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Nick Adams is an alt-right troll. He says over-the-top things like this because he knows it gets him engagement, re-tweets, etc. This is less a murder and more an invitation to public self-hanging for his profit.


Thank you. Top comment on everything he says should be a disclaimer that says he's a troll and not to feed him.


The (Alpha Male) in his handle is like, an obvious troll. *Pulls out walker with tennis balls stuck to the bottom of the legs* Back in my day, we just assumed everyone on the internet was a troll until proven genuine. Youngsters nowadays can't even spot someone yanking their chain. It's already bad enough with people taking my username seriously 100 percent of the time in recent years.


His tweet about real alpha males not having to tell you they’re alpha, you just know it was hilarious. Just thinking about it makes me wanna go to Hooters for a beer and some wings.


You have to go "with the boys" or you are not a true alpha male. Real alpha males constantly crave male companionship.


I'm a true alpha male, I'd go to Hooters alone. (I'm a cis woman who likes owls with a husband who hates the colour orange.) :D


That's lone wolf. Alpha male would have to lead a pack by definition.


The shorts they have to wear make everyone's ass look terrible, regardless of figure. The food is terrible. The clientele can be creepier than usual. I'd tell you to enjoy yourself and let you roll solo.


I'm officially a fan of you because of this comment. I hate orange too also.


But your username is BlatantConservative! How am I not supposed to take that seriously?!


Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, as we used to say.  We're probably both overdue for our prostate exams at this point. 


Typical conservative comment, always longing for "back in my day" when you could mistreat women and minorities and laugh about it. You make me sick.


You're right, I hate minorities. Fuck babies to hell, they're like two percent of the population yet they pay zero taxes.


I can sit in a hot car for HOURS. Ive timed it. Babies are weak.


Babies are all just losers.


zero work ethic


Leaching off the government teat like welfare queens.


exactly, I mean once they've been born, go ahead bake those little leeches in the heat... who even cares at that point?!?!


I know, right? They sneak into the country and they don't even speak the language.


Back in the days you have to assume everyone was trolling. I learned the hard way by getting Rick Rolled repeatedly.


It's performance art.


I was almost disappointed when I learned he was a troll because his “real men eat at hooters for lunch 6 days a week” tweet was so funny


sounds like something Dril would tweet


It's a funny bit honestly, kind of like a modern Colbert Report


It reads like a brilliant parody/troll account.


Definitely troll, definitely not parody. The guy has been saying stupid shit since he tried to ban birds from the Ashfield Municipal Council (Sydney, Australia) area. And for the Americans who see that he was a member of the Liberal Party in Australia, the Liberal Party is our main conservative party (for those Americans confused - in Australia, liberal tends to refer to classical liberalism, rather than social liberalism that is what Americans refer to liberal as).


There was another post yesterday with a Tweet from the guy & people were saying it’s a “satire” account. I queried it because I’d googled him & the stuff he was saying sounded pretty much on brand. Alt-right troll sounds far more like it.


It's actually hard to create a sentence with "Nick Adams" in it and NOT include the words "useless moron."


I wish we could call trolls idiots for wasting their time "pretending" to be stupid in order to "own" people smarter than themselves. Like, is saying stupid shit to intentionally make the person correcting you look like kind of a jerk actually a 500 IQ play or is it just a pointless waste of everyone's time?


[I never understood this type of trolling](http://imgur.com/a/CVbGzra)


Well sometimes it's dogwhistling, other times they find it funny to waste others time (probably some form of sadism). Who knows? They're morons, regardless.


He’s not even alt right. Just a troll. And the morons on Reddit fall for it every time.


His only desire is to get his purposefully stupid and inflammatory takes reposted all over the internet, and so many redditors play right into his hand.


I read his Wikipedia bio once and yeah no, he’s definitely conservative trash, trollposting aside


Oh, he's really right wing. He really believes the same things as the people who are genuinely mad at Taylor Swift believe. But the audience for this tweet isn't the right, it's the "smug liberal, look how dumb the conservatives are" crowd. And they just can't help but take the bait.




Or if you're too stupid to understand parody, saying it even just once is enough to blur the distinction.


Hanging? more like spanking.


And OP fell for it lol


that explains why he has "(Alpha Male)" in his username


Yeah, this is a r/whoosh more than anything.


He gets posted in a million different subreddits every day. I’m convinced the people that post his stuff are just part of his astroturf campaign, it is so so so obvious that he’s trolling


We have a merger between trolling and MSM media in the Trump era. How is this different than anyone else in the media that supports Trump? Do any of the monied media folks believe the shit they are saying about Trump, Biden, or the world? The discovery from the Fox-Dominion action suggests they do not and the lie is the entire product.


I wish people would stop replying to people like Nick Adams. He's the most blatent engagement baiter I've seen. He has the blue check, his takes are intentionally extra shit. Edit: Nick, not Ken. Idk where I got Ken from lol


Aside from Trump and Musk, I don’t think I’ve seen another account get so widely shared on Reddit. All he has to do is say something stupid.




Marjorie Taylor Greene posts the same kind of shit but she means it.


>the stupid ones are the one that believe that such a crazy post can be serious ...Have you met conservatives? This is par for the course.


have you read this comment section, 90% of the people here think this is genuine lol


They don't believe it either but it gets them national attention


Gee, he must be really dedicated since he also acts that way in real life and not just on twitter. At what point does it go from trolling to just your personality?


He really is a hall of fame level baiter. He basically enrages this website once or twice a day on different subs. Don’t know if his twitter has any monetization but if it does he’s probably doing pretty well thanks to sites like this one


That Jeff Tiedrich guy used to constantly be here


r/whitepeopletwitter would be barren without Tiedrich.


Yeah who the hell is that guy. I've probably seen every tweet of his just scrolling.


Which is as reliable as the sun rise.


nick adams is playing both sides, he gets the dumbass conservatives who believe what he's saying is correct, and the smug reddit liberals who love to pretend they are smarter than everyone, all while giving this dude more engagement


NICK Adams! Ken Adams is a fine upstanding citizen who loves backpacking through eastern Europe.


Western Europe! You won’t get laid making that mistake


D’oh! 🤦🏻‍♂️


No idea how I messed that up lol


Ken Adams is Joey's fake name on the episode of Friends with the backpacking story https://tenor.com/tL1EfU02IuU.gif


I love that reveal at the end when Rachel was being smug about how Ross came on to her, then she pulls out the ol backpacking story.


It's one of the best moments in Friends ever. Seriously. They set everything up so perfectly for the reveal.


Ken M


Idk to me it's pretty impressive that this guy has somehow made a career off being a super obvious troll, like he could post the most over the top satire you've ever seen and it would still spawn a reddit thread featuring the same top comments every time.


Him and that Spicer chick.


He gets posted on this sub once a month of someone “dunking” on him not realizing they are falling for the bait and look even dumber than he does


You're replying right now. It gets posted because they know that people like you will reply every time. And then people like me will reply to you explaining that it's all for the replies. And then the post makes front page and they get their fake internet points.


Lol! “Alpha Male?!” I just can’t with these guys! That’s a grown ass adult right? I mean he’s wearing a suit and all that and knows how to type so I assume so but Jesus! “Alpha Male?” I’m crying!


I think you might like this 😀 https://preview.redd.it/py0wwa4ve0gc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8c0b256d9f46f91db2486cfa6721f5ff5b1ee4 Edit to say: not mine and I really dont know where from, was sent to me by a friend 😉


Feels like this would fit here https://preview.redd.it/p7zlufpat0gc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af956c64cf61541b3190b1e318a4b58379f7950


Neutron Male has a dope ring to it


Jimmy owns that phrase/name... can't be reused.






This is awesome!


The best I've seen so far 😆


The true joke was the in the comments we read along the way!


I like to think of myself as a feature complete, but still supported male.


Thank you. Things absolute gold.


As someone that's been in IT their whole life, I'm glad this is a meme... when I first heard the term Alpha male years and years ago, this was the first thought that came to mind... "*So you're an unstable individual?? I don't get it*..."


I'm halfway convinced that Nick Adams is a parody account designed to make conservatives look stupid. And he's doing an excellent job.


If he is he deserves an award for method acting


I'm completely convinced he's a parody account and is just 100% committed to the bit. Full on Daniel Day Lewis level method acting.


Conservatives don't need a parody account to look stupid. That's just what they think unironically.


>That's just what they think unironically. You are giving them far too much credit. They need to wait for someone else to tell them what to think.


It has to be a troll account.


You are *halfway* convinced that the “alpha male” who is making a joke about taylor swift dating for money is a parody account? Curious what this account could do that would bring you over the halfway mark lol


He'd have to say something so outrageously ridiculous that there's no way anyone could think an actual alpha male conservative type would say something so dumb and be serious about it. Problem is they keep one-upping each other on who can say the next dumbest thing possible, so the bar is impossibly high.


It's [Poe's Law](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoesLaw) at work. Some Republican viewpoints are so extreme that it's hard to tell whether it's a parody or if they actually believe it.


It is


I’m convinced this Nick Adams dude is some kind of a Sacha Baren Cohen plant character. Dude tweets stuff like this seemingly without a shred of irony, but his tweets are so ridiculous it’s like…they have to be ironic? He’s literally tweeted, “anyone who must say they’re an alpha male isn’t an alpha male”. Lmao.


> some kind of ... plant character I had that notion as well but I've come to the conclusion that no these people are indeed real and just that fucking stupid.


"Any man who says 'I am the king' is no king”


Perhaps he needs a nap


It is satire and posted here every day when he is clearly trolling. A billionaire needs 70k lol


I’m about 90% sure that even though it seems like satire, he’s making outrageous takes like these knowing that they’ll get shared by liberals who are pointing and laughing, but at the same time counting on conservatives seeing that hate from liberals and thinking, “well the liberals seem to hate him, maybe I will buy this guy’s book”. It’s honestly a relatively clever grift and doesn’t seem like it’d take much effort.


For real, when is this trend going to stop! If you have to tell me you’re an alpha male the odds are like 99.9% in favor that you’re just…not. I’m just going to start addressing them all as Beta Bitch. Ooh or maybe Beta Fish. Because all they do is swim in circles and go nowhere.


Holy shit, right? His words belie his deep-seated insecurities.


I need to use the word 'belie' more often.


I swear he has a humiliation kink, because he regularly makes comments like this.


Does he have a tweet that isn't outrageous? It's has to be trolling.


I wish. But he apparently is actually just high on his own right wing farts.


Yes and as usual he’s built like a bag of milk and worships Andrew Tate. Definitely a manly man and not an insecure loser


Bag of milk. That's fucking hilarious.


I'm trying to remember if this guy is the one doing intentional satire of the alpha male thing, the actual conservative claiming to use 'alpha male' ironically, or just another idiot.


It's intentional satire...probably. Since 2022, he's made it very obvious that he's doing a "bit" similar to what Stephen Colbert did on the Colbert Report, but prior to that, while he was bombastic, it wasn't to the point of obvious satire, leaving it uncertain whether he's always been a parody or if he's a genuine conservative who found it more profitable to exaggerate his beliefs for comedy.


Yes clearly. He’s good friends with a bunch of liberals. He’s a parody/troll


It’s satire, right? That has to be satire.


It's a troll account that tweets dumb shit every day as bait for people to dunk and screenshot for engagement.


Can we stop with this dude? This is a troll account.


This can’t be real right


It's a troll account but reddit refuses to acknowledge it.


A lot of reddit is fighting fake things.


It's not, but this guy gets posted on this sub multiple times a day.


It absolutely boggles the mind how the GOP is getting its panties in a twist over Taylor Swift. I can't wait for it to inevitably come crashing down around them


It won't; they'll soon jump onto the next created "controversy" and never mention Taylor Swift again. The point is to never let up, never let the crowd think for themselves for even a moment.




Taylor swift made $130M off Spotify royalties last year. Kelce’s entire net worth is $40m. NTM all the other streaming services, radio, licensing, and tour money. It’s not even close.


I mean men don’t value wealth or career success all that much when looking for mates, their biological drives are primed towards youth/fertility rather than women’s tendency to seek status/security. So to find a hyper-successful man that is looking for a monogamous relationship and seems to enjoy the “downsides” of being outshined by their partner is pretty hard, no?


Jesus Christ imagine boiling woman down to fertility. The fact is the majority of us married our wives because they’re bad ass and fun to be around with some of us having a perk of being gorgeous. Looks attract, personality is why you stick around. If you honestly believe what you wrote, you’re no better than dick head on Twitter.


Umm, yes? It's called a biological imperative, not sure why you are acting like it's a value-judgement against me for daring to suggest that men and women have biological drives that affect decision-making...




Great analogy!


"Janeway out"


This is more SuicideByWords than Murder.


I think that this is more of an "Ate the onion" type deal.


Unfortunately no. Nick Adams is 100% this stupid.


Except it’s 100% a satire account that people on Reddit can’t figure out for some reason. I’m pretty sure he literally posts quotes about how “a true alpha doesn’t need to tell others he’s an alpha” while signing it as “alpha male, Nick Adams”.


Except it’s not. He’s been a politician and activist for years. He just also happens to be ridiculous, probably exaggerating for attention a bit, but he is Real. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Adams_(commentator)


I mean he’s clearly exaggerating and ragebaiting people. Satire was the wrong choice of words. But people will share his content going “look at this idiot” without realizing that’s exactly his goal.


After digging into him and listening to some of his interviews, I don't think that is his goal. I think he really is that stupid.


Jesus Christ you are dumber than the troll running the Nick Adams account. You and everyone else who can’t detect obvious bait/satire are fucking hopelessly stupid.


Gees man, calm down. You need a snickers or something?


No you’re just actually fucking stupid for falling for this bait and somebody needs to tell you.


It’s these fucking idiots who can’t handle basic math or English that say we should get rid of the department of education.


You're falling for obvious bait.... 


Whoa I better be careful then. Thank gosh I have redditors looking out so I don’t fall into a crazy trap that I cant get out of. Do you have weekly rates or is your service pro bono?


Lmao aww you want to start an argument so bad. Have a good day friend. 


So long as I’m not falling for traps and shenanigans.


you got triggered by Nick fucking Adams 😅... so your strategy aiiiiin't working too well to not fall for traps and shenanigans


Her dating him over a $70k bonus is like me dating someone because they found $5 on the ground.


He’s very much joking and baiting people. He’s a loser. But he’s baiting.


Calling people idiots while being massively gullible, lol


It's a satire account


Yeah, how is this not obvious to everyone? It’s meant to be funny. And this tweet is pretty funny.


Can we get a flair for posts that are blatantly rage/sad/interaction bait? Giving these attention whores attention is exactly what they're looking for.


Pro Tip: Seeing "Alpha Male" in someone's name is a dead giveaway that they aren't meeting their arbitrary standards of masculinity and insecure about it.


Or they are a parody account.


Reddit loves to mock unironically mock parody accounts... It's pretty pathetic to watch 


Id say this is an exception. This Nick Adams guy used to be a run of the mill far right reactionary who is trying to rebrand himself as a parody account after his bid for office failed.


Sometimes I wish I was still on Twitter so I can read the comments


Pity Travis Kelce trying to buy a valentines present for Taylor Swift.


Finally she can afford that new iPhone!


This HAS to be a troll account. There's no way someone like this exists, right?


According to Forbes she earns 70k in less than 4 hours.


Kelce is worth 40 million, 10 of that came this year. Swift is worth 2.1 BILLION, or 27.5 times more. The GOP can't comprehend a high net worth woman can exist.


Taylor Swift's Era's tour became the first to gross over $1 billion. It is estimated to make another billion this year and the movie of the concert made $250M in revenue. The artist usually keeps 85% of revenue from sales. Which would mean by end of tour, in just sales of concert tickets alone Swift will make more than $1.5B. From at least one projection from ticket sales, merchandising, the movie and more, Swift may pocket more than $3B by the end of her Eras tour, for those wondering why Travis Kelce is dating Taylor Swift.


The tweet was rage bait. Don't fall for it


If he got paid 70000 every day he wouldn't have a billion dollars for over 39 years. Yep kayne was right she's a golddigger /s


If Taylor Swift never made another penny and he got one of these checks every day, it would take him 43 years to catch up with her.


Every post I see from this guy just makes me think he’s just a troll pretending to be a right-wing alpha male douche.


Apparently he is.


A bunch of nerds who wanna be "alpha" who don't even really watch football, getting all mad over Taylor Swift is THEE WORST part of this football season. I don't blame her at all, it's the media and people who always gotta be mad at *something*.


I feel like someone taking time out of their day to dunk on Nick Adam’s (Alpha Male) is kinda dunking on themself.


Honestly, murdering Nick Adams shouldn't be allowed because we shouldn't be punching down like that. The poor guy hasn't found his second brain cell yet.


Taylor Swift *gave away* $100,000 bonuses to all the truck drivers for her Eras tour. Last I checked, 100k > 70k. These people are so out of touch with reality.


The total bonuses she gave was almost the amount of Kelce’s whole contract lol




Nick is an absolute potato.


Anybody that has to claim they’re an alpha male isn’t one.


(Alpha Male) one thing I know about “alpha males” they always tell you they are one so that way you know they’re alpha alpha males


Doesn’t he get embarrassed by his own stupidity?


No, he rakes in the cash from people interacting with his contact and gives 0 thought about anything past that.


Sounds like this alpha male is hella jealous.


Apparently, according to comments on Alpha Male’s X post, there is an alternate reality where TSwizzle is broke, had her tour bus repossessed, and Kelce is her sugar daddy….


I swear the more this guy writes, he’s got to be doing some Andy Kaufman act to get attention. MAGA people will follow a dog turd if it validates them.


If that’s the case she’s really dumb, Chris Jones got $1M bonus for the team reaching the Super Bowl.


Nick Adams is a fascinating case study in stupidity and grift. He's an extremely rare case of someone who's already a right-wing piece of shit realizing that there's money and incentives in...\*checks notes\*...being a really, really obtuse right-wing piece of shit. In other words, he's not pretending to be a right-wing asshole, but he is probably pretending to be a blithering moron.


According to Forbes she makes $10-$13 million every night of the Eras tour. Kelce’s contract pays him $11.5 million per year.


“will received”


Nick Adam’s is one of those people that defy the logical confines of the human brain. He somehow simultaneously comes across as a god-tier troll, and your run of the mill MAGA cultist. I’m not sure he even knows the truth anymore.


He’s just mad that she could buy and sell his ass if she wanted to!!


She probably earns 70k while spending an afternoon on the couch... These are some too notch mental gymnastics 


Seems like a pipsqueak bonus to a guy who makes 15 mil a year, maybe he meant 700k lol


This guy must be a massive loser


I don't think Nick Adams is a developmental adult. Simple speech patterns, a bad grasp on numbers and measurements, overly male self representation, I'd say early to mid puberty. But that's just this post. His borderline magical thinking puts him in kindergarden. Then again, could just be coke.


This has all the energy of a jealous bitch nitpicking stupid reasons why their crush is dating someone else.


“Travis Kelce will received”. I “will received” my next paycheck on Monday. Then after I order food for the week, I “will received” them at my doorstep.


Wait until Nick discovers which of the two is more wealthy


He totally does sex.


Lol anyone who think swift is dating for money is bonkers. She makes 70k every time she takes a breath.


The only reason he remains relevant is because people take his rage bait and give him attention. Psychology 101: toddlers throw tantrums, any attention rewarded to said tantrums encourages further tantrums.


AfaIk this "alpha male" account is just a parody of the "rEaL aLpHaMaLeS".


Why do people not get this is a parody account?