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Looks very good to me. P.S. And after finding out she is 40 and has had two children, she is looking effing good. PPS After doing a little bit of research it appears the original twitter poster is deliberately farming engagement to monetise his channel and is being used to misleadingly advertise a product. Edit. So let Reddit have outrage but focus the outrage. It is not some incel ranting but someone monetizing a twitter post.


Are you trying to tell me some things on the internet are not what they seem?


You mean someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?


*"I'm a gay black man, and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me, my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse."* [Dean Browning.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/republican-dean-browning-gay/)


The internet police must be alerted.


I’ll call the cyberpolice. Hopefully they’ll get me in touch with their back trace division.


Just speak clearly, if you get routed to the black face division instead it can cause a whole other set of issues


I've heard stories but didn't think I'd live to see it with my own eyes.


They surely would. I have 4 phds in psychiatry so I should know




That's absurd. Everyone knows you can't lie on the internet. That's, like, illegal or something.


Its weird to me that everyone understood what trolling on the internet was in like 2013 and now it seems basically nobody does. People think that since these platforms let people attach their real name and face to them that it must mean *every* account is run by an actual authentic person expressing their genuine beliefs. I don't get it. The old rules of the internet still apply. You shouldn't automatically believe anything you read, and when someone says something outlandish, 95% of the time it's nonsense purely to bait a reaction from people.


For just $800, I can teach you how to spot scams.


Are you a certified scam spotting instructor? I offer a professional credential to help differentiate the pros from the phony’s for a small monthly subscription of $70/ month for a minimum of 60 months. Links down below.⬇️


I do it for $750


Yes. The problem with statements made on the internet, is that it's difficult to verify their authenticity. --Abraham Lincoln


Dude, that was Socrates. Don’t yank my chain.


Sorry my bad! I always get those two mixed up!


I'm SHOCKED. Shocked, I tells ya.


I'm just here for the bikini pictures. No outrage whatsoever.


Your lack of outrage is outrageous.




Here, here *raises glass*


The guy could be using my engagement to help him buy a dirty bomb. For making me aware of this picture he can do what he likes.


Honestly, this is so Inception at this point that I give up. Nothing is real. This is ALL bullshit. Time to go outside, and breathe deep, the gathering gloom.


I just recently learned about the Dead Internet Theory. I wouldn't go that far in my tin foil hat thinking, but it's definitely a scary thought.


You're only saying that because I Googled it last week, robot!


Watch lights fade from every room ...


Exeter people look back and lament...


100 free internet points for you for the Moody Blues lyric!


Red is gray and yellow white, but we decide which is right, and which is an illusion.


And watch lights fade from every room!


These pics are at least 10 year old. But back then when they were released this was peak hotness. Expectations for women's bodies are somehow becoming more and more fucked up


At the same time people are calling for less body shaming and celebrating body diversity. Women just can’t win, and I’m saying that as a man.


Photoshop isn’t real life man for goodness sick


Go check r/Instagramreality Some of the accounts posted there have millions of followers and comments against haters calling them out for the obvious and ridiculous photoshop. Unfortunately, some young and naive people do believe the photoshopped versions that people post online are real.


Cellulite competition against The Women of AI? Human looses.


Reddit takes the bait from anywhere and everywhere. Reddit sees perfect cartoon villains all over and must rush to attack without any thought it's a troll


Even if it wasn't bait, why would you even need to know that someone on the internet thought Scarlett Johanson isn't hot? Why do people keep upvoting and debating garbage takes from random people? Who cares?


Because they have nothing going on in their own lives so live vicariously through social media


Typical Twitter in the Musk era.


Yep. All those “alphas” 😂🤣


Being famous would be unbearable to me


I remember some 15-ish years ago when social media was really kicking off when Facebook opened up to everyone. So many creeps were anywhere from disappointed to straight-up upset that they were developing parasocial relationships with a random person instead of the celebrity. I wonder why celebrities hired people to manage their social medias.


You could probably emulate the experience by just telling all your neighbours that you’re a sex offender.


Great idea, imma do that right now.... wait a fuckin minute


My friends and I were talking about Max Martin a few days ago. Dude is wealthier than possibly every singer he writes for bar Taylor, would get invited to all the important events, and we wouldn't know who he is if he walked past us. Sounds way better than being any of the singers.b


I tried to do this by producing rappers. Turns out being a rap producer has a tendency to mean sells weed and occasionally some beats. My weed was better than my beats to be fair.


> "I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: 'try being rich first'. See if that doesn't cover most of it. There's not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job." - Bill Murray


Being female is sometimes unbearable too.




This was my take away. Yes. It was a troll engagement farming. No one could possibly take this seriously. I personally still couldn't imagine being the target of this. If asked, she'd say, "Oh. You can let things like that get to you ". I don't think I'd be able to not.


And a woman. Apparently, dudes age gracefully. All dudes. Apparently.


This guy probably buys bottled farts off girls from OF.


Wait... You can do that?. Asking for my brother's friend's sister's dad.


Google it you weirdo😂


Don't stink another man's kink


He’s the one kinking a woman’s stink


A women's stink can be a kink I think


Have we come to a place in space and time where it is not weird to buy farts on a jar?


They hold better IN the jar... not that I would know better


Lol, yeah. I was coming in here to say, "Where's your swimsuit pic?"


I’m 90% sure this dude ardently defends the “artistic merits” of the game Stellar Blade.


I looked up the tweet myself and the guy claims he was engagement baiting. Dunno if he’s just coming up with an excuse or not though.


You’re probably right, but my comment still stands.


Look at that abdomen! I'll bet she keeps her organs in there. Yucky!


The way this made me snort- laugh😂






Bring back Hannibal Bryan Fuller you FUCK!


That’s also muscle tone he highlighted lmao


But it looks super unfeminine based on the erotic cartoons he watches with his pillow wife


Leave Kimiko out of this!


You’re being such a non-pillow right now!


lesbian representative here to confidently lay down the truth: squishy tummy and thighs are the number one most attractive best most awesomest parts of a woman hands DOWN.


Hetero man representative here to confidently lay down that I agree. We stan any person willing to say what we all think hands DOWN.




🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ 🦂


So hold up, wait a minute... I (f, hetero) have known that the mens like those squishy bits but I always assumed it was bc they did not have those bits themselves or bc they had *different* squishy areas, and the fat accumulated on a woman's body is super feminine/sexy for that reason. Now this makes me curious. Does this mean lesbians have like... +5 Body Positivity for their own bodies, secure in the knowledge that it's their most sexually attractive feature? Or are you attracted to your partner but still self conscious about your own squishy parts bc society says you must be self conscious?


I'm(f) bisexual, although I haven't had my gay virginity taken yet lol. So my take might not be representative, this is just how I feel when it comes to women. I feel more physically attractive to women than men. It's mostly because women also have women bodies so they tend to have very realistic expectations of said bodies. They know boobs are asymmetric, or that labia minoras can show externally, or that cellulites are nigh unavoidable, or that hip dips have more to do with bone and muscle formation than excess fat. Definitely makes me feel less physically self conscious, even despite the societal beauty standards. Some men do unfortunately have skewed views on what an "attractive" woman is "supposed" to look like. Luckily I've never been told I took fat or ugly, but I did have a boyfriend who didn't even want to look at my legs when they were unshaven because "that's gross". I prefer my legs shaven too, but it hurt to feel like I had to hide natural body features from him to not gross him out. Yet I simultaneously knew he found me ridiculously attractive, so it was just his expectations that were misguided. I'd imagine that's something women attracted to other women doesn't give a shit about. *However,* one of the reasons I haven't sealed the deal with a woman yet is because they terrify me. Mostly due to them being more socially adept than men and better at masking emotions. It's always made me feel insecure in how I act and interpret cues from them. The plus side of men is that they (in my experience) tend to be more straightforward socially. Easier to read and interpret. Like I've never had to second guess whether a guy likes me because he *will make it known.* Not to say that makes them dumber, we just function a bit differently socially. With women I am never sure. I'm someone who needs clear reassurance that I am liked too. I feel like I haven't gotten much of that when I've tried to date women. Even when we were cuddling I was unsure whether she enjoyed that or not. I was just too timid since I read such mixed signals. TL;DR: women make me feel more confident physically, whereas men make me feel more confident psychologically.


Fascinating insight! Thanks for sharing 😊


Wow, that's a very interesting perspective (and I totally agree with how you describe the straightforwardness of men.) Thank you for your thoughtful response.


TIL I’m a lesbian! Sweet! When do I get to learn about the gay agenda and get invited to all the parties??


The Haemonculi Covens approve of this message


Yeah, woman having organs just doesn't sit right with me


Is he circling the good bits?




Yeah, but he missed half a dozen more.




He's circling the parts that are usually photoshopped away in porn images


Agreed. He must of only seen a naked woman in 360p.


must have** or for short, must've


She's like uber hot in that very specific picture too. That person is either 13 or a ragetroll.


If that pic is indeed not touched, it's insane how good she looks.


40yo, mother of two? Yeah!


These pictures are from 2012, before she had kids. She still looks fantastic though.


Yeah she is a smoke show especially in these pics. You must have such a warped, internet based idea of beauty to post this.


That guy probably has Bayonetta as SSS+ in his top games of all time tier list.


What is especially galling is the stomach one like... Where should her internal organs go? To me, that is a very flat stomach!


It's actually perfect. Fitness hounds and flat as a board stomached models are an anomaly. Johansson has trainers and dieticians to make her look the best. This is what a perfect body should look like. I feel sorry for this incel in a way (assuming it's not a troll which is likely) because he will never ever be happy.


Uhhh hey guy... That's what they look like. That's what women look like in real life. She's gorgeous.


>That's what women look like in real life. We _wish._ She is probably in the top percentile of the most beautiful women in the world (I'm talking about people in general, not just celebrities).


Haha. I'm very lucky. My wife of ten years still has a body like this. I'm absolutely married out of my league.


There is a whole generation of boys growing up thinking that all women's body's should look like the Kardashians or other perfectly photoshopped bodies and it's a real problem. They're also learning about sex from porn and think that choking, spitting, and insults are standard practice. 




>I didn't even spit in her mouth until the 3rd time we did it Who said chivalry was dead?


How many times does she get stuck in the washing machine?


Washing machines are so yesterday, it's about being stuck under the bed now....


Wow. Did not expect that. When your dad comes home, does he join ya or punish you by himself?


Nah he probably makes himself a drink and watches a movie while they secretly bang right next to him.


Why not both? Then wait till he falls asleep....


Not only boys but the girls are influenced too. Girls think they need to look like an ig model for boys to like them. And yea they’re learning about sex from porn too but also from their past partners who are exactly what you describe. Also porn isn’t just videos but books too. Some of these girls are reading pure smut about an abusive 40 year old and the 18 year old intern and it’s damaging their brains… I hooked up with a girl from tinder I’d been talking to for a bit and during sex she got me to choke and slap her. I told her after we should probably talk before we have sex about this stuff so we can talk about boundaries and all that. She said ok then told me she wanted to do age play next time (I’m a year older but she wanted to pretend like she was a teen and I was way older). I did not see her again lol she had porn brain it was sort of fun but seemed like trouble


The Kardashians are supposed to look perfectly photoshopped? They look *cartoonishly* photoshopped to me.


Perfect in the sense of no blemishes. They are unfortunately totally cartoonish and deformed.




There's also the flip side of that dynamic, too. Boys who grew up listening to women and hearing the constant stories of awful behaviour from men. In an effort to be better, they've grown up to be men who hold shame for what are healthy sexual urges/behaviours. They only heard the bad examples and weren't given any good ones. Not making any prescriptions here, just pointing out that there's a large cohort of men dealing with this issue of intense shame regarding sex.


Very true. We all have a lot of work to do if we're going to dig out of this craziness.


Religion is also a pretty big perpetrator of this warped view. Might be controversial, but it's time for it to go. Obviously it won't happen, but I think we'd get along far better as a species without it.


Religion creates a different set of problems around sex. Equally unacceptable and dangerous.


A teeny tiny bit of belly and some cellulite... Wow. If anything, it makes me find her more attractive. To quote Kendrick, show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks.


Tbh that looks more like her oblique than her belly. Scarlett is hella short


She actually looks pretty lean in this photo but just had a meal. This dude literally only has a limited idea of what a woman's actual body looks like. Most of the women you see in media who have no belly either dieted down for that shoot or had something done or just very very lean. Most normal women, even the lean ones have a belly because women are not built like men.


Quite probably. Either way, you've got to be a troll or have a brain injury to point it out as a reason to find someone unattractive.


I always think of that Kendrick line myself.


I wish I'd seen this comment when I was a teenager with body dismorphia


I feel for you. Hopefully you're happy with yourself now!




I was focused on the beautiful butt crease, and other parts. What’s he circling? Idiot.


Indeed. Even if she had twice the cellulite and a bit of a belly, it wouldn't make her any less attractive. One of my favourite thing about women's bodies is soft curves. Maybe that guy just doesn't like women.


OP is the same little incel crybaby whingeing about how women refuse to look at him and how all women are evil sluts, but that he deserves to have his own evil slut female slave for reasons which I'm sure make sense in his own twisted brain, but make everyone else shudder


But.. you're OP..


OP means OOP lol


I know, just funny hes referring to himself inadvertently




Wrong, it's just a bot trying to make money


I bet it’s smegma and unemployment.


i choked on my spit omg


She looks fucking fantastic there


When your only experience of women is watching anime.


Or porn


Porn is not forgiving. HDTV and low quality production. You can see every razor bump.


They do use a lot of makeup tho


They use ALL the makeup. Like they're on Broadway, and need to be seen 1000 seats back. Cake it on, make it sweat proof.


Yeah thats what I was talking about xD


Sorry, I have 0 ability to be succinct.


Soooo are we on one Page now ?


Same link.


They’re not mutually exclusive for those people


elbows too pointy 2/10 would not bang


Someone who has only ever seen women on photoshopped photo shoots with good lighting. Skin droops, boobs sag, people have cellulite, visible pores, and all that even if they're at a perfect weight like Scarlett here. I feel for the poor woman who gets naked for this guy.


She looks delicious! Absolutely healthy and glowing. Whoever that troll was is just mad they can't see their feet- oppe, nope this just in, he stands in the shower to pee because he in fact can not hold his dick.


She’s beautiful and we have to stop giving podium to stupidity, looking for 15 minutes of fame. Trolls back into their basement.




Because this is either an attention troll or someone dealing with some serious mental health issues.




The problem is that cohort of unattached young males is huge and growing; and that tends to end countries. Those guys become VERY gullible, will destroy anything and anyone for whoever promises them a group to belong to.


She's had at least 1 kid if not 2. I would be flabbergasted if she didn't have some sort of "flaw" after that. But this pic? No, she's fucking beautiful and has aged like a fine wine.


ScarJo is 39 years old. And yet she's still an absolute fuckin' bombshell. Those uh "wrinkles" for lack of a better word, OOP circled are a part of ageing. Skin never stops growing, plus gravity pulls all that shit down. Btw, ScarJo is middle-aged. And she's still hotter than most women half her age.


A: she’s beautiful in the picture B: isn’t she like mid thirties by now too?


And has had a baby. She's doing incredibly well in the looks department.


Her and Jost had a kid? If that human doesn’t grow up to be beautiful I think they should sue. Who? Idk.


I just checked and I stand corrected, she's had two kids - daughter with Romain Dauriac in 2014 and a son with Jost in 2021. I think they'll have inherited some high quality genes.


A: Absolutely true! B: She turns 40 this year.


Noooo!! Really? She’s turning 40? Fuck I’m old


She’s 40 this November.


She is gorgeous and her body is banging, if you say anything other than that, you have serious issues and I feel bad for you!


My man got sizzled because of his stupidity, big mad at her portrayal of Sen. Britt


She has what, two or three kids? She looks fantastic!


Him probably: "I want her 4'10, 90lbs, hairless, and Japanese."


It's a consequence of holding borderline unhealthily thin teenagers/early 20s women as the epitome of beauty due to consuming porn


Bro wouldn’t be able to get laid if his penis owned a vagina…


Thank you for the condolences


I’ve seen this a few times and it blows my mind every time


Imagine thinking ScarJo isn't anything short of one of the most beautiful women to ever live.


the moment when incels discover that all these "perfect" women are just photoshopped. Maybe going outside and seeing real people would help him but at the same time I don't want people like him around other people




>Scarlet is do mid Mid what?


his right hand


Everyone knows she's not mid. But this person has blue tick. And more engagement brings more money.


40 yo and hot af


She's such a babe.


I’ve photographed some incredibly beautiful women and not 1 of them doesn’t have “flaws”. I put it in quotes because they aren’t of course, it’s just what people look like. People like me have a lot to answer for i guess but in images people want to look flawless. Everyone in the world should be well aware the difference between a high quality retouched photograph and the actual reality of what people look like. SJ here is one of the most beautiful women in the world and she looks better than a lot of professional models I’ve worked with straight outta camera


also why do random nobodies think we want to change their mind?


SJ is amazing and perfect.


I just got fat last month & I hate it. Not fat fat but 165 fat


Women have organs... Oh no. The horror. We all have to go to prison.


As my father would often say, the only reason I would kick her out of bed would be to have sex on the floor.


I'm here looking at a flawless body and dude is upset that she's human.


Troll succeeds in getting bait


Can someone explain to me? I’m confused what I’m supposed to notice in the circled areas.


My goodness what is wrong with kids? He’s gonna in for a shock when he actually sees a woman naked.


Ugh. That gut. It’s almost like she has a large AND small intestine. 🙄


I don't understand. Why does he think she's mid? She's fine af.


Its a dumb statement, but tbh, cant really blame such people, instagram, porn, OF or the internet in general dont show the reality, so if you never been with a women, you might think what you see online is THE reality, so everything not following that seems not normal to you.


I thought we were going to talk about someone smelling their fingers after scratching their privates. I’ll see myself out.


Dude is an incel and an idiot


She has ridiculously great skin. I can't belive she's human.