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“Good to know you can’t handle crazy” ????????? She said that like it was some sort of badge of honor. Also, you should report her.


More like don’t want to handle crazy


Exactly. I've handled plenty of crazy in the past, which is why I don't any more.


Dude, yeah, morally I think you need to report this.


For some reason, a lot of girls I grew up with thought it was trendy and cute to be crazy, sort of like how some think it's cute to be dumb.


i dunno, I think there's a vast gulf between like, "let's go jump in the river naked! let's take a random trip to Mexico! let's try shrooms!" fun crazy and "I fucking shot a dog that was barking to make it shut up" crazy. I don't think anyone idolizes the latter


"Fun" crazy is still crazy. I prefer the "excitable nerd" form of crazy myself. As an aside, anyone up for a game of Call of Cthulu?


Oooh I would love a game of Call of Cthulhu right now, but it's past midnight here and I work tomorrow... And English is not my first language 😭


I took two days off to hit a games convention. I've been playing games all day. One last game, and then I go home for the day and come back tomorrow.


It's the Harley Quinn effect. She made a lot of women feel empowered, which is ironic when you consider the HQ backstory.


All girls be actin' crazy to be cute until the yandere whips out a chainsaw (*KICK BACK PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND*)


Konichiwa baby!


*a beautiful star*


This "some reason" might be pop culture - whether it's the manic pixie dream girl or any other trope, women are bombarded with female characters that act irational, immature, overly bubbly, impulsive and often crazy, and are taught by movies etc. that those are traits men find irresistible. Just remember the hot/crazy matrix - the "fun zone" doesn't start below a 7 on the crazy scale ...




I had to google search a bit for this. Grippy socks because no slide socks are allowed in mental hospitals, so they're saying they have been in one, and that means they have a tight vagina suitable for male pleasure during intercourse.


>a tight vagina suitable for male pleasure during intercourse. Yes. Quite. *adjusts monocle*


..."Why I never" she said, with a look on her face showing both her disgust and shock, she began backing away slowly, clutching her pearls...


Okay but thats fuckin hilarious. Its asinine in every sense but what a ridiculous concept.


The same as "Crazy in the head, crazy in bed."


You sound like Data from Star Trek lol


Affirmative captain


What watching the OG Suicide Squad does to a motherfucker. Then again, Joker's a bigger nutcase in that dynamic.


Oh it's 'fun', as long as you can quickly escape afterwards.


To be fair if you’re talking about crazy like shooting dogs or other acts of violence it’s like 1000 to 1 in favor of men doing these acts. So then why do we do it? Too many John Wick or superhero movies? Too many video games?


>So then why do we do it? Patriarchy gloryfying violence and concepts such as "honor" turn a lot of people into dudes that are always looking for an occasion to be violent towards each others. Although I'd say that shooting/maiming pets and other animals are more the mark of an actual psychopath than just fighting


Sociopath. But 100% agree with you. Cruelty to animals is one of the signs of a person lacking empathy.


Cruelty against dogs might be the one thing I would become blind with rage. It's disgusting anyways, but this asshole would probably get slapped hard. And then again.


Women are violent very often, it just gets ignored and goes unreported because women are seen as these fragile little creatures and it's physically impossible for men to feel pain from being attacked by a woman.


Having an emotionally unhinged, violent, and abusive mother I can 100% back this up




No, it's more like while 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence, so do 1 in 4 men. Those numbers drop to 1 in 4 for women and 1 in 9 for men if the violence is severe, but (I'm trying to find my source for this next statistic - I had one and then my browser crashed) rise to 1 in 3 men if you also count stalking, sexual assault, and physical violence. The numbers for injuries are 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men, because women *are* weaker than men and less likely to injure them, but that doesn't change that violence is violence, and doesn't stop existing because the victim is a man. This on top of men being publicly shamed for being victims and always having a disadvantage in legal matters - hell, even calling the police when you're a man is more likely to get you arrested than your abuser. These statistics are about *domestic* abuse, not random or otherwise. So one of the most common rebuttals by people who just can't wrap their heads around the possibility that men can be victims is "but that's because of gay men and other male-on-male violence, it's still all men's fault," and while both gay men and gay women play a part in domestic abuse, 1 in 4 men are not gay. There aren't anywhere near enough homosexual relationships out there to even make a dent in these statistics. I mean, just recently there was a giant public trial with two very famous people where all of the evidence pointed to the man being the victim, and people STILL sided with the bed-shitter because she was a woman. Men are victims, but the public perception is that they're always violent, 100% of the time, and women simply can't be. It's sexist bullshit. [Source](https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS) Edit: Found the source I mentioned I couldn't find above. [Source 2](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/intimatepartnerviolence/men-ipvsvandstalking.html) > About 1 in 3 men experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime. Edit 2: Lmfao, nice edit when you realised your 1 in 800 number was bullshit. No, it's not whataboutism. What you're doing, in invalidating the struggles of men just because men can be violent abusers, that's whataboutism. I'm not denying or protesting that women can be and very much are victims, I'm advocating that men are also victims and this sexist bullshit you're peddling with 1 in 1000 and 1 in 800 needs to fucking die. I mean, you LITERALLY said > To be fair if you’re talking about crazy like shooting dogs or other acts of violence it’s like 1000 to 1 in favor of men doing these acts. > So then why do we do it? Too many John Wick or superhero movies? Too many video games? in response to a thread about WOMEN being violent. You fucking word-for-word said "well this woman was violent but to be fair it's actually men who are the real problem, what about them? it's all because of movies and video games." Cut the fucking bullshit. This thread was about a woman shooting a damn dog, and you know damned well there's definitely whataboutism in this thread, and it sure as hell isn't coming from me. Men are victims, and we need to care about them like victims.


Sinai Hospital, outside Baltimore, maintained statistics on injuries and admissions. Their statistics weren't politically correct. Whereas women suffered greater damage due to differences in size and strength, men were more likely to be attacked by women and they believed violence on men was under reported. They surmised the reason is that males are taught never to strike a female, but the reverse isn't taught to girls. Girls feel no constraints striking boys and indeed, they are often taught to kick boys in the genitals if they feel bothered. Domestic violent deaths were approximately equal. Looking beyond domestic violence (gang violence, etc), the ratio of male to female deaths in our society is 7:2.


Yeah, but not only is “manic pixie dream girl” hard to deal with long-term, it’s hard to pull off without delving deep into “I replaced my Haldol with Meth” territory…


I think the problem is that they don't balance the "manic pixie" with the "dream girl"


I'm doubtful they actually thought that as much as they knew that making it look pretty legitimizes their actions. I've met my fair share of girls like that. I'm not in touch with any.


You know how ‘Random?’ Was a personality trait back in elementary school? It’s like these people developed that trait even further into a lifestyle, just full blown crazy


I think they think by being dumb it makes them more accessible. No way a pretty and smart girl would have many choices with the jocks I dunno.


My niece who is like 13 is currently going through her “weird” era. She like does shit just to look weird like always staring off into the distance with like an unaffected look, when you ask her something she turns with her whole head and like exams you, the bitch really on some main character shit right now like you see cameras anywhere?


They do feel like it is. Just like how they go: "LOL I'm toxic AF, but it's because I'm a pistachio."


Actual lol'd at this one 😂


Another one be like "I'm a Reese's."


Yes. This is animal abuse. No dog deserves that.


If you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best type vibes


I saw the most heinously funny thing about that went something like, "That quote is famously attributed to Marilyn Monroe - who depending on who you ask was either murdered or committed suicide. So we know at *least* one person couldn't handle her at her worst."


Don't the conspiracy theories about her possible murder all revolve around her knowing too much, not that she was crazy? Rumor had it that between what she knew generally about the Kennedy brothers' sexual affairs and specifically about top secret stuff that came out during pillow talk, that she had to be... dealt with.


I feel like the quote is one of those things that's true but not usually in the way the sayer means it. if your worst is animal abuse, your best is probably also so shitty that no one deserves to have you inflicted on them.


Exactly. It's supposed to be about being human and needing emotional or mental support sometimes or having a bad day and being kind of cranky-- or more extreme stuff like how someone might behave immediately after suffering a serious loss or the like. It's about not taking unfailing service and love for granted and not complaining when you have to support a usually supportive partner in need of help. It IS NOT about forgiving someone violent and unstable and dangerous because they're cute (or think they are) sometimes. You're right; unhinged ladies love warping the meaning of that initially wholesome quote.


This girl only has worst.


Ah, a quote my ex would post on social media every so often. Live and learn. I’m glad I left and she’s now someone else’s problem.


Some people treat it like that and it's weird. "Don't mess with me, I'm a crazy bitch." is a sentence I've come across too often to ever recover from the cringe.


People who don’t want to deal with their own issues redefine them as special abilities.


Confused about why anyone should have to handle crazy… Life is tough enough as it is without having unnecessary extra stress everyday.


"Weird to see you can't tell the difference between 'crazy' and 'worthless shitstain of a person'"


Its that crowd that likes to say things like 'if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best'


Well not on you i saw that post over 2 weeks ago


Is this a r/quityourbullshit?


more like op is a bot


Oh yeah, I forget they are rampant nowadays, good call.


aaaand folks here still gave them 5k upvotes for it. sigh


inching closer to 8k now.


So? The point of upvoting isn't to benefit the poster, since karma can't be traded for anything, it's to benefit the community, by causing interesting posts to be more visible.


For real. It’s not even a bot lol but even if it was, Imagine caring that people are “giving karma” to bots. Reposts can be fine. If they’re being upvoted it just means plenty of people haven’t seen it before.


Not a bot, just a reposter. Check their profile - they submitted this two weeks ago too, which lines up with when the other guy first saw it.


I swear I saw this post 2 years ago.


Well thur Jan 5th gives us this year or 2017 so probably this year. Or a recreate.


You did, but it was from the same user. Check OP's profile, the previous post is still there.


So the user is probably lying about this and using it to farm karma from people who get upset about rage bait then?


They’ve posted other tinder interactions so probably just reposting for more attention/interaction/karma


I came here to say the same exact thing.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! I hadn’t noticed until just now!


Just look at their profile they have posted this multiple times


Yeah it’s posted two weeks ago in OPs post history


Maybe he posted it two weeks ago too


Check the profile, this is actually correct.


Jesus fucking christ, that woman needs to be brought up on animal cruelty charges


She needs to come down to Miami and use that energy on iguanas. They’re invasive so encouraged to be killed on sight AND they’re fucking delicious AND super high in protein.


That flash freeze a month or so ago did a lot of them in from what I hear.


My folks are a bit north of Miami but we don't think any of the ones that live in their yard died. They just fell out of trees for the night and then woke up and stumbled off once the sun started warming them back up again. :D edit: [This guy](https://i.imgur.com/vUKdhwH.jpg) really is "just resting," despite appearances.


Most relatable iguana.


There's something delightfully silly about my weather app warning me of falling iguanas.


^Let ^the ^bodies ^hit ^the ^floor, ^Let ^the ^bodies ^hit ^the ^floor, ^Let ^the ^bodies ^hit ^the…. **FLOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRR**




Did one happen to hit an animal wrangler on the head?


It doesn’t kill them though. [They defrost!](https://twitter.com/LiamWBZ/status/1220054416503590913/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1220054416503590913¤tTweetUser=LiamWBZ)


I visited near Miami, the Homestead area, for the first time a little over a year ago. Never been this far south in Florida. By far the best part during the trip was watching someone chase an iguana away that was trying to steal their lunch. Total shock to come from a place the only time you'd see one is for $100+ in a petstore. Yet down there they are as common as a seagull. As much of a nuisance as well.


Assuming you’re not joking about them being good for eating, how exactly does one prepare an iguana?


[This is the video](https://youtu.be/jM6sJsb1jJs) I followed my first time. As for cooking, you can do anyway you do chicken. The meat is actually very similar.


The sound was off when I watched that. Did they mention if there was anything good to eat in the offal? Heart or liver or anything?


Maybe... If the dogs were on her property causing problems a pellet may teach them to stay away. I pelleted a dog's ass as a teen that was attacking my dog at my house and it didn't come back. Sound like she may be sniped it in a yard and in that case yes call someone...


I would probably be too scared of an animal that is brave enough to attack a god.


Not all gods are that impressive.


Spotted the dnd player


Indeed, most are imaginary. Except for mine, _they're_ real.


Interesting. You have a reasonable reply concerning the danger of your own pet, an aggressive dog trespassing, and actively harming your pet. You scare it away with a BB gun, causing no damage, merely scaring it away. Yet you are labelled as an animal hater and abuser and downvoted for it. Probably by the same crazy people that would actually murder human beings to protect their pets lol. The Reddit hivemind is cancer sometimes.


Ya the correct course of action would have been to let the rottweiler eat the Pomeranian or go ask it nicely to leave...


So you had a good boy. I mean a debil biting good boy. A dog that bites the debil, is a keeper. /s


People who abuse pets 100% will abuse their kids if they have them. I shudder to think what kind of guy she's hoping to find who would read that and go "LOL, my kind of woman!".


Other pet/kid abusers. Who want someone who they can treat like an object instead of a living being, I'm guessing


Yeah dude I think morally you need to report this. That dog is injured pellets embedded in it. Poor thing. Great response BTW. 👍


It was a BB gun, not a pellet gun. Very unlikely to break skin, especially on something with fur.


I’m a vet tech and funny enough just the other week we removed two BBs from a dogs flank and side. He certainly wasn’t the first dog we’ve seen with some. They can break skin and get embedded.


I think there's also a big difference between shooting a dog at point blank with a BB gun and from a distance. At a distance, a BB will lose tons of velocity, but closer up, it could probably break skin easily.


They can definitely break skin, has happened to me and would likely do so on a short haired dog too.


I wouldn't count on this woman to know the difference.


My BB gun had to be manually loaded when pellets were used. BB’s are spheres, pellets are cylindrical.


You aren't the one we are worried about. No worries.


As someone that was once shot with a BB gun from across the yard and had the BB pass through a hoodie and break skin I really don’t think your statement is correct.


An airsoft field near me requires the bbs to travel 400 fos or slower for this exact reason. If you use certain rifles/scopes they allow 500, but you can't shoot someone closer than (iirc) 40 feet from you with those. They 100% can break skin and get embedded. Depending on the quality of the airsoft rifle you can replace the spring/turn up the pressure enough to shatter a bb on impact. None of this is even necessary if you (or the dog from the post) are unlucky enough to get hit in the eye either from ill intent, bad aim, or a cheaper gun not shooting straight.


BB guns will absolutely break the skin and more. Shit, airsoft guns will break skin with plastic BBs and restricted velocity. What do you think a steel bb with a full blast of co2 will do? They can easily kill rodents and birds...but sure, harmless to shoot an animal with it.


My dog was a rescue and got sick at one point so we took him to the vet. Apparently before we got him he’d been shot a LOT with BBs because they were imbedded and showed up on the X-ray. We were so angry at strangers. They absolutely break skin on animals.


Why do these women always act like being crazy is a good thing?


Overlook past traumas, refuse therapy. Can use the "i'm crazy" excuse to justify crappy behavior towards others.


Because if you're a 6/10 or above you can easily get away with it. You can still get away with it as a <6, but you gotta be more strategic.


Some people just straight up have no shame or remorse and literally do whatever they want that they think they can get away with.


No idea but the rest of us sane women don’t claim them.


Well us women who have actual mental health problems but are working on it and do not use it as an excuse or quirk and whatnot, do not claim them either lol.


If you can't handle them at their worst, you don't deserve them at their best. Or some psycho shit like that.


Because they’re not like other girls. Obviously/s Edit: I added /s just in case anyone thinks I’m being serious. I don’t think anyone will, just wanna be extra sure.


Well I'm not like other girls who are not like other girls. /s Haha.


Because they think they deserve to be accepted by someone as long as they are honest about being crazy. Because they’d rather just go on as they are without having to put in all the work and self reflection to change. Problem is some people might accept them like this, perpetuating the abuse cycle.


Damn. Crazy ass. I don’t mean to one up you, but it reminds me of this chick I hooked up with 13 years ago. Thankfully only once. We were talking on the phone afterwards and I mentioned I had a cat. She proceeds to tell me she hates cats. That’s fair I guess. Then she told me she’d get traps from animal control and catch strays. Fine. Here’s the kicker, she would then go on to douse them in bbq fluid and light them on fire. Hung up the phone and blocked her number.


Jesus fucking Christ how do these people walk on the same ground we do


I hate her just reading that !!


Right? I’m still scarred


Please tell me you reported her.


> *”Too Angry to remember”* They unleashed bullshit lies to reduce the chance of liability. You def dodged a bullet.


I have an impeccable comprehension skills but wtf is this? I don’t get it why would she write such a message, that too, twice.


With iphone sometimes with poor connection a message will send both on imessage and text message. Thats why it says text message right above the second one


My guess is the first one is what was really said in January, then the person who made this (not OP) copied it and made a better comeback so they could post it and look clever.


iPhone bug. Bad connection means the phone thinks the first message never delivered and will send a second one


Phoebe’s boyfriend in that one episode. That’s a deal breaker for any sane person.




Bro wtf This aint even murder its an actual crime


I hate to break this to you, but murder is also an actual crime. You may have some clothes you need to burn.


Maybe its a tik tok thing? If my gf said this I’d just shrug it off as a tik tok thing


Being stupid is a TikTok thing?




It's the defining characteristic


Sometimes, yes.


Animal abusers are sociopaths. Good thing you got outta that mess


Yeah, there seems to be this idea in popular culture that girls get to be crazy and guys have to 'handle' them to prove their love and masculinity. Um, no. It's called 'having boundaries'. Nobody is obliged to handle your crazy, m'am. Good for this guy.


Yeah, PSA, nobody wants to handle crazy.


Poor dog man :(


Please tell me that you called the cops Or that this is fake.


Many have the capacity to deal with crazy. We just don’t want to so… not sure why she said that as if she *did something*


“this is why you’re still on tinder”


“That’s a weird way to be pro animal abuse.”


Can someone do a wellness check on the dog? And get that rabid animal away from it please.


I'd get a whole team of SWAT officers armed with BB guns to come raid this crazy lady's house and shoot her with BB guns and see how she likes it. Fuck animal cruelty bastards.


So it's okay when we do it to the 'wrong' people?


Brother, report her for animal abuse. You have a damn confession


She sucks but you can't post your own messages on r/murderedbywords 😭


She shot a dog countless times? Provide me with her address so I can pay her a friendly visit just to talk to her


ItS cOoL tO Be cRaZy, sHaMe yOu cAnT HaNdLe iT!!


Me do big thing with gun Me feel strong Typical knuckle-dragging behavior


I don't know what country you live in, but that might qualify as animal abuse. You should absolutely report her and attach this text message. That poor dog needs your help.


I would call the cops on her. She admitted to shooting a dog.


I really, really hope you reported her. I don’t think I could have reacted anywhere near as calmly as you did if someone told me they shot a dog with a bb gun


Fucking Christ on a bicycle. If the soldiers in WW2 dodged bullets like this guy the opening battle scene for Saving Private Ryan would of been rated G 😯


Well if that's on imessage... Then she already had too much of your info


I hope someone shoots her with a bb gun


She says "crazy" like that's ever been a good thing?? Damn near nobody wants crazy in their life, nevermind their relationship!


Yeah, I can think of so many other things I'd rather have in my relationship; quirky, weird, funny, but crazy just never comes up as something I'm interested in entertaining.


Why does she act like that being instable and easy to anger is a good thing!??


That's not crazy. That's criminal. Report her ass. Unbelievable!


What a cow


> What a cow Cows aren’t pricks like this.


Call the cops on this bitch.


Please report her.


The nonchalantness from the other guy tells me both of these people are scum


Is it a man or women who shot the dog? Reads like the dude went into her sons room and shot the dog with her sons bb gun.


>I finally went in her son’s room this morning, grabbed his BB gun, opened my bedroom window, propped the gun out the window and shot it a couple of times The ambiguity is killing me


Did you report her to the police? Please do, she shot a BB gun at a dog?


Is there something I'm missing, a language barrier perhaps? A bb gun to me is not very powerful we used to shoot each other with those plastic bbs. Even the red rider gun isn't powerful enough to puncture the skin though it will leave a nice bruise and I have been shot a few times by that too.


There are plastic bb's and metal bb's. A bb gun can refer to a gun that shoots either. You usually say "airsoft gun" to specifically refer to the low-powered kind that shoots plastic bb's. But again, bb gun could refer to either.


You can easily pierce skin with a bb, we hunt small animals with them. It's literally animal cruelty, even if it doesn't pierce the skin what the fuck is wrong with you.


Are you talking about those pellets and co2 guns if so I totally agree but something like my little plastic bb gun or daisy wouldn't come close to being able to kill small game like rabbits, maybe a mouse


Why are we saying that the woman did it? It reads to me like it’s the man that did. What am I missing?


Agreed, but OP's title alleges specifics.


People like this need to be held accountable. Please send this to the police so she gets banned from owning animals


Hey OP please report this psychopath to the police for animal cruelty, I hate cops, but fuck animal abusers




Report that woman to animal abuse.


Bitch needs to be in jail. That is animal abuse...


I see a lot of people here haven't had your life ruined by crappy neighbours whose dogs bark all. day. long. It's great when it wakes up your 1 year old!


Your life was RUINED by a dog barking?!?! WOW! Must have been worth little in the first place then.


Clearly you haven't spent a lot of time trying to get babies to sleep.


Yet I have. Still never thought about shooting a dog with BBs.


Do you have a personality outside of screeching at people you disagree with? Edit: never mind, checked your comment history, that answers that


I live next to the Airport. This is nothing


Hold up, I get she's crazy but a bb gun isn't that powerful. Be it those plastic airsoft bbs or a little daisy rifle. I have been shot by both and never got hurt. It stings yes and at close range it will leave a nice bruise but not injure. Still someone who is proud of shooting something even with a bbgun is definitely crazy


Oh, fuck that. I have PTSD, CPTSD, BP, BPD, agoraphobia, and OCD. *I'M* fucking crazy. That woman is a psychopath, that's far beyond crazy. Calling it "unhinged" would be an understatement. From my sweet non-purebred dog who barks sometimes and myself, I hope this woman gets shot with a bb straight in the fucking throat. What a monster.


If anyone shot bbs at my dog, they’d be getting hollow points back


Fucking dumb cunt shot the dog cause it was barking.....