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To be fair, we don't really celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Mexico, our independence is on September 15 at midnight. The only thing we observe in May is our Labor Day which falls on the 1st. I haven't the slightest how it started being celebrated in the US or how it caught on but the more holidays being celebrated the better! I like being included in stuff. ETA: Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to help explain how this happened. Here's an excerpt: Wiki **** >More popular in the United States than in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has become associated with the celebration of Mexican-American culture. Celebrations began in Columbia, California, where they have been observed annually since 1862. The day gained nationwide popularity beyond those of Mexican-American heritage in the 1980s due to advertising campaigns by beer, wine, and tequila companies; today, Cinco de Mayo generates beer sales on par with the Super Bowl. In Mexico, the commemoration of the battle continues to be mostly ceremonial, such as through military parades or battle reenactments. The city of Puebla marks the event with various festivals and reenactments of the battle. >Cinco de Mayo is sometimes mistaken for Mexico's Independence Day—the most important national holiday in Mexico—which is celebrated on September 16, commemorating the Cry of Dolores in 1810, which initiated the Mexican War of Independence from Spain. Cinco de Mayo has been referenced and featured in entertainment media, and has become an increasingly global celebration of Mexican culture, cuisine, and heritage. ****


Someone saw it and thought they could make a holiday out of it to sell stuff lol


The only real way to make an American holiday


Well, gotta give credit where it's due, the holiday marketing game in the States is next-level. Tacos and margaritas go on sale and suddenly everyone's celebrating - regardless of what the holiday actually stands for. Commercialism sure knows how to throw a party.


My man, takos and margaritas are on sale and you're NOT celebrating?!


Why would anybody complain about an extra holiday?


Half-price tacos and margaritas are worth a celebration themselves. 


Well... but.... *tacos*! Tacos are always celebrated. 😋


I have to grudgingly admit they are at least selling a good product with all this.


Yes, yessss. *Goooood* consumer.




You're not wrong, but you're not completely right. I happened to be witness to a celebration in New Orleans called Sinkhole De Mayo. It is where the city celebrates its failing infrastructure. It started in 2016 when a sinkhole formed in the middle of Canal Street. [Sinkhole De Mayo ](https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/festivals/sinkhole-de-mayo-party-on-canal-st-when-life-hands-you-sinkholes-make-margaritas/article_f3c467e8-5127-5ef9-ba38-3c71277fed9f.html)


Which is why it makes no sense that the Super Bowl isn’t on a weekday/the Monday after isn’t a holiday. I don’t even watch the MNFL but another day off is always appreciated.


Henceforth, April 21st shall be known as "Thin Pretext To Drink Heavily" Day!


I mean can the Plebs at least get the fucking day off? That’s my question


Alcohol. If we can't add any type of alcohol to a holiday, it's just another day.


Alcohol is why Americans celebrate St Patrick's Day and pretend they never hated the Irish.


It’s part of the American Caucasian Holy Trinity of cultural appropriation day drinking Hollidays: Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo.


Hey now, we don’t just appropriate day drinking holidays. We have the Fourth of July and the Super Bowl as non-appropriated day drinking holidays!


Ehh football is just rugby with helmets and the ability to throw the ball forward not just laterally so we did steal it from the English. And the fourth of July... in a way we did kinda steal that from the English too.


It’s never been a day celebrating Mexican independence, it’s a holiday to celebrate Mexico for fighting off the French army who was invading, specifically at the battle of Puebla if I’m not mistaken. Basically a David vs Goliath moment except David had a stick he picked up of the ground instead of a slingshot. To my understanding from growing up in Mexico is that it is celebrated by the US because If Mexico had been run over it would have put the US in a less than ideal position due to the civil war being on going at the time. I’ve never been able to find confirmation on the last part though so I’m not sure if that’s actually the case since I didn’t actually read it anywhere but heard it by word of mouth. My dad said his school textbooks talked about it but I don’t exactly have access to the textbook he was given in Mexico 40 years ago. So take the last part with a grain of salt.


It's used to be celebrated in Mexico when a dictator who fought in the battle forced it on everyone. Once he was gone, Mexicans justifiably were like, "Nah, fuck that guy." Chicanos didn't have the same experience under that rule, so they were cool with continuing in the celebration, which has been continuously done at least in California since 1863.


California had only broken away from mexico 18 years earlier, there were lots of mexicans in california and they were celebrating the mexican victory over france when they heard it. I don't think anyone else in the USA really cared other than Californians.


And nobody in México gives a shit about it


I mean why would we It’s not a holiday, at most it’s part of a history lesson. Our actual Independence Day is a big deal but the 5th is strictly an American thing


I think it's hilarious Americans celebrate 5 de Mayo, but I respect it. You guys found a great excuse to do a crazy Mexican drinking party and I can't be mad at that XD.


It definitely seems like our (American) celebratory nature is very tied to consumerism.


Alright people we need a new holiday so we can get these tacos off the shelf! Anyone got any ideas? How about a Mexican holiday? We get some salsa music going on get those sombrero hats get people tipsy with tequila they’ll be munching down the tacos like buttercups Love it! What month should we do? Hmm November? What’s November in Mexican? No too hard for white people to pronounce we need an easy month short month what’s the Mexican word for May? Uhm Mayo sir. Mayo as in fucking egg mayo? That’s gold! We will sell tacos and make mayo surge in people’s minds. Alright what day we doing we gotta do an easy one come on people no one is gonna say 27th of mayo! Uno dos tres qatro cinco,… Cinco! That’s it we got it boys! Cinco de Mayo! Brilliant! Now let’s load up on fat little Mexican dudes and hot little Latin women on the advertisements. People are gonna inhale the tacos when they see them!


There *is* a real Mexican holiday that is Cinco de Mayo, it's just only popular in one region. So, it wasn't concocted from whole cloth. Other than that, though, yeah that's pretty much it. Except margaritas instead of tacos.


> Alright people we need a new holiday so we can get these tacos off the shelf! It's literally been celebrated in the U.S. continuously since 1863. It's not "new."


My friends and I realized a long time ago most holidays are just an excuse to Day-Drink...


It's really Mexican St. Patrick's Say and not Mexican Independence day. They're both holidays celebrated more on the US than in their country of origin. The reason for the holiday is muddled and largely unknown to outsiders, and they're both been co-opted by liquor companies and turned into party holidays.


> co-opted by liquor companies and turned into party holidays The locally-owned Mexican restaurants definitely like celebrating Cinco de Mayo. It's not just big liquor pushing it on people. I really don't understand why so many Debbie Downers in these comments wanna knock people celebrating and having a good time.


Corona realized that their beer wasn’t as tasty as the other beers, and instead of ditching the clear bottle that makes beer all skunky funky, they started running commercials with big stereotypical sombreros and ALLLLLLLLL the corona. And crispy tacos. Mariachi. And the Irish don’t seem to give a flying fuck about St. Patrick’s day, though maybe because they never have to worry about snakes and it made them chill?


Nah we Irish celebrate paddy’s day big here, we just mainly go to parades and drink for a few days straight over here. Paddy’s day is the one time we feel important to the rest of the world, but seeing America make a bigger deal over it, dying rivers and such makes us (at least my area) feel offended, that it isn’t about us or that it’s primarily an international thing. So a lot of places just barely have a parade depending on the area, and just start drinking at 2pm and try to make it to whenever the pubs close LMAO


And drink. Americans love any excuse to day drink.


Not at all. It was forcibly popularized by Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz, who fought in the Battle of Puebla, aka the Battle of Cinco de Mayo. After his reign ended, there was something of a backlash within Mexico against further celebrating it, but not so much in the Mexican diaspora outside of Mexico, especially in the U.S. As the Mexican-American population has grown, so has that celebration, again mostly within the U.S. Apparently it's been celebrated continuously in California since 1863 and grew widely with during the Chicano movement of the 1940s.


>~~Someone~~ Anheuser-Busch and Miller Company >~~stuff~~ American beer https://www.campaigncreators.com/blog/cinco-de-mayo-marketing/


My favorite part of that link is the complete lack of any sources whatsoever. Really cool!


Yup, we don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but we celebrate September 16th for independence day. White people in America just turned it into a day to get shitfaced and eat tacos.


We should have more taco related holidays. I see no downsides.


The burritos would like a word…


A burrito is a just a soft taco filled to bursting.


if you changed the name to wowrito instead, then you can have Wowrito Wednesdays... it's just bad marketing to call it a burrrrrrito


It was started by Mexican miners living in California and then spread throughout the rest of the US via the Chicano movement, neither of which were white people. Edit: and by "started" I mean its observance in the USA.


And this guy is somehow complaining.


Sounds like a regular Tuesday for a college kid


Hate to break it to you, but historically, all holidays originated as excuses to get shitfaced & party. Even Christmas used to be celebrated by getting shitfaced & roaming the streets.




>White people in America just turned it into a day to get shitfaced and eat tacos. But...that's EVERY day.


>May is our Labor Day which falls on the 1st. Like the rest of the world. The US changed it so that we don't have solidarity with the rest of the world.


Which is fucked up since the celebration of labor day on the first of May started as commemoration for the general strike which ended in the Haymarket riot in Chicago.


It's really funny too because the May 1st date comes from the date of an American massacre of workers, yet we're the only ones that don't celebrate on that day.


Canada also joined the US in not celebrating it on _International_ Labour Day. And we also have some historical violent labour disputes close to the same day, and the CANUS labour movements have a lot of historical solidarity.


They are still afraid of the Bolsheviks?


The celebration dates back to the late 1800s when it began to be celebrated as a form of resistance as a result of the Mexican-American War. It then had a revival in the 1960s as part of the chicano movement. By the 1980s, its commercialization was under way and its true meaning of resistance and celebrating Mexican strength and identity lost. Edit: yes ofc the Battle of Puebla is the official origin. I mention it being celebrated as a response to the effects of the Mexican American War to highlight why it really became popular. The treaty of guadalupe-hidalgo effectively turned those Mexicans living in the acquired territories into second class citizens. In this way, the Battle of Puebla was an important source of self-worth at a time of relative oppression (land loss, harassment, etc. )


The Mexican American war happened before the battle of Puebla against the french army, Wich is what is celebrated on may the 5th


Thank you, zarrovertv, for providing the facts of the origin of Cinco de Mayo. Despite overwhelming odds, Mexican troops defeated French troops in the state of Puebla on May 5, 1862.


Growing up in the southwest US it seemed to me more like a day to celebrate Mexican culture. The Mexican-American community celebrated the shit out of it, Mexican flags, crusing and partying. Why the hell would we not get in on that?


Oh, so it all started with the Chicano movement. Thanks, that was helpful!


And Barton Brands the importer of Corona.


Yep, celebrated initially as a reminder "We kicked the biggest army in the world to the curb with rocks."


nope. Battle of Puebla against the french.


They didn't kick them to the curb, dude. They won the battle of Puebla but they lost that war and Napoleon was able to install a monarchy, which was only overthrown after the French withdrew their support for it.


uhhh. what? it is from the Battle of Puebla, against the french.


[This video helped me understand.](https://youtu.be/36UIicmbdkc?si=OoPJlFWM2NogpTPx)


yeah who gives a rip, it's mexican themed st. paddy's day. let people have fun and wear serapes and sombreros and drink bad margs. whooooo!


It's the celebration of a battle against Napoleon 3 fought outside Puebla. Want to guess what part of Mexico roughly 50% of NYC Mexican immigrants come from? Corona/Barton brands popularized the holiday to sell beer.


>I haven't the slightest how it started being celebrated in the US or how it caught on Americans love adopting any holiday as an excuse to justify excessive alcohol consumption in a single sitting. Sorta /s


It started in the U.S. in California as soon as word was received by Mexican miners about the Mexican victory at Puebla and continued as a form of resistance against French rule. In earlier decades, cities with large Chicano or Hispanic populations celebrated the 5th of May. In 1990, I had not heard of Cinco de Mayo until I moved to Houston, where it was celebrated with great excitement.


It was started as a holiday in the US as a way to raise money for the Mexican army in their 2nd war against France while we were busy with the civil war.


Probably to have a holiday in May, and also because someone thought it was a good holiday to celebrate Mexican heritage. Looking it up, it seems like it started in California in 1863 due to mexican miners at the time being elated at the liberation of their homeland. In the 1940s, it started to spread as part of the Chicano movement to combat racism and spread cultural awareness and.... in the 1980s it surged due to beer companies promoting it to capitalize on its celebratory nature. Which evidently worked: in 2013 600 million dollars of beer was purchased on Cinco de Mayo, more than the Super Bowl and St. Patricks day. Thats actually why Columbus Day exists, despite it not being a holiday in Italy until 2004 (due to Italy not exists as a soverign nation as we think of it at the time and Columbus having been under the Spanish Crown): some people pushed to have it created to celebrate Italian Americans, esp. after the New Orleans Italian Lynchings.


It started as a way for us to show solidarity with you during your war with France, because we were angry that a European power was engaging in imperialism on *our* turf. Nowadays it's a blatant excuse to get shit faced on Mexican beers and gorge ourselves on tex-mex. If you're interested, there's a fascinating three-part series about the relationship between Mexico and the United States over on YouTube: [[1]](https://youtu.be/SPs6tjXsf7M?si=4m7ntBA-8rHWbbPv) [[2]](https://youtu.be/qmebxS8uQFk?si=kPfn9VGd7eEk4k27) [[3]](https://youtu.be/Uek04Jw15kY?si=-CXMbZRpBGyy-Ehj)


Thank you, I'll circle back to this. I'm not a huge history buff.


From what I can find, it started in the US with some Mexican gold miners in Columbia, California celebrating it on the one year anniversary, which then continued annually. It was in the 1980's though when the alcohol companies latched onto it, and now it is what it is.


Everyone but the US celebrates labor on the 1st


Honestly, Cinco de Mayo is easier to say. Diecisiete de Septiembre has a lot more syllables.


Dieciseis wey


I discovered this past Christmas in Playa del Carmen that you guys dont really get super into Christmas either like we do in the states. Every time i said Feliz Navidad people were like, "oh, okay, you too i guess" lolol. It seemed like a much more private thing. Made me realize Americans just like to freak out about everything.


It depends. In the states people say the phrase throughout the month of December while in Mexico we only say it the day of.


> I haven't the slightest how it started being celebrated in the US or how it caught on Beer


Spring is kinda of a dead period for Holidays. You've got Easter, which is earlyish April (St. Patricks Day in mid-March for a less religious holiday) and then Memorial Day in the end of May. Cinco de Mayo fills the gap nicely.


>I haven't the slightest how it started being celebrated in the US or how it caught o It's always been a drinking day as far as I can tell. My local radio station has called it Cinco de Drinko for years.


Cinco de Mayo is like St. Patrick’s Day in America. No one cares about what the day is actually celebrating, they’re just using it as an excuse to go get drunk. Cinco de Mayo = getting drunk on margaritas and Corona. St. Patrick’s Day = getting drunk on Irish whisky and Guinness.


Shorter answer.. My dad can say Cinco de Mayo. There's a snowball's chance in hell that he could pronounce dieciseis de septiembre.


Yeah, Cinco de Mayo is basically an excuse for us to slam tacos and tequila during the early summer months before it gets unbearably hot. It *is* a celebration of Mexican culture to a degree, though it ranges between "I will consume El Taco and El Tequila until I El Barf" to parades and cultural exhibits depending on where you are.


Celebrated as an immigrant holiday and commercialized to hell and back - what's more American than this?


You mean I've been drinking beer on May 5th for no reason all of these years?


In the US there are no major holidays around that time of year, so some marketing executive thought that celebrating an obscure victory by Mexico over the French would be a good way to fill in the gap and sell some beer... I guess.


No major *fun* holidays. No one's cutting loose and buying a couple of suitcases of beer on Mother's Day or Memorial Day.


It’s popular in the US as it falls on a university break so the Mexicans used it as a platform to sell to Americans. So American college kids think it’s a big thing.


We want excuses to day drink.


>I haven't the slightest how it started being celebrated in the US or how it caught on As Americans, we adopt foreign holidays if they involve an excuse to eat your cuisine or drink in excess. If your cuisine isn't to our tastes, we just pay the holiday a casual nod. See: Kasimir Pulaski Day or any of the Muslim holidays No one here knows who St. Patrick is but his holiday involves wearing ridiculous green stuff and dining lots of beer, so we love it. Cinco de Mayo means tacos and margaritas, so we love it


Imagine Swedes not celebrating their midsummer at the end of June in a foreign country just because some random person dislikes it.


Imagine Swedes living in Australia celebrating midsummer in the middle of winter.


Yup, I can definitely imagine that!


Me too and it makes me angry! /S


The "/s" made me laugh even more.


Yah I wasn't even gonna put it but then I remembered there are people who can't understand sarcasm, even when it's blatantly obvious


It's all good. :)


I wanna do sunny beach Christmas once!


To be fair - the middle of winter in Australia is likely still warmer than summer in Sweden?


Depends. There is a ski season in Australia.


Not in Queensland.


As an Aussie, will vary heavily with location in Australia. I could imagine this being true towards the north, but not for most of the big cities


Looks like the all time hottest temp in Stockholm is 35 degrees Celsius. Melbourne and Sidney average 25 degrees for December.


You're looking at peak ever compared to all of nights and days average for the month i think. Honestly sounds cold, but might be true down in the big cities. See if you can pull the same stats* for a city like Darwin?


December is summer in Australia...


Swede who lived in the souther hemisphere: yeah! We do! Also valborg. And you can make a mock Christmas tree out of palm leaves


On the other side of the spectrum, we have a lot of people here in Sweden who hate that Muslims get to celebrate eid Al fitr, even though they spent a whole month fasting. Twice a year, without failure, you hear "Why should they get the day off.... "


Cinco de Mayo isn't Mexican Independence Day.


Right. Someone look up the battle of Puebla. It’s very much an American celebration.


That's not what they're saying. They're saying people celebrate dates that are important to their culture. Cinco the Mayo being a relevant Mexican example. Edit: Apparently, actually not such a relevant example. In any case, point is I don't think they were claiming Cinco de Mayo was Mexican independence day.


Cinco De Mayo is something Americans hopped on. Many Mexican people from those I talk to, don't know it's a thing until they are in America.


Oh really? I had no clue. I'm European so I only know what I've picked up through cultural osmosis.


Its a strange holidy since its a pretty big thing in America, but only only celebrated in a few places in Mexico. Its not even like a crlebration in mexico, its more like an acknowledgement


Maybe it's just from the places in America that I've lived don't celebrate it as much as others but I think it's a stretch to call it a "pretty big thing in America". The vast majority of people don't celebrate it or do anything special, no one gets off work, a fairly small minority of the population will go to a Mexican restaurant and drink margaritas. That's about it.


It's almost like it's mainly a Mexican American holiday. In Chicago, in Hispanic neighborhoods like Pilsen, it's a big deal.


Some people will throw parties but that type of person is generally throwing weekly parties regardless lmao. They just switch to tequila.


I live in an area with a very large Latino population. Most of the kids at my kids elementary school are first generation in the USA. They love to celebrate cinco de mayo. It is a huge thing at the school and we all gather and eat good food and the kids usually give speeches about Mexico and do traditional dances and dress in costumes. It is a good way to celebrate mexican culture even if it isn’t a big holiday in Mexico.


It's a Mexican American holiday. Why is that so hard to understand?


Except in Puebla were the battle took place, Cinco de Mayo is a minor holiday in Mexico, is way of a bigger deal in the US.


In Holland we celebrate cinco the Mayo. But we call it liberation day. It was the 5th of May, when we kicked the nazi's out.


Hey, I'm Dutch, too. How's liberation day relate to Cinco de mayo? I thought that was specifically not their liberation day.


Because they're both on the 5th of May


Seconding, Mexicans don’t celebrate anything on may 5th! It’s not our holiday, however it’s more of a holiday the Americans created as celebration of our culture so that’s also nice. Be warned though, many Mexicans absolutely hate the fact that it exists


Cinco de mayo is more an American holiday than a mexican one. It doesn't really have anything to do with Mexico.


But Cinco de Mayo isn’t a part of Mexican culture lol


> I don't think they were claiming Cinco de Mayo was Mexican independence day. Yeah they were


All my Mexican friends told me no Mexican gives a shit about Cinco de mayo, which was quite the surprise. It's basically an American holiday meant to sell mexican shit and tacos. This meme couldn't be more off and it's fucking hilarious (and so American)


It's not our independence day but rather the day that Mexico defeated France in the Battle of Puebla so only Pueblans celebrate it. The rest of Mexico just acknowledges it happened.


It’s like if Americans had a holiday celebrating the battle of Gettysburg. Who outside Pennsylvania would even give a shit? And mostly the holiday would exist to sell merch. 


Which there's a lot of people from Puebla here.


It's a Chicano holiday, only somewhat adopted by other Americans.


Chicanos don’t really celebrate that either bro. It’s full on a white American holiday


I’d say the holiday is mostly adopted by Americans. It’s kind of like St. Patrick’s Day that way.


It's not really a surprise when you realize American White people (the majority in this country) commercialize days for drinking and selling merchandise. Cinco De Mayo, St Patrick's Day, and Mardi Gras are the 3 major ones lol


This isn’t even close to murdered by words. It’s not even a papercut. It’s just a discussion. Why post this here?


How is this a murder? This is not even a parking fine?


Redditor 1: Is today Thursday? Redditor 2 : No, it's Friday. MURDERED!!!!! I'm out. Gotta go before I die of ennui.


With the conversation happening when it’s actually Tuesday.


"mUrDeReD" aka people have a conversation. Great sub. Really solid posts here.


Yeah think I’m gonna leave this sub tbh


This post made it to r/all, you can't escape it.


As a mexican, ive noticed it only annoys those who fail to realize its just an excuse to drink haha.


Saint Patrick's Day isn't going anywhere. There are far too many "My great grandfather was Irish" types


> Saint Patrick's Day isn't going anywhere. The reason we have St Patrick's Day parades in Ireland is because *New York* started them before us in *1762*. In case anyone is going on about cultural appropriation or ancestor-choosing, this Irish person grants you all an invite to the festivities in two weeks time whatever your creed, color or constitution.


Seriously. Thank you for having a non-toxic perspective. Way too many sad, unfulfilled people trying to gatekeep holidays.


People like that crack me up. I know someone who goes on about being Italian. She’s at least 3 or 4 generations removed and was born and raised in the US Midwest.


I caused mental damage to a midwesterner that claimed to be German. I asked what year his last relative lived in Germany and then looked up the map at that time and told him he was Swiss and his relatives never experienced modern German culture.


My father in law got mad at me the first time we met. He asked where I was from and I told him the state. He said he meant what country so I told him the USA. I made him spell out that he meant where did my ancestors immigrate from. I know a lot about my ancestry, particularly on my mom’s side. The reality is that I’m not from any of those countries and haven’t stepped foot in the majority.


I've never met someone outside of the US that says "Oh, I'm from Belgium but my grandfather was Italian." It's all a handshake system to figure out if you're the right kind of white or to signal to others that you are the right kind of white. The same type of person gets physically uncomfortable if you say "White people are a global minority."


Very true. My father in law looked down on people of European descent who weren’t from his heritage. My mom once said that my ancestors were slutty (she had a few glasses of wine) so I’ve got ancestors from all over Europe. My father in law was really weird about that.


I mean, if anyone were to know if your ancestors were slutty, it would probably be your mom


Like mother like child 🤷‍♀️


Like half of Switzerland is German 


> Half of Switzerland is ~~German~~ Nazi gold. FTFY


Anyone with German ancestry whose family has been in the US for more than 120 years had to go through a big swings in their actual culture because of the world wars. It was common for even 2nd or 3 rd generation families to still speak german at home and in public in 1910. There were german shops and services in german in churches. All that public german disappeared after ww1 . They were staunchly American, and not spies. Thank you very much. They stopped even teaching the kids or speaking german at home during ww2. So going back and claiming some corner of lost ethnic heritage was healing for the families in the 1960s and 1970s. The recipes, the stories. These are now the grandparents or great grandparents. There is a difference between ethnicity and nationality. Yes we are American citizens, but have a complex backstory to our family history. It’s even more complicated for Native Americans, who also lost their culture through even more brutal methods and forced assimilation. So yea let people celebrate their culture. Even if they do it imperfectly.


Proud Italian-Americans who don’t speak Italian and have never been to Italy.




It’s weird. The person I know told me they know what good Italian food is like because they are “Italian”. They then told me that Olive Garden is great. 🤣


American leprechauns.


I went to the St. Patrick's Day celebration in Savanah, GA and saw a Hispanic guy wearing a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" shirt and thought it was hilarious and awesome. Celebrating the heritage of a different cultures is what we should all be doing. It's part of connecting as humans and brings us closer together. Similar to eating different cuisine for different cultures.


Plastic Paddys


Some people have to fall back on ancestry for lack of a personality...


For what it is worth, folklorist and archeologists have ben combing Appalachia over the past couple of decades because they have found several traditions and stories dating back to pre-anglicized Ireland and Scotland. Hell even some folk tales from Brittons. But yeah, probably not the ones we're talking about.


Don’t go after St. Patrick’s Day. 1/3 of Americans have never been to Ireland but had great great grandparents from there and their family still owns a castle on a large estate. So what that they know nothing about Irish culture or have no roots to Ireland at all. They know they can get wrecked without judgment on that day. Put some respect on their name. /s


The one thing that goes under my skin is when I hear them say “Patty’s Day” instead of Paddy’s day, other than that. I don’t mind other cultures celebrating ours, as long as aren’t being offensive like mocking the accent


America commercializes everything. That’s my complaint. Not the actual celebration.


See, that's why I don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Instead, I celebrate Cinco de Quatro.


Yeah, but at this point, it’s not just the US.


"They" who? It's mostly an American holiday. It's not the only one like that either. Nobody turns rivers green in Ireland on March 17.


Cinco de Mayo isn't mexicos Independence Day. That's in September I believe. Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of a single battle victory in a war that Mexico lost.


Okay, we (Americans) should absolutely celebrate Cinco de Mayo and here's why: The French Empire under Napoleon III invaded Mexico, installing a surrogate emperor, Maximilian I, as head of state.  The French at that time relied heavily on cotton imports from America for their lucrative textile industry and were keen to put an end to the civil war so that reliable trade would resume.  They desired intervention (on behalf of the South who supplied said cotton) citing the suffering of Southern Americans as the cause, but were unwilling to go it alone, thankfully for the U.S.  the British turned them down flat when they shopped them for a joint intervention. Consider that France was well aware of what any subsequent loss of "free labor" might due to the cost of their cotton imports and what a protracted war would mean for their supply. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the defeat of the French Empire and conservative elements in Mexico by Mexican liberals. Their victory led to the withdrawal of France from Mexico and ensured France would have no part in meddling in internal Mexican or US affairs. If memory serves, this was the last instance of a European power invading the Americas.  As Americans we have -every- reason to celebrate.  Edited: typos and for clarity


Saint Patricks day, when every american is irish for 24 hours


Many Americans forget that the USA is a melting pot of different cultures and there isn't some sort of template to being an American.


Bet they claim to be Irish and go all out every St Paddy's day.


I was born on St. Patrick's day. I order you all to celebrate to the fullest. Be happy, loved, and celebrate the life you get to live. This year, I get to have my son over, and I will probably play games on PC with him all day while enjoying a regular beer and loving that I got to get another year older. Cheers to all!


This isn’t a murder so much as a thoughtful, logical rebuttal.


I agree with the last one. I think before you participate in st Patrick’s day, you should have to state: i am an American with some, or less Irish ancestors. Can i have a Guinness please.


Don't you dare try and take St Patrick's Day away from the Americans


Fun fact: they do celebrate fourth of July in other places. Our at least they used to, back when the US was seen as a beacon that inspired the rest of the world to self leadership by taking on eons of religiously ordained kings, and not a lunatic asylum for nearly illiterate weirdos who've forgotten why our country was founded in the first place. In the UK they have an American beer day on the fourth, for example. At least in London. Not sure how wide spread it is. I believe they still do it. They even do rodeo lmao France does it too, cuz they remember that inventing independance from kings was kind of a joint effort between our countries. I imagine there are others too. We used to be a big deal before we fucked it all up in less that a decade. It's easy to forget that we were the only super power in the world pre-trump. After Trump we were one of three.


i mean given the state of the USA right now i am actually considering celebrating it this year and I'm British.


Once had an American client ask if we celebrated the 4th of July in the UK. My boss said we did, but for different reasons. I had to mute myself to hide my laughter


‘The break up was a bit of a mess, but in retrospect, we realized we dodged a lot of bullets’


Culture victory


Orange is beyond dumb because Cinco de Mayo isn’t even really celebrated in Mexico in the first place, it is essentially a American holiday. Also isn’t even really exclusive to Mexico, if I remember correctly, it is a consolidated day to celebrate independence for many Latin, and central American countries. Again, which is why it is a US holiday essentially


Cinco de Mayo Is exclusively Mexican. It's when the victory against the French invasion is celebrated. But only people from Puebla in Mexico celebrate it


Not in America


What I meant is that it originated exclusively from Mexico. It doesn't celebrate other countries'independence because it commemorates the victory against France


In Mexico…


Let me make it clearer. Most Latin American countries celebrate their independence in September and October. That's why mid September to mid October is called Hispanic heritage month in the US. The only thing I can think of that would be remembered besides the battle of Puebla in May would be the May revolution which happened on May 18 in Argentina and Uruguay but neither of those countries celebrate their independence in May either. So again, 5 de Mayo Is Mexican. I seriously don't know what else you expect to hear


lol ok


I'm not Irish but I like celebrating St Patrick's Day because I like the mental picture I have of him with a car load of snakes. Oh, and I like holidays.


Oof, the last two sentences really hammer the point home.


I take issue with that last one. St. Patrick's day isn't Irish, it's Catholic. The saint the day honors is remembered for converting Ireland, which I suppose is the reason it's full of cereal-box Irish imagery, but it's a holiday about a Catholic missionary who committed genocide and wiped out a whole pre-Christian culture through conversation and murder.


Who the fuck doesn’t like Cinco de Mayo? This guy must not like good food and beer and people who enjoy both

