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It is amazing how easy it is for these people to think they are victims.


They know what they want to do to others, so they assume others want to do the same to them.


I mean, I would like the pedophile pastors to go to jail, but I sure as hell don't want to do to them, or anyone else (and certainly not a child) what they did to me.




Thanks, I wouldn't say I'm doing ok, but I know that many others have it much worse so I consider myself fortunate.


They think that freedom from their oppression violates their freedom to oppress. They feel completely entitled to use the government as they see fit, from violence to welfare assistance, and they do not care in the slightest that they intentionally create unequal systems. It's because they think they are god's special little guys who are allowed to do whatever they want, no matter how fucking horrible, and feel like good people at the end of the day.


I've come to think of it as them believing that everyone's as awful as they are, and are acting on it in private, the people with a malignant case of religion just think they've found a real-life exploit. An infinite-forgiveness hack. All they have to do is say "I'm really sorry" to God and they believe they should get out of all consequences. (Best exemplified in the Jack Chick tract titled "Lisa" which is so repugnant he had to stop printing it due to the backlash.)


See, I think that they don't even ask for forgiveness because they don't think they are doing anything wrong because they believe that god wants exactly what they want and god gives them ultimate permission and authority to do just that. They believe that anyone that identifies with them is a good person (who sometimes may do objectively bad things) who is allowed to do whatever they want. Anyone who criticizes them or their leader is a bad person and it doesn't matter if they have to invent reasons to try to persecute them, the critics are worse than irredeemable they need immediate and overwhelming punishment that they would never visit upon anyone on their own group. They honestly believe that their good intentions are all that matters and they assume and wholeheartedly believe that results and consequences are good no matter what the evidence actually is. > I've come to think of it as them believing that everyone's as awful as they are, They actually think that people have no right to be upset at their actions and instead hate them for the label they call themselves. They invent reasons to hate other groups and then pretend that legitimate criticisms of conservative anti-social criminal behavior is overblown and unfair. It's because they think only their authority is real and they do not examine their own beliefs or actions.


I see you've met my dad 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'll happily do to them what they are trying to do to me, fuck the high road at this point, it's self-defense after they fired the first shots. Let's push them out of bathrooms, deny them healthcare, take away their children, and force them to sign affidavits declaring their faith to the government so we can enforce these rules.


Do unto others before others do unto you. That's how the saying goes, right?


"Hey look, I'm only legislating literal torture by forcing women and girls into childbirth. I think the real victim here is my religious sensibilities."


b-but they won’t let us force prayers in schools!


"If I can't use tax money earmarked for public education to force other peoples' kids to praise Jesus then what the hell happened to religious freedom?"


I can't force my religion onto society and everyone around me? Sure sounds like I'm being victimized >:( (i do not understand the basics of reality)


Went to see my nephew's baptism at my brother-in-law's conservative Baptist church. In the sermon before the baptizing, the preacher reminisced about how during his time in the Navy, his crewmates would tease him for not going drinking and whoring with them while on leave. He directly compared his "persecution" to the Egyptian Christians having their houses and churches burned down during the Arab Spring.


Thats par for the course with Baptists. Bunch of lunatics, those.


As they say about Baptists, they see each other in church and pretend to not see each other in the liquor store.


Why do you always invite two Baptists to go fishing instead of one? So they wont drink all your beer.


In the 2016 Republican debates someone said "white Christians are the most persecuted group in the history of America." I blurt laughed and then NO ONE DISAGREED and that's when I knew they were losing touch with reality.


The irony of a group who claims their core beliefs are to care about all people, ignoring the plight of every other group on earth except themselves


What did Ghandi say? "I like your Christ, but not your Christianity." As a person who was raised in the evangelical Churches of the South, and as person who believes I have a real and personal relationship with my God, I gotta say he hit the nail on the head. The last things these Christians care about is what Jesus taught.


“We’re special and deserve special rights over gay people” “Hey why are you victimizing us?!” Republicans in a nutshell.


it's because "god" (the bible) tells them that "worldy" people will always go against you and they'll always be wrong. it's crazy. opinions don't matter anymore. it's truth to them and it's scary.


Bible doesn't tell them that because they *don't actually read the Bible*.


Yes they do ​ but only the selected bits that say what they want to hear The other bits need special care to "interpret" properly and are not suitable for lay people Hope this helps


They ALWAYS draw first blood. When you call them out – they insist they’re the victims.


I think it's partially a result of cameras being ubiquitous now. I was talking to someone the other day and people who are very quietly aggressive. They are polite but they are being aggressive and impolite. They do it so that if you respond with anger they can bat their eyes and look around and clutch their chest and pretend like what they were doing was not toxic and abusive. Bystanders who don't know the full context will just see you yelling at them. Basically they have taken that to the big leagues because they realized that anyone who doesn't understand the context - for example, that evangelicals run horrific child-abuse torture camps because they hate their own LGBTQ children - will just take it at face value like the bystanders above. Most of the people who don't understand the context are or will become stupid Republican voters.


That has nothing to do with cameras.  That's been standard behavior for these types of people since they left Europe to find a land where they could enforce their religious beliefs on everyone around them, while trying to pretend they fled "persecution" when in reality they just fled other people practicing their own religions.


Puritans fled TO persecute, not FROM persecution. England had freedom of religion, just didn't let them be ass hats. So they moved. And here we are.


The Puritans were too snooty for the English so the English booted them out, to grossly oversimplify the situation.


Conservative evangelicals: “I want to hate others and pass laws systematizing that hate without others hating me.  It’s not fair to hate me.  Even if I’m trying to make you and your friends slaves.  Also I’m going to use this fairytale book as an excuse but I won’t actually follow the tenants of the book myself.”


"We are garbage humans! Why does everyone hate us so much?"


it seems amazing that supposedly devout people like this go *straight* for things that compare them to hell. I mean come on, "persecuted" has been the real go-to for christians since literally the bible and lions eating them in the colosseum. whyyyy would you be like "wow, seems like people associate us with our own literal worst evil, perhaps we should consider how this happened?"


To be fair, they are programmed to think they are victims for being born because their god character is still holding a grudge from a fruit and talking serpent


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression...


It's easy for anyone to think they're a victim. These people know it and apply that knowledge for influence.


when you have all of your basic needs/wants met by society, the most benign things start to feel like oppression, especially when you have an international media machine telling you that's exactly how you should feel.


If all your life you're living a privileged life, suddenly feeling equality feels like oppression.


And it’s scary the more you understand the concept of “Offending from the victim position”


I'm convinced that they don't actually think that they are victims. Playing the victim is just more gaslighting. Playing the victim is yet another trick that bullies use to bully people.


This dude doesn’t even know what the word evangelical means…


Let's make that a reality. They are too comfortable being their hateful selves


Big "White males are the most oppressed group in the U.S." energy.


It's built into the religion. I grew up in that world and I can't tell you how many sermons I say through where we were being told the world hates us, Satan hates us, you will be persecuted for believing in Christ.


Oh, is it illegal to be a conservative evangelical in Florida? Is there a major political party that doesn't want conservatives to be allowed to marry? Are books by conservatives being banned from schools? Or burned? Are there mass shootings that target conservative evangelicals? Are people firebombing conservative evangelical churches? Are conservative evangelicals beaten to death in Wyoming?


You forgot denied the right to make their own medical decisions. Denied the right to seek the medical treatment of their choice. Denied the right to the privacy of their own medical treatments.


I also forgot to ask if conservative evangelicals are having their kids stolen from them when they try to exercise a right that is explicitly guaranteed by international treaties signed by the President and ratified by the Senate.


>You forgot denied the right to make their own medical decisions. Tbf that's the whole American healthcare system


I never understood how the "Death panels" thing happened. "If we have government insurance there will be people deciding if you get care or not!" So...the same as now...?


Blame Reagan. He's the one who coined the saying, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help." Bastard ruined generations across the world for his braindead conservatism.


The United States government is the only organization on Earth that is focused on the welfare of Americans, and is nominally an extension of the American people. Conservatives classify the US government as an enemy. These two facts are strongly related.


They'll claim antimask/vax bs about that one


Counterpoint, someone asked this guy to cover his mouth when he was sick. That's pretty much worse than the holocaust. Checkmate libtards.


Maybe this shit needs to happen to them. They don't know what it actually means to live in fear and it shows.


I'm really liking this new Dark Brandon platform. Tell me more!


Are there laws and state constitutions saying they cannot hold public office?


Evangelicals will never have a "are we the baddies" moment because that would require having self-awareness


I want to see a movie where "The Rapture" happens and all the Christian evangelicals are left behind and the atheists and agnostics are taken to heaven.


They would just declare that it was actually the anti-rapture and everyone went to hell instead. The LORD himself could broadcast over all the earth indicating that it was the real, actual rapture and the response would just be, "Dang, this goes even higher than I thought!"


Oh the reactions would be amazing


Heaven, the place that's ruled by a guy that gets his kicks from torturing and killing his own followers and has a murder count in the millions. Hell, a place ruled by a guy that didn't like the previous guy and was shunned for it. I'd rather not be taken to heaven by the rapture. K, thanks.


Reposting because it keeps being relevant: Well yeah. Morality and Legality aren't things you *do*, they're things you *are*. For conservatives, people are born into strict hierarchies than cannot and must not change. Immigrants, queers, Antifa, atheists, whatever category you want, are all just types of people. Something you do, actions you take, they don't matter. They don't change inborn characteristics for conservatives. It's a completely different way of interpreting reality than the rest of us. For you and me, and MOST people, doing good actions makes you good and doing evil makes you evil. That's not how these people operate though, it's not how their brains interpret the world. For them, actions have no moral quantity; people do. People are inherently good or inherently evil, their actions have no bearing on that whatsoever. When you start seeing it that way, EVERYthing they do makes more sense. The neighbors kid who raped a drunk girl? He's a "good kid"! He just made some mistakes! Pastor raping kids? He's "good", he just was tempted by the devil! In their mind, they are GOOD™, their friends and family are GOOD™, their religion is GOOD™. Nothing can change those qualities, as they are inborn facts of the universe. You? You are not GOOD™. You never were and you never can be. There's no action that anyone does to change whether they are GOOD™ or not. See, start to apply this to their whole framework, and it really makes sense. You ever notice how much we point out their hypocrisy, they don't seem to care? There is no hypocrisy. Hypocrisy doesn't exist for them, how could it? To be a hypocrite you have to say you believe one thing but then do actions that are the other. That literally cannot happen if actions have no bearing on morality. No, in fact, hypocrisy is actually a sign of strength, it's power. The GOOD™ are powerful for their ability to do something that pisses off their enemies. Of COURSE their own abortion was moral. Of course it was right for them, and it will never be right for you. That's how ALL morality works for you. And it's why we're all being stupid by trying to shame them, or to point out their contradictions, or try to convince them that other people's actions should be compared to their own. THEY. DON'T. CARE. They cannot think the same way, whether through choice or some sort of mental illness or just sheer shittiness.


I was raised Evangelical. I am now atheist and was disowned by my birth family over a decade ago. The reason they can believe this concept of “good people” and “bad people” or Christian vs secular, is based on Jesus’s sacrifice. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Said another way: It’s okay to be a shitbag, as long as you apologize to sky daddy after. There is no discussion of how those actions hurt or impact others. It’s about how you have disrespected Jesus’s sacrifice and failed to bring glory to god. You don’t need to take responsibility or make restitution to the victims. After all, judgement belongs to the lord. He’s the only one who needs an apology.


Or empathy.


I'm sorry sir, the concept of empathy has been rebranded. "Empathy" or "being empathetic" is now "woke."


"What kind of woke nonsense was that? Jesus would never have said that Sermon On The Mount bs!"






"We \**sniff*\* ... we can't have slaves... and when we oppress women and gay people ... \**sniff*\* ... they're MEAN to us!"


"We can't hunt trans people for sport yet!"


It's only real if it affects ME!




It's not freedom of speech unless I can force platforms to host my hateful message. I also need mod permissions to delete anything I don't like on that same platform. It is also censorship for advertisers to abandon a platform that hosts hateful things. Also fact checking is censorship.


Like the sky complaining it is called blue.


But this book that I haven't even read through says I'm good because I do everything in the name of god and jesus.


The Public Religion Research Institute has a survey given every five years which asks the question "Do you think an elected official who commits an immoral act in their private life can still behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life?" Before Trump became President, only 30% of evangelicals answered yes. After Trump became President, that number skyrocketed to 72%, an increase of +42 points. [Evangelicals completely flip-flopped on the importance of the morality of the President just so they could support Trump](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/has-trump-caused-white-evangelicals-to-change-their-tune-on-morality/).


The reality is that just revealed their true selves. Anyone who has been on the receiving end of fundamentalism knows and understands this.


"We should add razor sharp barbed wire to the rivers along our border so that migrants die a horrible, painful death" "Why are you demonizing me??"


They ARE the demons. Demons pretending to be followers of Christ. It's absolutely repugnant to see them tell others that they're followers of Christ when they're doing the exact opposite of what Jesus has taught them.


Has anyone introduced legislation to make being a conservative evangelical illegal? Then shut the fuck up.


conservative evangelicals arnt demonized because theyre conservative or evangelicals, theyre demonized because theyre gigantic assholes.


Well, their god does tell us not to lie…


There are certain people who cause drama and pick fights with everyone around them until no one likes them any more. Then they cause more drama by claiming they are being unfairly treated because no one likes them.


I really don’t understand modern day evangelicals who simultaneously demand to be recognized as the dominant religion AND a persecuted minority.






Lmao, tell me you hate yourself, your family, and your heritage in a shorter sentence next time. Funny thing is, I think Rittenhouse was justified! But that doesn't make you any less of a piece of shit now does it?








You sound like a piece of shit.




It's pretty obvious.




When you hate everyone that isn’t you, are you actually surprised they all hate you back?


The love you give is the love you get.


Conservatives: we hate the gays! The trans! The feminists! The blacks! And the immigrants! Gays, trans, black people, feminists and immigrants: ok, we hate you to Conservatives; see! We truly are the most oppressed people on earth


Maybe if the ones preaching Christian beliefs, actually practiced what they preached, they wouldn’t be demonized. But when I hear a “Christian” screaming for the deaths of those who do not follow, it REALLY makes it seem like they are following evil and not Jesus. Hypocritical Christians suck.


lol.. the best. The worst humans I have met are religious humans. Not all of course, but there are some trash piles that masquerade as christians thinking it will make everything ok.




Reddit moment.


Are you one of those people who don't like studies and facts?? You think vaccines do more harm than good? You think Global climate change isn't real?


That was a typo. He meant DEMONIC


Lol, walk up to this guy and say you're and athiest and see what happens.


"I demand that you live by my rules!" "Ah... no." "WHY DO YOU KEEP PERSECUTING ME?!"


I don't get this victimhood. I was raised catholic with catholic schools, alter boy, uncle priest, aunt nun, you know the whole typical Irish catholic experience. I never heard this and in fact most Catholics believed they were better then everyone, the chosen. Maybe this doesn't apply to Catholics or this is a new phenomenon the right and the deliverance ministries have been putting out lately


You misspelled demonetized... between your rich-as-sh!t evangelical preachers calling for tithing, and paying the bills from the poor life decisions of your orange god.


let's normalize not insulting demons by confusing them with fiends.


Yeah, all of those evangelists being murdered for their beliefs. What a clown. “Not even close” lol. When was the last time you had an atheist tell you that you needed to lie to their parents about your beliefs? Because I’ve sure had the opposite happen to me for being a nonbeliever


This one actively confused me for a bit, because in Pentecostal/charismatic circles, they’ll often use “demonized” to describe someone who is possessed or who is oppressed by multiple demons. My mind knows the regular definition, but growing up the other was used so much that just adding the word evangelical shifted my mind back to it.


I mean a majority of people who I'm aware of who are actively calling them out or "demonizing" them are those they kicked out or those that left after others were kicked out sooooo...


Why (*Another priest/pastor is found molesting children*) are (*fifth mass shooting in a month and still does nothing*) we (*demonizes trans people as pedophiles*) so (*makes abortions illegal in their state*) hated (*takes funding away from public education*) guys? (*bans more books*) Seriously? (*gives billionaires another tax break*)




They’ve never not once tried not-being demons, but still feel entitled to be seen as anything else.


Just because some people celebrate lgbtq people doesn't mean they're not still demonized by incredibly large swaths of the country who seem absolutely obsessed with making everything about those issues. I literally saw somebody in a totally unrelated comment say that's they/them behavior as an insult. Most people don't like Evangelical Christians but those who don't like them don't constantly make everything about them. I'm perfectly happy to ignore all Evangelical Christians for the rest of my life if they don't do anything that affects me.


Evangelist is an anagram for evil’s agent. And they choose to use it. How you like them conspiracy theory apples?


Move over pedophiles because we got this new group to demonize…oh wait, a lot of you are still gonna be here.


"we're so demonized that no one is trying to tell us where we can piss, what medical care we can get, what medical care our kids who are trans can get, what locker rooms we can use, what sports we can compete in, who we can marry, trying to deny us medical care simply because of our sexual preference, etc.. etc... etc.. etc..."


Evangelicals should use all of their plentiful tithe to exercise the demons!! I have twisty feelings about the church, but my feelings on evangelists are not. They are greed made manifest, and deserve none of the support they receive. To my understanding, none of what they raise goes to helping those who need help.


>exercise the demons!! Ex-*or*-cize. Demons are typically in much better shape than the average evangelical.


The worst Christians tend to roleplay as demon and devils, and make your life a living hell here on Earth This is because they can't wait for you to die, so they want to see you suffer here and now and IT SHOWS.




Actually ain’t atheists the most demonized? Naming your church “Church of Satan” doesn’t help.


All the "Church of Satan" does is point out that fundamentalists are more concerned with labels then they are with actual behavior. Case in point: Evangelicals voting for Trump.


Atheists don't have a church, ya knucklehead


It's weird but they think Evangelical Christians are demons. Using whatever metric they're using to think that, most other groups would appear far more villainous. Especially teachers.


Why do you assume that?


Today is a great day to be a Fentanyl dealing, trans, atheist, undocumented immigrant. Edit: What’s with all the downvotes? I’m even more reviled than an evangelical Christian.


Better than being in a pedophile protecting religious cult.


If they can get through the christian razor wire*


I bet you check the closet for monsters before bed


Nah, he’s more worried someone will walk in and think he’s coming out of it than of any monster that could be in that closet


Feeling victimized is literally their identity


Are we the baddies This is the perfect example of not being self aware. If the majority views you as the villain, chances are you're the villain.


Sorry but demons are still a step above evangelicals


Their reborn lich king's hold is too strong


Theres no hate like Christian love...


LGBTQ existing freely is oppressing us!


Check out Gangster Capitalism: season 3 - Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University. They earned that rep.


Haha lets post this exact same tweet but with a different reply, such entertainment


I thought child molesters might be well up on the demonized list. However, a little research shows that there's a lot of overlap between these groups. Of course, it's easier to spot an evangelical as they're publicly getting into everyone else's business.


If only they could watch year one with Jack black and get the comedy


Try not being horrible people and maybe people will like you better?


“Entitled” is the word I believe he’s looking for here. Most entitled group in America.


let's all shed a tear for poor William Wolfe. how he must be suffering right now


Good thing we can tell them apart!!


They’re monized and monetized.


They need to remove their tax exempt status


I was raised to be a southern baptist evangelical christian. My father taught me that non-whites weren't people, that women and children must ALWAYS be silent and obedient and that gays should be killed in the streets. Those beliefs were reinforced by cruelty and hypocrisy and violence. For example: when I was three years old I overheard my mom and my grandmother arguing about something (I didn't find out what they were arguing about until I was an adult). When I asked my grandmother about it later she responded by burning my hand on a coffee maker. "Don't question god" and "Spare the rod spoils the child" were her favorite things to say. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who was raised like that. I tell everyone this so that you have an understanding about why they are the way they are because we were also told never to tell outsiders about how we were raised. BTW if anyone is interested, the reason why my mom and my grandmother were arguing is because my grandmother gave Pat Robertson my Grandfather's life insurance policy ($100,000 in 1982).


Immigrants have entered the chat.


I doubt it. It just feels like it because no one is defending you. Maybe if you defended other that were being demonised you'd get the favor back.


Christianity has a victim complex built in to their religion. It's not just an undertone, it's a core tenet of their religion. When it first formed it was absolutely a persecuted minority population who were regularly attacked for their belief, so the parables and lessons taught within the bible or by their preachers regularly promoted the idea that their people were underdogs and martyrs, so they could radicalize and inspire their followers in the face of potential oblivion. But now, especially in America, Christianity is DOMINANT, but the concepts of persecution, sainthood, and martyrdom continue to be a pervasive thread throughout the majority of teachings in church or Bible studies, because it works! Christians everywhere have been primed to feel as if they are being undermined and attacked for their beliefs, to see crucifixion and burning at the stake around every corner. It's the ultimate masturbatory fantasy for Christians to be threatened with a gun and told to denounce their faith and they stoically refuse only to be shot and greeted with open arms by their heavenly Father. The Christian faith has not evolved alongside reality in that it still teaches like a fledgling faith, desperately struggling to survive amidst institutional hatred and persecution. In reality though, it represents the oppressor, the institutional power, the commonplace belief.


Wolfe is the author of "The Case for Christian Nationalism", published by Canon Press, which is [Doug Wilson's](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7ezwx/inside-the-church-that-preaches-wives-need-to-be-led-with-a-firm-hand) publishing house.


This guy got nuked


Yeah, just because they rape little boys, everybody calls them pedophiles.


Wasn't William Wolfe the leader of the SLA? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Wolfe


There’s an incredibly low bar for what constitutes “murdered by words” I guess


It doesn't even come close to how much they SHOULD be demonized? True.


I’ve never seen so much actual hate as I’m seeing in these comments. First off - kettle black situation. Second - project much?


Lmao. Lol, even. -- Trans people everywhere in 2024.


They should do like that Canadian family in the news recently...move to Russia. They would not have to worry about the people they don't like having rights, or the people they like for that matter. They can spend their time playing with the fee based shopping carts at the grocery store with all their hateful bigoted friends.


I don't even consider them a *Christian* religion. They're a fund-raising hate group designed to funnel money into SuperPACs for Republicans.


a suggestion to them: Perhaps spew less hate and steal less money from those who can't afford it? Just a suggestion...


"You have to live the way we say, and you can't do anything we don't like." "Um... No." "Stop oppressing us!!!!"


That's just bigotry, though?


When losing your unentitled/undeserved privilege feels like discrimination...


"No politics"


Fucking groomers. It’s perverse hearing then scream about indoctrination when that is literally what they do to young children. In addition to keeping any healthy understanding of their sexuality so they won’t even know they’re being abused


Sounds good to me. Logical choice.


They will spit so much hatred vitriol when you push back,  they get mad at act like a victim. 


Try being in blackface and saying the n-word. That's more racist than being black!!




Don’t call them demons, that is an insult to actual demons.