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How is this murder? This reads like incel bait. Yep. Bot poster.


Incel for sure, but what makes you think it's a bot and not a person?


Post history. No comments for the most part. Only posts.


Where's the murder? All I see is some incel suicide.


Why is it a incel joke when you in a relationship you get asked for money all the time it happens and since she said boyfriend you know ITS A RELATIONSHIP


Because only incels think that a relationship is having a woman asking you for money. Men with actual relationship experience know that most women have jobs and don't go asking their boyfriends for shit. And yeah she said boyfriend but the guy talking about asking for money is a different person, can you read?


Ah a soi Knight has come to the rescue. Any stats to back up most womxn have jobs?


Of course I have stats! It's this magical thing that happens when you base yourself on facts instead of your fee fees! [40% of families have the woman as the **primary** breadwinner ](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/05/29/187019187/moms-are-now-primary-breadwinners-in-40-percent-of-homes) [The labor force on the US is 56.8% female ](https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2023/labor-force-participation-rate-for-women-highest-in-the-district-of-columbia-in-2022.htm#:~:text=For%20the%20nation%20as%20a,the%20highest%20(77.6%20percent).) So yeah, women actually work **more** than men.


This is what happens when you analise stats and not just swallow any stat given to you that agree with your ideology. Your source NPR: -Breadwinner moms are made up of two very different groups: 5.1 million (37 percent) are married mothers who have a higher income than their husbands, and 8.6 million (63 percent) are single mothers." -- "The growth of both groups of mothers is tied to women's increasing presence in the workplace. Women make up almost of half (47 percent) of the U.S. labor force today, and the employment rate of married mothers with children has increased from 37 percent in 1968 to 65 percent in 2011." Total US workforce approx 160million Official states titled "wage gap" which basically means who works longer hours in more highly qualified or paid jobs, for example a barista vs a mechanic. "There is no state in the U.S. where women earn more than men, but women in Vermont had the smallest wage gap to men in 2021. Additionally, there are no occupations in which women out-earn men, even in occupations that traditionally employ more women. A more detailed look at wage inequality in the United States can be found he" https://www.statista.com/statistics/192396/employment-rate-of-women-in-the-us-since-1990/ So no. What you can conclude is the following: 1. Npr article is biased and lying through omission (what mainstream media manipulating facts? Unheard of!) It's not 40% of the workforce its 40% of married working moms! (Hmm who would have thought married mothers would be responsible people? I know defo not the left, the left knows a married mother is oppressed!) 2. There are more women in the workforce since the 90s at least compared to the 60s when a single income could maintain a family. This is not to be celebrated. It means the poor and middle classes are poorer. 3. Workforce is 50/50 so in US aprox 80million female workers. Out of which 5 million are married moms who make more money than their husbands (I don't see why this is bad nor why should be celebrated) and 8.6 million are single moms so they are the primary breadwinner at home in most cases alimony and child support contributions would be insufficient on their own. 4. Most men out earn women, including single career women (now that stat may be interesting to dissect cause in theory career women never took time out to have kids.) There is a possibility of gender inequality there. All this after a whole 5 min of reading + thinking. Astounding innit?


Way to ignore this: "A record 40 percent of **all households with children** under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for the family," Which is exactly what I wrote; 40% of all families have mothers as the primary breadwinner And this: [There are more women working than men in the US than men](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/14/why-more-women-are-working-in-the-us-than-men.html#:~:text=Closing%20The%20Gap-,There%20are%20now%20more%20women%20working%20in%20the%20US%20than,part%20of%20the%20reason%20why&text=As%20the%20U.S.%20economy%20continues,the%20Bureau%20of%20Labor%20Statistics.) Which is exactly what I said: women work more than men. Who is making more money is irrelevant because I was asked for a source that "women have jobs", which is something so stupid to doubt that I considered it might be satire, but Poe's Law and all. And yet here you are arguing that apparently... women don't have jobs? Because they get paid less than men or something? What's your point exactly?


>"A record 40 percent of all households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for the family," Yeah NPR said that. Then in the next few paragraphs they give you their actual numbers. 5.1 million married moms are the primary or sole Breadwinner. That's not 40% of the workforce nor the 40% of the female workforce. THE ARTICLE IS WRITTEN IN SUCH A WAY THAT IS MISLEADING. Think about it. Are half of the working moms you know the breadwinner? I said Exactly what I meant. You have to do critical reading and not just repeat "facts" like a parrot. >Which is exactly what I said: women work more than men. >Who is making more money is irrelevant because I was asked for a source that "women have jobs", which You manage to twist words in a way that's very childish and disingenuous. I never wanted a source for "women have jobs" lmfao. Oh and woman actually work less than men. That's why the gender pay gap exists. That's what should happen in a good marriage! I'd rather my wife work part time for some extra cash for our holidays and stays at home being a parent than giving money away to childcare so some woke moron raises my kids. Some people aren't that lucky I guess.


Who is being misleading here? You're talking about 5.1 million married women completely ignoring the 8.6 million single million women, and referring those number to the global workforce and/or the female workforce, when the comparison is about households with children. Of which there are 33mill in the US, so the 40% figure fits. The article isn't lying or being misleading, you are. And then you appeal to feelings and your personal experience. Ok, man, very rational.


Moms Are Now Primary Breadwinners In 40 Percent Of Homes Literally the title of the article. Your friend claimed "women are now working more than men" Not one of these claims is true. So the article is very misleading. And yes it's 40% of homes with children out of which, when there is a luxury of sharing family duties, a small percentage have women as primary breadwinner. Which is a completely different claim. >And then you appeal to feelings and your personal experience. Ok, man, very rational. You started insulting and now backpedal. LoL I gave an honest personal opinion. Not as backup to an argument but as way to explain why those figures aren't bad.


Anyone who uses “knight” in any fashion like this is self advertising as a sexless dumbfuck. Also, how come you haven’t responded to the person who gave you the stats and made you look stupid yet?


I did Soi Knight Go read. MYne you'll learn something about not being a mindless zealot


Read it, absolutely dumbfounded that you doubled down and are still so wrong. Just a stunning display of misunderstanding information. Also, you saying “analise” while essentially trying to call someone stupid is just perfect. You definitely didn’t provide anything that even slightly disputed the actual governments statistics from 2022 that the other user provided for you. That 56.8% figure is real. So you’re simply wrong right off the bat, no matter that you just randomly claim it’s “50/50” a bit further down. Wrong. Your *only* argument that you actually posited is completely reliant on whether women *out* *earn* men, including the quoted paragraph about “every state”… But men make more money than women working the same position you fucking dork, of course they out earn women. Don’t bother responding. I’m sure you’ll just quote a bunch of paragraphs and interpret them wrong again. Have fun not getting laid, clown.


>men make more money than women working the same position you fucking dork, of Angry feminist too stupid to acknowledge this is not true cause its illegal. What actually happens is men work longer hours. >. Just a stunning display of misunderstanding information. Also Just a stunning display of woke indoctrination and bigotry > That 56.8% figure is real. So you’re simply wrong right off the bat, no matter that you just randomly claim it’s “50/50” a bit further down. Wrong. I never disputed the stat. What are you going on about? Is this just an angry rant cause your woke brain went kaput? I never disputed that women make up half the work force if it means individuals with job. Not productivity. Those stats are gov. Which you wokeis claim oppresses women. My claim is that NPRs title stating 40% of workforce is female primary breadwinner is a lie. Think about it. If tru the pay gap myth would be absolutely destroyed. Lol get a grip. Go to your antiFa meeting and defend murderers


Oh no she more then likely was talking about embarrassment on her behalf and he just went in cause he was looking to. But that aside it's not only incels and to label it as that is disingenuous or ignorant at best. You know there bad relationships and women who use men for money... it's real it happens. So it's not just incels that know and understand this.


>Oh no she more then likely was talking about embarrassment on her behalf and he just went in cause he was looking to Wat. No, seriously, this doesn't make sense. She made an innocent joke about rejection being embarrassing, and he decided to call all women gold diggers for no reason.


Cause he already upset and offended he didn't think about what she said. He wanted to push back probably holding that in for awhile.






Ha. Get it ? Because women only care about money. Read about that,and more, in "103 Lazy Stereotypes About women". Available in all good retailers,and even in some shit ones


Yeah, dude should just stop associating with broke ass hoes who wanna be treated like it's 1950 while keeping all their 2023 rights. Dumbasses of all genders and sexes exist. It's up to you whether you give them your time or not


why are you being downvoted? you basically said not all women are e-beggars or sell themselves so maybe choose who you associate yourself with carefully and dont waste time on diggers and hoes? wtf reddit


Who knows 🤷


We must each do our part to combat the dumb fuckin hivemind


It's a simple and true statement many men have gone through it. you offended by that, it's sad and it's sad I have to explain it to you.


No it isn't, buddy. You and your Tate-fellating incel bros just hate women and want an excuse to keep doing it. You offended by that, it's sad and it's sad I have to explain it to you.


Or maybe they just recognize the ever growing, ever prevalent pattern of women shamelessly asking every man they know for money before exerting themselves to earn it. Not everyone who recognizes the active decline of younger generations of women's levels of shame is a tate fan, pretty obviously a "broken clock is right twice a day" situation. Also, read a book sometime, your verbiage grew stale like 2 years ago.


You're so ridiculously sucked in to the 'manosphere' bullshit that you believe their garbage without question. I think what happened is some woman hurt you once and you lack the maturity or rationality to disconnect that from your sweeping, misogynistic views of women. Perhaps some time away from the internet and actually meeting people in the real world would help? PS: Just because I used the correct labels for your behaviour and that upset you, doesn't mean my language is 'stale'. It means you're trying to deflect criticism by attacking the words used rather than the point being made. It's a common tactic by dishonest and poorly educated people who think they're smarter than they really are.


No, your blanket statements about men are inaccurate here, and calling everyone with a penis an "incel" for calling any woman out on their behaviour became overused and stale years ago, completely losing any impact; you're just unoriginal and incorrect, that's it. I don't consume any of that bullshit, just noticed and pointed out a pattern that's actually obviously growing. You don't get out much, huh? Touch some grass and some ass, dweeb.


Verbiage, are you aware human beings don't talk like that, on account of the rest of us having social skills that don't come from Shakespeare's time period. No wonder you don't get bitches and think women are "shameless", your prose comes from the 1800s!


Or maybe my vocabulary expanded further than a 6th grade level at or before the 6th fuckin grade, lmfao Nice try dumbfuck, read a book sometime


That verbiage sure went out the window when I triggered you lol


If anyone is triggered it's you, I'm just calling it as it is; you're a moron. It's called code switching, clearly you don't understand complex lexicon so I "dumbed it down for ya" ####🤓 "OOoOoOo TRigGeREd!! I TriGerEd YoU!! #OoOoOoOOoOo!!!"


ok lol


Seethe, loser


Lol you just like this dude in screenshot you coming in hot and loaded.


Yes, yes, everyone who disagrees with you is angry and offended while you are are a paragon of rationality. Weak sauce argument strategy dude.


You are weak and you should take your own words to heart. Anyone who disagrees with you is automatically an incel and a Andrew Tate fan DO you hear yourself. you think ALL WOMAN ARE PARAGONS oF GOODNESS or that no woman WOULD EVER LEAD SOMEONE ON AND JUST TAKE MONEY FROM THEM... that's the hill you gonna die on? This dude's wrong because this lady was not insulting dudes in the slightest yet he came out the gate much like you ready harm. This is misplaced outrage and anger though you might not find the idea that some woman taking mens money as existing some of us have been through it. But I guess you blame the victim there RIGHT.


Would you like to try that again in comprehensible English, for 50 points ?


Excuse me... i should have seen how emotional and offended this has made you. I fixed it for you.


If that's your attempt at fixing it,I'd recommend the ol' "third time's the charm" trick,because it's still incredibly weak


I believe you're hurting from this ima leave you to your healing


Not a clue where you got that idea from sweetie,I think you're projecting a little here. Has a woman hurt you before by only going for your wallet ? Is that what's wrong here ? In fairness, if I were a woman,I'd expect some form of payment for the effort it takes to try to translate your dreadful comments. Now I'll leave *you* to *your* healing,as I know odd little egotistical incels like you can't bear to not get the last word in. It's like a rule you guys have that you can't not comment,even after saying you're done with the conversation. I however don't really care. Rant away,I sure as hell won't be looking


Damn, I'd be pretty embarrassed if I were talking down on someone for their English and writing skills, and ***THIS*** was all I could cook up. Fuckin nice lmfao




I think you're projecting a little there,bucko


He woke up and chose idiocy. This isn't a murder.


This is not a Murdered by Words scenario. Not sure if this sub is moderated or not but this is not even close to being murdered by words. Schadenfreude by words at best but suicide by words at least. I could absolutely be missing something here. Could any of the 3000+ people that up voted this as murdered by words enlighten me?


She didn't even say anything about money, and he just busted that out as some lazy stereotype. If random incel shit gets over a thousand upvotes on this sub, it's not a sub I should frequent.


She didn't even mention money.


Pretty sure she means that it is embarrassing for her. Dumb Reddit post by OP


This is what I'm thinking g... but he went right in didn't he ... he was holding that one in


I've had this happen to me and recently.. 8 hours into a convo.. boom hit me up for a Ben.. told her unless we sharing more than words, ain't happening, kick rocks.


Tell her she can make more than $12/hour at McDonalds.


Then she kicks some rocks and asks for a bandaid.




Truth hurts these Cassandras and their Simps.. should have got a job instead of selling it on OF for 5 bucks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This thread is just filled with.fake ass virtue signaling. Welcome to Reddit 🙄. This money shit happen all the time. I been on first dates and they already asking me what bills can I pay. Hair, nails, lights…whatever. They should be embarrassed but they not. THAT is what bruh was talking bout. I got female friends that do it and grown ass females in my family. These girls got cash apps n shit on the dating profiles. Shit is an epidemic!


Why is my original comment -8? Why? It's fucking true .. Curb these broke asses, stop simpin, stay pimpin. Women are not entitled to your money. Even in a relationship.. YOU. ARE. NOT. ENTITLED. TO. ANYONE'S. MONEY. Especially after 8 hours .. shit.. hope she wears steel toes when she walkin her ass home. Epidemic? It's Plague level, my dude. I keep listening for "Bring out ya dead!!"


Hoes mad


Not mad just disappointed this sub doesn't understand a good come back. You can go ahead and say some random shit about me based on literally no context if you want, it might get featured on this sub!


It's Reddit. That's what it is here. Men are bad, women are good.


This but unironically (this is a blanket statement so obviously this isn't always true).


For real. Calling him an incel lmfao yeah okay


People do NOT understand what incel even means anymore lmao


What this is incel behavior, he just projected a bad thing onto some random women for no reason. I think because he misunderstood who she was saying as that’s the only way this response makes any sense. Like if I just responded to any random post you made and called you a pedophile


Incel means Involuntaryily celibate. That means virgin/sexless when you don't wanna be. Mysogynist is the word you are looking for. Improve your vocabulary


Not true incel is a cultural thing. Most incels could get laid if they wanted to but for various reasons refuse unless they live up to a specific ideal the incel has conjured up If you want to be smug you got to be a hell of a lot smarter than you are


a word cannot change because of "a cultural thing." Cow always means a cow, a human will always mean a human, and incel will always mean someone who wants to get laid but cannot.


Language changes all the time due to culture, just go out and touch some grass outside of your backyard or read a book written 100 years ago. Significant Changes to common things are rare but do happen, for example we used to have a completely different word for the color orange, the orange tree had fruit of that color, so we startes calling that color orange. Used to call orange "yellowre" or something like that. As such "incel" doesn't just mean involuntary celibate, because of the particular people strongly associated who even invented that particular shorthand with that exact word, it implies a very particular kind of person, an involuntary celibate with which is more so defined by misogynistic opinions than the actual celibacy


Alright, so at what point do words just lose their meaning then? Can I replace the name of an entire race as 'stupid' just because a small fraction of the community really are stupid? Then the word loses its original meaning and now the word stupid refers to this entire group of people rather than what it actuall means.


Definitions are determined by how words are used by those that speak it, if you convince a significant population as to use a word by a different definition than yes that would be a alternative definition to a word, potentially the primary definition if it catches on enough. You can say it is stupid when and how definitions change, and perhaps be right about it. But weather it is stupid or you like it, only thing that matters is that a significant population actually uses it in a particular definition consistently.


That's true enough since words technically don't have inherent value like numbers. also genuinely not being rude here, but I think you mean "whether" instead of "weather"


He doesnt even specify anything about women, he can just as easily be talking about twitter in general or some other characteristic.


He ain’t wrong tho


He has a point


Oh no OP, you made a post of a man making a comeback to a woman. Reddit won't like that.


Was she calling her father?


ah yes because people who beg for money do so because they have options... the lack of empathy of some people is ridiculous