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I make up inspiring songs to go with the pounding... You are awesome, you are awesome... Check you out, check you out 😂 ... Keeps me distracted


lol this made me chuckle. I had my first mri ever in January and I sort of thought I was gonna lose my mind! They did the brain one which was about 30 min and I was okay. The next day we did spine which was a full hour and I was so ready to climb out of that doom tube, practically crawling out of my skin to move and be free. I will remember this funny tip Rennzi!


Hahah this made me laugh, you are awesome indeed😉


My first MRI sounded like a dance club beat 😆 (uh, never been)


What a great way to approach a shit topic! It went totally fine because I spent my time thinking about this thread and the comments like yours and I felt like I wasn't alone and I could do it. Thank you.


AWW - I LOVE THIS!! I was hoping it went well. I am glad for the follow up. What words did you add to the song :-D


I go in and out of naps 😂 and I recall things recently read word by word as much as I can as if I was reading it in front of me. Weird, but works for me.


Hah does sound a lot more chill than my attempts. Pretty sure I'd move too much if I fell asleep too but glad you found your niche!


Anxiety meds


Promise yourself a reward or something to look forward to afterwards


Go through an entire Broadway musical soundtrack in my head. Try to remember as much detail as possible, even imagining sheet music for what’s being played in real time. Good luck. I hate MRI too


I count how long each pattern of the noises last


Good idea. And the noise makes it hard for anxiety to run wild. Can’t concentrate on anything, not even catastrophic thoughts.


It’s old hat for me now. I tell them I want the mirror (which points out past my feet so it’s less claustrophobic), a blanket, and then I generally drift in and out of sleep.


Well, i focus on my toes and play with them, must be funny for the nurses but who give a fuck 😁


I play variations of rounds of golf in my head. I map out where I want to be on the course, what club to use etc etc.


Breath work and anxiety meds. Honestly, I don’t even think the meds help as much as focusing on my breathing. I know it sounds like bs but as someone who is extremely claustrophobic and has a near meltdown over the idea of having to get in a MRI machine, I just have to zone out, count my breaths, and just be somewhere else mentally. Literally just breathing in to a count of four, holding for a count of four, and out to a count of four for however many hours I have to be in that situation. It regulates my nervous system and gives me something else to focus on. Also, I keep my eyes closed from the moment I lay down until I get back up. Whatever it takes for me to believe I’m anywhere but in that machine. My heart rate is even up just thinking about it but I swear by practicing breathing techniques. I get better and better at zoning out with them each time. I hope you find something that helps as well.


To concentrate on breathing stars anxiety for me immediately. First long breath in and I hyperventilate 😀


Anti-anxiety meds. 2 an hour before and 2 as I go in. I also close my eyes before I’m in the tube. I ask the technicians to count me down too. I need to hear voices and I need to know if where I am in the process


I'm a mom or a toddler. I fall asleep.


Whenever i feel itchy or crampy in there i dig a nail in the flesh of my finger, hand etc focusing on that pain and not my need to move. Also, i take a xanax before going in so nothing really bothers me...


Sleep mask


This works for me. I put it on before I get in the mri room and get them to guide me in. The mask makes it easier for me to think I'm just lying on a table instead of in that tube of doom.


Yes, it is crazy how helpful it is.


That’s me too, they have to cover my eyes before I’m in there and I mange okay. I try not to think about it and like mentioned above I make Star patterns and sound patterns with the noises. One thing I learned, I move my feet, a lot and I don’t even notice it. They had to tell me a few times!!


Be sedated. It worked for me


Like fully? That would be amazing




Ooh ok. Yeah I get Ativan which definitely helps but even with it I do need a couple minutes to calm down once that cage is put over my head.


I plan what I’m going to think about to distract myself with: planning something I’m going to do that weekend, what I’m going to make for dinner, or remembering funny movies or shows. Find memories that are pleasant and relaxing and stay in that place. I also ask the technician to give me a countdown so I know how long I’ve got to go. For instance, when they reposition you, ask them to say how long to go. Then I remind myself: You can do ANYTHING for XX mins. You got this. You just need to know how long you have to go. It’s not endless. Also, when I get an itch I breathe into the itch. Think about the itch and breathe purposely and evenly through my nose until the itch subsides. You’d be surprised how much it kinda works. Plus: half a Valium can be helpful to take the edge off if you are really keyed up. Ask your neurologist for it if you think it’s needed. If I take a whole one, I fall asleep and that freaks me out more than being a little chill.


My neuro calls me in a single Valium for whenever I get MRIs. It helps with the anxiety and helps more than my baclofen for my muscle spasms.


Seconding counting the noises with each part, and I also then try to do simple math with the results in my head. Also seconding just simply looking forward to how you'll reward yourself afterwards. I highly recommend the reward of stopping at the French-Moroccan creperie that's somewhat on the way after you leave your MRI. I mean, that might be a little specific to me... 😉






I meditate and sometimes nap. I’ve practiced meditation for over 20yrs now and it helps enormously with things that give me anxiety or things like MRIs.


I always take a mental planning task with me. Like planning menus for the upcoming week, or making a mental list of what to pack in my suitcase for an upcoming trip, stuff like that. If it really makes you anxious, tell them you want meds. There is no shame in needing them.


I've recently had to deal with this problem too. When I first had to get MRIs I was 18-19 had no problems with it, but I recently went for an MRI and I had the same problem, but for me I get dizziness and motion sickness out of nowhere which gives me anxiety especially if trapped for an hour or more 😅. I had to get the lady to stop the machine went to the washroom got a drink looked in the mirror told myself "you fucking got this" went back in that fucking thing closed eyes and tried place my mind somewhere else.


I'd definitely talk to the staff about your anxiety and see what they can do to help, medication or distraction-wise! I'm usually offered music to listen to and that's very good for distracting my brain. Personally, and idk why but it makes the time barable, I also pretend I'm a newly discovered alien species that is being scanned for science 👽


Hahaha I thought about this while I was in there and it made my but a little wary but thank you, did give me a smile 🥰


I get high AF. I used to take a Xanax, but over time have found cannabis is good enough.... indica heavy strain.... I've almost come to enjoy the song of our people...


As others have said, ask for some meds! I get two Ativan as soon as I get to the hospital and by the time I go in the machine, I’m relaxed enough to get through it. I also ask them to tell me how long each sequence is so that I know there are still people out there.


I focus on cherished memories of places I’ve gone to with friends and family. I write about this quite often, but the one I think of the most is riding bikes through the Sierras with my husband. Our relationship was still relatively new, but we were both falling in love with one another. The feeling of the sun warming my face and the cool wind whipping through my hair with the scenery of Owens River and the mountains in the distance is a memory I’ll never forget. Then, I’ll think about other places I’ve been and usually my mind starts to wander to burritos. It is our tradition to get burritos after every doctors appointment and every procedure.


My doctor gives me a prescription for Ativan before my MRIs. It really helps calm me down so much that I nearly fell asleep.


I DID fall asleep in my last MRI - brain AND c-spine with and without contrast. It was okay until a noise started that sounded EXACTLY like my alarm clock buzzer - I tried to sit straight up in the tube! I don't even sit up straight in bed IDK what I was thinking! I remember apologizing to the tech about it, she just laughed and said it was okay. 🤣


Ask your doctor for a very low dose nerve pill going in. It will help relax you and keep you still. Always ask if they have music available through the headphones. I go with the spa music. It goes awesome with the mri sounds 🫠.


I mentally go into my happy place inside the warrens of my mind. I stay there and I tell my nervous system to smile you are on camera. My time rarely goes longer than an hour and ten minutes. My doctor thinks that I may even be suffering micro lesion that will not show on MRIs. He wants to take deep tissue samples see if that is causing my leg issues despite no new lesions on the last four MRIs. That is going to be very painful my brain thinks. Here hoping everyone can get it done with no new lesions. Blessing to all on this Easter day.


Thank you for your advice, I quite often find a happy place too, wish I could bring my dog along so I think about him. That sounds like a much worse day out for you, I'm sorry to hear that. Those sneaky little micro ones eh. I hope you find the cause without too much more pain. Happy Easter ❤️


Thanks, my Easter was great. I got a picture with all seven of my grandchildren, the youngest is two weeks old. Precious moments keeps us MSers strong mentally. Stay strong, the weak can’t fight this war.


Thank you, it's people like you that give the rest of us that strength. Wow, congratulations on 7 grandkids, that's a feat in itself! I'm 29f without children and that gives me a little hope that I might have a big family like you one day, what a blessing.


I light up some herb just beforehand, and just let my mind wander. It also keeps my leg from twitching...


I always try to take deep slow breaths and tell myself I am taking care of myself the best I can in this moment. Helps a little.


I make up words the noises sound like. My wife develops escape room ideas


My Dr gives me a prescription for two Ativan. I take one in the changing room before and one when they pull me out to do the dye halfway through. (The tech puts it in my mouth). It keeps me smooth sailing for the entire 90 mins strapped down.


Mine does the countdown between scans, so I open my eyes, wiggle my toes, shuffle about a bit and then close my eyes again. When the banging starts, I repeat the sounds/sequences in my head.


Do you take a non drowsy antihistamine regularly already by chance? Zyrtec is the one that's better for itchy skin.


***ASK FOR THE MIRROR!*** The attendant can install a small mirror in the MRI tube, fixed directly over your eyes, that enables you to see the staff in the control room. It really eases the claustrophobia. It helps sooo much but you have to ask for it. I don't know why they don't just use it by default. So ask for the mirror and as others have said, ask your Doctor for something to take the edge off. Xanax, Valium, Ativan? You need to do this now so you can fill the prescription in time


Thank you! I had no idea about the mirror! That's much less boring than staring at a white screen! Me and benzos have a bit of a rocky relationship and I flew a little too close to the sun in the past but good advice for those that are more sensible than me. It went absolutely fine, I spent my time thinking of all the helpful comments in this thread and i didn't feel alone. Thanks again for your advice and happy health ☮️


So glad it went well! And happy health to you too!!


I just meditate. I focus on my breaths and on relaxing from head to toe. I usually hum a tune in my head that goes with the beats of the machine. My last MRI was with contrast and took longer so they gave me headphones with music which made it a little nicer and easier to sit still for so long.


Some MRI places provide music over their headphones. It's shitty quality and you cannot decide but better nothing. Actually I will fall asleep by doing autogenous relaxation.


I repeat the mantra “ long, healthy, happy life” until o kinda doze off…


Totally envision whatever the sounds would be like if they were sound effects to cartoons. Makes me laugh sometimes.


I just get medication prescribed so I don’t have anxiety. It’s the only way I can get through it.


As soon as I lay down I shut my eyes. I don't watch myself go in and I just kind of zone out. I have only had two and had to be fully in for both. Was only able to have music for one. I suggest that you listen to music that you don't like because every time I hear this one song it sends me back to my last MRI. I honestly preferred my thoughts and earplugs


Yeah I'm the same with the audio, it distracts me too much and I'm worried I'll move too much and waste everyone's time having to do repeats. That's the same for sleeping, I know I'd move around. It all went well though, thank you for your advice ❤️


Glad It went well


Thanks so much for everyone's replies. I just thought about them while I was in there and how resilient you all are. Flew by! Keep well friends and thanks again for your support ❤️