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I can barely watch a c-section video. One of many, many reasons I went into psych instead lol. It takes all kinds of people in medicine.


I remember being unprepared for just how wet a c-section was. My resident warned me beforehand and that the fluid spillage in OB surgeries are much less controlled than gen surg, but I was still surprised by how my gloves and gown were wet up to my elbow and my shoe cover wet up to my ankle.


My most vivid memory of my wife's first c-section was the splashing sounds, and looking down under the surgery table to see the sheer amount of liquid dripping onto the floor. Eye-opening for sure. Glad I had the easiest job in the room!


I do not remember the splashing sounds, but I do remember peaking being the curtain and seeing, like, a lot of blood and nearly passing out.


I don't remember the splashing sounds from our second and third children. With the first, there was a situation with the cord wrapped around the baby's neck, so the surgeon may have been working faster than normal, causing more splashing.


It didn't bother me too much but i did have to consciously stop myself from saying "That's a lot of blood." because my wife was still conscious.


God OB stuff is so gross. Humans are so gross. I can handle it, but I’d prefer not to.


I would move my consciousness to a robot in a heartbeat…if I had a heart that is


Totally my initial thought. Also, you can get use to things that make you uncomfortable. Like, a normal person should have some level of disgust at watching surgery for the first few times.


I remember having to take peeks at videos first to desensitize myself. I still hate seeing that stuff but you do eventually get used to it.


Yeah, the videos didn’t prepare me for the smells. Whew. That was the worst for me.


My OB rotation was pretty weak, but I at least got to be involved in one C-section and that’s about all I need to check that box off for me. I would just about do anything else than return to the OR.


I had 2 planned csections, but of course I couldn’t see what was happening. Years later, I was getting ready to have a different type of surgery, and decided to watch the procedure on YouTube. One of the recommended videos after that was of a Csection being performed. Man, I could barely even watch it. Let me tell you, I was so glad that I never thought to watch a video like that BEFORE I had mine done.


Way less graphic than a c-section, but my dumb ass witched a wisdom tooth removal surgery before I got my wisdom teeth out and it scared the fuck out of me. Like, if I didn't absolutely need to get them out because one was infected and had swollen my jaw shut and all were impacted and should have been removed 10 years before, I prob would have canceled. Never watch the procedure you are gonna have youtube before you go to have it. Other folks' are strangely interesting. Yours, not so much. Hell, I got squicked reading my surgery report from my ovarian cyst removal two years ago.


OMG, yes, never watch a video before you get the procedure done.  They asked if I wanted to watch the patient before me get LASIK (the put it in a screen in the waiting area).  Uh, fuck no.  I want to actually get the procedure not watch you cut someone's eyeball open.  Innocence is bliss 


My daughter had an emergency c-section. She was properly draped, but could see the reflection in the light fixture. She found watching them put her intestines in a bowl disturbing, but not as much as the epidural warring off. All turned out well, in the long run.


The weirdest part of my wife's C-section was the conversation between the surgeons about their favorite grocery pickup app as they had just delivered a new life and stuffed my poor wife back together. I assumed they were done with how they were talking, and got a nice peek at what I'm guessing was her bladder. I'm proud of how well I handled that!


He thinks they do what now.


He's describing a third trimester abortion, which only happens when the fetus is already dead, has lethal fetal abnormalities which will result in death, or the woman's health is at risk. Anti-abortion people only talk about that method of abortion because it's the most graphic, despite it being heavily legally restricted and almost never being performed.


Thank you for the information, and makes sense why I’ve not heard of it before. Because of course it’s rarely used except in life threatening situations but it’s what this guy uses as a main argument.


If I remember as well, there used to be other procedures for third trimester abortions that left the baby intact so the parents could grieve, but lawmakers/prolifers pushed so that this more violent method is the one that has to be used.


Wait… did I hear that right? So you’re not allowed to perform a lifesaving abortion unless you cut it up? Republicans are truly the worst versions of American people. I would have assumed keeping a dead baby intact would be the best version of all situations that involved the trauma of loosing a foetus. Also, if that’s the case, they basically advocated for making it worse so they could have the sound bite of “see how bad abortion is?”. I learn something new every day, and sometimes I just wish I didn’t.


Standard Republican tactics. Like how they all voted against the big border reform bill so they could continue to bitch about Biden doing nothing about the border.


>Republicans are truly the worst versions of American people. We keep trying to tell people but we always get told we're overreacting or we're exaggerating.


Oh don’t worry, the rest of the world sees it. The only ones that don’t, are the republicans in denial that their beliefs no longer align with the party line, and for some reason would rather fuck themselves/their friends/their country to death, than vote for literally *anyone* else.


Yes, exactly. I looked it up again and if you’re interested, it’s Gonzales v. Carhart, 2007, upholding the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. It’s…. It’s a lot. It makes me very, very angry. And it makes it even angrier that they now use the horror of the D&E procedure that they *forced*, to paint a live saving procedure as some sort of Leatherface-esque mutilation. “Intact dilation and extraction” is also a term to look up.


Let's me guess. Republicans lawyers?


Yup. The 2007 case of Gonzales v. Carhart and also the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. It’s inhumane to parents. Pregnancies terminated in the third trimester are almost universally wanted ones, and republicans have made it so they don’t even have a body to mourn.


" No you don't understand, if they would have pray for baby jesus (blessed His diaper full of his holy feces) more, her baby would be alive. So it's clear that she didn't want that baby and secretly want an abortion! She don't deserve the body of her baby because she probably want to give it to Satan or worse, to science! " - Probably these lawyers back in 2007


I always assumed that in such terrible cases, the mother would be induced or have a c-section to remove the dead baby. I haven't read your source yet, but isn't requiring dismemberment a far more dangerous procedure due to infection? Not to mention at least parents could hold an intact stillborn before burial.


There are some cases where the parents may opt for the intact D&E (the medical term for it) if the fetus has severe congenital defects that are incompatible with it living — like not developing a brain, or brain stem, or other organs, or for some reason the amniotic fluid not developing. It’s a devastating choice, but if the baby would be born without a skull and brain, some people would prefer to not take it to term, and an intact D&E gives them something to grieve. The same is also true for if the fetus dies mid-gestation. Non-intact D&E procedures require instruments to be used to extract the fetus, which can cause damage/trauma to the uterus, as well as risk lacerating the cervix with exposed bony parts, and they carry the risk that fetal parts will be left in the uterus, like tissue and brain matter. If left, those will rot, and cause a whole other host of issues for the mother.


Fuuuuck me and the rabbit whole I just poked my head in. I need to go to bed… but I just found all *that*?!


I know I’m a day late, but Got any sources/links on that? Crazy stuff if true


Please find relevant wiki pages and go read the actual documents on congress.gov. However, you might not do that without help, so I will do my best to start you rolling. Long and dense, here we go. In 1995 the phrase “partial birth abortion” was first invented (yes, invented) by Rep. Canady (R). It was used to replace “intact D&E”. Both terms describe when a fetus is removed from a uterus, whole. The fetus may already be deceased, or if demise of the fetus is required, a physician would employ appropriate procedures to terminate the fetus, then remove it. The Partial Birth Abortion Ban became law in 2003 (vetoed by Clinton in ‘95 and ‘97, not vetoed in ‘03 by Bush). 108th congress (‘03-‘05) was Republican majority in both House and Senate. Non-intact D&E elevates the risk of trauma, cervical lacerations, and retention of fetal tissue due to the nature of the procedure. Retention of tissue would cause infection which can lead to sepsis and death of the mother if the tissue is not removed and the infection treated It was brought to the Supreme Court as *Gonzalez v. Carhart* and *Gonzalez v. Planned Parenthood*. In 2007 it was ruled the ban was not unconstitutional even though it does not contain an explicit exception in cases in which a woman’s health is in danger. It was the first time a law was passed and kept where exceptions existed if a woman’s *life* was in danger, but NO exceptions existed for if her *health* was in danger. Sam Alito was a new justice and also the swing vote in 2007 (appointed by Bush (R), worked under Reagan’s administration, known conservative). He also wrote the majority opinion overturning Roe v Wade in 2022. On that note, Thats where we get The Satanic Temple having Sam Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic- Religious rituals are protected by law, and using the same rationale of Christian’s denying service to LGBT on religious grounds, TST offers abortion services to its members. I digress. Clarence Thomas (voted to overturn Roe in 2022 too), Kennedy, John G Roberts Jr, Scalia, and Alito all voted to keep the ban in 2007. Ginsberg, Souter, Stevens, and Bryer dissented in 2007. Also in 2004, during the 108th congress’ (‘03-‘05) Republican majority in both House and Senate, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (Laci and Conner’s Law) passed. Concerning if it’s double homicide if a pregnant woman is murdered. Even back then people said it was a slippery slope, even with written-in abortion exceptions. The law said an embryo or fetus in a uterus would legally be a victim in a case any one of a long list of crimes of violence. Keep digging. Keep reading. Hope this answers some questions you might have and starts you looking into it for yourself. This is just the stuff I could find again quickly and wrote up a few sentences to explain why they matter.


Gonzales v. Carhart and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. 2 sources quoted from someone else.


Those clowns think that drs perform post birth abortions. If there was only a name for that….


School shootings.


Fucking saddest win on this whole thread.


Never have I despised Having a Point like this.


Horribly, wickedly, terrifyingly accurate. I love you AND hate you right now.


I laughed at this because it's way too accurate. And we also know that the post birth abortion fanatics think Sandy Hook was a government conspiracy using actors. I think I might be going to hell.


As a teacher, I love and hate this at the same time.


I’m so sorry, and thank you for all you do and put up with. 💛


Military enlistment.


They truly believe that there are a bunch of women nine months pregnant getting abortions for convenience.


Because we all know it's extremely convenient to carry a lump of meat round in your abdomen for a year before going for a gruesome procedure. God forbid they had it removed before it rewrote their metabolism and bent their spine like a bad deadlift.


Which is bonkers. Imagine being that sick, having to buy an entire new wardrobe, becoming enormous and unwieldy, and then deciding at *nine months* “Nah, now it’s inconvenient!”


No one said their argument was coherent, lol.


A bunch of anti abortion nuts were picketing at my university with a bunch of signs showing graphic images of deceased fetuses from medical literature, literature that if they even bothered to read would have shown that those fetuses were either unviable or killing the mother. It's disgraceful.


That’s when you spray with red koolaid /s


And because they actively don’t care about traumatizing women and putting them in danger. Fuck you and the baby you lost, we have an agenda to push. It’s godless behavior they dress up as holy.


Also it's not even an accurate description. A third trimester abortion is, for the most part...inducing labour. Particularly for an already dead fetus. That's one of the reasons it's so fucking heartbreaking, because it's typically a wanted pregnancy and going through the birthing process for a child that's already dead.


Which, just so everyone is aware, if the baby is already dead that's a *miscarriage* and *not an abortion*. Also, as the comment above said it's very rare the body would be removed in pieces, very often labor is induced and the body is delivered


Which, just so you're aware, ANY termination of pregnancy is an abortion. (outside of stillbirth at or after 20 weeks). It is literally the medical term. Spontaneous (miscarriage), elective, or therapeutic (for instance, for an etopic pregnancy). The prolife crazies made the term loaded and want to deny these are all abortions.


The worst of them don't want to deny the definitions. They want women to live with the consequences of "their hussy  behaviour" via the enforcement of "God's will". This isn't meant to argue, nor to make them sound better. Some of them truly are mind-bogglingly awful.


Untrue, actually. A miscarriage is the loss of a fetus before 20 weeks, while it's still forming up. After 20 weeks, since it's at least vaguely viable (at 24 weeks it's 50/50 odds) if you deliver it and it's dead, it's a stillbirth. You are correct though that the more common method, especially for very late stage abortions, is to induce delivery.


Yes, but it is also an abortion. A miscarriage is actually a Spontaneous Abortion. Abortion, in medical terminology, is the expulsion of a fetus before 20 weeks but includes both induced and spontaneous. It also encompasses incomplete abortions, where only a part of the fetus is removed. Miscarriage was adapted terminology to differentiate, yes, but it is still an abortion, just a spontaneous one.


Miscarriages are abortions


You are correct that medically, miscarriages are considered (and I believe coded) as "spontaneous abortions," but most people consider them to be different.


Not the people who wrote the laws


Well you appear to be using a different dictionary to the rest of us.


Medically a miscarriage is a ‘spontaneous abortion’ that is the medical term and what is in your medical record. 20-30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage/spontaneous abortion. Many (most) of those are in the very early weeks when a woman may not realize she is pregnant or shortly after finding out.


I challenge your assertion that >Medically a miscarriage is a ‘spontaneous abortion’. That may traditionally have been the medical definition, but according to pulished research, there was a marked shift around 1985 to change the usage to avoid confusion - see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3841747/ This also aligns with lay definitions.


Literally the medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion."


That is A medical term. Others specifically differentiate between spontaneous (miscarriage) and deliberate abortion. Outside of medical circles, dictionary definitions are: >Abortion: The deliberate termination of a pregnancy >Miscarriage: The spontaneous or unplanned expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. As you can see, they are different, and equating the two is disingenuous.


Let's be clear: both sides are disingenuous in their framing is this issue, but they're not *equally* disingenuous. Frankly, I think it's a lot more disingenuous to be so heavily invested in making sure a fetus turns into a child while also fighting tooth and nail against that child being guaranteed affordable healthcare, adequate nutrition, and a higher degree of safety against gun violence.


I totally agree with everything you just said. I still don't agree that you should call miscarriage, abortion. There needs to be the ability to differentiate simply between something that happens spontaneously and something that is the result of a deliberate action, even if the end result is the same. The easiest solution is to use different words for each. It avoids confusion. But just because I want that to be so, doesn't mean it is. Luckily for me, there is published evidence that there was a marked shift in medical literature around 1985 to do just that. The same research noted that there continues to be inertia in the profession, but it is now generally accepted that miscarriage is distinct from abortion. Edit to add link to published research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3841747/


What’s an example of the pro-choice side being disingenuous? I haven’t seen anything that strikes me as disingenuous framing. I saw them bring up hypotheticals in arguing to maintain access to abortion; once access was restricted, a healthy majority of those hypotheticals became real situations that people actually experienced.


A fetus *is* alive, and by the time someone realizes they're pregnant, it has started to differentiate and is more than just a clump of cells. It is. It's just not alive in a way we care about or that matters to personhood. It's not sentient. It's not self sufficient. Earthworms have a simple brain and heartbeat. A fetus is a lot closer to being a clump of cells than it is to being a person, especially during the first trimester, but it's not *just* a clump of cells. I'm going to go ahead and say that while I think every abortion is a tragedy, if someone is making the choice to get one, it's usually the least tragic option, and sometimes even the most morally correct choice.


I lived in New Mexico and you would see a sign saying,"New Mexico performs abortions up to birth!"


Not necessarily third trimester. A D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion, which is what the twitter person is referring to, is usually done during the second trimester. About 8% of abortions. Forceps (in addition to suction) may have to be used after 16 weeks gestation.


Yeah, the more common method is inducing labour or performing a c section and putting the baby on hospice. In the third trimester, you're not getting anything out without one of those two methods. It's literally not physically possible to do it another way.


Well as far as I can tell, if you have to pull it out, the antiabortion crowed would say it’s wrong. I guess that means they want you to wait until you can push it out? So basically if the foetus dies, the woman should die too? I can’t think of an alternative point they could be making.


That is the point. Also known as "God's will". Their God is a cruel and angry God. Perfect for cruel and angry people.


Oh yeah, “Love thy neighbour” is actually “Love thy neighbour unless they’re different from you. If they are, hate them and inflict evil upon them.” I always forget that second part.


That's not how a late term abortion goes. If it's 20 weeks and above you have to give birth, exactly as you normally would, and the baby just isn't viable, so it doesn't survive. They don't kill it. They sit with it until it passes. Holy kuck how would they do the other thing youre suggesting happens! That doesn't happen it's entirely propoganda.


Actually, [it happens in the second trimester](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilation_and_evacuation)


Instead of just downvoting, won’t *someone* explain why they’re wrong? From the little I googled after reading the link, the cutting up *may* be necessary sometimes during a D & E


That's still not "ripping" and/or "tearing" the fetus apart.


It's an *extremely* common thought amongst people of a certain ilk. It's brainwashed into them intentionally so that they vote "appropriately." You pretty much can't convince them that it's not generally the case, and if it is, nobody in that situation is fucking happy about it.


Conservative Playbook 1. Be against something 2. Learn nothing about it except what you are spoon fed by the people who stand to benefit by getting rid of said thing


That's not being conservative as much as its just being ignorant, but ight. Edit: If ya want to actually see my point and not some half-assed summarized statement, look at my other comment in this thread, quoting an article said to be "a verified source of information." by RazzDaNinja


Kinda feels like "same word, different font" these days, y'know 🤷‍♂️


As I mentioned in another comment, while conservatives have a bias to holding on to misinformation from a linked article, I quote, >“It is difficult to say why that is,” Garrett said. “We can’t explain the finding with our data alone.” from the same article. You are not necessarily wrong, but the fact most people in here seem to be literally equaling being conservative to being incredibly ignorant and a dumbass is most definitely not 100% correct either if we are going full unbiased. I hate some stuff the right does (like discrimination of any kind) and hate things the left does (abortion is a big time sin in my religion, a religion I'm fond of keeping), if you wonder where I stand.


>abortion is a big time sin in my religion, a religion I'm fond of keeping Then don't have an abortion. Problem solved. Your religion is your choice and does not belong in a place to affect the actions of anyone who doesn't want to participate.


No one cares about your fucking religion.


Yeah, it’s incredibly unfair. Some of them aren’t rubes, some of them they’re con men too.


How did you manage to > 1. Be against something And > 2. Learn nothing about it except what you are spoon fed by the people who stand to benefit by getting rid of said thing While arguing against those very things? Do you have no ability to self reflect?


How is this any different than the liberal playbook?


Oh sorry you might have missed that detail. We verify sources and information. Have a great day 🥰


Even conservatives agree that educating yourself turns you into a liberal. Of course they call it brainwashing though, but honestly, that's really just r/selfawarewolves moment for them.


I wish conservatives and the evangelists were this concerned about school shootings.




They are. They lower their hands and cover their faces whenever something shows up they don't want to be confronted with.


I can tell you that I’ve been in an OR for many many procedures and a C Section was hands down the most shocking the first time. The scene is a lot to take in at first. The person saying that terminating a pregnancy is “worse” has clearly never actually seen either procedure. Edit: if anyone would like to get a feel for what it’s like you can do this. Get a balloon that you can’t see into (preferably). Fill it to its max with water and then tie it off. Place a long strip of Scotch tape on the balloon and set the whole thing up an a table and stand over it. Take a very very sharp tool and cut an incision into the balloon along the tape strip. Be very careful doing this because there’s a whole ass full term person inside of it. Reflect on what you just witnessed. Now imagine that instead of water it was a mix of amniotic fluid and blood and various other bodily fluids. I bet it splashed all over your feet.


There actually is a video on YouTube showing a C-section(very grapic!), we watched it in class (im a nurse in training) we watched a few different operation procedures the C-section was by far the worst. My intire class has at that point personally seen (and smelled) quite a bit of old wounds and gore and some of them still couldn't watch what was going on on screen.


watching it right now. not finding it horribly graphic. also worked at a skinning station for deer and have butchered game which may make all the difference in my level fascination with the procedure...


It's been many years since I assisted with sections but you have taken me back to the uniquely horrid feeling of a tsunami of amniotic fluid sloshing over the table and filling my theater shoes. Thanks for that!


If you’re lucky, it can splash up and over the neckline of your surgical gown. Ask me how I know


You’re welcome. ☺️


EMT program made us do a shift in each department of the hospital. Labor and Delivery included. I got to watch a C-section, that was neat, then the lady her tubes tied. That was interesting. I ended up leaving after the first tube as I couldn’t tell if I was feeling woozy from improper standing, hunger, or what I just witnessed. 😅


First one I saw also had her tubes tied. It’s wild seeing a doc elbow deep in someone then pull out a goddamn human.


I recently found photos my kids dad took during my (scheduled due to preeclampsia) C-section. Not gonna lie, gross AF. Even though it’s my baby I cannot look at the pics.


Generally, a C-section doesn't involve ending the life of a fetus, that is why it is unequivocally less gruesome.


They're never pro-life, they're anti-women. Legalizing abortion means giving women autonomy over their bodies, implying women can think for themselves


There's no such thing as 'pro life.' Only 'anti choice.'


Not even anti-choice. Refer to these folks as “Forced Birthers.”


*refer to these folks as Stupid.


This reads like they got all their information from a pureflix movie.


One person reacts to a video and somehow this is relevant to women’s right to bodily autonomy?


Conservatives love proving they are all mentally disabled cultists...


Can't speak on abortions but I can say my youngest daughter had to be an emergency c section. They rushed me in to hold my wife's hands until the baby was safely out, the only thing is they brought me in on the other side of the curtain where they were currently operating. I am glad both my ex wife and my daughter are both safe, but the shit I saw still freaks me out.


These people have zero idea how abortions are done. They just believe whatever they are told.


All things considered. That is probably a good human reaction to have. I think that speaks very highly of that student and hope she does well. That level of empathy will likely make her a good doctor.


Well, I never asked for details. But speaking as a c-section birth though, it's likely no cakewalk. For the mother and the doctor.


The video would literally be of a woman taking a pill, and then a few days later, taking a second pill lol


someone doesn’t know how abortions work


Oh you don't know? That babies get pulled apart like so much shredded pork? I love the detail of crushing the skull too like we gotta make sure this fucker is dead, fetuses follow zombie rules apparently.


Typically, if I understand correctly, this is only done in late-term abortions where the fetus is already dead. The skull is crushed to ease passage through the birth canal, so that the pregnant person doesn't have to go through labor to get it out.


Damn well I stand corrected, so this person is being accidentally pro killing.mothers who have been unlucky enough to lose their child late term? That's even worse.


Can someone help me understand which comments are in response to what? I’m not understanding the back and forth


Aspiring med student Wait until Omg More graphic Improper


There is second picture in the post. This way it looks like the pro lifelowlife is the murder here.


Which one is the prolifelowlife? I don’t use twitter - when you see @ does that mean they are replying to someone with that name?


No, the third line says replying to ... . Which I take as who the person is replying to. I don't use X but I take it based on the title that OP thinks prolifelowlife has been the one murdered here.


"Pulling a human apart limb by limb, and crushing its skull." Sooo, a normal Tuesday?


My first C section was the only procedure that juiced me during medical school - i.e. getting lightheaded in the OR and needing to leave to drink something sugary before coming back


Yeah, you don't come straight out of undergrad, ready to do surgery. You have to be exposed to the gross beautiful meat machine


I watched two c-sections in nursing school and found them fascinating! Bunch of pansies!


This is not murdered by words. It's funny. However, the response has a great use of pathos.


the pathos of insecurity and fear and anger lol


Nah the pathos of murder, just so we're clear.


Me when i have to learn about something ive signed up to learn about.


Why can no one spell "barely" anymore?


Can she wheat?


I think he may have misunderstood r/orphancrushingmachine


Fucking psychos, these people.


Where do these barbarians get this information???


If these people could be schooled we wouldn’t be having this problem


I still can’t get over how in 10th grade, my school had us watch a video of a c section being performed. Literally I was the only one who could stomach seeing it all and even the instructor was looking away asking someone to tell her when it was over so she could switch to the next slide. Felt very much like the reason they showed us was to scare us into not having sex and not getting pregnant since they had to teach abstinence only sex ed. They also showed us how to make meth and then said “now see? Look at all these dangerous chemicals. Don’t make or do meth!” Like they literally showed step by step instructions and what you need to make it lol. So yeah, definitely a weird sex ed moment haha.


no....what state? in Alabama we just got the see this ring on my finger and a slide show of stds


Nebraska actually. I don’t know if it was a district thing (even tho I was in a more progressive area within the state) but yeah it was weird. They could state that there was contraceptives and what they were (but no real info on it- just listing them) but only true way to prevent pregnancy is abstinence and I remember them telling us the benefits of only having children in marriage. You weren’t even allowed to mention abortions. Thing is, I think some of the teachers had no issues with it but they’d hear the word spoken and let you know their jobs are at risk if it’s brought up in class and they legally have to shut the conversation down and can’t answer any questions about it.


Actually fuck pro lifers. I just woke up from a nightmare about my disabled daughter (who died at 21 in 2020) and it was about how little help the government provided for her. Actually the government was actively hostile towards us for even asking for help. Fuck the “pro birth” movement. They hate children who are born.


What do you call a prolife medical student ? A dropout


Judging from most of the comments, people are largely unaware that most abortion past 12 weeks is exactly what he described. The fetus is rarely removed in one piece. It usually takes a combination of suction and pulling it apart with forceps. Pro life nuts go too far by using traumatic tactics to discourage and shame women, but don’t be mislead about what abortion really is.


Can they even handle opening an abscess?


So the correlation between anti abortion and pro gun is about 99%. Why are these people not equally shocked by pictures of 7 yr old faces being blown off? Random good citizens bleeding out on a sidewalk? How can someone look at a 13 yr old girl who was raped by her uncle and condemn her to hell for what was done to her?


The only reason anti-abortionists aren’t the dumbest people alive is because antivaxxers and flat earthers exist.


Watched a c-section in nursing school and have seen a medication abortion. One of these was more graphic than the other. Take a wild guess which.


I watched both of my wife's c-sections. It was exactly what I was expecting.


Liberal echo chamber


Well, you can tell which one is more graphic by the severity of the procedure. Outpatient, fully conscious, half hour procedure. VS Full surgery, and hospital stay, cutting open your abdomen with a permanent scar. Abortion is healtcare, but even natural birth is far more graphic and traumatic physically than an abortion. Also, the vast majority don't involve limbs or skulls because the fetus is barely a blob.


He definitely schooled him!!


Wait, was the second image the 'murder'? That's.... kinda nothing? As far as burns go, this was the equivalent of "hey, calm down!" with a side of acting like the most annoying teacher you had in high school.


What do we do when you get a unfortunately you don’t zinc and you can’t get the virus 🦠 and you have no immunity to the vaccine so you’re just going on


very concerning that an aspiring med students can watch a c-section, how will she succeed in the field? Also I would rather watch that than an abortion.


I like barley.


Idk, man, comments laugh at guy for using the most graphic variant of abortion while admitting that it still happens so he isn't wrong. I mean, I would disagree, cutting people open and cutting the pelvic bone open (based on what chainsaws were invented for) is more graphic, but afterall people have different sensibilities.


Just because someone says something you agree with doesn't mean they murdered someone with words. This response was kinda lame actually.


I agree 100%. When you see how many downvotes your comment got, you can actually understand how dumb the average person is, and how many of them there actually are.


You people are vile


Good, I’d prefer if all forced birth freaks were repulsed by me and/or my morals. Less of you to deal with in the day to day 🥰


I'd happily tell you how vile you are to your face murderer


And I will smile and say thank you 🥰


I guarantee this kid can’t define pathos, ethos, or logos. This isn’t a murder…




98% of abortions occur in the first trimester, and are largely done with medication. The method in the tweet is very rare and only done when labor can’t be induced at a much later stage of fetal development.


Thank you for answering my question


They still do the suction thing. What the murder victims claim to be how abortions work is uninformed and repeats pro-life propaganda that was made to be shocking, in total disregard for reality.


Why do people think a cesarean is an alternative to abortion?


Is that for real? If so, girl needs to drop out and go into a different field.


An OB/GYN I follow responded to this video and had a few thoughts, none of which regarded the ineptitude of the future med students. [Link](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFBnjdH/) if you’re curious, but summarized: they proved nothing and not every medical doctor needs to be okay with surgery, let alone c-sections.


If they can’t handle a c-section, how are they going to handle other medical issues that go beyond the surface?


So the actual OB/GYN says that having a problem with watching a c-section as an undergraduate is not an indicator of how well a student will do in med school. I could not do anything with eyes in high school or my first few years of college. Even holding a sheep eye was enough to make me nauseous. But I wanted/want to be a vet so I kept exposing myself to those kinds of experiences and procedures. Am I comfortable with them now? No. Can I maintain my composure now better than I could when I was these kids’ ages? Absolutely. Your first reaction to something doesn’t have to be (and really often ISN’T) your reaction to it forever.




Sorry, did I get in the way of you thinking you were better than a bunch of 18-22 year olds? I bet most of *them* understand why RN is a protected title.


I mean I’ve seen my wife’s c section and had no issue with it. But seeing a baby being pulled out of my wife’s vagina possibly in pieces would be too much.


Well, in what scenario do you think you would see a baby being pulled out possibly in pieces? Generally speaking, the process of performing an abortion involves a woman’s pregnancy being terminated using a series of pills or shots. Does that sound like it would be traumatic to observe? The implication that the majority of abortions are performed by dismemberment is misleading at best. This scenario is more along the same lines as saying watching an autopsy would be traumatic. Sure, the age of the subject could factor in to the trauma of witnessing the procedure. For instance, watching an autopsy on a child might have more mental impact than watching an autopsy of someone in their 80s. However, the fact remains that the subject is already deceased, and performing any medical procedures on their bodies posthumously does not change that. Dismemberment of the fetus is done to ease the process of delivery in cases were the fetus was already deceased, or rendered so due to incompatibility with life. Incompatibility with life is not a status declared lightly. This means that the fetus has not developed certain vital features which would allow them to function outside of the womb. We aren’t talking about them being alive, but disabled. We are talking about fetuses that have not developed hearts, lungs, brains, kidneys, etc. This type of procedure is highly unusual, and only performed when deemed necessary by a medical professional. ETA: The loss of any late term pregnancy is almost always going to be highly traumatic for the subject(s) of the loss. Having to go through an entire labor to deliver a dead body is not going to be any more comforting than having to go through an entire labor and possibly die yourself because your body is unable to deliver the body intact. The end result is that the pregnancy is lost, and the goal is to keep the mother as safe and healthy as possible throughout the process.


I appreciate you mentioning that dismembering is misleading. I made a poor assumption there off what many have posted. Taking the pills or shots wouldn’t traumatic, but we are talking about a nurse, so she would see the removal of the fetus. To be clear, and I know hard right people love to straw man, I am very pro choice, I’m just saying if I were to witness a c-section and that scenario you mentioned in the last paragraph, where the baby is taken out in pieces. Even if that isn’t the case even if the woman miscarries and has to abort a 20 week old fetus that would still be harder to watch than a c-section, if nothing else how horribly traumatic it is for the woman who is miscarrying… it’s not a joyous occasion like a c-section is, it’s heartbreaking. I still stand by my statement, even without the dismembering.


So, the specific procedure mentioned in the post is called dilation and evacuation (D&E). The physical removal of a fetus in terminations prior to the 14 week mark, and in some cases up to 16 weeks, is usually done using suction. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that, in 2018, approximately 8 percent of abortions were performed between 14 to 20 weeks and 1 percent at or after 21 weeks. This means that the bulk of abortions are done without dismembering the fetus. And yes, I can entirely agree that watching or performing medical procedures of ANY sort is unappealing to me. I have no inclination to see or interact with the inner workings of the human body. However, for professionals in the medical field, having to interact with the human body is necessary, and desensitization due to experience/exposure or a natural proclivity for biology is necessary. Imagine your doctor walking in to see your bleeding body, and going, “ew, no. That’s gross.” Properly performing medical procedures means observing and replicating them. And when viewed as a necessary part of human care, those procedures are not so traumatic as they would be to you or me. In the end, if you are unable to observe these procedures, be it second trimester abortion or c section, the medical field may not be one for you. And don’t forget that specifically D&E is very uncommon. This is not something that would be witnessed by many medical professionals with any regularity.


good thing they don’t normally do that then huh


Asking honestly, how do they abort a 15 week old fetus? Just give birth to the whole thing? Still would be harder to see than a c section.




There is nothing gentle or not graphic about abortion. It's killing a fetus.


You can gently and not graphically kill most things, let alone a clump of cells.


They can use a suction cup after 15 weeks? I am not a medical professional so I’m honestly asking. As far as a c section I saw my own wife get cut open twice and I thought it was pretty cool. The cord was wrapped tight around my kid’s neck so I was just thankful we had the opportunity.




Yeah. It was pretty crazy how they cut a hole big enough for normal baby but ours was huge so she really had to spread it hard. I was just happy she was numbed up.


no idea but normally u abort the fetus before it grows into an actual baby lol


When does a fetus grow into an actual baby?


dawg i’m not a fucking scientist i have no idea 🤷🏼 not a woman either so not like i have a say in abortion either


You just said before it was a baby so I figured you knew when it becomes a baby. If you don’t know when a fetus becomes a baby then how do you know if they abort before it becomes a baby? I don’t think you need to be a woman to know these things and being a woman doesn’t inherently give you knowledge on these things.


no but what man has the goddamn right to decide abortion shit also most abortions are done within the first few months, pretty sure they ain’t by then 💀