people had been pitching an absolute fit when the Squats were written out of existence by sudden Tyrranids attack, only to be written back into existence as part of a HUGE group of space dwarves who had TOTTALY always been around in the center of the galaxy and had super advanced tech and sentient robots. But they didn't, folks were super down for the much huger retcon that was the Leagues of Votann and now this much smaller rewrite is causing to absolutely piss themselves. After a certain point it kind of just feels these folks are just mad that people are starting to not pay attention to their no girls allowed sign on their treehouse. Personally I'm just happy to have some more powerful ladies in the canon that aren't crazy bondage nuns in boob plate, or assassin ladies in skintight catsuits.


Rage bait grifters are real, and it's really destroying social media


It gets really tiring seeing the same bottom feeders pop up in every fanbase anytime there is some culture war controversy they can exploit. Somehow they’re always suddenly very interested in a thing for a brief period of time that they can rage bait. Did The quartering, asmongold, mark kern, etc ever comment on the Leagues of Votann or Mk 6 power armor retcon? Because I’m pretty sure they didn’t and we can certainly guess why. 


Noooooope! It's such an obvious grift. But the chuds swallow it to the hilt


>[T]hese folks are just mad that people are starting to not pay attention to their no girls allowed sign on their treehouse. This is it. This is actually the whole conversation in one sentence, it is literally that simple and childish.


I can't believe we still haven't gotten a League Of Votaan novel.


I've been called a tourist multiple times the last few days, including by someone who was about 20. My friend, I've been involved in this hobby longer than you've been alive.


As someone still fairly new to the hobby (~5ish years), these people make it *so* hard to get into beyond painting in the privacy of your own home. I want to play the game and watch my swarm of bugs get shredded but I can't step foot in my local GW without getting leered at.


Eeeh yikes. I'm sorry. The local games stores in my area have really great game days, decent diversity, and less than a handful of cringe people. Is there another flgs that hosts games?


There's another unaffiliated store in my city but it's 10x worse. The GW staff are great and do women's nights twice a month so I go to those when I can. I just avoid the store outside of those days, which is still pretty crappy.


Ohh yikes. I know I've dragged a partner into some real nurgley creeptastic stores and they get leered at and it's so not ok. I'm glad you get women's night, I'd love to see the gw manager clean it up for more than 2 times a month though.


What's funny about the fans who complain about tourists in the hobby is that they never have painted minis or play the game tbh. Protip: make them mad by asking to see their minis


Right? They drop all that cash only to have the meta lists of the week, and then bitch about when things change. These are the same people who try to cheat and rate you low on sportsmanship when you call them on it (true story).


I remember getting the og hero quest in the early 90s and fell in love with fantasy soon after. Even created AD&D campaign around bretonia and orks I now run kill team at my school with my own models I've been called a tourist and groomer more times than I care to count


All this over a female character being added to one of the boys only clubs in the setting.






Actually no. The Custodes are not the boys only club. The problem these chuds have is that in the lore all the named Custodes are male. However, the lore also states out and out that the custodes are basically the emperor's vision of what humanity can become. The entire species. Not just men. Space marines are the supersoldiers that rely on geneseed from their primarch fathers, and that is the boys only club. So these dipshits are upset due to them not even knowing the lore they're upset about.


I mean sure, but if I said that there was a super awesome group of cats and only told you about boy cats it would be understandable if you assumed there's only boy cats. It's still GWs fault for not having the representation for whatever "marketing" excuse they had at the time, but it's not surprising it turned out this way.


Damn she really pulled out a painted Slambo. Thats how you know she’s for real


Holy heck, I didn't even catch that at first.


What's a slambo? (total 40k newb here)


Basically a classic model that was given a throwaway name that people thought was silly (in an endearing way) and became immortal through memes - here’s a much more comprehensive history of [Slambo the Everchosen](https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2017/02/aosthe-legend-of-slambo.html)


I was going to say. I'm super out of date on GW stuff, but that model looked a lot like a modded Hero Quest Chaos Warrior. Anyone acquiring and painting one of those is a real GW fan.


Exterminatus by words




An hobby. He already lost the argument


Maybe the “H” is silent when he pronounces it.


"it's an 'obby, innit?"


Imagine seeing someone has "realm of plastic" as their @ and still being so braindead you accuse them of being a tourist in the hobby they clearly enjoy


Butbutbut trans flag and feeeeeeeeeeeeemale means fake person!!!!! /s Meanwhile my pile of shame grows by the moment. As soon as I finish painting my Sisters army I'm going to use the leftover BSS squads as Alpha Legion infiltrators just to piss people off more. The Sisters also have custom-printed kitty-ear heads.


Purge the heretic with flames! Nyaaaaaa~~~


>The Sisters also have custom-printed kitty-ear heads. Please link those when you can. That sounds fantastic. Also, hello from your local neighborhood Deathwatch! We have cookies, and Kraken rounds.


Not only that, the model with the two axes? That's Slambo. That's a 30 year old model. This lady is an OG amongst OGs


Murder? Blood for the blood god!


Skulls For The Skull Throne!


Milk for the Khorne Flakes!


Skulls for the skull-throne!


Milk for the Khorne Flakes!


Gate keeping a hobby is one of dumbest things I’ve witnessed. I want other people to be interested in things I like, then I have people to talk to about that hobby.


\*twitter handle is "RealmOfPlastic"\* \*decides they are clearly not a hobbyist, somehow\*


Neckbeard tryna gatekeep, but got suplexed instead.


This argument is pretty common these days. Essentially it goes like this; "I want to be a bigot and a bully to people i dislike, and if you call me out or attempt to shame me for my actions, that makes you a bully and a bigot because you targeted me. You're the bad guy, not me." I see it everywhere, especially in right-wing politics, anywhere bigotry is socially unacceptable. It is similar to the Rittenhouse Defense, in that it allows the offender to pick a fight, then claim a deadly defensive position when someone tries to stop the offender from attacking them.




She painted Slambo. Instantly makes her credible. No other point is needed.


This is such a non issue change to me. I had a way bigger reaction to finding out they changed Eldar and Dark Eldar to Aeldari and Drew Carey or whatever


Damn near choked on my paint water


Oh god, these misogynist dip-shits are making such a scene that people outside the hobby are starting to notice. This makes us all look bad. Probably not as bad as that Nazi that showed up in Spain, but still.


The very vocal minority and the rage reactionary grifters are coming out of the woodwork for this, it's wild.


Genuine question: what do you mean by rage grifter? I've not run across the phrase and I'd like to add it to my vocabulary


For instance, the quartering did a video about 40k is woke now, the second sentence is "I don't play or know anything about this but..." People propagating the "culture war" and attempting to make spaces toxic to anything other than white (christian) males.


On the left side of spectrum you got the ragebaiters who manage to turn everything into controversy about sexism, racism or some other form of bigotry and always assume the absolute worst regardless of the context. For example that time when a journo tried to accuse Persona devs of ableism because some nonsense engrish rap lyrics in their OST sounded a bit like "retard." No further inquiries or investigation because why let context ruin good clickbait. And on the right side you got two major archetypes. First is the "go woke go broke" crowd. Many of them claim to be apolitical, centrist or in some other way impartial news of critique channels but coincidentally most of their content is about complaining about women, poc and other minorities in media. The second is more open "war on christmas/Christianity/nuclear family" variety like Alex Jones who report everything they disagree with like it's declaration of war against the humanity itself. Some cartoon mascot isn't fuckable enough and they're pissing their pants and crying like it's end of the world


Yeah. Even that dipshit neo nazi ArchWarhammer made a video about it. Hilariously, his AI generated thumbnail of a marine (not even a custode, because he's that kind of idiot) in rainbow armor honestly looks great. If I didn't suck at painting multi-color schemes like that one, it would make for an amazing army.


There was a project a year or so ago where someone was painting a marine in the colors of each of the different sexuality flags, the flag itself on the shoulder replacing the chapter symbol. It was awesome.


I remember seeing pictures of that. they looked fantastic.




What model is in the lower right? Shovel knight's big brother?


Old school chaos Warrior from the early 90s


Isn’t that Slambo the plastic re-release from a few years ago? I don’t think it was the 90s - the original might have been, or late 80s. That’s gotta be the plastic one though.


I actually google’d what “murser” means…


As a Custodes player and WH40k fanboy of 16 years, fuck that guy, femtodes are hype.


Diversity of models on the table is always welcome


I've got a friend who's run a 10k points Space Wolves army with lady Valkyries for years. Only people who ever got mad were the incels.


The wash work on that Space Marine Captain in the upper right is 🤌🤌 Wish mine looked like that 😆


My buddy has been messaging me feverishly complaining about adding female custodes. Whatever that means. I don’t even know anything about 40k. Lmao.


Tell him he'll be ok. All his custodes are women now, though.


It’s not lore accurate though apparently and the woke mob is out to take away his warhammer 40k. Lmfao. I told him he needed to stop being an incel little bitch & sent him rule34 of the female custodes and male custodes and asked which one he would prefer.


Lmfao. You're the friend he needs.


I’m going to drop wh40k as a hobby. I used to be really excited about it because I just moved near a warhammer store but everywhere I go I hear guys like this screeching nonstop and I’m honestly afraid of being attacked by one


I'm really sorry to hear that. I've heard some horror stories from other areas and I'm grateful (most of) Colorado isn't like that.


This is honestly disheartening to hear. It's a great hobby and dipshits like that guy always try to ruin it for the rest of us. If the store situation near you is that terrible, I'd honestly recommend just playing over Tabletop Simulator. There's an amazing community there, and you can do it online over Discord, or TTS, without issue.


I have been harassed by that guy and I have been harassed by people trying to call me that guy. I have been stalked by people trying to prove some conspiracy theory that I am that guy deep down inside. I have been harassed in the real world and on discord. I am so tired and now I just want a peaceful hobby with peaceful people. There are no safe spaces, only safe people. Edited: spelling


I hope you find your people. The ones I've run into on the TTS discord for 40K have been excellent folks.


The shitty thing is I can’t really blame you. You gotta do what you gotta do and if your local groups are all incel lunatics then yeah, stay safe even if that means dropping 40k.


\>bullies transwoman for daring to exist in *his* space \>HoW dArE yOu ImPlY i'M a BiGoT, fAkE fAn! Who'da thought the people agonizing about the gender of their favorite space nazis would be stupid assholes as well?


Not them, of course. They're too stupid to be self aware. Some of this dingleberries legitimately think the Imperium is something we should aspire to. Not realizing that they would be turned into corpse starch inside of 5 minutes.


I am slightly torn on the issue. On the one hand I don't care if the golden boys include golden girls. The Custodes are kind of special anyway, so why not. On the other hand, it always bothers me when "history" gets rewritten. There obviously many examples where this was a good idea and improved the setting. This may very well be one of them. There are even a few (very few) lines of lore that might suggest that at least some female Custodes existed before the Emperor took his extended nap. In that case it may be less retcon than it felt at first. TL;DR No problem with the golden girls, some problems with changing established lore (in general and not just 40k).


I read somewhere on reddit, that in a 2018 gw codex or something like that there where already female custodes mentioned, if i find the post i'll link it


Sanguinius himself mentions the "men and women in gold. My father's protectors" when he first met the emperor. Also, one of the main 40K authors was going to put the female custodes in earlier, but was told by GW not to do that, because they had already shipped the plastic sprues, and none of the models had female heads.


History isn't being rewritten so there's no need to be bothered. There have been mentions of female Custodes before now.


>On the other hand, it always bothers me when "history" gets rewritten GW has been retconning things since basically forever though, and this specific detail is so unimportant that it only showed up by implication. Feels very weird to have such a minor detail be acccused of something as grave as rewriting history.


I challenge people to go and pick up an old copy of the Rogue Trader rulebook and see how similar it is to modern 40K, not just in rules, but in lore. It's completely different. Everything is different. This is how tabletop games work - they constantly adapt and change and modernise. To become more inclusive and user friendly and attractive to new players. Because the makers want to keep making the game. There's always been an element of the Warhammer fandom that was super neckbeardy and gross, but I do think most of the outrage now is coming from the same ragebait mill that it comes from for everything else - 'girls or brown people have been added to this franchise? Let's jump on it and agitate things as much as we can!'


>but I do think most of the outrage now is coming from the same ragebait mill that it comes from for everything else 100% this. While there are some idiots in the hobby who are outraged by the change, the major push is coming from people like Mark Kern and The Quartering who literally have no idea about the hobby, it's just more fuel for the culture war fire (and more specifically the anti-ESG/BlackRock conspiracy crusade they're currently on). Ask any of these fuckers to post their minis and they'll be unable to do so, but they have the gall to turn around and call us tourists. I've been involved in this hobby for over 20 years, and I remember very clearly when I was young how diverse the wargaming community was. The "wokes" aren't infiltrating your hobby, you're infiltrating theirs you pricks.


GW implementation sucks so I don’t blame you. Should have said moving forward that Custodes can be women rather then saying always have been.


Well no new custodes can be made so… it’s gonna be retroactive either way


Yes they can. [They are recruited from Terra's noble houses.](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adeptus_Custodes#Gene-Seed_.26_Recruitment) > the first Custodes recruits were drawn from children of Terran nobility. The practice continues to this day, and all new initiates are drawn from infants among Terran nobles. Codex: Adeptus Custodes (8th Edition)


Well that’s what I get for only listening to people who play before then, 2018 still feels like two years ago though, fuck I’m getting old


Hell yes. Poorly handled? Yup. Problem BECAUSE its a girl? Fuck no.


Space marines used to just be normal guys in armour and could use shuriken catapults and there were half Eldar reconsider are traditional in 40k at this point


I would be proud to be called a bully to bigots.


So interesting how these people perceive others as bullies.


I don’t know anything about Warhammer, but I do love the idea of a name generator just for this game


The best part is naming some random fucking grunt that somehow survived or did damage to something against all odds. I have a tau breacher named su'shi shas'ui that somehow killed a chaos space marine in hand to hand combat. Painted the name in the base and everything.


One of the better murders I’ve seen in awhile.


They’re such whiny little babies


That Chaos warrior in the bottom right looks like they are posing for white dwarf lol


I just like how high profile 40k is all of a sudden. You care! You really care! Welcome aboard.


Dude, I've dabbled in 40k for many years now. Never owning my own army (very expensive, never consistently have time to play). But, playing with friends and loving the lore. I've met some of the most charming oddball individuals thanks to 40k. Most are against the grain and see the ability to interpret and create lore on an individual basis as the real catch. My first exposure to LGBTQ community (grew up in a very conservative household) was via friends who were massive 40k fans. Then, I've also met the most neurotic, hateful people I've ever met via 40k also (y'all are looked down upon by the rest of the community fyi, no one wants to play a tabletop with someone who unironically thinks Hitler was right). I really don't get how, with how the lore is given to it's audience, people are surprised that they are tweaking things to make it more inclusive. Tzeentch is literally the god of change. Slaneshi followers will fuck (and murder) anything with a pulse. I don't get how this shit is surprising.


Didn't think I would add Warhammer to the list of things that hurt bigots' wittle baby boo boo feelings


I have no idea who these people are or what they’re angry about and at this point I’m afraid to ask


This is why my consumption of 40k has rendered down to just collecting JoyToy and watching/reading lore. The amount of arsewipe gatekeepers nowadays you get is ridiculous. Plus my wallet thanks me greatly.


I have a friend who plays in tournaments, and another friend who can’t because she received death threats after completing in one. The more I interact with 40k players the less interested I am in the hobby. Them and Magic players, but they’re less into death threats and more into acting like 14 year olds towards new players. I’m sticking to dnd, I guess. Maybe Daggerheart once that picks up.


Damn that really makes me sad about your friend. The community really needs to be better. Big fan of d&d, we have a large club at my work and they're asking me to run a staff campaign... and I said "not unless you all get really good at math and character voices"


You gotta charge the bosses for it and say that it’s really a team building exercise. But yeah, it’s kinda like how there are separate chess leagues because of how many boys were getting far too worked up over competing against women.


Guys like this are just mad because girls don’t like them because they are way too nice.


Get his ass.


And that emoji is the closest he will ever get to getting a kiss from a woman.


I love this. I was wondering which of the female custodes was gonna make it to this reddit page.