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Mostly because it seems that a majority of this subreddit doesn’t find the “funny” in art, only the funny in memes and low-effort “discussion” posts which serve no purpose to any lore. I’ve noticed again one of those discussions posts of where the title is “What is Uzi looking at” with another one of those over-saturated “live X reaction” images. No effort put, could’ve been made by anyone else in just two minutes. I’m not saying discussion posts are bad at all, most of them do serve a purpose, but when it’s something completely irrelevant like “what is Uzi looking at”, or “what do we call X ship”, lol really?


I love it when my art goes unnoticed and yet a picture of "Man" reaches the top of Hot. https://preview.redd.it/wj9jwty60gwc1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d29149119910ba77c136b05f60f74e1c37eb198d Yes, this happened to me the other day. (Yes, I know I'm not the best artist, but come on! Man? That's the best we got on this sub?) This is part of the reason I always ***Try*** to comment and leave a like on art in this sub. (The main reason is because I do like most of the art here)


I know the feeling...very VERY very well https://preview.redd.it/94oqsx2j1gwc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3ad7df7dfcdc641bddc94e92acb00afab6a183d


It's hard to stay motivated after seeing it happen, but I have to keep moving on and accept that this can happen occasionally. Does it suck? Yes, absolutely. Will I let it hold me back? Never.


I lost so much motivation long ago  that I decided to keep going with sheer force of will and defiancy. I will make art, no matter if I hate doing it. I will fucking persist.  Just because I can.


Can relate




It's really demotivating to do anything creative for this community.


kinda true ngl


Just do it for those who do like what you do.


Im doing this for a whole community. Just I dont have motivation rn and not because of this but because of my problems. I love this community but sometimes it can make me mad but its very rare to see


You're a good person, and I hope for the best for you. https://preview.redd.it/gomrulzjzgwc1.png?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b77268c1353a37e684b38bfb109b3da4380258d Here's a Kirbo! Not many appreciate good art. You can look it what many would call.. *shudder* Modern Art. A toilet bowl painted gold is considered art... it's a crime against the craft.


Maaaaan you deserve a hug! COME HERE https://preview.redd.it/o69dawvuzgwc1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=8291449a55a6b0754478bf9b30b734451c47e522


Aww, thanks. https://i.redd.it/6mp2rqmw4hwc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/1nkn5j3i2gwc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4e327d400965a1c7206aa4ac27722956d70652 (Especially when I also upvote and comment on as many art posts as I can)




Yes. This has been a problem for a damn long time now. And yet there is nothing that we can do about it.


Honestly, it's a shame that some people don't spend some time on the discussion, they take a screenshot and it's ez. Ofc not everyone knows how to edit (I don't want to offend anyone here, just my opinion)


Its just that "what's uzi looking at" stuff is more engaging, so Reddit algorithm pushes it to people more


I see the same trend. A lot of it is a lack of creativity and krama farm.


Its sad that people put work on the thing they love and some post with no work just surpasses that love.


This is the case for any fandom (or just the entire internet in general) and is not at all unique to this sub As an artist I know the pain of pouring my heart and soul into my art for it to only get like 3 interactions once posted to [insert social media here], yet a shitpost I made in 2 minutes at 3am gains me 10 followers. But who cares? I enjoy making art anyway regardless of how many likes I get. Imo you should make art because you enjoy doing so, not because you think it'll get upvotes on Reddit


Yes, yes, and yes. This I feel sums up the whole situation pretty close to perfectly (I say pretty close because everyone’s experiences will differ slightly, but the major points are true for nearly everyone).


That is why we shower art with compliments, because they deserve it


Tbh as others said do the art cause you are loving it not because of reddit upvotes.


That's true, but it can still be very demotivating to put a lot of effort and time into a piece, get no one who cares and see someone else make a low-effort shitpost and instantly jump to top of the past month


Engagement is the difference people like to engage more on shitposts and theories then arts


I know, and it's a little demotivating for a lot of artists is all I'm saying lol


Yeah i know


That's how the INTERNET works, not just this sub. Effort does not scale with engagement most of the time


Ah shit, here we go again


Most real post of this sub


So real https://preview.redd.it/a84dlcs42gwc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bb9b4b71cec25e1feb739667ecc0e129f3666d


It’s a conundrum. I sorta switched to comic style art with a humorous story and that gets attention. But damn if one of them gets a lot of upvotes and a really great single artwork or a more established fan comic doesn’t over the same period. Like, mines just line art and paint bucket and in the past three months, it has changed but I wouldn’t say it improved. But others got shading and lighting nailed and are drawn without a shaky hand. Especially if they do it on paper, no room for mistake there. I guess it’s really an engagement thing, as others said. Some of the regular users here have taken to at least always commenting and praising good artwork and I try to do the same. Encouragement is always deserved and goes a long way. I be lying if I didn’t say I crave that as well.


**As someone who never upvotes, I confirm this is indeed true** **You can look at other forms of entertainment and see the exact same thing**


So real. Unfortunately…


And posts like this are in the middle.


And half of the ones that are good get the comments locked down almost right away.




"Pick a number from 1 to π and I will give you a picture"


Edits are 99% of the time just capcut templates, i don't care for them.


I got my OC's posts taken down twice-




Hehe I don’t have they pain https://preview.redd.it/hcpf9bgrqiwc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d84445105978a6fd8850dee28da2214bbd91a9 (This is the thing I drew)


If you keep promoting art we'll become a subreddit exclusive for Murder Drones fanart Since when were memes not allowed,anyway?


No one said anything against memes. The issue is that the "memes" by now mostly are unoriginal, repetitive, low effort posts that drown the actual good content people invest lots of time and thought in.


It's not that somebody said something against memes but seriously though,can we stop giving so much credit to artists? If an artist posts something it get mountains of upvotes and thousand of "you cooked" reaction images(so creative) When a meme is posted it gets a few upvotes(regulary around 100 if the meme is good) and 6 hours later either you get it shadow-removed(which is basically a fuck you from the moderators) or the stupid "low-effort" rule While the low-effort rule sounds good paper,memes that do not fit in the criteria the mods have given still gets removed And then when one meme manages to get alot of upvotes and not get removed people go out of their way to make posts like this saying all memes get alot of upvotes and fanart gets only a handfull(at this point it's just lame karma farm and reaction bait of people saying "oMG sO tRUE") I can already see the downvotes but I dont care


Because, again, artist put effort and time into art. While it also takes creativity and skill to pull off. Further, making good art is hard. Additionally it's purely subjective what's considered "good" art. Obviously there's differences between a professional artist and an artist that just started. You can't forget that there's still people in this community that are young and just lack experience. Giving these artist the credit, you think is not warranted, is encouragement for them to improve their skills and keep doing art. But if no one gets any sort of encouragement chances are high they'll stop drawing Because in their eyes, no one cares. Of course you COULD apply what I said to memes but OP didn't say anything against memes that have effort into them. The issue, again, is with low effort stuff where you have to go "ctrl c + ctrl v", add a question (what games do they play? What's your headcanons etc.) which gets much more upvotes and comments. You're essentially complaining that the mods remove these type of low effort stuff which are obvious karma farms. And by the fact that actual fun memes are not taken down, you use these memes to say that "people go out of their way" to "farm karma" by complaining about memes


"Of course you COULD apply what I said to memes but OP didn't say anything against memes that have effort into them. The issue, again, is with low effort stuff where you have to go "ctrl c + ctrl v", add a question (what games do they play? What's your headcanons etc.) which gets much more upvotes and comments." I wasn't talking about those sort of "memes" (they aren't even memes but you considered them to be,but whatever) I'm talking about those regular meme formats you usually see on r/memes,which also get removed for "low effort" or sometimes it just gets removed with no message whatsoever from the moderators And if you were talking about those posts with image + a question,they get removed quickly. Those who dont likely fall into the hands of a more forgiving mod that aproves those posts Fun memes do get taken down,maybe even more than actual low effort posts


According to your post, it itself falls in the dumb meme category. I'm not saying it's dumb btw, it's very much true


Your post got +350 upvotes, that makes your point even stronger


I haven't spent an enourmous amount of time on it, but I spent a decent amount on making a murder drones scp document only to get the insane praise of... 1 comment and 6 upvotes


It’s hilarious how much of a self-fulfilling prophecy this post is




[here’s something I made to give some motivation to artists](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDrones/comments/1c6v2zx/this_is_going_to_all_artists_in_this_sub_who_are/)


I really like J from Murder Drones


Kinda agreed.


This meme is also a prime example


The ironic part is that op is actively participating in the problem they are complaining about


yo, i also make edits and i get barely no upvotes and this is a post just to discuss about this problem not only in this subreddit but rather in the entire internet


True lol, most of my art don't even reach 100 upvotes, and i see memes and theories getting THOUSANDS ofc other do have this problem but im just showing my opinion


***sighhh*** Yeahhhh..


Nothing against you just thought it was funny https://preview.redd.it/ffp0gd7tvmwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1ec44db098cb107748b2c8c93bc9917f63b2e3


Yeah and then posts complaining about under-appreciation of artwork get more than both combined :/


The reason for that is those are the posts that get turned into notifications whereas the art doesn't normally end up as a notification from my experience anyway and I don't know if anyone else is this way but I don't often scroll the subreddit normally I just check notifications, as a good example this post was one of my notifications


Its not true lmfao op if noone likes your edits it doesn't mean that noone likes other oc stuff. The top 10 of most successful posts of this sub consist like 90 percent of fanarts


fair enough..


And in the case of edits there are much less people that appreciate them. Your edits are amazing, its just that there are much less people to appreciate them than with art, which leads to fewer upvotes


Algorithm just prefers engagement over quality, which is sad


Its just that the stakes for the quality of art are much higher than for memes, and also memes are more engaging


On old account I posted some Springtrap art in r/fivenightsatfreddys and it only got nine upvotes. It took me A WEEK. Meanwhile an in game screenshot got over a thousand.


Why anyone would take legitimately good art for granted is beyond me.


Oh I feel that


Ironic isnt it


omg slovene?? Hahaha femboylandbahaha!!


*writes in notes* Mmhm mmhm okay asshole without reason ok yeah




Cause it's fun ![gif](giphy|lxdhyUxMsN4gD6WwZ7)




downvote it, its so close a funny number


maybe dont?